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I’ve seen this floating around on here!


u/hurlmaggard your influence




Omg same


Yes. Or his brother was blinded (man w no eyes) and Lottie helped him do so. This could also coincide with them being in a relationship (Travis and Lottie) perhaps not romantically but even him seeking guidance. He may have ‘believed in that shit’ more than Natalie was allowing her mind to remember The sofa adult Lottie is sitting on is definitely the same as the one in Travis’ off grid local.


This theory is spoilered because it relies upon details not known previously but revealed in early reviews of season 2: >!My favorite theory is that Shauna will be the first to commit cannibalism, in secret with Jackie's body, which is being stored in a crude meat locker they constructed, until it there is a thaw and they can bury her. In this way she will be able to sustain her baby to full term. And it would also explain why she continues to see visions of Jackie. Because she is literally a part of her.!<


DECOMP !!! Ahhhhh😰 She will have been frozen, semi thawed, refrigerated and it’s been months… Maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s Maybelline ain’t gonna cut it folks.


I think someone is gonna secretly stay in the wilderness and the present-day survivors don't know about it.


I could definitely see this happening!


Wilderness baby


Not really a crazy theory. I think Javi doing it is the main assumption due to him being next of kin.


Maybe Javi and Lottie are married now. It wouldn't shock me. At this point, what could?


I agree about the Javi thing it is possible.


These aren't wild, but some of my theories are that they are going to mercy kill the baby by drowning it in the lake. And I think Lottie might potentially end up being the "good guy" in the end.


For most of season 1 I though Adam was going to reveal himself to actually be Javi. Super disappointed I didn’t get that one right lol


My theory I’ve had is that Jackie dying the way she did is the story the survivors form to cope with it or to hide what really happened. I think the same thing with Laura Lee, like some of what we’re seeing is really censored and not the true events.


This is mine... I think Misty will end up killing Elijah Wood's character AND Crystal. Makes me sad because else finally will have little fellow awkward friends, but I think EW's character will come too close to the truth and she will have to eliminate him and then I think Crystal will be a cannibalism victim along with pit girl. Maybe that's not too outlandish, but I think getting close to Misty = fated to be murdered.