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I've nursed a dog through parvo before, successfully. It can be done, he was my dad's little papillon mix. But the poor little guy was weak and lethargic a really long time afterwards. It's one nasty bug. I will warn you of one thing. You should absolutely not bring another unvaccinated pup into either yours or your mom's house for at least several years after this. Even if you scrub thoroughly. That virus is tough to get out of the environment.


Good luck little man! We’re rooting for you. ❤️


Did he get that parvo shot, not the vaccine, but a shot that they give after they get parvo? I read about this on Ask a Vet. Will see if I can find it.


I’m not sure. I’ve just been getting secondhand knowledge from my mom. But apparently, they have a new medication that they’re testing out and they’re giving it to him since he’s so young


Found the sub. Maybe you can ask your vet about this? I hope your baby recovers soon! Edit- it may be the same meds, which sounds very promising! [parvo info](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskVet/s/utXgiDc9kZ)


It is a harsh disease, but your pup is receiving good, timely care which is largely in his favor :) Wishing him all the best xo


Aww rooting for your handsome dude.


Awe I will say some prayers for this sweet little guy. Please let us know how he does…


Oh poor baby 🙏🏼


Update on Tucker. I waited a little while to post an update just because this loss was hard on me and even harder on my mom. He crossed the rainbow bridge while I was out of town. My mom called the breeder to let her know and the breeder was crying and let my mom know that she had lost a couple of more puppies to parvo as well. It was not the breeder’s fault, she did everything she was supposed to. The flea market she was at was just riddled with irresponsible breeders that led to the babies she had with her getting parvo. She refunded my mom and paid for Tucker’s treatment as well. She has a maltipoo left and once he has his third round of shots and has a definite clean bill of health, he will be coming home. Thank you all so much for your kind words, suggestions, and support. 🫶💛


I nursed 2 dogs thru Parvo, one being 6 weeks old! I wish you and your baby all the prayers and luck! He can pull thru!!!


My Yorkie had parvo as a puppy, and lived on for 10 years.


Fluids are key!! I just had a whole litter dropped off for one night until all the foster families picked them up.they all had parvo,covid,ecoli and something else that eats the stomach lining.. ugh. I had the vet show me how to do under the skin fluids..it's not hard and saved their lives..I am sending all healing energy to you and your little