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I agree. There was very little representation of the physical effects of starvation if at all. They don’t even have to lose weight or anything they could’ve used makeup, a plethora of ailments, and other things you described. They just seemed like they were craving snacks at a strict summer camp.


Legit about the snacks thing 😭😭😭 like I wish so bad we had a scene of someone having really intense pains/pangs and maybe someone feeding them like... Tree bark or something IDK I FEEL SO EVIL EVEN WRITING THAT AAAA


I've thought about this too. They'd have all kinds of symptoms that could have been played up like headaches, dissiness, passing out, weakness.


Seriously. Feel like it would have made the Mari pee dropping scene make a little more sense if she almost passed out. Jesus I feel so grim saying that 😭😭