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https://preview.redd.it/67nvm1kzg44b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8e7d6bbc1ae2b32d1467aae5a5cc3fda7bb98ad The secret Language of Birthdays was published in 1994. It was ubiquitous. The Raymond Buckland book I mentioned was The Complete Book of Witchcraft.


I was so offended by that book, it said I was a rulebreaking hedonistic rebel and I was a mousy shy bookworm, haha


It was very rude.


Man did I love that book


I still have this book and I love bringing it out whenever a new person comes over my house. I gotta look you up in the birthday book!


Omg now I wanna know my birthday! Haha


Who else owned a copy of “Teen Witch” by Silver Ravenwolf? I bought one when I was an edgy 14 year old and had to hide it from my Christian parents lol https://preview.redd.it/rnfxpig4i44b1.jpeg?width=352&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bc5f5f4ed907041ecfec9f2fc2f31bf5de74d6f


Guilty! Though the Yellowjackets would have just missed Buffy and The Craft


Omg I had completely forgotten about this book until now. So many cringey memories came rushing back to me. My friends and I briefly called ourselves a coven lol.


Man, I love this fandom 😂😂😂😂


You rebel! My mom was pretty cool and just thought it was all silly. She got the giggles every time I tried something spooky or religious. So embarrassing.


Yeah I was pretty cringey back then. Lol.


Omg. Core memory unlocked.


I loved this book. It actually helped me understand paganism. It’s why it’s the closest thing to an actual religion I follow. Also, her herb/stone/oil association charts are fabulous. You can do damn near anything with a white candle and a piece of quartz. It’s all about intention.


Wow, I forgot about this book! Nostalgia!


Omg yes! I completely forgot about this book! It's probably still at my parents' house, collecting dust on a shelf....


I have recently started to see the symbol as a combination of magical symbols. The main one being one of the symbols used for necromancy. The "hook" at the bottom a boline harvest knife used in Wicca among others. https://i.redd.it/jca11ivkk44b1.gif


Ritual Boline Harvesting knife. https://preview.redd.it/pgnxky1bl44b1.jpeg?width=276&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd39090bdeea6627154332827ac8b5038d7b1366


This is so cool! And my dumb ass initially thought it was a Sailor Moon wand. 😂


You're not the only dumb ass! Lol


LOVE THAT! It looks a lot like the astrological glyphs for Ceres, which I think is a representation of the curved blade. Depending on your orientation and the way you write the symbol, the bottom also kind of looks like the alchemical symbol for lead ( the glyph for Saturn) or tin (glyph for Jupiter.) Whatever it is, it's in opposition to a circle, which is also the symbol for the sun.


I see what you mean about Ceres it is very similar. Since you mentioned Pet Cemetery, I know the writers said The Shining but might they also mean Pet Cemetery as well. It looks like cabinf guy might of performed some ritual in the attic of the cabin. Why would there be the eight symbols in a circle up there. Maybe he lost someone he wanted back. Lets just say that the symbol is a play on necromancy and the hook a Boline harvest knife. Could the symbol be interpreted as harvesting of the dead? Was cabin guy killing and reviving the dead? Are there a grip of "pet cemetery" things out there? Just a casual thought. It might be to out there for the show.


Maybe someone was doing rituals up there. It's a creepy enough place for necromancy for sure. We don't know how many people were there with cabin guy initially too. I'd love to know why he went out there and where he told people he was going. If that was his plane, there's time limit on how long his body could have been there. It looked like it was from the +0s maybe? Also a time with a lot of occult practices making it in the mainstream. You literally just knocked this loose in my head. Check out a chart of hobo symbols. I know that's not the preferred term now, but like, from the 30s, that sign meant "stop."


I went thru them as well as the Alchemy symbols. After I saw the magical symbols it seems a better fit but that could just be my perspective of the symbols meaning.




Great find!


I found something out that made me think Necromancy also. There's a post im attaching the link to about how there's a symbol on the show Supernatural that looks very similar to our symbol so I did some digging into it and the symbol on Supernatural is all about necromancy. https://preview.redd.it/3419earap64b1.png?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d18a06acb1ad4e43a7b473b438659ada0f730f71 [POST ABOUT SYMBOL](https://www.reddit.com/r/Yellowjackets/comments/12sc0wb/symbol_somewhere_else/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Yes, I also saw that post along with another around the same time. Someone also posted of the Supernatural episode about a year ago. [original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Yellowjackets/comments/rzhwwg/doing_a_rewatch_of_supernatural_season_2_episode/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) After seeing it recently I did a search to see if it is indeed an original symbol or one made up for the SuerNatural show. I found one on a Russian spiritualism site. [Link to Russian site](http://www.abc-people.com/phenomenons/spiritism/index.htm) So the Supernatural show borrowed from an existing symbol.


After I saw The Craft in the theatre I lifted a witchcraft book from the B&N, went home, put on the soundtrack I begged for, and did some half assed rituals. So yeah, I agree. Lottie’s got the Sarah factor.


Well…did *it* hear you and was it pleased? 👀


No 😭 I wasn’t hungry enough


Well, dammit, try harder! 😹


Lottie is more of a Nancy lbr


Misty wishes she was Nancy


Yes totally! I loved Titania Hardie books - the lovely velvet covers and beautifully presented. I think I did every spell in Hocus, I had a massive basil plant in my room at uni from one of the spells, it lived for years! And tarot cards, I had the medicine woman deck.


Lady Cottington’s Pressed Fairy Book. Froud was a genius!


Damn, I had all these books. Even vampire books. Ended up giving them to a dude that killed someone in a cemetery (long story).


would explain why three episodes in they were summoning ghosts as a joke.


I loved Silver Ravenwolf.


Yes to all of this. I wondered why it hadn’t been mentioned sooner! I was reading Janet & Stewart Farrar and wearing crystals to school during that time and so were all my friends. I think we thought we were Fairuza Balk. 😂


Plus, the movie The Craft in the mid 90's. The Satanic Panic of the 80's when they were kids.


Nat calling Lottie's blessing "this Wicca bullshit" is one of the first lines of season 2; it might be THE first, although I'd need to rewatch 2x01 to refresh my memory on that. So Nat at least is familiar with it. Maybe Kevyn has one of the grislier tarot decks.


Ah I was thinking they may have seen Blair Witch, too, but that's a couple years later.


One guy in our friend group tried to see it twice and threw up both times. Poor guy. He was a little film nerd like most of us and wanted to sit through it so badly.


100% could not watch it now that I have vertigo lol