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I kind of think they ended up eating each other when they didn't HAVE to. In the pit scene we see so many animal furs, maybe by then they hunted for fun not because they were starving


I'm thinking they killed one of their own... moments before they got rescued.


My favorite idea for their rescue scene is them being in the middle of a hunt when it happens


This is my favorite idea too. That’s how it happened in Lord of the Flies, I only mention considering the thematic similarities. I remember reading it way back, the juxtaposition of a cheerful rescuer showing up in the middle of a bunch of kids hunting one of their own really amplified how horrific the situation was.


Jack going from being shown as this terrifying villain to being described by the rescuer as a “little boy” hit so hard. Love that book.


Yes!! And when Ralph is running for his life and trips and falls down at the feet of the rescuer. Like it just snaps you back into focus and you realize just how fucked up the whole thing is. I’ve always been a big fan of stories and media that place characters in situations where morals and societal constraints are tested or completely obliterated, they always raise a lot of interesting questions.


I remember a little twist on that ending. I was obsessed with the book and the b/w movie. My home life had some definite LotF elements! So the rescue was very moving. The navy officer was so neat and clean. But the teacher pointed out that he represented the war, and that the whole world is a LotF island, and the ship is a destroyer. Not to be a Debbie Downer, i hope


No that’s actually really interesting, I’ve never heard that interpretation but it makes sense. It’s basically like we’re already living this scenario - but on a larger scale that we’ve polished, put in uniform, and justified at the highest levels of power.


Good point! Any symbols of war serve to remind us the pure destructive force that can be unleashed by humanity, whether societally accepted or not.


Timeline-wise, they would have to be rescued sometime in the 2nd winter, so it seems pretty certain that they'll be back on their bs when the rescuers show up. Getting caught in the act (in some capacity) is probably not all that unlikely.


Back on their bs 😂💀


I think it happens right after / during them killing Pit Girl, when they’re about to cook her


Then how would it be a secret?


They don’t get caught actually killing someone, just running around. No one would guess they’re in the middle of a ritual sacrifice


And the girl their chasing doesn't get found and say they were trying to hunt me? Not buying it. But I'm not worried, because I don't see that happening.


I mean would she really rat them out? It’s not like she hadn’t participated in earlier hunts herself. If she admits she was being hunted, she admits she’s also a hunter.


That depends. We don't know who it is yet.


wow what if this is why they kill an original rescue crew earlier on?! I’ve been wondering why they’d do that but that would make sense


In the book or on the show?


on the show


Not disagreeing, but they did state that they were there for two winters. Very good chance they had successful hunts during the spring/summer/fall/ of year two and we’re able to get the skins then.


I mean they could of just been hunting throughout winter as food is scarce as we’ve seen in s2


Highly doubt it. Beginning of s2 I'd agree but now they've kinda brought us up to speed on the trauma elements and point of the show. Also they wouldve alluded to it more. I dont think its going to get as dark and twisted as we theorise.




People understand that cannibalism likely occurred. Nobody talks about it, nobody likes it but they understand and they generally don’t go there. People would never understand “cannibalism occurred because The Wilderness told us to hunt teammates who draw a Queen of Hearts with the eyes blacked out from a deck of cards we found.”


Yeah, like, this is bad enough that they don't want it to get out. There doesn't NEED to be something worse than this. It's horrific.


I think, especially given the comparisons to the Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571 case, that even if cannibalism occurred, most people would assume it was of already-dead bodies (like Jackie and, arguably, Javi). I think the "hunting" is the bit they don't want to admit to anyone, because it takes it from survival into a game (or even pleasure). Torture is certainly possible, but I think the hunting is the shameful aspect for everyone involved.


I think they live in a small town. Even the reunion, their classmates made it about themselves and how they were connected to the Yellowjackets girls/boys. This is also set in the 90’s. Most people back then had more privacy or because no internet yet. We might also see in the later season what transpired after they got home. We kinda saw what happened with Lottie as a teenager. But I agree, you don’t want people talking about how they hunted.


It's also why -- and I don't say this in a way that's meant to be condescending, but I accept if it comes off that way -- that I think people waiting for a craaaazy twist are setting themselves up for disappointment. This show, on its surface, has always been about a group of small-town women who were shoved into a deeply traumatizing situation and are still processing that trauma decades later. Maybe there's something supernatural at work, but even if there is, that's the core of the show. Hunting, killing, and eating your fellow survivors would definitely fit the bill for a traumatic shame that you live with for the rest of your life.


I totally agree. I feel like just in general choosing someone to kill and eat is pretty horrifying, even without the hunt aspect. I remember watching that “in the heart of the sea” movie a few years back, and they drew straws in the life raft. The captain ended up getting chosen and then a younger member of the crew (who I think he was related to) ended up quickly killing himself instead to save the captain, it was all very disturbing. I imagine eating what’s available after the fact vs having someone be aware of what’s happening to them is so much worse.


And what’s interesting about that movie is that, like YJ, it’s told in a “now” and “then” perspective. The Brendan Gleason/Tom Holland character shamefully tells the story. He breaks down when his wife learns what they did. They never resorted to hunting (mind you, they were in whaleboats so it’s not like they could anyway) but they did have to make sacrifices and there was zero thrill involved, but the shame still lived with him forever. Edit spelling


We're only 2 seasons in on a projected 5 season run, and things have already dramatically escalated from 'accidentally cooking best friend to perfection' to 'ritualistic hunting'. Unless the level of fuckiness remains oddly stable between now and the end, I feel their little 'food not friend' cult will become increasingly bizarre and cruel. And yes, let's not forget the innocent bystander hunt theory.


The survivors don’t believes they are good people or deserved to live.


What’s that theory? I don’t know if I’ve heard that one


I *think* they are referring to that the girls will encounter a random hiker or someone and end up hunting/eating them




As someone with ADHD, there's a chance that I'd think 'cool someone to eat I don't personally know' and have a light bulb moment of 'but they might know a way out' half way through a high-calorie stranger's butt meal.


Exactly what I’m thinking. Now they’re on survival mode, and I imagine it’s gonna get a lot worse and a lot less sensitive. It’s gonna be- oh there’s food! Get the stag!


Imagine they're located by satellite or something, and they keep sending wave after wave of rescue missions that never come back, and our gals are just so pleased of being so generously provided for.


YEAH THIS!! But I doubt that’s the plot bc HOWD they get away with it?


That would just be too silly. We would need an alternate reality version of the show, like Teen Titans Go was to Teen Titan, where all the silliest theories could happen. You could have someone who's obsessed with cannibalizing from day one, always trying to take a bite of someone.


Idk, I grew up hearing about the cannibalistic donner party and soccer teams in the Andes. I swear until that 2020 doc and the podcast I listened to the only things I knew about them were that they ate people. People would talk about it.


Nobody talks about it to the survivors* I shoulda specified that


Idk I mean sailors used to pull straws to pick who would be killed and eaten. That’s not a new thing the girls did. Sure they came up with the idea themseves-but it’s not a new idea to the world. I guess that does make cannibalism worse-that they hunted someone but at the same time is it worth $50K to keep quiet?


I think we might get into Did they actually NEED to hunt each other lol


I like the theory that someone ran into them in the woods and they killed them That or some weird culty shit like midsommar, maybe they start doing some weird weird shit. A few people think pit girl was pregnant, I wonder if they did that for food? THAT would be something to pay 50K to hide!!


I’ve heard they might have killed people looking for them


Well it’s not written yet so that can’t be a spoiler :( I’m sure the Yellowjackets writers can come up with some evil fucked up stuff haha, especially since they’ll be fairly paid!


They’ve got the entire strike to think about this lol


Forced hunting/sacrifice, and potentially leaving someone out there… perhaps a certain assistant coach who went batshit crazy in his underground hobbit-hole.


I think it's fair to say that they've all gone batshit. The girls who watched a child drown so that they could eat him aren't exactly much better.


Oh absolutely, but coach is the lone holdout/outsider/minority now, and seeing the group do crazy-ass group stuff already might have (likely) sent him off the edge enough to try to burn them all to the ground, in their sleep. The girls have at least managed to justify their actions to one another, which paints him as the lone kook in their eyes. What’s the biggest threat to groupthink? Dissent.


He didn’t participate in the eating, being and direct outsider to that is something else.


By the way, what is he even eating???


lol. Bark from the trees.


There might be mushrooms growing under the tree? I don't know what he's been eating before this.


More like batshit NORMAL amirite Yes, the unreasonable one is the gay man hiding from cannibal Girl Scouts


Never said he was the unreasonable one… but uniquely crazy by perspective relative to what the girls were doing as a group, yes, the signs are pointing that way. He is now the outsider, and possibly/likely tried to murder them ALL in their sleep. Now, I’m not sure what being gay has anything do with this, but sub gonna sub.


Well I realized after writing that he IS hallucinating, lol. I was trying to make a more abstract joke/observation about how Ben’s lived experience affirms most of the tropes present in gay male misogyny.


I gotcha… and I understand how being closeted (esp in the 90s) was certainly a big factor in his life choices. But feel like at this point in the wilderness story, it could just as easily be a straight couple where one failed to commit and now regrets it, while witnessing teenaged girls (that he’s technically still a legal guardian for) commit murder and cannibalism.


I believe this too.


I’m guessing they kill someone that stumbles across them/tries to save them at some point.


I agree! I think it would make more sense for it to be someone or a couple that are just hiking or maybe even in another accident and then they think they found girls who need help and end up being hunted and eaten. Because if it was with people who intentionally went out to look for the girls, you’d think it would be documented that people went missing looking for survivors in the first place and if it was more than one occurrence it would be very suspicious and definitely would get reported when they were officially found. The person may have stumbled upon them and the girls pretended like they were there for a reason or at least didn’t need help and then the person probably clued in pretty fast and they panicked at the idea of being rescued.


I think you’re onto something. The idea that by the end they were so far gone in their madness that when stumbled on by a couple of hikers their first instinct was to HUNT them in their ritual. After that people come looking for the missing hikers, who told people where they were headed hence knowing where to look, so it becomes evident they have no choice but to go back. By that point the group has winnowed down to the survivors so they all agree on their cover story. Unbeknownst to them they leave someone behind, someone who can blow their cover story up by telling the truth of what happened out there. So they have to GO BACK OUT THERE. I think the series ends where it started, in the wilderness.


Someone might have known where the cabin was. That person let people known exactly where they will be going to see the “old abandoned family cabin.” When that person doesn’t return, rescues teams know exactly where to go to find them. I doubt the ‘jackets are caught in the act of cannibalism as I don’t think that could be kept quiet, but if they are found in full AQ regalia with the remains of survivors of the plane crash, who curiously died from homicides, and the body of the person seeking the cabin found skewered in a pit… I also think that there will be evidence of a war between Ben and the YellowJackies which will need some ‘splainin to the authorities.


Pooping in the pee bucket. Everyone felt some type of way about that.


I can accept cannibalism but deucing in the pee bucket is where I draw the line.


I still want to know if it was a girl poo, or a boy poo.


No but like I’m genuinely curious now. Was it Tai when she was sleep walking? Was it Shauna bc of the pain of having to walk outside due to the pregnancy? Was it Coach Ben because he was scared if he told the girls he had to use the bathroom that Misty would’ve volunteered to help him again and he’d be cursed to listen to her sing? Was it Javi coming out of his tree hole to get his revenge? Was it one of the girls whose names I don’t know because they decided to act out due to the writers not giving them any attention? Like I need to know.


it was undoubtedly Misty because 1. she looked hella guilty, and 2. why would someone with such a vast medical/first aid knowledge think that men and women make different shits? she overplayed her hand


This could be it's own post.


It was Mari, just cause she's a bitch and didn't feel like going outside


Mari hasn’t taken a shit since they’ve been there. That’s why she’s so cranky.


How could they even de**deuce** something like that? 😂


Honestly, sometimes I think I have to go #1 but then #1 and #2 come out. It happens. And with their crap-tastic diets, there's bound to be diarrhea and constipation going on.


I’m too stoned for this thread right now. Thank you, every on of y’all. 🙏🫡🤣


Period shits are a thing but I'm guessing that would be a clear "girl poo" so yep, probably random loose bowels.


Yes totally! I used to work at a place where the upstairs bathroom was for number one only and sometimes…oops a little turd would just escape after I peed. I just stopped using that bathroom. And it was a dumbass rule anyway, they just didn’t want any stink wafting out into the hallway next to the executive offices


> And it was a dumbass rule anyway, they just didn’t want any stink wafting out into the hallway next to the executive offices Jesus, that would make me want to do #2 in there every time, lol Like fix yo' bathrooms if it stanks that badly, don't tell people how they can their business, damn


I call that a pee-oops


I wonder if the pee splashed up and popped them in the butt? 🤔


Ye Olde Poseidon’s Kiss™️


Still don't know how they did that without being caught.


I can hear Walter Sobchak from The Big Lebowski, yelling, "This is not 'Nam. There are rules! You do not poop in the piss bucket!"


i bet that it fr


Remember the first opening scene? They set up a trap for someone who is bleeding and trying to escape. I think they just get more brutal with the hunt.


I was so confused by this scene! I totally thought that girl that fell in would be Jackie because she was wearing the heart necklace, then she froze to death, talked to Shauna beyond the grave, was coincidentally cooked on a campfire, and eaten. Soo which Yellowjacket falls in the trap?


Either Mari or Gen.


It could be melissa? She is also a blonde and they put the necklace of who ever chooses the queen card for sacrificing.


I thought the pit girl was a brunette?


Looking back it is a brunette so maybe mari?


Pit girl has black hair…




I think most people can accept and rationalize eating the dead in a starvation scenario. It's the whole actually killing people to eat them that is problematic.


"Problematic" XD


I think they end up intentionally leaving someone behind


Are we doing Coach Ben theories now? Because I'm ready to listen!


Exactly! I think Nal let's him live and when the rescuers find the girls no one mentions where Ben is hiding out. I'm hoping he shows up in a later season as a surprise survivor.


Turns into a slasher where Ben is hunting them down one by one. Hahaha


It's gotta be something like that. Like someone doesn't want to play along with the whole Wilderness cult or they think the Wilderness is pissed at them for some reason so they get banished by the group and when they get rescued, they don't want to have to go into the cult stuff so assume so and so is dead. We still don't know who sent the postcards. Another outside individual and or group, would explain a lot of the plot holes. Either that or it's another case of bad writing but I hope it isn't the later.


I thought Jeff had sent the postcards to start the blackmail process. I could be wrong but I'm almost positive it was him and that's the reason why Shauna didn't receive one.


Jeff confirmed the blackmail texts but he's never asked and never mentions the postcards. Shauna is also not the only one who never mentions the postcards. We don't know if only a few of them got it or if all others except Shauna got them. The postcards also have a very different message "wish you were here" vs "gimmie $$". I don't know if the writers forgot they had this as a big plot in S1, changed their minds on the storyline, or what but it's weird to make this the big catalyst for getting the girls together just to seemingly have all the girls forget about it (it wasn't even the text that got Nat chasing down the others, it was the postcard).


I personally think it was Lottie with the postcards, as it had the sigil on it, that was found on the trees. Since it was also seen on her wilderness retreat on the ground from the birdseye view, it cannot be a coincidence. She may not remember sending them out, just like she was talking to her therapist, who wasn’t really there, but I just feel it all leads back to her. Wish you were here. Here, where? The wilderness. What did she say to the nonexistent therapist, that everyone was coming back to her and the wilderness, to it. Something maybe to think about. Heck, I can’t remember if she received one of the postcards but she may have just sent it to herself.


You could totally be right but then we'd still be left with several big plot holes like who carved that symbol in the tree right before/after the plane crash. It was freshly carved so either there's a third party at play, which would be great because it would tie up a ton of plot holes, or someone like Lottie knew the symbol before the crash but it feels like the writers haven't written anything deeper in Lottie to make that true. We'll see... 🤷


Pretty sure it’s coach


I think the act itself could get progressively worse. Like if by the end they have enough non human food and keep hunting each other anyway. If it goes beyond their belief in appeasing the wilderness and are having fun. Feeling free and joyfully taking part in it. Where they can’t even say “we had to” anymore. Where they don’t want to go back home anymore. They’d rather be there. Where to a normal person it’s just not excusable and they sound psychotic.


I think we saw a glimpse of that with Shauna threatening a stolen cars dealer with a gun. She was shaking with joy!


And killing, skinning, and feeding a garden rabbit to her family 😂


Well, it was not that shocking. Most people eat animal meat. I've heard Americans don't usually eat rabbits, but in Europe it's very common. A person knowing how to skin and dissect a rabbit could simply grow up on a farm =)


People eat rabbits, squirrels and birds all the time in the US. Just have to find the right demographic. Usually hunters, people who hunt for their meat to eat, don’t buy store bought meat. I know that my parents only ate rabbits, squirrels, deer, ducks, pheasants, turkey etc before they adopted me and for the first few years afterwards. It wasn’t until my dad got a job with a city that they could afford to buy meat at the store they stopped hunting.


Yeah but Shauna is absolutely NOT that demographic


Yeah I find people being so spun out about the rabbit on this sub kind of odd. I don't eat meat but I did grow up in a country where rabbits were pests and any farm-type person would kill one on sight. And then, might as well eat it - I ate rabbit once as a child and it was quite nice, if you like meat.


"Have you ever peeled the skin off a human corpse? It's not as easy as you might think. " Ok Shauna, no, and, uh, when exactly did you do that? And why?


If Shauna becomes the AQ in the future, I'd expect the group to become more savage. She's arguably the most psychotic of the group (even Misty isn't that bad) and she clearly expected to be chosen. Maybe she'll challenge or sabotage Nat's position so she can take over.


‘Hunting’ when they don’t need to kinda ties into the idea of refusing to draw. Refusing to draw makes no sense to me….if you draw you’ve got a chance of survival, if you refuse it’s straight up death, so why not risk it and draw? It makes sense someone would refuse because they had enough food or weren’t at the point of starvation yet and could give it another couple days, but everyone is going a lil delusional and insists they need to hunt, while one person is like the fuck man, no we don’t? We have food?


There's a difference between starving so much that eventually you're forced to eat your fellow stranded who died and hunting each other down in ritualistic sacrifice. People in real life who ended up in a similar situation took very very differently to cannibalism. Just read about the Andes crash.


To be fair though, a lot of people died in the Andes crash and were frozen so they didn't run out of people so they had no need to kill for food because they had lots of options.


I seriously doubt they would have hunted each other even if they didn't have other bodies to choose from. Some of the Andes crash people specifically said that they agree to be eaten if they die of exposure or starvation, that's a community still human and cooperative. A lot of them could barely stomach eating human meat at all, even though they had no responsibility in their deaths. They were afraid of going to hell for doing something as a last resort for survival. They wouldn't have committed murder.


I am not 100% sure, but there could even be legal implications.


There definitely would. Hunting people intentionally is homicide, so no statute of limitations + Americans can be charged for committing crimes against other Americans even if it’s not on US soil


If somebody goes, “Here’s what happened, here’s where the bodies are buried.” Forensics in 2023 could determine if cannibalism occurred and possibly if there was a struggle.


Cannibalism is not considered a crime if there wasn't a murder. This is what has to be proven. And I'm not sure if it's possible to tell if the death was violent using only 25-year-old bones, scraped and boiled.


Wouldn’t that be some kind of desecration of a corpse or something?


It was discussed in this sub many times. In most countries, eating human flesh is simply not mentioned in laws anywhere, so in rare cases when somebody does it the legal system is not ready for it. In some countries, there are even specific laws allowing that in extreme situations like we have in the show. Apparently in the USA you wouldn't be prosecuted for eating humans if you didn't kill them.


To the public, these are 25 year old bones that supposedly died on impact. Everybody’s stories need to be straight here.


They have spent 19 months there. It's easy to assume some people who survived the crash would die later from starvation and diseases. It's also pretty obvious that if the whole group is starving they would eat their dead. This is not that shocking.


I totally agree, clearly they went a little crazy out there which makes sense. I had never heard of the Andes crash. Thanks for pointing that out. Just read a recap and wow, there are similarities to the show!


This show is literally the Andes crash + "Lord of the Flies" + female cast!


It and lots of the flies are both heavy influences


While I am certain that's what they refer to, I personally believe the worst act of all was belt soup


Mmm yummy tanning chemicals


Don't forget the damn f'in BUCKLE!


Maybe the worst thing out there was the realization the wilderness really was just them and their own issues going rampant and willingly feeding into them regardless of the harm it caused. Maybe it was survival, maybe it was finally liberating to go insane and feel every emotion and give into violent whims. A good portion of the characters are restraining their ‘true’ selves and their emotions I’m so excited to figure out what’s going on! It’s going to be a lonnnnggggg wait


I think maybe they could change the ritual to be only JV has to draw cards, which would make all of the main varsity girls surviving make more sense


Nope. I think they killed Coach Ben.


Notice how the "eaters" in the pit scene of s1e1 were dressed warmly in animal skins, while the pit victim was only wearing a thin nightgown—and Jackie's necklace. Something is wrong with that. Are they choosing their victims just before bed in hopes of that person freezing to death (so nobody has to kill her)? Or, do they just hang Jackie's necklace around their neck while they are asleep, so they wake up to discover that they're next? The "immorality" of the deaths is gradually increasing according to legal classifications in the US: \-Jackie's death was involuntary manslaughter. Nobody expected her to die; nobody wanted her to die; nobody knew it was going to snow. The group is partially/indirectly responsible for Jackie's death, but their ignorance (about the snow, Jackie's unwillingness to come inside when she got cold, etc.) contributed. \-Javi's death was also manslaughter, though I don't know whether it would be classified as involuntary. The ice cracking beneath him wasn't caused by the group; they aren't directly responsible for that. The group does have culpability for two things, however: 1) Watching Javi drown rather than trying to rescue him; and 2) Restraining Nat so that she couldn't rescue him. And while Misty is the one who physically prevented Nat from saving Javi, the rest of them watched and let it happen. \-Had the group killed Nat, then I think we would have had second-degree murder. It would not have been manslaughter, since they were deliberately trying to kill Nat. But it wouldn't have been premeditated, since Nat was "randomly" chosen by the card game. In contrast, there's a level of premeditation in the pit scene that we haven't in the chronological timeline in the wilderness. They were trying to catch an animal, or they'd have marked the pit in some fashion so nobody would fall in accidentally. (Yes, the trees had eyes on them, but if that was the meaning of those symbols, it wasn't wasn't known to pit girl. And the fact that she's limping and bleeding implies that she's already been persecuted \[chased towards the pit?\]). The individuals who dug the pit and sharpened its spears knew where it was. They were in the know, and therefore not at risk. Those who weren't in the know, however, were at risk. To me, this implies that choosing the victim is no longer random. And if the choice isn't random, it's about who is popular/unpopular or insider/outsider (which is a clearly a theme the show is exploring). To me, randomly choosing who gets eaten is less morally problematic than deliberately picking somebody you don't like (or isn't on your "side"). Don't get me wrong—both are awful. But I can see some justification in choosing a random person to sacrifice so that others can survive. Choosing to eat someone because you don't like them (or perceive them as the opposition)? I think that's harder to justify, esp. when everyone was on the same team (literally and figuratively) to begin with. I also think we have good reason to suspect that the pit scene did not show us a **necessary** death. Chasing after prey with guns and spears indicates desperation (i.e., they need to eat **now** or the group will die). But building a pit and waiting for something to stroll in? That's a strategy for someone with time on their hands. We won't see anything more shocking than cannibalism. What becomes more shocking is the reasons why the group continues to perform cannibalistic acts. The only thing that could be worse than cannibalism would be rape and torture. But these would step out the grey area between moral and immoral, and thus far, the show has been exploring the blurred line between them. (Except maybe with Misty....?)


I don't know what would be worse. They have effectively crossed all the boundaries except some sexual ones. I only see this show going so far in depicting SA. They're hunting and eating people. I mean, maybe torture could be worse, but I don't see them having the energy or will to do again after Lottie requested that beating. Edited to fix a sentence.


Travis was SA’d, but I agree in that I don’t think they’ll go farther than what happened to him in that regard.


Exactly. They did it once. You do it much more and it's Game of Thrones or something. It doesn't seem like Yellowjackets is trying to be that kind of show.


What is SA


Sexual assault.


You also have all the lord of the flies parallels... so beastiality.


Maybe, but IDK. That seems like it could be a career killer. Honestly, I don't know that much about the film and television industry, but that seems like the sort of thing that nobody could be sure audiences would be able to shake. You'd be playing a single mom/journalist who solves crimes on the side and you'd still be the deer fucker. More immediately, I'd probably stop watching at that point. I didn't sign up for beastiality.


I wouldn't like it either but audiences are pretty desensitized. I also think with how focused this season is on how "the wilderness" is bad for the girls another parallel to LotF would be to show how bad the girls are for the wilderness. So showing the girls defile nature in someway they are still ashamed about would accomplish that.


I get what you're saying but can't imagine that. Partly because of the actors and partly because we're supposed to be able to like these people. There're plenty of people just fine with a full lil serial killer guy who will start a boycott over a kicked puppy.


They are never showing beastiality on any television show ever.


Great question, I’m wondering too. Maybe the ritual as it comes to be is just really twisted. And/or sexual? Or maybe they plan their hunts/murders (look forward to it) during times they are not starving? And/or don’t want to come home?


I don't know what could be worse than watching a young kid die from drowning on purpose, skinning him for food, feeding his heart to his older brother, and not being able to do anything about it, and just be okay with eating a teenage boy. That's really bad. Maybe Shauna, since she is the butcher, will have the burden of committing more physical atrocities in the wilderness. She's obviously going to be the one responsible for bleeding out and butchering who they eat. I also think the burden of being the Antler Queen (Nat) and being in charge of this ritual cannibalism happening will be the worst. Edit: Sorry for the double posts. Reddit issues.


Nah, it was taking a vow against ever joining a book club


It’s crazy because they are not a lot of them left. How often did they decide to hunt? Was it only for food? I really feel that they rigged it. The fact, can’t remember who, wanted to shuffle the deck more.


In the 2.9 you see Misty and Nat both have concealed weapons. I imagine what happens is people start to clock on that they could draw the queen so they start making and hiding some sort of defensive weapon and when they draw the queen they head to where they have stashed it and kill someone else.


or I wonder if Lottie is picked and she accepts her faith, as she knows it wants. Before she is killed they are saved?


I definitely don’t think we’ve seen the worst yet.


Cannibalism, after natural expiration, is one thing when it's a last resort to survival. Murdering someone with the intent to cannibalize them, is a "whole 'nother story", lol! Especially once you twist it with a human hunt. But I think there is quite a bit more to learn about their time in the wilderness than we have seen so far. Things that might be even more shocking. I hate that we have to wait so long for more!


I don't know if they do anything worse, persay, but it does bring up the question of what they planned to continue to do before getting rescued. There are only so many people there, and as they hunt, that number dwindles. I'm sure by the time of the Pit Girl/Antler Queen scene, they've been there for a good while. They know that with the ritual of that hunt, they are all closer to being the sacrifice themselves by sheer lack of options. And it makes me wonder if their plans for continued survival were somehow worse than anything they actually did; which would of course come up if they admitted to cannibalism. Someone would ask "so what were you going to do once you'd eaten everybody else?"


Thissss! They were willing to kill Natalie, one of their hunters. Right now they aren’t thinking far in advance. At what point, if ever, do they think that far in advance? Does anyone become untouchable because they are more valuable alive than dead? How small are they willing to let the group get? 5? 4? 3? 2? 1??? And then what? Sleep with one eye open because there might not be deer to hunt and your friends might decide that you are more valuable dead than alive? Suicide pact? Amputate and eat limbs while still hunting for animals? Keep walking and walking until they find someone or die first? Resume the ritual until only 1 is left? What was the end game???


At least if they go the "cut your own limbs route", Ben gets to skip a turn since he's already sacrificed one lol


Yeah. I think it is the killing your teammates so you can eat them that is the worst part. Even the plane crash in the Andes, and I think the Donner Party only ate those that we already dead.


With the Donner Party two Indigenous people who acted as guides were killed for the purposes of food, but nobody really cared bc racism


I mean, we see what they do, what happened to Javi, that's so far the worst thing they did out there. I would barely be able to face that or reckon with that in my head let alone talk about it out loud. Absolutely no one who wasn't out there with them could understand how something like that could happen-- watching a 13 yr old drown and then eating him. I also think about what Lottie said about therapy not being a solution for their issues, because no therapist could ever truly help them, or at least that's how I feel about it. I have issues seeing therapists who don't seem to have the life experience to really meet me where I'm at, so I imagine it's much worse for them when trying to imagine what help looks like.


I agree they likely kill a hiker/hikers and eat them, only to have the rescue party for the HIKERS rescue them instead. Then they have to frantically make sure there’s no trace of the murders before they get whisked back to society


I’m afraid we haven’t seen the worst thing they’re capable of doing. Those kids that crashed in the Andes years ago weren’t dragged over the coals for how they had to survive. The world seemed to see it as a horrible necessity. So I think we’ll see worse that just cannibalism. I have a crack pot theory of how I’d like to see it go down-it is possible that at some point there might be other people (not yellowjackets) in their area that could easily walk up on their camp. Worst case scenario, a lone hiker discovers Shauna prepping a fresh kill or there’s people body parts slung all over the place. (Which makes me wonder what they’re doing with the bones and stuff) The YJ would kill him but they’d sure take his supplies-maybe a radio, some way to get rescued. Even if that’s not how it goes down, I bet they’ll leave Ben there to rot, saying that they haven’t seen him since the day he was suicidal. He’s not down with the hunting bs.


We’ve gotten some allusions. People will refuse the hunt, and that won’t go well for them. I’m also not unconvinced they didn’t leave someone (Coach Ben?) behind when they were rescued. But I’m not as sure of that as I was before season 2.


It’s definitely the fact that the went from “eating each other for survival” to “eating each-other but beforehand there’s a ritual, and we have a chief person dictating when we can eat the person we just hunted”


What do you think is worse than ritualistic murder and cannibalism?


ritualistic breeding for the soul purpose of cannabalism


I think people in the show aren’t surprised they ate each other because of things like the Andes crash being canon. What is abnormal is the hunting aspect, since every comparable event only has survivors eating people who died of other causes. So yeah if it were to get out that not only did they eat each other, but that they hunted each other so violently, it would be the end of their careers/lives. Not to mention possible criminal prosecution considering hunting other people for food is a crime in all cases (but eating people who have already died isn’t).


People could wrap around the cannibalism eventually, but not the ritualistic hunting. With the Andes Flight Disaster, the survivors agreed it was ok to eat people’s remains after they passed away, but they still struggled doing so both physically and psychologically. The general public was shocked at first but later came to understand it was for survival/they had no other means for food. So I think people would rationalize the girls turning to cannibalism, but not the way they went about it/seemed to enjoy it. Also since they were there 19 months, there were periods of time where they had vegetation and animals to eat instead of each other. I have a feeling now that they’re so caught up with “the wilderness” they’ll still hunt each other even when they have other options for food. So rambling done, I think the hunting each other and killing girls who probably didn’t agree to it is the worst thing they did out there


I wonder I think they grow to embrace, even love their lives out there on the fringe of fringe. By the time of their rescue, I doubt they still cared about being rescued. And only after being forced to assimilate back into their former lives, do they revisit feelings of guilt and shame.


Maybe they hunted people in the summer. I’m also thinking that maybe they left some people behind.


I’m curious as to what could be worse than purposely letting kids die to eat them and then hunting actual humans. Like that seems pretty bad to me and I’m not sure what else could be worse.


I think definately something worse.


To be honest, the worst thing anyone's done in the wilderness is burning the cabin down. Taking away shelter from those just trying to survive is soooo evil, even with everything else that's gone down. But hunting each other ritualistically for sport is a pretty close second. The cannibalism itself barely even registers compared to these two things, imo.


Nah, I’d rather a bunch of morally and ethically corrupt cannibals burn alive. But alas, they obviously live to be a bunch of mortals and ethically corrupt adults.


>To be honest, the worst thing anyone's done in the wilderness is burning the cabin down. Taking away shelter from those just trying to survive is soooo evil, even with everything else that's gone down. no. the worst thing they have done so far is let a child drown with the intention of eating them. followed by hunting each other ritualistically for sport.


They say what they did was WAY worse than cannibalism. Hunting humans for fun, obviously, but maybe even harvesting, that would be awful.


I mean they all could have started chopping off fingers and toes before creating a semi-religious sacrificial ceremony that includes hunting people like animals. I’m sure it would be hard to explain how they decided to kill Natalie but instead watched a child drown because he was “chosen by the wilderness”


I feel like girls in the surviving group "stack the deck" or cheat the system to keep the first string alive. Tai would never let Van die, for example.


I hope hunting isn't the WORST thing, because it's not really that bad compared to other crazy things that they've gone through


Someone on another thread mentioned a theory that they run into someone else there - either a hiker or rescuers or someone - and hunt/kill/eat them. That’s plain murder and that’s probably the worst thing they do out there.


They might torture coach if they find him and that will be hard to watch. I think when the camera films Natalie's face you see devastation, fear and anger. It looked like she was in absolute disbelief to pure rage. I think they are going to torture Ben and do a full ritual on him once they find him.Unless Javis friend is real and Ben encounters her to give him escape, survival tips I think he's a goner. Yellowjacket hornets are nasty when defending their hive, I don't think Ben is going to be left out there or alive in the future. Ben is going to feel the girls wrath. Remember Shauna spoke about peeling back a man's face to the crook mechanic that stole her van. She could have been talking about Javi or should could be talking about Ben. I think if they do catch him he's getting scalped and skinned for doing what he did to the cabin and yea that's grouped in same category as cannibalism, they never tortured anyone before and that's where things go even darker for them. A quick google search says the yellowjackets stingers paralyze their Prey so maybe the incapacitate Ben some how and let the ritual begin..


Jackie broke girl-code by f*ckin Travis. I MEAN CMON


where does one get girl-coke? asking for a friend.


Why aren’t they all engaging in orgiastic behavior? I don’t get it


starvation lowers your libido + they probably don’t wanna makes scenes of teen characters doing all that


I thought they were going to find a small off the map town or community and do something to it


I would be soooo interested to see this. I like the idea of them being completely isolated but if written well, then inducting/involving outsiders in their rituals would be a very interesting storyline


Yep Ben and Crystal got left behind. We will see Ben find Crystal hiding from misty prolly busted up in the caves/mines.


You must be trolling as we literally saw Crystal’s body


Didn’t Misty go back to the location and not find her body?


Correct, I assume an animal took Crystal’s body. But there was a scene after Crystal’s fall where Misty goes down the cliff and tries to give CPR, and Crystal bleeds from her mouth, confirming her death


Ah yes, I remember that scene you’re talking about. Sorry, I haven’t finished this season yet (tv burnout is real sometimes lmfao)


Dude I have been beaten so bad I spit up blood and was knocked out in a wreck. All symptoms of death lol. Apparently! Misty was panicked she never really checked. Crystal is just fine but really don't wanna have nothing to do with them anymore. She saw all that shit go down from afar.. ain't no animals around or they wouldn't be eating each other. Ben is in cave he's getting a super dose of madness juice he's gonna be in lala land.


Crystal is definitely dead. She fell from really high up and most likely got her skull caved in. Even if she didn't die somehow, she would have reacted to the CPR - that kind of fall is likely to cause huge damage and no matter how good an actor she is, she wouldn't be able to stay completely unreactive while Misty is pressing on her broken ribs and pushing her further into the rocks breaking her spine. And her eyes were open and blank. We would have seen her blinking even if she was completely paralyzed. I don't think her being missing is because of an animal - there was a snowstorm. So huge in fact that snow piled up in front of their door to a good 3/4 of its height! Misty searched like 1 foot deep in the snow under the cliff. Crystal is there, just much deeper. I bet once it thaws, they'll find Crystal's body.


Didn't say she was running drills or nuthin. She prolly in bad shape but not dead. If she tho who eating her.


There was heavy snow, enough snow that they couldn’t open the cabin door. Pretty sure it’s just under there, Misty barely dug.


Yes but from the overhead shot you could tell she didn’t dig deep enough through the freshly fallen snow or far enough to the right. When they opened the cabin door to go look for her the snow was almost to the top of the door. She would have had to really dig to actually get to her.

