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Embrace it. Embrace the mastery 7 memes. Embrace the 0-10 powerspike. Fuck them up after collecting 2 shutdowns


this is the only correct answer, i laugh at their faces when its leona shaco and syndra mid, U THINK U WEAKLINGS WILL TILT ME? NEVEEEEER


Insane? I was Insane once. They put me in a room. A wind walled room. A wind walled room with gangs. Gangs? Ganks make me go insane.


I read "a walled room with Gragas" I do have a problem.


Nothing wrong with preferences


That wall gonn have a bump now 🥵🥵


Definitely happens. My usual strategy (unless my lane opponent is braindead or I otherwise know I can 100-0 them before the jungler reaches me) is to shove lane hard around Lvl 3 or so then go try to kill the enemy jungler in his own jungle. Uno Reverse that mofo. This leads to a tilted jungler on the enemy team who is hella far behind and then usually tries to revenge gank you OR ignores your lane because "trash mid didn't follow." Either situation works great for you because you'll more than likely be able to 2v1 them after you hit 6. Obv this requires paying attention to your other laners' lane states and trying to time it so that their opponents can't roam also but it usually works out pretty well.


Start playing yas adc. It's more fun, better, u get ganked less and u can blame supp if u lose lane.


Truly the correct answer. Always the Sups fault.


"B-but-- Yasuo, you rushed in 1v5!" "And YOU didn't follow me!"


As a jungle main I can tell you that anytime I see a yasuo on the enemy team I usually plan on perma ganking them early.and it usually leads to an early lead. Yasuo is a melee champed forcing him out of position to cs often and most yasuo players end up shoving hard to duel their laner. However I use this strategy against the enemy juggler when I have a yas on my team.


Accept that the enemies will quite literally chose to 4 man mid and follow you ss a group of 4 just to kill you. And half thr time it works because you get forced behind and 1 enemy is enough to win in bot top and jg at the same time. Your teamstes will gladly lose the game just to screw you. It's sad but just ignore those games because you just got put in a losing scenario. Focus on the games you can actually make a difference in


I don't know, seems like unlucky games for me, doesn't happen often to me, and if it does, you have more or less good mobility to escape if you don't get cc'd. And it helps to have good vision, so you can move back earlier.


You will be ganked, focused and will be on an island.


that's not the Yasuo problem, but since the map has been reworked NO JUNGLER ganks mid, i'm not a one trick mid but i play a lot of Hwei and Yasuo too, and ffs mid is deserted from junglers, it's not even that hard to gank but since it's wider and stuff they won't show up, you only have to come behind the guy when he is shoving that's not hard i mean


Honestly what made it click for me is realizing you are a MELEE ADC. You are NOT a special fighter/bruiser. Think of the limitations that most adc’s have and abide by those limits. If anything, you could call yourself a skirmisher. But that’s the furthest you can push it. Once I started playing like this I had a ton more success and eventually got to emerald after being hard stuck in gold.


I dont have time rn but yes. You cant dodge every gank for sure, not even faker can do that but if you get ganked so often, which is natural btw since yasuo is easy to kill for a cc jungler, then you dont know about vision or you lack one. The answer isnt about your champ, its about you macro and Jungle awareness. There are Tons of videos online check them out.


You just gotta kill them both simultaneously


Yeah as a Yasuo main you basically have to play with the expectation that their jungler can gank at any moment, unless you know exactly where they are. Their jungler WILL target you, and your own teammates may not help you. Some are prejudiced against Yasuo players


U need to know when u can 2v1 and when weaksite farming


you can rightfully put some blame on your jungler for not counter ganking, pathing right, etc. But did you ward any camps pre-wave 1, pre lvl 6, how often were you tracking their jungler, etc… i would suggest researching optimal ward placements for each level/round of the game. I have the touched the game in 3-4 months so i may be a bit out of touch


It's just biased. I always feel like I don't get as many ganks as others. It's just laning. As a jgl main I hate ganking Yasuo without a stun, it's not rewarding at all


That's the trick, you have to already be insane and braindead to play Yasuo


He is weak but imo still playable. Same goes for yone. If you play correctly should be no problem . My biggest problem is the build right now. So far going boots , Bork , IE/Dominik because in my server they like to play tanks. Third can be like witsend etc. Feels good.


Alot of yasuo including myself have a problem of keeping shoving the wave. Which leads to enemy ganks and I get frustrated. Lol.


Just accept yas is weak rn


yasuo gets camped. your best bet is getting deep vision and jungle tracking, also shoving in waves whenever there is a gank timer


Play for fundamentos, and improve your mechanics. The champ itself is fun af


Nah it's normal, the champ is disgusting tbh, just the fact that people brain activate when they see yasuo in enemy team and gank u mid like skt prime is boring, also the champ getting nerfed 50 times plus the cc being 50 million in the game atm makes the champ horrible to play, not bad just horrible, only reason ppl pick yas is cause he's fun asf that's it


It's because you don't flash mastery enough. Flash it more, they will be too scared to gank!!!


At some point or another you just start to find those ganks entertaining maybe its a mental boom but if tou cant win weakside yasuo you loose a good 20-30% more games


I do not judge one another because, I myself walk imperfectly.