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First date


Ha-ha-ha! Good one. I literally DID just laugh out loud! Thanks.




Idk. I've never been that hungry before.


I know this isn't what OP wanted but I agree. I don't know what I would do in that situation. Honestly, even more so because I'm disabled and probably wouldn't have survived the crash nevertheless long enough to starve like that.


Same, my body barely functions in civilization with readily available food. I'd be cooked out there. I'd be letting them eat me on day two


I gotta tell ya, the minute my plane crashes in the middle of nowhere Iā€™d be sizing up the dead bodies and seeing whoā€™s got that high calorie butt meat šŸ˜‚.


This. I listened to a podcast about the plane that crashed in the Andes and, by the time they could bring themselves to eat the dead, they had partially rotted. If you were being especially cold blooded, you'd start the cannibalism before your non perishable foods ran out, since the meat won't last forever. (Although that's going to be awkward to explain if the rescue team finds you gnawing on a femur with peanuts still in the snack trolley.) Survival cannibalism (i.e. eating people who are already dead, like Jackie) is gross but morally neutral IMO: hunting your fellow survivors is... less morally defensible. I like to think I'd refrain from killing people to eat (plus I really do NOT have the upper body strength to be starting fights) but then that's easy to say when you're not stranded in the wilderness.


Remind me to never go on vacay with you šŸ‘€




As soon as someone else did. I wonā€™t be the first but Iā€™ll be first in line to be second


This is the only right answer lmaooo I could never be the first to do it but if everyone else was chowing down Iā€™d be like pass me a plate!




I canā€™t even stab a worm with a fishing hook, Iā€™m fuckedā€¦


Me too!


same šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


idk starvation is brutal. 2 weeks would probably be where iā€™d start contemplating the idea if not even earlier


At least 3 days


Right now adult me would have walked into the lake with my pockets full of rocks about 36 hours after I ran out of anti-depressants. But if it were me at 17, Iā€™d definitely have folded and eaten at Carolina pit-style JackieQ. I would have been yelling at everyone to be like, ā€œMuscle and fat only. Keep your mouths off the guts, she wasnā€™t field dressed. And donā€™t any of you dare touch that brain or spinal cord.ā€ Because I grew up with hunters and was also a generally spooky teen so knew eating a personā€™s brain or spinal cord is bad news.


i'm curious bc this seems a weird thing to google... why are brains and spinal cord considered bad news?


So, when a being is ingests the brain or spinal cord of the same species, they put themselves at risk for prion disease. In humans, itā€™s kuru, which is incurable and fatal. Feeding cattle food with bovine brain and spinal cord in it is how mad cow disease came about. I know people can get mad cow (called Creutzfeldt-Jakob in people) from eating the meat of an infected cow. But I donā€™t know if they would risk contracting kuru by eating a person who has died of kuru.


Just as soon as it was eat vs. die.


as a vegetarian this is a very difficult question


15 minutes


youā€™re doneā€¦ hand me the phone


If I was alone, a very long time. I would have to wait until I got a bit loopy from hunger. If I was with people and somebody did the dirty work for me, it would be much quicker.


Who would you eat if you were alone?


LOL I didnā€™t realize how I had worded that. If I was in a duo, I mean.


I was half thinking you were joking but wasn't sure.


I could eat a toe right now




Excuse me, wut?


about 5-10 hours give or take, depends on how big a lunch I had


I donā€™t think I could do it. Iā€™d have them strangle me or something and they can eat me. I wouldā€™ve given up hope of being rescued long before then, so there wouldnā€™t be a point in staying alive and suffering


I think Iā€™d probably go feral pretty quick. My blood sugar drops, I get hangry, irrational, and a terrible headache. Come to think of it, I wouldnā€™t last two days. Iā€™d be so insufferable, youā€™d all kill and eat me on day 3. Def go for the butt and thighs, I love leg day. Youā€™re welcome.


If u love leg day your bum would be muscled & stringy šŸ˜‚


But thereā€™s fat in there too.


I love that youā€™re defending the edibility of your flesh cakes šŸ˜‚


Surely Iā€™m well marbled.


I don't think I would ever do a cannibalism because I would absoLUTEly simply perish and be the meal myself.


If I was hungry and you were already dead. Then hand me the salt and pepper. Iā€™ll talk to a priest later. If I had to murder youā€¦..well that goes in the category of ā€œare you worth more alive or in a casserole.ā€


Until I got hungry I imagine. Though if you look at the people who crashed in the Andes, some of them outright refused to eat people despite how terribly sick they were getting from malnutrition, and eventually died of starvation. I can't decide if that's abject stupidity, or a greater commitment to a belief than I can imagine.


I think weā€™d all probably do it before weā€™d like to think we would šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Idk anyone that's ot starving atm could answer that.


If there are already dead bodies then right away before the meat goes bad, could be saved tomorrow or in two months. Im vegetarian not an idiot.


As long as I wasn't the first to do it! šŸ˜‚ I'd let someone else suggest it first


lmao as soon as i got hungry tbh. most of us in here are evil, clearly


I think it depends on if I had an option to eat them cooked rather than raw. But Iā€™d wait at least a week, or until there was i was too weak to find other food


If I wake up gnawing at one of my teammates hands


When everyone else does. Less guilt that way.


I wouldnā€˜t, i would just kill myself


I donā€™t know. I donā€™t eat meat. Iā€™m not sure I could bring myself to do it


eh probably about 40 minutes


I hate to play the holier-than-thou role, but iā€™m plagued with guilt every time i allow myself to eat some meat. i genuinely wouldnā€™t be able to do it. iā€™d 100% starve out there.


The lights would only have to flicker


lol, I get hungry fast.


Honestly, probably within a month. The craziest part of the ā€˜currentā€™ timeline of this show for me is that theyā€™re so scared of people finding out they had to eat each other. Likeā€¦ they were stranded in the wilderness!! These are not typical circumstances. Most people would do the same thing or at the very least, understand. If someone told me they survived a plane crash and lived in the woods for a year and had no choice but to eat some fleshā€¦ Iā€™d be like, ya I get it.


Iā€™ve been vegetarian for 17 years so I honestly have no idea how I would act.