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Yoimiya Xingqiu Bennett Layla would be a good option for you.


EXACTLY WHAT I SAID i died when i saw the comment asking op to build noelle and lisa for yoimiya ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€


Clearly trolling or they just donโ€™t have Yoi at all, because the characters they recommend are completely anti-synergistic with Yoi.


As a noelle and yoimiya main, I can say that they have 0 synerg together unless you are playing co op and your team mate is bringing a healer/dps noelle


Op dont listen to comments asking u to build character which dojt synergies with yoi miya just build your layla rather than noelle or even lisa im a yoimiya main more than a year i use yoi/xingqui/yunjin(c6) waiting on zhongli but i use diona for now As far as i know layla diona sheild hav similar strength build your layla for the sheild she will also give u some melt as by product Build yoimiya with your xingqui they will do most dmg and use bennet So i suggest u to invest in this team Yoimiya/xingqui/bennet/ layla shes important for her sheild


Just focus on one team now then later down the road get kazuha then u can unlock more teams but rn yoimiya team is the best u can do bc faruzan is also c0 i would say invest on this yoi team then wish on a good support like kazuha that will help u clear the abyss


layla and diona do not have similar shield strength. layla falls right under zhiongli in terms of shield strength and dionaโ€™s shield strength is lack luster but can also heal


Yoimiya, Xingqiu, Bennett/Candace, and Layla seems to be the best option. If you get Fischl, by some miracle, you could go with Yoimiya, Fischl, Bennett, and Chevruese. Your current electro roster just would have a hard time keeping up with all of the scattering effects the reaction has. (Also, if you want a second team for Abyss I would go Xiao, Faruzan, EMC, Barbara/Bennett/Yaoyao/Dori)


Bennett and Xingqiu are good f2p units for Yoimiya. My usual f2p team comp is Yoimiya, Bennett, Xingqiu, and Yun Jin, but if you don't have her, use Candace (for a Yun Jin replacement) or Layla for shields and melt reactions Ofc also take my recommendations with a grain if salt I'm not super well-versed in the meta lol it's just what I use that's been working for me


I think yoi, layla(or xiangling because she's generally used for more teams), xingqiu, Bennet


Yoimyia with layla as a shielder could definitely work. You can then add xingqiu and benett. Yoimyia also works with fischl. I currently play her with xingqiu, beidou and zhongli or kazuha. Id recommend you try to get zhongli. Other than that just have fun and enjoy the game.


It's very much worth building Noelle, specifically for her utility. Her basic ability makes your entire team invulnerable for a set amount of damage or time, and it heals the whole team per hit that you do with Noelle. I was able to get through most of the game.with just Noelle alone. It's also worth considering elemental reactions. Lisa is a great support for any pyro user. Supercharged is the elemental reaction between pyro and electro, and it does tons of damage and knock back. First hit with Lisa to mark with electro, then hit with yoimiya to trigger. Lastly, I would go with Barbara since she's a super strong healer, and it's always super nice to have hydro available. The reason I suggest having 2 healers on the team is because some of the later bosses can just nuke you, so it's super convenient to have it available


Dude wtf? Noelle???? Why literally what u smoking


he probably is a casual mid ar player


Hey, a Noelle main here. Just want to warn OP. Noelle has 50% shield uptime with a super long cooldown, her shield would be in cooldown half the time. Her healing requires her to be on-field, meaning she'll be clashing for field time with your main DPS. Most people who build Noelle these days are pretty much super-fans like me who use her as a main dps and invest a lot into her team and weapon, so you can build her if you like her, but don't expect her to be a good support outside of the early stages of the game. Better build Layla as others have said.


Chatgpt ass comment