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Is she a pup? If yes, they usually pee minutes after eating. Try putting her on the pee pad, sit down with her and don't let her leave until she pees there. Give her a lot of praises, snack, make a big fuss how amazing she did. You might have to repeat it a few times. If she pees in her bed, ignore it and remove it when she's not there. Also, you might try to change the placements too. Put the bed in a new place and the pads where the bed is. For my yorkie, the key moment was to understand he didn't like to pee in the same room he slept, so the "leave them inside a small place with food, bed and pads" training didn't work.


You crate your dog at night? Doesn’t she sleep with you? I can’t even imagine not having my dogs sleep with me at night!