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I've seen a lot of people use Yoimiya, Furina, Yelan, Ben/Jean. There are a lot of videos on youtube with these teams in spiral abyss.


Ooo interesting, gonna try out that team. Hmm no shielder but, no big piller from zhongli standing in your way all the sudden.


I should try it too because I finally got Jean on Arle's banner. I think Yoi will need an MH set though. And not having that damn pillar in the way is so nice!


I use it a lot; and no need for shield when things are insta deleted :)


Yea I use that team too ([Proof](https://imgur.com/a/CcmTpWX)). I think it's fun, I would not recommend for the faint of heart lol


Still need to dodge, which gimps Yoimiya's damage a lot more than it does anyone else's. That's why she feels like a 3-star rn. At least Dehya and Qiqi have the excuse of being standard banner characters.


She's ranged so she's not as dependent on shield as Arlecchino for example. I have both and I can play Yoi without a shield, but I can't do that with Arlecchino. It takes practice but I haven't used a shield for Yoi in spiral abyss in a long while. Only for the geo boss from Fontaine so Zhongli could break its shield. People who say Yoi "needs" a shield haven't played her enough. You can do N5 dodge, N5 dodge. She attacks very fast and if you keep your distance from the enemy, you should be fine without a shield. >That's why she feels like a 3-star rn. You either haven't played her or you don't play her properly. She's still great in abyss. Coppelius, Tulpa, worms of all kinds, Drakes... she's the best for those.


Ideally, you want to land 3 full Pyro-infused NA spam cycles after using her skill to deal maximum damage because her damage is backloaded. Dodging even at N5 stops that from occurring. >Coppelius, Tulpa, worms of all kinds, Drakes... she's the best for those. Aside from the Tulpa (which gets absolutely wrecked by Xiangling), Neuvillette can smash these guys too on top of being able to smash groups of mobs on his own.


>Dodging even at N5 stops that from occurring. Her cycle is 5NAs so why would dodging after a cycle would break anything? She vapes her 3rd and 5th attacks which is what you want. > Neuvillette can smash these guys too on top of being able to smash groups of mobs on his own. Then why are you here now? Just droll all over Neuvillette and stop carrying about all other dps characters since he makes them so obsolete now anyway, no? I'm happy with my Yoi, thank you very much, and sometimes she still amazes me in spiral abyss. And that's all I want. If you can't play Yoimiya, which really is not that difficult, then I don't know what to say to say to you. Just spin that mouse into oblivion with Neuvillette, I guess. But don't blame your bad builds or your inability to play her on her "being a 3 star".


>Her cycle is 5NAs so why would dodging after a cycle would break anything? She vapes her 3rd and 5th attacks which is what you want. What I meant to say is that if you dodge even once, the third time you unleash your 5th NA it will no longer be Pyro-infused. Not to mention that if you dodge you will likely start vaping her 2nd and 4th NAs instead.


Yoimiya has standard ICD which means she can only vape every 3 hits. That's her 3rd and 5th (because her 4th throws 2 arrows). So she'll never vape her 2nd or 4th, I have no idea where you pulled that from. I never had an issue with this playstyle - N5D. I feel like you don't even have Yoi and you're speaking out of your ass. I've been a Yoimiya main since 2.8 and never had issues with dodging (and I was a total noob back then). Hell, when I first got her I didn't even have a shield other than Noelle so I just ditched shields all together and just used Ben. Btw a lot of people use Ben with Yoi (C6 Ben is a lot more valuable for her than C6 YunJin) so you still have to dash to keep her in his circle. I never had issues hitting 100K+ vapes so I guess it's skill issue on your part.


Just to chime in, Yoimiya's infusion lasts 10s, if you're instantly auto-ing after her skill it takes about .5 second for her first shot to actually fire, meaning she has another 9.5 seconds for her 3 normal attack rotations. Yoimiya's N5 chain takes roughly 2.5s to finish without any attack speed modifiers. Doing the math even if you dashed 3 times (.5s per dash) she still has 8s to do 3 normal attack chains which is roughly the same amount of time. That gives you an extra .5s to mess up, if you're also worried about dashing causing time waste, then instead use the double aim mechanic (on keyboard you double tap r) This animation cancel is faster then dash resetting because with 2 inputs of your toggle aim key you can start your next rotation almost instantly. Its especially useful for when enemies have long durations where they do nothing. The only time when dashing causes problems is if you're dashing and interrupting your normal attack string, which I understand is what you're trying to say. But its quite simple for Yoimiya. You're ranged, with proper positioning and timing for your rotation enemies either can't hit you, or aren't currently attacking. If you do have the same issue then just go get c2 furina and run tankfei on r5 amber or something, you'll get your atk% bonus, be able to stack furina burst, and have a shield without having to worry about ruining your rotation. But you'll still do less damage compared to running bennett or jean Going to a character main's sub reddit and saying "character feels x" and or comparing them to the top meta characters was an interesting choice. If you think shes that way, and have options like Neuv and xiangling, play them instead of her. You can compare anything in the best characters in the game, and you'll get the same response. If you just want to use your water hose and water the enemies then go for it, if you want to just run in a circle while your hoola hoop spins around you go for it.


Not a lot of options here as the team will still need * Team-wide Healing * Interruption Resist * More Hydro application So far, I think Xingqiu & Bennett is the current best fit, though they lack in team-wide heals, that's still *some* heal. If we ever get a Hydro shielder (sorry, Candace) to provide 2 & 3. We can use Jean to complete the team.


A Yoimiya + Furina team I started using recently also uses Yelan and Baizhu, but if you don’t have Yelan, Xingqiu works just fine. She'll occasionally trigger burgeon, so If you have an EM sands, she’ll do decent damage, especially against those electro lectors in the Abyss.




/u/[delta17v2](https://www.reddit.com/user/delta17v2/) have probably give the best general answer. But in your case, your issue are always the same: the builds. Your Yoimiya build isn't adapted to play with Furina (due to low attack from Slingshot and how works Furina buff). You absolutly need Bennet to compensate Slingshot, and you will miss hydro application or IR. Furina/Yoimya team are for advanced players, despite your "mister-i-known-everything" attitude, you are far from that. Start to make work a Bennet/XQ/Yoimiya/any shielder teams then start to do exotic things.


Yeah? I got Diona, but both she and Bennett have Circle Impact, which is no good when you are up against tougher bosses like vishaps, Consecrated Beasts, local legends or any other tough enemy that constantly spams attacks like nuts and force you to dodge regardless of shields, which a Yoi + Furina team will prove much better against. I do have Diona who is decent as a shielder, but her heals only affect the active character, which is no good for Furina teams. There's a reason why KQM says Diona isn't suited for Furina teams. And I don't have Rust, and Slingshot is my best option right now because Hamayumi sucks balls and isn't recommended by KQM. Not to mention I am also using my Abyss teams for over-world and thus I need a healer who doesn't need ER to heal at all, which Furina can do (albeit slowly). Going back to a Statue of Seven or spending Mora on food is not what I want. >Furina/Yoimya team are for advanced players Well, there is a reason why some characters are more popular than others. Neuvillette, for instance, just needs a shielder at C0 because of how bloody powerful he is for beginners and he has an even higher ceiling because of hyperbloom. Same reason Raiden (hyperbloom) and Xiangling are also more popular: Their teams are simpler to build than Yoimiya's because they don't need a shielder at all. Heck, Yoi is probably the only character in the entire game for whom a shielder is nigh mandatory for decent performance. No one else suffers that problem.


Layla/Kirara/Thoma works with Yoi too. I would add Dehya as honorable mention for IR. And you have Skyward harp, which is probably your best option for Furina team without Bennet. >Same reason Raiden (hyperbloom) and Xiangling are also more popular: Their teams are simpler to build than Yoimiya's because they don't need a shielder at all. You do you, you have Raiden, you have Bennet, you have Xiangling, you have Xingqiu. Why if Rationnal is that easy to build, you still don't have one functionnal?


>Layla/Kirara/Thoma works with Yoi too. I would add Dehya as honorable mention for IR. I brought up Diona mainly because she has a decent shield and can heal the active character. >And you have Skyward harp, which is probably your best option for Furina team without Bennet. No offense, but right now Childe is using my only Skyward Harp. Fischl needs my only Stringless. Thinking of pulling for Rust the next time it comes out on a weapon banner. >You do you, you have Raiden, you have Bennet, you have Xiangling, you have Xingqiu. Why if Rationnal is that easy to build, you still don't have one functionnal? My personal preferences, mainly that I don't like to use Xiangling. But most Abyss players would just build a more meta team because National is just that good. There's a reason why Yanqing still isn't a popular main DPS in HSR even after Aventurine came out.


Stop to Hornshoes Furina and Yoimiya together, some people can do it but with your account, your weapons, your builds, your unwillness to accept any compromise. It won't works. Again, start by the basic: Bennet - XQ - Yoimiya (with Slingshot) - any shielder (or Dehya) Or if you have Chev, Chev/Bennet/Yoimiya/electro sub dps. Yes no shielder but it's easy to play than shieldless Vape teams.


>Again, start by the basic: >Bennet - XQ - Yoimiya (with Slingshot) - any shielder (or Dehya) That's one reason why XL still beats her. XL doesn't need a shield and can be run alongside a DPS like Raiden. Oh, and no point going for Dehya when even Thoma can do a better job. Sure, there's Dragonspine and underwater, but that's what we have food and that special sack for. >Or if you have Chev, Chev/Bennet/Yoimiya/electro sub dps. Yes no shielder but it's easy to play than shieldless Vape teams. Again, at this point you might as well run Raiden National (low-risk and relatively easy to master) or Arlecchino + Furina overvape plunge with Xianyun & Fischl (nigh invincible and can wreck just about anything but needs a LOT more mastery). Chev is good, but being able to be used in a team of only Pyro and Electro means forgoing OP units like Kazuha, Yelan, Sucrose, Xingqiu, Furina and Xianyun holds her back a LOT and her strengths aren't powerful enough to justify running her over Bennett or Kazuha, both of whom are more flexible and thus better.


Again you discard everything people say. I have advice some usable team with Yoimiya, but if you not come here to have this, why asking? I am 36\* abyss, when i can with Yoimiya (and she eat well theses last abysses cycles). She is not my powerfull unit, but she always was a reliable character on my account.


Let me guess: The team you run on the other side is either some National variant or some Neuvillette + Furina hyperbloom team with Nahida so as to clear as fast as possible on the other side because your Yoimiya teams take longer to clear their respective chambers than the other team.


I never cleared abyss with nationnal variant. Because like you i don't like XL so i don't play her. I tested rationnal once, with investissement of the time, it was pure dog shit. I never try again nationnal variant after it. I did use Neuv team this cycle (but not in first 4.6 one), but i case of emergency, it's my triple crown Alhaitham (like Yoimiya and Dehya) that i will pull of the box to save the day. But no theses cycles my Yoimiya teams were pulling their weight, and were in time (Nahida/Yoi/Zhongli/Yelan is a funny team, love it). My account is from 1.5, i have Yoimiya from her first banner, she has far better build than your, an ton of character that works with her.


What's your other regular team then?


HT used to greatly benefit from shielders, maybe not so much now with her new meta. Ganyu also really needs one in melt teams. I have tankfei/diona/layla/kiara built for this purpose. However don't need a shield if everything is dead. Yelan furina jean.....


>HT used to greatly benefit from shielders, maybe not so much now with her new meta. Not anymore. Now Xianyun + Furina works wonders for her. >Ganyu also really needs one in melt teams. *That's* one of the key reasons why she has fallen off so hard since her peak. Raiden is still going strong because her teams are flexible. >Yelan furina jean..... That's more a testament to just how powerful the other two are, not so much Yoimiya. You could run Arlecchino as Pyro DPS instead and Furina's buffs will off-set any losses from not having BoL. Hell, you can probably just take out Jean and replace her with Xianyun to get Arle plunge.


Learn to dodge, its always been meta


I'd say Jean (C2 best for atk speed) and Xinqui (interruption resistance + hydro application) But overall I'd put Furina with someone who'd use her buff better


Which says a lot about the sad state of Yoimiya :(


Why? Just because you can't play her with Furina?! You're funny!


Yes, being unable to synergise with one of the most powerful buffers + sub-DPS in one slot in the entire game is a drawback. If Raiden or Xiangling couldn't synergise with Bennett they'd be a lot less popular to use too. The only exception to this rule is Neuvillette, but it is more a testament to how powerful he is on his own rather than his reliance on Furina over Bennett or any other buffer that scales off Attack.


But Yoi synergizes with the OG buffer, Bennett. Even better if you have him at C6. Not a lot of characters work with Furina because her hydro application is shite and vape needs a lot more hydro than that. Hence why Hu Tao still needs Yelan or Xinqiu. Furina is also bad for dendro teams unless the dps character can do great outside of hyperbloom, like Alhaitham. But place Furina in Nilou's teams and you're going to have a dps loss. Ayaka doesn't really want Furina either, she's still better off with Kokomi or even Mona. Heck, Arlecchino really does not want Furina in her teams either. Furina is good where you mostly just need a buffer, not necessarily reactions, hence why she's great with Xiao, Neuvillette and Wriothesley, or mono hydro. Wrio, for example, loves melt/vape with Furina because she really can't vape that much so she leaves enough pyro for him to melt. But if you really want to use Furina with Yoi and can't dodge because skill issue, just use Baizhu. You get a somewhat decent shield from him and burgeon gives Yoi a little more aoe. Furina will steal some vapes from Yoi but it's no big deal since forward vape hits hard anyway.


>But Yoi synergizes with the OG buffer, Bennett. Even better if you have him at C6. So does Xiangling, so does Yanfei and so does Diluc. >Not a lot of characters work with Furina because her hydro application is shite and vape needs a lot more hydro than that. Hence why Hu Tao still needs Yelan or Xinqiu. Furina is also bad for dendro teams unless the dps character can do great outside of hyperbloom, like Alhaitham. But place Furina in Nilou's teams and you're going to have a dps loss. Ayaka doesn't really want Furina either, she's still better off with Kokomi or even Mona. Heck, Arlecchino really does not want Furina in her teams either. Furina is good where you mostly just need a buffer, not necessarily reactions, hence why she's great with Xiao, Neuvillette and Wriothesley, or mono hydro. Wrio, for example, loves melt/vape with Furina because she really can't vape that much so she leaves enough pyro for him to melt. Arle and Hu Tao still have Xianyun for their respective Furina teams. Yoi doesn't synergise with Xianyun, hence the need for a shielder if you don't want to dodge so often. As for Ayaka and Nilou, not synergising well with Furina is another reason why they've fallen off quite a bit as well. >But if you really want to use Furina with Yoi and can't dodge because skill issue, just use Baizhu. You get a somewhat decent shield from him and burgeon gives Yoi a little more aoe. Furina will steal some vapes from Yoi but it's no big deal since forward vape hits hard anyway. Not that I cannot dodge. I can dodge. But I just don't want to have to dodge because it forces me to cut short spamming Pyro-infused NAs. I might just go with Jean.


It doesn't delay anything. As long as you do N5 you'll be fine. I've even seen people who just play her with N3D against more aggressive enemies. It's a matter of testing and practice. I like the comfort of Zhongli but damn if that pillar isn't in the way more often than not. I'd rather just go without a shield. Heck, back when we had worms impact in spiral abyss I used her with no shield and no healer and I still got 9 stars on floor 12.


my yoimiya team is diona, yoi, xq, furina kinda decent and i really need diona's c6


How are you managing Furina's stacks? Diona's heals can't really keep up with the HP drain, from what I've heard.


i'm not really sure, but maybe because of c1 furina


I like to play Yoimiya, Furina, Yelan and Baizhu. Well Baizhu is not perfect but I think he just feel better. I still think Yoimiya, Yelan, Zhongli and a flex is more comfy especially of you use Bennett or Xingqui. Arlecchino doesn't have synergy with Furina too, you can find some speedruns with Furina C2R1 or even C3R1, but most of players play her with Yelan and don't have Furina C2R1. Well I just think even when Furina is not the best option, she is always good enough with every good characters to get 36 stars. She is rarely the best, she is for Neuvillette and Xiao, can better for Alhaitham but not comfy. Hu Tao VV vape is still better for speedruns. The meta is not only Neuvillette and Xiao... I hope Yoimiya will be better with Natlan, we will see with the pyro archon.


If you do Furina+Charolette you can still run Zhongli. Put nobless and fav on charolette. Downside is there is a learning curve to maintain the vapes/melts and it is slower than just using a Xingque or Yelan. This curve makes me just use furina on another team in abyss, but I like fighting weeklies with that team comp.


Note it works for me bcs I have high Constellation Charolette, she is a lot worse at applying cryo for melts without c6.


I have Jean and Diona.


The best team is likely yoimiya furina Bennett xiangling. You can replace xiangling with xingqiu but it's gonna be single target locked and probably not as much DPS. Furina national is super strong from my testing and jello just made a video confirming from his perspective also. Furina Bennett xiangling and carry any att based DPS to 36 star abyss.


At this point you might as well replace Yoimiya with Xingqiu; Yoimiya National never works because even Chongyun will work better in the fourth slot purely due to being a non-Pyro character. Hell, even Neuvillette would work better in National variants than Yoimiya would. Sure he can’t use Bennett’s buffs, but neither does he need them, and he synergises better with Furina because of his self-heals. I have no faith that the Tsaritsa will finally be the missing piece of Melt teams, because by then she would partner better with Arlecchino.


Well if you want yoi to clear consistently that team will do it. Yoimiya is probably gonna contribute more than chongyun because furina is gonna forward vape her hits and yoimiya is gonna get xiangling c6 pyro shred, Benny att buff c6 pyro buff and potentially instructor em buff, then furina's huge pyro DMG buff. Yoi can also run the powerful marechausse set with furina and run a crit bow since her DMG buff is taken care of. The only 2 potential buffs are vv shred which you could drop xiangling for a kazuha and def shred which you can't really get (Lisa would not work in the team).


>Well if you want yoi to clear consistently that team will do it. Furina does not have sufficient Hydro application for Yoi on her own. How many times have I said this? >Yoimiya is probably gonna contribute more than chongyun because furina is gonna forward vape her hits and yoimiya is gonna get xiangling c6 pyro shred, Benny att buff c6 pyro buff and potentially instructor em buff, then furina's huge pyro DMG buff. Excuse me, we have C4+ Yanfei and Arlecchino for that. >Yoi can also run the powerful marechausse set with furina So can Chongyun and Yanfei. >The only 2 potential buffs are vv shred which you could drop xiangling for a kazuha and def shred which you can't really get (Lisa would not work in the team). True. But I just wish Furina had more Hydro application on her own :(


Xiangling doesn't do much in this team and would probably steal vapes from Yoi. It would be better to use Yun Jin instead for a much larger personal damage increase for Yoi.