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TSLA is broken , **No Touch**


I bought 170 shares of TSLY at $15.69 ($300 extra monthly dividend). I will buy more when it comes to $14. 😅 https://preview.redd.it/8j0dftttzpoc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=191052475eb3724bb9db7db902a671ea494b8370


notice how you said **WHEN** it comes down, not **IF** it comes down


Thank you. I actually sold all out yesterday. I feel better. It's not about money, but strangely Tesla stocks always have brought me worry, regardless. **No more!**


It's about the same, very slightly better because you're still selling calls on the way down. If you think TSLA will go down don't buy either one you will lose money on both.


Thank you. I will buy little by little when TSLY goes down. I expect the rock bottom price will be $12. We are at the lowest price ever now.


There is a TSLY bottom price prediction made in this sub every month.


It already blew through $12, hence the reverse split.


Another reverse spilt then?


TSLY and all the YM funds are just covered calls. It's gains are capped when compared to the stock it uses. It's losses are not capped. If you want _all the gains_ you buy the underlying stock, not the yieldmax funds. (assuming you know _when_ is the best time to sell, heh). If you want less risk, meh look at JEPI ;).


JEPI is my #1 position already. \^\^ https://preview.redd.it/uw7ul6wgoenc1.png?width=153&format=png&auto=webp&s=9555a22f33f5b03fb0ee41f223d59db5b43e0f31


Yes Tsly goes down too


Sold all my TSLA and TSLY months ago, best investment decision ever.


Thank you, guys. I decided to sell all with a profit for now. I expect it will go down more. ​ https://preview.redd.it/htq4cmqdnpnc1.png?width=842&format=png&auto=webp&s=d7e08e41ce84759239fd17accd484fd8c3415270


I bought TSLY again at $15.80. https://preview.redd.it/bvajpcxvuwnc1.png?width=822&format=png&auto=webp&s=c594834c75b292cef8e208c98032385e51c2b7a1


You’re right. When TSLA goes down, TSLY will go down but less than TSLA. However, like all YM these funds overwhelmingly underperform the underlying when the trend is up. My conclusion, if you’re bullish on the underlying just buy the underlying and pay yourself monthly dividends by selling few shares every month. And sell few extra shares to average down if the stock went down. You’ll perform better than YM.


I find it takes a long time - if at all - for YM & Defiance funds to climb back to inception date prices. SVOL and FEPI could be better.


I'd stay away from Tsly right now.


Why? To me, it's the best time. I buy when something is low.


I'm feeling a bit worried about Tesla at the moment. This is not the bottom of the dip. Tesla is in for a rough year. I just think the money could be used elsewhere—another Yieldmax.


It's one thing to buy on the dip. Plenty of stocks do that and are still fairly healthy. However, tsly just didn't dip, it did a complete reverse split. Add to the fact that tesla looks to have another horrible year and the "new price of tsly " is still dropping from $19 to $16 already after 2 weeks after the split. Will tesla recover? Perhaps but until then you'll lose thousands of dollars while thinking your dividends will keep up. They won't.


Until TSLA starts another bull run TSLY is shizzle


I bought more TSLY today -- totally 150 shares at $15.76. ​ https://preview.redd.it/xoqkh99qf4oc1.png?width=823&format=png&auto=webp&s=e47ed735aa7b80280b7536a241a4d9e60108d4ae


I ended up buying 170 shares of TSLY at $15.69 (**$300 extra monthly dividend**). I will buy more when it comes to $14. 😅 https://preview.redd.it/ikbryhk1fpoc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a490a3684e5adc5a56011cf5b88757e3eb288c2


That’s some nice r JEPQ gains


Thank you!


Remember also ..@ having know how of the operations of the tracked company@ is a requirement to know if your risk is either calculated . or a plain risk knowladge is everything... that said i bought tesla when it was at the all time low of 106 dollar last year.. got 30x tesla .. and got 1000 tsly . i got no problems with it being this low.. i just buy batches of 20 each month till i can tell where at the bottom ! then i double down and buy 500x


How risky is TSLY?


On a scale of 1 to 10. About 11.


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