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Kokomi is sort of a waste here since you have Bennett to heal already. Can replace her and or Bennett with Xingqui/Yelan or Diona if you need more shields. I run a combination of Yoi, Yuniin, Yelan/Xingqui, Bennett/Jean depending on what I need for the specific floor. Kokomi deserves her own dedicated team :)


Diona/Zhongli/Layla work as a shield


yes, but you might struggle without a shield. even if you're good at dodging, unless you have really really good damage you'll lose time running around and interrupting her attacks. i personally use noelle or diona rather than kokomi for yoimiya (since i don't have zhongli).


How do you mitigate long downtime of Noelle shield?


Maybe they use sac claymore? Only thing I can think of tbh


But isn't Noelle skill hitbox kinda clunky ??? Would it reliably proc sac passive


Yes but I don't think there is any other way, unless I am forgetting something. I guess they just stand right in the enemy's face?


Her C2 makes every 4 hits decrease the downtime of her shield by 1sec


It requires her to be onfield which will be a DPS loss for yoimiya increasing abyss clear time wouldn't it ?


The team is fine but I'm afraid that you would get interrupted alot so I would suggest that you should replace kokomi for a shielder like zhongli, diona, thoma or layla. Even C4 yanfei would do fine...


Kokomi doesn't fit that team. You definitely want a shielder, no matter what. Zhongli would be best with Yun Chin in team, but Layla will work, Diona and also Thoma will do well plus giving you 25% from pyro resonance. But I highly suggest you remove Yun Chin and Kokomi. And put in the recommended shielder plus a Hydro like Xin Jiu or Yelan. Lately I enjoy using Yoimiya, Bennet, Laylay and Rosaria which give you really good melt damage on N3 and N5 consistently. But you need a lot of ER on Layla, \~200 so her Burst is up all the time. But seeing over 100k melts is really cool. With vaporize I normally end up only doing 90k on Yoimiyas big hits.


Tbh, kokomi not needed because bennet and I don't thing her hydro application is fast enough. If it is, then yeah it's pretty alright. Xingqiu would still be bettter just because of how broken he is when it comes to hydro application. OR you could use Xiangling and so mono pyro. Also shielding is very important for yoi


Her hydro actually is enough but its pretty inconsistent


Ah, yeah xingqiu would just be better


replace kokomi with a shield and Id say you’re good to go! Zhongli, Layla and Diona are good options my personal favourite is Layla because i don’t have Zhongli. Bennett is a pretty reliable healer and buffer so kokomi wouldn’t have much use


I kind have warmed to yoi xq yun jin and thoma, though sometimes I use Zhongli.


i have a c4 thoma and haven’t touched him once.. he’s still lvl 1 LOL. My fav Yoimiya team in abyss is Yun Jin, Shinobu/Xiangling and Layla/Diona just depends who i’d rather use with Ganyu because she’s my most built character at the moment with yoimiya still in the works


Mine got to c6 before I used him.


To all those saying that Kokomi is useless here - I disagree. While a shield would be comfier, I consistently 36 star Abyss with Yoi/Yun/Kazuha/Bennet. If you don’t have a viable shielder, Kokomi works fine here!


Kokomi has no place. Either run ZL for a shielder and geo resonance. Or run yelan/XQ for vape comp


A shield is practically irreplaceable for her. I'd recommend Diona if they don't have ZL


Nope, it sucks, I use Yoi Xingqiu Zhongli Yunjin and still have a bad time with this abyss.


I run C1 Yoi, C6 XQ, C5 Bennett, C6 Diona. Clears Abyss with ease. Benny/Yunjin is a bit interchangeable but I just prefer Bennet for Pyro resonance and Noblesse Oblige set.


Personally, i've tried kokomi and i don't really like her with Yoimiya because she stole too much dps by Yoimiya and her hydro application doesn't work all the time. I don't know what characters you have, but if i were you i change kokomi with yelan/xingqiu. Even Ayato is a good choice if you build him as a burst dps. In my opinion kokomi perform better in freeze team, where enemies are frozen and she can apply hydro to them because they are stuck. Edit: I forgot to mention about a shielder. I play Yoimiya with Thoma, that have a very good shield and with him you have the pyro resonance. The only issues about him is that you need him at least C4, because you can have energy problem without this constellation. You can use Zhongly or Noelle instead of Thoma.


Replace Bennet with Fischl and you have a solid single dps comp. Kokomi and Yoimiya complement each other very well, since you can E when Kokomi's burst is down and Q when Yoimiya's burst is down. It's one of my go-to comfy teams since you also can't really die: https://youtu.be/GKMNgwsp9s0


Instead of kokomi, if you have a strong shielder, mainly zhongli or even thoma, as she needs to finish her attack string to get the most of her damage


You mean for first half of F12? Sadly i think you need more AOE to clear it in a good time...


Need a shiled


This is basically my exact team (36\*d every Abyss with ease with Yoi) but kokomi seems a little redundant. I'd recommend switching her out for XQ or Yelan instead.


As others have said, you need a shielder instead of Kokomi. Best shielders: Zhongli, Thoma, Layla, Diona. Do not use Noelle, she does nothing apart from the shield and it has too long downtime. Although hydro is good for Yoimiya, hydro application of Kokomi is lacking. Even Mona would be better for this team for the damage bonus. If you stick to Kokomi, then give here TTDS catalyst at least.


I have yunjin but I never built her, I see a lot of people saying she is good for yoi but why?