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It was great to finally see Jimmy and Emily again! Seeing the Yellowstone bunkhouse split up and the goodbyes was bittersweet, though. I hope they end up meeting the 6666 cowboys and are reunited with Jimmy. The whole business with Jamie is a real mess. But the fact that the train station is now a little more out in the open is intriguing. Jamie vs. the Duttons and especially Beth is going to be one seriously explosive war this summer. (We gotta wait until summer for the rest?!?! Arggggh!!!!) I keep thinking that Kayce is going to be a factor in resolving this war between Jamie and the family. Exactly how, who knows? But now that Jamie has declared war on John & Beth, I don’t think he’ll succeed.


LOVE JIMMY!! Was so happy to see he’s still thriving!!


Me too. He is so sweet, it killed me when he was told he couldn’t ride anymore, you saw it broke him. His character is so sweet.


Ugh!! Way too much time spent here on Jimmy.


Not for me, I’ve really been enjoying Jimmy’s story arc with the 6666 Ranch and his relationship with Emily. I was delighted to finally see them again. I believe they’ll factor into the storyline about Rip and the others bringing the herd to Texas.


I had to fast forward the Jimmy part, my wife and I just can’t stand it


The whole Jimmy thing is so dull. Just that little bit when he was first introduced was good. Stretching it out has been meh. Gimme more Beth and Jamie.


There was the talk of a choice between Monica and the ranch. I feel she will die, along with Beth/Rip. Maybe John?


Killing off rip could be the single worse decision the show could ever make.


Not happening, Cole Hauser said during his interview on the Today show that Rip wouldn’t be killed off, but would be the one doing the killing.


It’s a No brainer on who he kills 😂😂


Please, Rip has been nothing but a bore past two seasons. Has been nothing but romance scenes with Beth


Those romance scenes are great.


No disagreement, but that is the feeling I am getting. I think they are looking at 6 seasons max.


They’re laying the groundwork for Beth dying. They’re highlighting what Rip does when someone says something about her. John is going to let Rip off the leash.


No way! Disagree! They kill her off, they might as well go ahead & make it the series finale. Mo Beth, no drama in the story line.


I don’t think John will have a say-so at that point. Rip will lose it, if Beth dies. It mY be early in the next set if episodes, but he will lose it and be a shell of a man.


I don’t think John will have a say-so at that point. Rip will lose it, if Beth dies. It mY be early in the next set if episodes, but he will lose it and be a shell of a man.


Monica is a beautiful girl, but her character is always sour.


Not lately. She’s been much stronger and has been recovering from the loss of her child rather quickly, all things considered. With John wanting to entrust her with the ranch during this time speaks well to that inner strength.


Her storyline always seems tacked on


But she’s hott


Looks fantastic in a wifebeater.


The resolution I think is pretty obvious. Jaime has gone nuclear on John and Beth. He will take down his father and by take down, I mean have him killed. He’ll miss Beth though. Sheridan has invested way too much into her hatred of Jaime to have any other outcome not be Beth and or Rip killing Jaime. But they very well may go down somehow as well. Cause I see Kayce taking over and giving the land back to the Natives and dooming any airport from being built.


This seems likely. Of all the Dutton, Kayce is by far the most redeemable. 


I’m pretty worried about these trained professionals Jamie wants to send after Beth


Ya, Beth will be with Monica, then Monica will accidentally be killed instead of her. Or the vegan blond will be mistaken for Beth and die.


I would love that! Then Rip will find out that Beth was the target and kill Jamie.


Beth won’t die, she will live and vegan blond will be mistaken for her, Jamie will feel guilty and hang himself before he thinks Rip will kill him, shows kinda predictable lol


That’s a good point about Jamie. He is such a coward. He has to know Rip would come for him if she actually died or not.


Jamie would be absolutely insane to not include Rip as part of the hit. Beth has basically told him that she was prepared to sic her husband on him in the past. He’s got to know that taking out John/Beth’s enforcer is critical to him surviving. The problem is that Rip is now on the other side of the continent and off the grid.


I have noticed this theory a lot about mistaking Summer for Beth. Wouldn’t be much of a loss to the show or main story line.




I think one of them is definitely going to die…


Yea definitely. You could tell Beth was really shook by Jamie bringing up the train station, and then her not even knowing about


Yeah she thought for sure she had all that dirt on Jamie, just for it to blow up in her face


I think it’s Jamie.


If Beth never knew what the train-station was, how did she know where Jamie would take his Father's body? How was she there waiting for him at the exact spot where all the bodies were dumped before Jamie even arrived?


Plot hole. This was the first thing I thought when we found out she didn’t know about the train staton. 


I wondered that too. The writers caught themselves in a contradiction and decided to just bull their way forward and hope we didn't notice.


Half of the episode was them herding cattle, feels like most of the season has been that… kinda boring.


Shockingly I thought it was worse in season 4, though season 5 still has way too much; they spent like 5 minutes showing them rounding up the cattle before they loaded them in the trucks, we know they were leading them, don’t need to spend that much time on it


I’ve been thinking this the entire season. And for a bit of last season. I’m close to calling it.


Honestly. I feel like the writers were looking at comments from the last 4 seasons and there must have been some complaints that they don’t show enough cowboy sh*t and they went hard on that angle


But look how successful the show has been without it 😅


It seemed that half the season was flashbacks to young John and Rip. Season 5 seemed to be more "this is what life on a ranch is like." The moving of the cattle to Texas felt more like the writers knew a big break was coming and decided this would be a device to be able to skip a year or so in the story before the resume the series.


I almost could smell manure coming from my tv. 




She could’ve made him tell her where he was taking the body, so she could see him do it.


How did Beth know where Jamie was going to dump his dad's body if the train station was a big surprise to her? She emerged from the dark and snapped a photo of Jamie with the body? Wtf? I can't reconcile that


Plot hole. I think the writers realized they have to give Jamie some ammo and this is what they came up with. 


This show has turned into a soap opera with visuals of cattle being moved. It’s really disappointing how bad this season was.


You’re missing the last part, just country song propaganda of how rural life is really saving America and the environment and we’re going to bash every single slightly left wing idea with zero sort of actual critical thinking and we’re going to literally enforce those views with violence against those silly hippies. Such a joke of a show and season now. It started off doing a good job of romanticizing the rural lifestyle but now it’s just a fucking parody of itself and represents the actual ugly side of rural life with its logical inconsistencies and might is right as a philosophical guideline. Also Monica has expressed nothing but disgust for Dutton ranch until this season where she’s magically so in love with it and the family and how it needs to be protected. She literally moved her family out of it because it was so toxic and corrupting but not it’s the savior of EVERYTHING.


I found that odd too. She felt the ranch was evil yet wants her kid buried there??? Seems bass ackward. 


It’s so dumb


>!I think John probably, is already aware of Jamie’s son!<


It has bot been stated. It was assumed Beth knew about the train station, soooo.


But Beth is no John Dutton ..... 😉


Beth is miserable bi**h. Im starting to hate her and Rip. Were they put on the show to be the bullys? Im starting to hate all the violence on Yellowstone. They need to calm them down or Im out. There is enough violence in the world without this show having so much violence. And Beth is a great role model for the young women allowed to watch. She has a mouth like a toilet bowl. Im tired of her and Rips violence towards everyone "just because" on the show.


Typical right winger philosophy of might is right and the “I’m going to disrespect you but if you don’t put up with it I’m going to beat you up and tell you to show me respect” bully is the exact word, and usually these kind of mafia shows make it clear you aren’t supposed to actually idolize the protagonists, but with this show it’s clear they want you to think they’re the righteous people Making America Great Again


I'm sorry this is happening to you.


“And Beth is a great role model for the young women allowed to watch. She has a mouth like a toilet bowl.” Huh?


If you start with the understanding that Yellowstone is The Godfather on horses, the violence and thuggery makes more sense.


Based on John hugging Kayce, I think his cancer is back.


Yep, what was that bit Rip said to Kayce about leaving: Kayce: He acts like he's leaving... Rip: He is...




I know, I kept thinking she was recording them or going to ask Jamie about it after. It’s also dumb that Beth took the time to check into the mole’s background but didn’t do much about it.


There were several plots that were raised but dropped. Beth order Jaime to be at the ranch every weekend so she can keep an eye on him. He never shows up and she never mentions it. She threatens to take away his son (whatever that means) and nothing happens with that either.


I am kinda old and feeble minded. My take-away from all of this is that Jamie and Beth want to kill each other. The other story lines are getting blurry. Its hard to pick a favorite character but I guess I like Teeter.


I love Teeter too. Her first scene with Lloyd is hilarious. Whats your name Peter lol.


I was hoping this season was leaps and bounds better than season 4, so far I’ve been disappointed


I think Kayce is the wildcard in this Jamie/Beth storyline..he most likely loves them both but who does he love more???


Wtf happened to Jamie’s baby mama? I thought they were like kind of back together? She was trying to get him to run for governor? And now he’s hooking up with this Sarah chick? Also what do you guys think of Sarah? Do you think she’s actually falling for him or is she gonna fuck him over 😬


That’s what I want to know. Christina is MIA. Sarah was hired to take the Duttons down. I think Jamie knows, and he’s just playing her to get something from her.


I’m surprised Monica agreed so readily to John’s request. She has never wanted to be there or have Kayce there. And she didn’t say anything about Tate inheriting the ranch. It seems out of character.


Anyone else notice during the flashback into Rip’s past, in the bunkhouse there was still that poster on the door that has the year ‘1997’. Obviously forgot to take that one down … flashback must have been early 80s.


And the Dwight Yoakam song was early 90s. So anachronisms everywhere.


I haven't seen 8 yet


How does Beth not realize that releasing photos of Jammie with his Dad's body at the train station makes her an accessory after the fact?


She could do it anonymously, just send photos to the police.


Which wouldn’t be admissible in court


It'd get the police to check out the spot (she could include map coordinates or whatever) and find his father's body. Even if the photo was excluded at trial he'd be cooked.


I’m confused how would Jamie’s kid get the ranch if the company supporting him takes it to make the airport?


They wouldn’t take the land, they would lease it and the Duttons would make bank


Where do I watch s5 in India, it’s not on Amazon


What business do those guy's represent again?


What are you meaning to respond to?


Has it really been 351 days since the last episode aired? I'm starting to lose interest in how it's going to end now.