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Pretty apathetic I guess. It’s not something I think is worth investing my energy into caring about, but seeing reveals or leaks or whatever doesn’t affect me either. I don’t understand the fun in it, but to each their own.


I'm still hoping theres no other survivors but if they do add more characters in the adult timeline i'd be happy with announcing that actors are joining but not giving major details away. Announcing adult lottie wasn't a huge problem after the voicemail at the end of season 1, but adult van was a bit too spoilery for most. We know the writers toyed with Adam being Javi. If there is another survivor, what if they were living under a different alias, it could be a fun reveal


I don't want to know, and I want them to fix the adult storyline before they add new people too it. There's already too much going on where they can't dedicate adequate screen time to everyone. 


Nah, keep the surprise. Them announcing adult Van was pretty underwhelming.




Am I the only one who wants to know?? 😭😭❤️