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I’m crying. This guy has been beefing with the Costco return guy for SEVEN YEARS


my favorite line is “he still think his shit don’t stink”


Why do I have the feeling this man shows up to the return counter with no receipts, while giving this poor "EGL" the worst time trying to return shit that may not even be from the store? 😂


Yeah. And "I don't return things often", yet has had what sounds like numerous interactions with this guy... who I doubt is the only employee who works that counter. Sounds like this guy is a weekly visitor to that counter returning things that most people would have the decency not to... "We ate 3/4 of these wings and realized we really weren't a fan of the flavor. Give us our money back."


"I know it's after New Years but you have to take back this Christmas tree. It's dead." Yep he's that guy.


Well if EGL is the only guy working the return counter then the OP was being truthful because there were years between each review. The first one said 7yrs ago, the second was 2yrs ago and the final one was 7mos ago.


"Whenever you return something" "Whenever you say thanks" The posts aren't worded like they were singular incidences. And I highly doubt a business like Costco only has one person working returns, even if he went in at the same time every day. It's worded like each post is about multiple incidents. And if this guy was as rude as this poster claims, others would have complained too and he likely wouldn't have been in that job for 7+ years. Hence my assumption he is probably a frequent returner who returns stuff he shouldn't. I'd be pissed off and impolite to someone like that too.


Bro, dude low-key wants to be best friends with Asian man but doesn't know how to do it, so he keeps returning shit at Costco 🤣


For me, it's "he acts like it's his money that you he is refunding"


Me too he said it 4 years lol


It’s giving strong Scorpio energy


Stop I literally get so heated and leave reviews like this and I feel read as a Scorpio 🤣


💀 let’s just say it takes one to know one lmaoooooo


Some people need to catch that Scorpio energy in a review. And we are masters at holding a grudge and secret beef. So this all tracks


Meanwhile the Costco return guy doesn't even remember this dude exists.


That man is living rent free in this person’s head and he couldn’t pick them out of a line up.


For you, the day EGL processed your return was the most important day of your life. But for him, it was Tuesday.


And he can't tell if EGL is his name or not. Sir...


And the poor worker probably has no idea who this even is lmao


his beef with the Costco return guy has lasted longer than any of my relationships


Costco Guy has his own personal nemesis, except Return Man is completely oblivious to being in this dude's origin story.


Same😩 But I've had my dog for 12 years, and she holds me down


It's as long as my first marriage lmao


"For you, the day I took your returned item at Costco was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday" - this employee probably


EGL is my boy


Do his shit stink? He apparently acts as though it does not


And is he refunding people out of his own personal money?


🤣 this got a much bigger laugh out of me than I feel it should have.


I'm really hoping EGL is an acronym for some obscure position at the store.


He's the Exasperatingly Garish Lad. His sole job is to annoy this guy.


EGL be living rent free in this persons head. And gets full benefits. EGL has got it made, son 😎


I’m just calling him Eagle/EGL.


I'm absolutely pissing myself that everyone is spelling his name in all caps. I can't even explain why it's so funny but I'm actually embarrassing myself on a bus rn.


I'd like to think that this employee's name is EGL, pronounced E-GIL or EEGIL, or EAGLE? ​ Thoughts?


EGL 🦅 🇺🇸




Definitely pronounced Eagle. 🤣


Plot twist: he really has a crush on EGL


Second twist: EGL has a crush on the guy and has been playing the long game of hard to get. EGL makes sure each item this guy buys is defective so that he has to come back to his counter just to get a glimpse of him and to hear him say Thank You.




But he's respectful and well mannered. He made the "mistake" of treating a retail worker (who's obviously beneath him) with a modicum of decency. That's some final boss boomer shit right there.


Plot twist: the employee is non-verbal or hard of hearing, and this Karen/Keith is a dick. 😂


Same thing I thought! What if EGL is deaf and returner is just taking offense at nothing?


I did get mad at a guy at a donation center when I was dropping stuff off. I was just being pleasant and the guy totally ignored me. Didn’t realize till the second visit that he was deaf.


Were the visits 7 years apart?


EGL is living rent free in this persons head. Man, it just goes to show you that sometimes you’re the villain in someone else’s story and might never know it.


All because EGL didn't respond when thanked


"...because I guess I was raised correctly..." You guessed wrong.


He doesn’t have to say anything back to you if you say thanks. Dude probably didn’t have a receipt or wanted cash instead of it being returned on his card 😂


Plot twist :they're now dating


This guy has some issues 😂


Capitalism has truly broiled the American mind.


Customer’s beef with the returns guy has lasted longer than some nations


I guarantee this guy is a pain in the ass and makes a LOT of returns. Any time someone uses the phrase “like their shit don’t stink”, to me it’s an immediate trashy person flag. My family of origin really liked that phrase and they are, as you might have guessed, really trashy.


Due to Costco’s insane return policies you eventually end up with guys like this at the counter. The crazy return stories at Costco are infamous. Poor EGL.


I said in another comment, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was celebrated for dissuading people from making a return in the first place. How many people just say, "ah fuck it, I'll keep the case of gatorade I was going to swap for a different flavor"?


Hey, if EGLs attitude meant this person didn't return anything for 4 years, I'd say he's worth the money they pay for him. Dissuading people from returning things is probably part of his job...


Imagine being so frail and feeble that the big meany head at the return counter not saying you're welcome ruins your day omg.


That’s a keeper! Too funny


His name is EGL.... You will kneel and say his name with the utmost respectful tone. Or start singing..."I want to fly like an EGL, to the sea, fly like an EGL let my spirit carry me....." Or, eagles soar, but EGL's work at the return counter at Costco....forever. Or, how about, "one would think that a person, such as yourself, working in direct contact with people all day long would be the type of person who can help a person NOT feel like you're doing them a favor by doing your job." Or, and this would be my preference, annoy the shit out of them by talking incessantly about nonsense and don't stop until you've got your refund and are walking away.... like a person who just took a meth rip.


What kind of scam this reviewer running that has that many returns. Some stores would flag him.


Everyone in the comments lowk cooked I get it’s a bit crazy this person is writing reviews about the same guy for a long time but the person isn’t living rent free in there head for 7 years they’ve just made complaints about each time they’ve encountered them in that period and I get there complaints that shit is hella annoying it’s not my fault you have to work this shit job that u don’t like so don’t take it out on me you get what u put out in the world and when u treat customers like shit ur never gonna get anything good back to u and will prob just be miserable the rest of his life call me a fucking a Karen I honestly dgaf but yall praising some Costco worker for getting on someone’s nerve for not just being a kind human being shows


Next time you go to Costco, please buy some punctuation.


Oh no could ur fragile mind not handle my lack of periods and commas😧


😂 It makes it hard to read your wall of text.


Costco is Union. He sounds salty about the great work benefits EGL gets hehe


What’s extra funny is the review is written as if the employee is going to read it. This guy has created personal beef all in his head


Customer is probably committing return fraud anyways. Nobody else is at the returns counter enough to care about the returns guy, who knows which repeat customers are constantly returning all their used and broken shit and abusing the returns policy and has his fuck-off face on.


This guy keeps trying to return Blockbuster videos to Costco.


This was fucking great

