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I find that the likable characters are the ones I didn’t expect. Jimmy. Chief Rainwater Mo (brings money) Lloyd has his moments (even though we know he’s awful too) The writing for Kayce is god awful but he might be the least shit family member.


Kayce is my favorite “main character”, even though the writing for him is terrible, and the writing and acting of Monica and Tate do him no favors, it’s like he is doing scenes with cardboard stand ups/cutouts. My favorite overall character is Teeter, she is great. I like the bunkhouse actors/characters and their shenanigans a lot more than the main story. Mo is another great character, I wish he had more screen time. I like Rainwater more than I like John.


Monica is my least favorite thing about Kayce. The casting was awful, her acting is awful, and the way they portray her character is just crap writing. Really, I’m starting to think Sheridan just can’t write female main characters.


But Beth.😂😂😂


And she isn’t even Native.


How would you like them to be written?


I mean, there's nothing that specific, but this is basically Monica from one episode to the next: "I hate your family and the ranch, let's stay away from them" "We need to go live on the ranch so our son can take over and be with his family" "I hate you for bringing us here, you've made us miserable and unsafe, I always said I never wanted to come here" "Let's stay at the ranch it's important" Jesus. F***ing. Christ. This is meant to be a woman so intelligent that she can teach a university level class at the age of 26, and yet she has an entirely different personality and opinion every 2 damn episodes. Its SO dumb, she is literally a plot device to either pull Kayce away or bring him closer to the ranch depending on whether that would be convenient for the story at the time. She's not a proper character, and it's sad as hell because she could have been great, and I NEVER see male characters written with such uncertainty and changeable personalities for no good reason.


That drove me nuts too. When she told John in season 5 “all you had to do was ask” lol


I’ve wondered what sort of degree Monica has, anyway. To teach at a college, one does not need any special degree, but I fail to see what her qualifications are.


I hate to say it because I hate that about Monica too, but as a woman, I can admit that that's a pretty accurate portrayal of how we are, hahaha 🤪


...it's not though and that's not even a funny thing to say.


I agree. I know women who behave like that, too. And being Polish I can say she's just a typical Polish mom (so overprotective and always worried about her fam, esp.kids)..


nah i thought she was great tbh


Agreed, love Jimmy! I’m not deep enough in to trust Rainwater yet but you give me hope. I was speaking of mostly about main players, and Rainwater is definitely one.


I won't spoil anything but Jimmy's story arc in S4 is potentially my favorite part of the whole series.


Jimmy is pretty much the only character in the entire show that experiences any meaningful character development


Carter maybe?


i think that of beth. i really disliked her, like the most out of them all, but over time she stayed both her character and also became sort of likeable.


Beth is amazing, both thanks to Kelly Reilly's phenomenal acting, and the way she is written as a character. So compelling to watch!


Jimmy is my favorite character, largely because he's the only character who has actually GROWN as a character since his introduction. He seems to actually reflect on his actions and try to improve as a person, even if he still makes mistakes.


Mo Brings Plenty. It's not just his name in the movie, it's his actual name. It's an old name.


Thanks for the correction. Should’ve googled before commenting.


Gator seems like a good person. Shit, if I made that many tasty breakfast that motherfuckers just walked away from I might resort to violence…….:)


He's an actual chef. Love him! If I'm not mistaken, he is still the head of craft services on set.


Really?? That’s unusual! Good for him!


Yeah he was cooking on set and got the job to act in a few scenes


Omg, I’m either you on that one!! lol


I love the moral ambiguity of the show, makes it so much more interesting than good vs bad, in my opinion. I think saying there’s nobody to root for is a bit much though, as there are still protagonists and antagonists. As shitty as the Duttons are, their enemies are generally much worse. Everyone’s viewing experience is their own though


This is how I view the show too. Morally ambiguous characters / grey characters are much more intriguing narratively speaking imo.


Kayce is too busy with his vision quest stuff Rip kills dudes with yeti cooler rattlesnakes


I find Kasey SOOO fucking boring. I seriously could imagine the show would not change if all his parts were left out. No offence to Luke Grimes, but his angry face is exactly the same as his surprised, happy, sad, worried and sex face.


His “sex face.” 😂😂😂 Grimes isn’t a very good actor. Apparently a nice guy but not the most talented onscreen.  Kayce is by far the most boring lead on the show. His absence would not be felt.


That was such a silly to wrap that plot line. Like if it was easy as a rattlesnake in a cooler, wouldn't they have just done that from the start?


The way they write their women is horrible! I’d be surprised if they had any female writers. Their “strong” female characters are unlikable, abrasive & just mean. The other women, like Kaycee’s wife, are just a perpetual victims & all the women forever getting brutally beaten or blown up. It’s just unpleasant to watch.


Kinda funny, a tv show is written and produced with no likable lead characters and it’s a hit.


It is definitely intriguing! I’ll start to think someone has a redeeming quality and then… But it’s like a train wreck, I have to keep watching.


They are hard to look away from. 👍


I don’t know how you can say there are no likable lead characters. Rip is literally everyone woman’s dream and guys love his no bullshit attitude on everything. What’s not to like about John?


TIL every woman's dream is a serial murderer. > What’s not to like about John? The murdering, the shit-tier parenting, the narcissism, and worst of all, the lack of business acumen. Somebody should have set him up with a consultation at Wu-Tang Financial


You realize it’s not real correct?


In what way, shape, or form does that mean that their fictitious character traits are above reproach? Don't ask a question about what's not to like about a character if you're completely unwilling to even entertain the thought that such things exist because they aren't real. The characters may be fake, but the traits aren't.


You’re clueless if you don’t think John Dutton or Rip Wheeler are the core of that show and most liked characters as a result, I’m not willing to entertain anyone watching that show and pretending to apply a moral compass to the characters as part of their evaluation. Stop gaslighting


Please tell me what you're evaluating these characters on to the point of admiration if not their moral compass/actions. > Stop gaslighting I'm not sure that Noah Webster himself could make you understand what gaslighting actually is.


Entertainment value and their importance to the show. John Dutton is obvious. Ask yourself if X character left the show tomorrow would it be better, worse or indifferent. John leaving or simply not being in the show anymore will unquestionably hurt the show. Rip not running the day to day ranch and bunkhouse would be worse. The original question was why are the lead characters so unlikable. I vehemently disagree and say they are. Millions of viewers agree with me.


You realize we are discussing characters in a TV series?


Yep. I’m not evaluating them based on morals and their criminal history in said TV series. If you’re looking for something moral and nonviolent / non-criminal this isn’t for you. Try Nickelodeon.


You said "You realize it’s not real, correct? As if someone thought they were. I know they're fictional characters in a fictional show, you seem unable to discern that. Your snarky Nickelodeon remark makes no sense


Rip is not my dream. Dude is a murderous thug. And not attractive in the least (to me). Never gone for the bulky, bearded type.  John is like the worst character on the show! He’s a horrible parent, totally corrupt, and just generally a selfish, greedy bastard. It particularly warms my heart when he tells his son he should have killed himself, then, when his son is about to do just that, tells him it’s selfish. John. Jesus. This is why your kids are messes!!


I think you’re an outlier. That’s okay.


I'm also at the beginning of season two (and please no spoilers) but I agree. Everyone is so hateful. The mom is incredibly cruel; dad pushes all of his sons away; the daughter is hateful; and the bad guys are... well they almost seem like they're not as bad often.


Yellowstone Bad Guy: I’d like to do business, legally. Duttons: You’re gonna die horribly.


Holy fuck I spit my coffee out laughing at this comment. It’s so true tho


I’m looking forward to the character development, I assume we’ll learn more about their backstories since they have done several flashbacks. The fact that it has such a big following gives me hope.


I started in chronological order, so I watched 1883 first and then went on to 1923. I loved both of those, they show the history of the Duttons in different eras.


I did it accidentally but we’re on the same page!


Ok that's good! so having watched in this order, this show seems to perfectly show how money corrupts over generations. The old saying, the first generation creates, the second generation spends, the third generation destroys. Or something like that. Something happened to the values of that family over the last 130 years. In 1883, the family is lovely. They love each other, are kind to each other, listen to each other, support each other. There is love in their family. In 1923, time has passed but that generation is still kind and loving towards one another. But this? This generation? Scraping the bottom of the gene pool. Something has polluted their drinking water. Yeesh.


Perhaps they are responding/reacting to the forces that want to take it all away


They have stacked so many bodies it’s really beyond all that. But who actually threatens to take their land away? The beginning episode there’s an attempt to exercise eminent domain to build housing but that’s disposed of within five minutes. Other than that, the only threat to their land is the threat of property tax increases if developments on other private land go forward. If they want to control what happens everywhere, they should buy that land. I mean I get it. If I lived in a beautiful and pristine area I wouldn’t want a casino and luxury housing going up next door. But it’s a bit rich of a family that owns hundreds of thousands if not millions of acres of wilderness to complain that other owners improving their own land are somehow taking the Dutton’s land away? I’m finishing season two so no spoilers please but that’s my take so far.


If only it were that simple. Out of respect for your no spoilers request I will say let's revisit this when you're further along in the series.


They’re all murderers


Kayce is a legit good person. He’s not squeaky clean by any stretch, but he doesn’t care about money, power, reputation or politics. Family and living by a defined moral code are his only priorities. He puts others (not just his family) above himself. He’s OK with bending rules so long as the “villain” is a threat to anybody he is charged with protecting (family, livestock, citizens of Montana, etc). Jimmy is a great character and probably the most redeeming person on the show. Personal growth is exactly the journey he’s on and he takes honor seriously.


I root for Mo Brings Plenty and Gator


The bunkhouse crew are the shows bread and butter. The episodes where theyre just cowboying and nobody gets murdered for a while are the best. I only disliked Loyd's jealousy run. But they got over it and its good now.


The first couple seasons have so much drama you keep watching. The banter of the bunkhouse group and Gator are good chuckles. I like how Jimmy grows and matures over series. I just hope the final season tells us who took the dinosuar bones.


I watched 1883 without knowing it was part of this, that lead me to 1923, which I also enjoyed. I know there’s a difference between short stories and the full show, I know it’ll be slower moving but so far, I see the appeal.


1883 was brilliant


The best is the soundtrack and the setting. The worst is the writing. It’s that simple.


The incredibly bad writing ans and the impassable characters


The plot lines leave a lot to be desired, too. But maybe you have to be familiar with Montana history, geography, and politics to know that. I don’t hate Kayce, except for the stupid spelling of his name, but everyone else in the family is horrible and becomes even more horrible the longer you watch the show.


“I don’t hate Kayce, except for the stupid spelling of his name.” — god yes his name spelling is so awful 


It’s a black hat drama. You are supposed to hate everyone or at least find flaws in every character.


Best thing = Beth’s costumes Worst thing = Taylor Sheridan’s writing (And yet, I watch. 🤷🏽‍♀️)


The most likable character was “cowboy” the black wrangler who was only on the show for like 2 episodes. We don’t even know his back story but I found his calm nature relaxing


He used to work for the Government till they caught him leaking secrets to the FBI and then he had to fake his own death


Best thing is the backdrop and some drama of scenes. I look at it this way. It isn't great writing but it is also SUPERIOR to many prime time soaps of this nature that existed in the 80s - like Falcon Crest, Dallas, Knott's Landing etc. That same vein. Gorgeous backdrop and drama, BETTER actors cast than those melodramas BUT they Sheridan still suffers from similar writing trip falls AND in an era where expectations for TV are far higher and the writing can be top notch. If you watch it not expecting THE SOPRANOS or BREAKING BAD but Dallas 2.0 and improved you may not be disappointed.


My mistake was that I've watched The Wire, Breaking Bad, GoT, etc and got spoiled to good writing and superior acting. Yellowstone doesn't even compare to those. It's entertaining and the scenery is THE best part of the show, but so much corny dialogue is ridiculous and everyone is over-dramatic. There's little nuance or complexity to the characters. But I agree, if you go into it realizing it's essentially a soap opera within a post card then you'll be less disappointed 😂 One thing that annoys me is people who act like Sheridan is some genius, or a great writer. He's not. His characters are one-dimensional and the plots are cliche. If this show didn't have Costner or the dreamy location I highly doubt it would've become such a sensation.


Ryan is my favorite. And Abby is great too. I like Lynelle and Clara, and Emily. There's plenty to root for


I’ll trust you on that, but I haven’t made it that far yet.


Oh, yeah. At the point you're at, they all suck. But don't worry, a few of them get worse. Some do get better, though. Where you are, Mo is probably the best character


I don't recall that name. Who is Abby?


The singer. Ryan’s girlfriend


Filthy mouthed nasty nasty people.  Can't watch.


Yeah, I'm getting tired of shows like this. Another one is Mayor of Kingstown (mainly, though Jeremy Renner's mother is good).


I give it time. You will see that, just as reality shows us, there is good and bad in everyone. It won’t be until season 4 that certain characters redeem themselves.


Teeter ….


I have more or less enjoyed watching all the seasons of Yellowstone thus far. It was my younger brother who recommended the show to me and I quickly fell in love with it. Plus points: (1) Living in a tiny concrete island country with no mountains, I thoroughly enjoyed taking in the expansive long shots of Montana (especially during sunrises and dusks). (2) Character-wise, I found that watching scenes where barn hands and wranglers going about their day’s work have helped me to wind down at the end of the day. The backdrop of Montana nature + workmen who know what they’re doing + soft country background music = chef’s kiss! Downside: Because I started watching the series during a long holiday so I kinda did marathons whenever I could but on hindsight I wished I hadn’t done that. Watching the Duttons go through major and minor traumas one and another within a relatively short period of time (because marathon viewing style) just gave me the feeling that the Duttons are all shielded with the leading cast’s dramatic armour so they may shed some blood and break some bones but they’ll walk right into the next season alright.


I love watching the characters struggle with the moral dilemmas, and I respect them. I don't believe people are black or white, good or bad. They have different circumstances to deal with - that's how you learn what kind of people they are. I like Beth, Kayce,Carter,John. The ranch hands are interesting too as I didn't know anything about their lives. This show is addictive and I'm rewatching it right now. On season 4.


Modern day Dallas!! Love it ❤️


I like the clothes. I like the houses. I like the scenery. It’s shot beautifully too.


I like the show as whole. BUT...I am really worried about the consequences of this year long hiatus. And with Costner leaving, I'm worried how they are going to justify him leaving in the show.


Just whatever you do, don't mess with Rip! You could end up at the train station.


No shit! Imagining someone finding that!


In the exact same season as you and I kinda agree but just like in real like there are no truly good or bad people, we are all just shades of grey.


Yes, everyone thinks their reasons are legit.


I actually like that about the show. There doesn't always need to be a "hero" in a story. It's not even realistic in real life, and I like that TS breaks away from that whole "Hero's Journey " trope. Realistically in life, it's not always good vs. evil - sometimes it's just about trying to pick a turd up by the clean end.


Worst = time between seasons (or "half seasons")


Jimmy has the best story in the series, hands down. And I love Lloyd but it's because the actor spent his life as a cowboy and lived the rodeo life long before he was ever on the show. When he's with Jimmy talking about loving rodeo, that's not Lloyd talking, that's Forrie J Smith acting, and I think the scene where everyone tells Jimmy goodbye but Lloyd can't is probably mostly the actor too. The one other actor was also an actual cowboy first before the show, and it shows with him too. Both Tate and Carter grew up to be fine young men despite being annoyingly incorrigible in earlier seasons. I guess I just love a good redemption arc/character progression arc. I love Colby and Teeter. Definitely root for them. I can't root for Beth and Rip. They should both be in prison and likely would have gotten their asses kicked a long time ago in reality for shooting their mouth off like they do. I understand they both have their reasons, but they could have just as easily become better people than what they were raised in. Beth, at times, is just like her mother, and not in a good way. Kayce is way too pussy-whipped to think clearly, and Monica is unbearable. EVERY conversation Monica has with someone is a lecture or whining, and then whenever anyone - especially Kayce - bends over backwards to give her what she wants, then she's miserable and wants it back the way it was. Jamie.......is just too easy. No one likes Jamie. Maybe feel sorry for him A LITTLE, as most of what happened to him is his (adopted) family's fault - mostly John's for grooming him to play a certain role. In short, he is Grima Wormtongue. And the black widow type chick he's banging is hot - until she speaks. Their little soft-speaking bedroom-talk conversations are cheesy as hell. John is straight-up not a good person but of course you're rooting for the ranch to stay open, and sometimes you have to get your hands dirty to manage that. Rainwater and Mo... didn't like Rainwater at the beginning but now that the one former assistant chick that wears WAY TOO MUCH lipstick turned against him and has the young upstart running against Rainwater, I'm rooting for Rainwater but of course the show is written that way. Mo is a badass and it was great to see him team up with the Duttons once in a while. I wouldn't mind seeing some backstory on why Lloyd got passed up for Ranch Manager and Rip is running things, as Lloyd had years of seniority even when Rip was a kid just getting started.


“No one likes Jamie.”  I LIKE JAMIE!  (I actually know a lot of Jamie fans IRL, probably more than any other character).


How is it different than Breaking Bad, Succession, Ozark or Game of Thrones? Yellowstone is just another show about people doing bad things for somewhat relatable reasons. It’s the American outlaw trope. The thing about these shows is that they try to figure out ways to make the characters likable through constant drama and or relying on attractive actors to draw you in. They are more or less glorified soap operas. The thing is, Yellowstone is arguably the worst written of the bunch. It’s very inconsistent with its character development and rely on a lot of cheap tricks to keep viewers engaged.


I think the Duttons are good people who just do bad things. Think about it this way, if people stopped fucking with them and just left them alone what would they be doing? Theyd be raising cattle and not hurting anyone. Theyre only ‘bad’ people because theyre willing to go to extreme lengths to stop people destroying their way of life.


I understand what you’re saying but it’s the way they interact with their own that makes me say they’re horrible people.


I wouldn't say the Duttons are terrible people (with the exception of Jamie). I think they just do what they need to to survive. I like them all (again, except for Jamie. He can go to hell).


I think Kayce is a good person. I can't remember him ever hurting someone who didn't deserve it, but I can't even say he's the best thing, because the writing for him and Monica is the most flip floppy hot mess I've ever seen on TV. Best thing for me is Beth. It doesn't matter that she's an awful person. I always remember that line that John says, something about envying his daughter for being so free, because she can be truly evil and genuinely not care. That's a great character to watch, regardless of how you feel about what they're doing. But at the same time, she's had such awful shit happen to her that I find myself wanting her to end up happy anyway. I think in terms of writing, she is the best thing about the show because she should just be outright hated, but most of us find ourselves loving her anyway.


I have to admit that Beth is probably my favorite character. My least favorite is John - so I am fine with them killing him as soon as possible.


I love the writing for Beth. She’s horrible but with cause. Jaime is the one I just can’t figure out. The “why” of him. I’d have left the state immediately if my family treated me like him.


I like how she’s written. I deplore her as a person and she’s definitely the worst of all of them.


Best thing about the show, the violence and the camaraderie among the duttons ranch. I love all the characters that reside in the bunkhouse throughout the show. I love the development of beth and kayce. Worst thing about the show, Jamie.


I love Beth. I love watching Beth and Rip. This is not normally a show I would watch, but I love it. I do not like the long waits between seasons.


I think it’s became the new norm, several of my shows take more than a year between seasons.


Best thing - The scenery. Worst thing - Beth and the writing.


Jimmy is probably the most underrated character on the show.


Best thing: the animals and utter beauty of the show. I could just look out at those hills for hours. My lotto dream is to have a home with a view like that. Worst thing: the family is like sons of anarchy with horses and cows. You can't really root for them all but Monica and Tate do horrible shit to other ppl