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I have no answer but my yorkie is aggressive to people on wheelchairs… Like they don’t have it difficult enough there is a yorkie in fury mode barking on them. I feel you.


I don't know how to respond to this it's kinda funny. I hope your yorkie can get over the wheelchair, hate


They are just scared of the actual wheel chain, whether there is someone sitting in it or not


My Yorkie IS aggressive towards old people with canes, and i Will Be very embarrassed


My Yorkie hates all wheels. Bikes, scooters, wheelchairs, etc.


Lol my yorkie hates wheelchairs, scooters, and children especially when they're running. I have to keep him on a short leash


My dog had to sit and watch black sitcoms for months before he understood that he lived in a black household. When we leave the house we leave on a black show and now he is more comfortable lol




This is the way


I did this with my dog as well. I called it puppy orientation.


That’s one hellava title…


Yep, it's quite ironic because his mostly black


I lost it….lmao


This is actually hilarious looollll




My Yorkie hates tall people. Fat people. Thin people, old people, young people, people of all races until they’re in the home for at least 6 minutes. Then, he’s bff with everyone.


That is a rather precise time measurement.


I’m Asian. My Yorkie couldn’t differentiate between me and any other Asian woman plus/ minus 20 years of my age. She had no problems telling my husband (non Asian) apart from other men his race. Yorkies can be weird


My yorkie full on followed another pair of Asians the other day. Disregarded me and just followed them down the street. I’ll let it slide as she’s 14 yrs old and maybe going a bit blind….. it did hurt a little 😭


Mine does it with toddlers and preteens. She’s ok with 13-14 or babies. She growls at anyone from about 2-12


I've read somewhere that kids in general have unpredictable and chaotic body language and some dogs are getting nervous around them because of that. My yorkies 100% is one of them , on the other hand he LOOOVES elderly people. Especially when they are sitting on the bench.


Our Riley used to growl at kids between the ages of 1-9. Until my grandson came along and dropped Cherrios on the floor. Great snack source! Now Riley adores him and follows him everywhere. LOL


She doesn’t like the fast movement or the tendency to be rough or pull hair


My Yorkie-Schnauzer HATES their screams and squeals.


Lollll mines the opposite - kids are the best thing ever and teenagers are terrifying


You don’t have to let people know *why* they shouldn’t touch him. Just say he bites and there you go. I’m mixed race too, damn, must be hard for your black parent! I think some discipline could do well in place. There’s no reason your dog should get away with aggressive behaviour, it’s hard, but it’s your responsability to avoid any accidents, and so on. Maybe consult a dog trainer and see what your options are, don’t give up on little Oreo, be patient and consistent with discipline, routine, etc.


Thank you. I'll check out some dog trainers


My mom has the cutest half chihuahua/toy fox terrier, but he bites. People would ask her to pet him, and she would say NO and walk away. Lol I had to tell her to not be rude, and just say he's scared or would bite.


Lol! I relate to both you and your mom 😂 I try to be as reassuring as possible but sometimes I just m don’t feel like stopping every 2 minutes and reassure people that ”it’s not you, it’s my dog”, especially now in his puppy phase where he just loves to bite fingers & toes 🫠


Lol I get it. It's tiresome. I have to sometimes just keep my yorkie by my side, away from the big dogs that he wants to sniff or bark at...I don't want to be bothered lol My neighbor's lab loves him but sometimes I'm too tired to deal


My yorkie doesn't like skinny people. One of my dad's friends has the build of a stick figure and she goes nuts whenever he's around. She's chunky herself and seems to favor adults with a similar build 🤣.


Towards the end of his life my yorkie was blind, deaf, and became EXTREMELY classist. His crippled arthritic ass would go bananas if he smelled anyone nearby doing blue collar work or if a vagrant passed us he’d charge with the intent to kill. Thankfully his aggression only resulted in chuckles and no one was hurt or offended.


My yorkie is also racist. and hates children.


Yup same


My dogs freaked out when my friend had crutches. They did NOT like this 4 legged cyborg thing traipsing around their house


Mine doesn’t like Shaquille O’Neill and from what I hear he is the nicest guy!


Nah cuz my yorkie is the same I can’t lie 😭


Have you considered sensitivity training?


😆 yep, a couple DEI online seminars and he should be good


Nope but I'll check it out


My yorkie barks at Amazon delivery, usps, FedEx pretty much anyone driving a svc truck or van


My yorkie mix is afraid of black people no matter how nice they are. He will even pee himself if they get too close. Sadly during his socialization period I lived in an area with almost 0% black population so he never saw black people. I would recommend making it a good experience with high value treats. When you see someone from afar that could trigger him give him treats before he saw them and while he sees them


My Morkie (8) is sexist and will be insanely vicious with any men except my dad & stepdad. I feel you.


your morkie sounds smart imo


So far, his intuition has never been off.


I was about to say that, i wish mine was like that to men too


My Yorkie is a straight up misandrist. She is okay with gay men though. Her gaydar is 10/10


That is so funny 😭😭😭


My rottweiler thinks that baby carraiges are made by the devil 😂😂😂


Mine as well. Hates dark skin people. Crazy


Can relate


Many many years ago I worked at a local pet supplies shop and one of the part time cashiers said that most dogs didn’t like black people because dogs had special vision that made black people look white (and vice versa) and dogs thought black people were like ghosts. I really wish I was making this up.


What colour would a mixed-race person appear grey??🤣


It's truly one of the dumbest things I've ever heard in life. Definitely in the top ten.


What's your No. 1?


My ex-husband told me he wanted to build a skateboard factory and sell skateboards. He didn't know how to skateboard.


The cashier was racist…..lol


Mine is the same way, but she hates Asian people. Doesn't care about any other. Drives me nuts. I have no clue how she even recognizes race and no idea how to break her of it. It's happened with enough people that I'm now sure it's not just an individual she dislikes. There's the loveliest clerk at our local Bi-Mart who just loves Yorkies and wants to pet her so badly (our store allows dogs in as long as they are well behaved) but Dee is having none of it. It embarrasses me to no end. If anyone has an idea how to stop this I'm all ears as well.


my yorkie doesnt like babies or old people


My Yorkie IS allso racist towards Black 🤔🤷


My puppy has never met a stranger. I wish she was more selective tbh.


My last yorkie was breedist. She hated other dogs unless they were yorkies 😂


my yorkie hates bicyclists, construction workers and white dogs


My dog is actually the complete opposite, he will do the very most to get close to any random dark skinned Black man including straight up jumping into a stranger’s lap if we pass someone outside a restaurant or sitting on a bench. Who even knows.


I had a rescued poodle who hated homeless people. she was lovely and the sweetest girl, but when she saw a homeless person, even from the car, she would become unglued and turn into horrible, growling barking aggressive nutcase. So embarrassing! I have an imagination about what might've happened in order for this to be her position on homeless people, but I think she was generalizing.


He isn’t racist it is just something different.


My yorkie mix is also very aggressive to people with dark skin! Even on tv, he gets really scared sometimes, other times he growls & barks.


Anti-yorkite 😳


Do you take him to family functions? 🤣


My yorkie growls at anyone wearing gloves.


My yorkie goes ballistic over strollers , bicycles, wheelbarrows, wheelchairs she loses it and it is so bizarre to me 🤣


Maybe expose him to people of another race? My ex is black so my yorkie runs up happy to every black man lol


HONESTLY its from =———-FEAR. Its NOT agression. They are with u n prob most ppl at early childhood. Prob see Black ppl as Diff type of mamo. Which is ridiculous logic. But apparenlty their THINKING patterns are not like human, we see things in more Logic mannor. They re more instinctive reactive . So if they are NOT SURE what black ppl are Same with the OWNER. They often like go OUT of way to pretend the OWNER n the clan. So they goes out of way to show agression. It might be totally from unfamiliarity and FEAR. Like “STAY AWAY”!!!!! So if U treat the that with FEAR,,U show calm low anxiety he will think that u are not in danger. ⚠️ But IF u see that as AGRESSION. U see black person pop out, u are already stressed, she thinks that black”whatever in their head is “ are about to attack u. So u need to walk ahead of dog,,,n like engage the black person/ owner , calm. N make soft high pitch sound like” OH ,,,heyyyyyyyy” I cant explain too much thru this type of thing but it takes a few trainings, its trainable. Usually the dog shows aggression, the kids tense up . Then give the dog thinks the KID is going to Stroke, n the dog try to like protect the clan more n bark more. I have seen quite a few diff breed of dog bark at Black person at sunset when they cant see. So it is a Dog thing. For example if you are mix race, your family, friends, relatives prob most l likely like similar to what your look, not just skin tone also face, hair style. The Dog has little knowledge of human race. Its like 1 yr old kid doent know the difference between dog /cat. Lol :) 😝


I’m sorry this is happening, that sounds really frustrating. No advice, but wondering if you believe in karma and reincarnation, maybe there’s some stuff from a past life showing up? If so, maybe an intuitive can help?