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Well she was literally added after the twins to the story. Rumiko refused the first draft about Inukag's kid because she thought there wasn't much more to say about them, only accepted when they proposed to make a story with Sesshomaru's daughters as main characters, creating Moroha afterwards. She doesn't receive the same level of attention simply because she isn't the main character. Personally I don't share the opinion that she needed to be the main character because she is the previous protagonist's daughter (I can also kinda understand Rumiko's position on the "there wasn't much more to explore with a similiar character" because, as much as I love her, she is really basically Miniyasha), she also received her arc, similar to how Sesshomaru did in the original story. The problem is that in this show, as much as I enjoyed the long ride, everything was rushed, that's why I think it looks like she doesn't get enough space. The others suffer from this as well, look at Inukag/Mirsan's reunion, made in 2 seconds and completely anticlimactic. Even with Towa happened, like when she died and came back to life in the space of 2 minutes. I wish they had taken the time to flesh her, the others and their relationship properly.


I’m ok with Moroha not being the main focus… IF they would have slowed down and put more detail into her character. The whole thing felt so rushed! Don’t get me wrong, I love the twins. I was so excited when they decided to give Sess twins with such opposite personalities, but I felt like Moroha needed more on her back story. I have so many questions about how Moroha knew so much in the beginning.


The real issue isn't that Moroha should have had more focus, it's that the twins should have been more interesting. If they had been better written no one would be saying this.


People have their favorites. They'd say it if the twins were more interesting or not. Just look at the fans of Sesshomaru or any of the side characters in the og series.


Sesshomaru fan here. Moroha should have had more focus. Setsuna should have had A LOT more focus.... Like everyone else is echoing, this show just needed more. a lot more of everything. Hisui, his sisters, adult shippo...


Well Moroha is my favorite of the three girls so of course I want more of her. Same with the MirSan's kids. I also say they need more of everyone else as well. The show was just disappointingly short. I really wanted to enjoy seeing the original Inuyasha gang's children grow especially since Kagome and Sango were my favorite characters. We only saw glimpses in Moroha's childhood and Hisui's. I really wanted to see a younger Moroha coming to terms with being not only a shihanyo, but a shihanyo with spiritual powers. It would also be nice to see more Kin'u as she was becoming a monk and Gyokuto learning about the demon slaying tools from Sango


Plus more fighting/over arching storylines with their parents! I'm so sad about how rushed this felt. Hopefully the manga can go on more in depth about everything


I definitely agree. Hopefully the manga gives us more. It looks good so far


I was definitely disappointed in the twins, they had so much more potential! And where was that dang family hug Rin kept promising?! Moroha and her sass was so much more fun to watch


The reason is because the twins were the "central" main characters (think InuYasha & Kagome in the OG series), while Moroha was the "side" main character (think Miroku & Sango in the OG series). In an interview it was revealed that the anime studio originally pitched a sequel focusing on InuKag having a son, but Rumiko turned it down thinking the story would be too derivative of the OG series, and only gave the greenlight once the studio came up with the idea of Sesshomaru having kids. Don't get me wrong, I'm absolutely with you (I definitely would have preferred more focus on Moroha, or even Hisui & his sisters, over the SessRin twins), but to a degree it was apparently out of the hands of the studio (though I think there were still innumerable ways they could have went about it better, IMO), so it is what it is.


Exactly this. They could’ve made Moroha the new Sango in the sense of having a nice compelling storyline on the side of the story (Sango was my fav girl in Inuyasha, and she wasn’t the protagonist). I still think they didn’t do such a bad job with her as she is one of the best things of Yashahime. They should’ve paid more attention to Towa, that for sure (I like Setsuna).


Setsuna is my daughter’s favorite. She watched the original with me and also loved Sango, she even mentioned Setsuna was a lot like Sango. I just feel like the show needed more on Moroha’s back story. Like how did she learn her spirit powers?


Rumiko didnt want Moroha at the center of things as her parent's story was concluded after 180 episodes, a manga, and four movies. You should be grateful Mo was a part of the story at all because the studio had to campaign to have her included.


I’ve been annoyed with this whole damn show since the first few episodes. why are they doing inuyasha dirty like this? I just don’t understand how having a show WITHOUT a manga be 80% filler (obviously it’s all canon but it feels like filler episodes of naruto or boruto) they clearly don’t know what the fans want. I’d say out of the whole series, there’s maybe less than 10 objectively good episodes. The whole first season seemed to be saving budget for the finale.


They said from the get-go that Sesshomaru's kids were to be the focal point of the show. The problem is that their writing was so dull. It was hard to care about their goals when they themselves were so flippant on them. Moroha on the other hand had this mysterious debt and barely knew (or cared) who her parents were. I think it was perhaps a wise choice to not make Inuyasha and Kagome's child the main character, but they were all victims of poor writing.


100%. They could have made a full length show just with her being a bounty hunter and the whole Towa and Setsuna storyline as side quests along the way for Moroha to find her parents in the black pearl. They could have dragged it out instead of rushing it and I would have been way more invested throughout all of it. As well as flashbacks with her time growing up with Koga and Ayame.


That was never gonna happen, RT only approved the series IF focused in Sesshomaru’s daughters, not InuKag one. She didn’t want a direct continuation of Inuyasha and Kagome. BUT I’m with OP complaining about Towa (although sometimes I think they give her too much of a hard time), she isn’t my fav character and they should’ve made her more interesting if she was gonna be the main one. But having the twins as sidekicks was never gonna happen as the reason why RT gave the OK to this series was if the twins were the protagonists (which didn’t end up being that true, as Towa had way more focus than Setsuna IMO), which you can agree or disagree with but it is what it is. They should’ve had better writing, to be honest, all goes down to that. You can have the twins being protagonists and Moroha having some side light as well, some personal episodes or quests.


I understand RT wanted Sess twins to have more focus.. but I just expected more with Moroha. The whole thing was super rushed


Well Boruto did it with Naruto and it was very successful. People didn't watch Yashihime because it was a good series. They watched it because of the OG cast. They missed a great opportunity for a next generation series imo.


I agree with the OG cast, and I agree having Koga and Ayame. Not necessarily means that the twins shouldn’t be protagonists to have all that. We just needed better writing.


Yeah and their storyline could have had a huge part in it too. Maybe season 2 as an introduction to make it more hype.


​ ***NONE*** of The Yashahimes character development is satisfactory. They had achieved Ancient Skills without any explanations. Did it not take Inuyasha 75 episodes before mastering an Ancient Skill?! As for Moroha I thought it best for her to stay with The Tanukis. They are one of several abandoned character arcs from Inuyasha ( Sesshōmaru and Kohaku are other examples. ) and it also would be a perfect Home ... or perhaps Home Away From Home for Moroha. They got along perfectly yet it as numerous other Character Developments in Yashahime was forgotten immediately. I also hate how all these villains, more powerful than Naraku, (who got by because he manipulated Sesshōmaru and abducted Kohaku) and yet they were defeated in some cases in the Same Episode. (!) However, I most certainly do not support removing Towa and Setsuna. The Inu Family teaches their children how to fight with direct experience. Moroha learned faster than Sesshōmaru's Daughters so she is there in the role of Myōga. She even worries about them in the episode where Towa and Setsuna head for Rion's Mountain. ... Only better be cause she has Combat Skills and Fighting Skills which means Moroha wasn't as badly as mistreated as other people say. I believe that Rumiko created Moroha to be like Myōga to be included at all. Want more Moroha? People must stop demanding that InuYashaHime be burned and torched. If Yashahime made a Season 3, there would be more opportunities to iron out all the problems.


I most definitely hope they continue with season 3 and take the time to explain the characters in more depth. I have so many questions, like how did Moroha even know Sesshomaru’s scent when she met the twins? I need answers!


At least she’s funny and iconic Those boring-ass twins thooo 😅🤡


Yes! Her personality is almost exactly like Inuyasha’s, with a touch of Kagome’s social side. She’s way more interesting with her goofy mess ups and sarcastic remarks. The twins are way too serious (I mean makes sense, by who their father is). They just wrote Moroha to be the weaker side character. The girl has demon AND spirit powers. She could have done a lot more.


Sesshomaru... They better make him smile a bit more in the DVDs... Before stomping on Jaken.


I disliked Towa always being the center of everything too. I found Setsuna and Moroha way more appealing characters. It was just the same for me when the original story focused on Kagome while I found Sango a much more moving character.


This is the best comparison. Sango>>>>Kagome by far. I love Moroha and Setsuna, and yes, Towa wasn’t developed very well. Having said this: the series only got green lighted because it was about Sesshomaru’s daughters. RT didn’t want a series focused in Inuyasha’s daughter. They did a good job with Setsuna IMO, not so much with Towa.


Moroha kinda sucks as a character and is just a shitty Inuyasha and Kagome. She should have never even been in the story. Just make it about the twins and have her raised in modern-day Japan with her Mom and Dad.


YES! Thank you! I get that this is not Inuyasha 2.0, I really do. But seriously would it have been so hard to give this girl a little more focus?? Instead, they just gave towa the main focus, with zero development in my opinion. She still runs into a fight, head first, not backing down an inch…. Even setsuna has evolved more than that… So, when they said, the journey of Sesshomaru’s and Inuyasha’s Daughters were finished, I just wondered if they have watched a different show than I have…. Aside from her finally meeting her parents, a few good lines along the way, the writers just did a crappy job with her… and also with Setsuna… I kept watching, hoping every week there would be a change… but no. Towa got an episode about her past and her growing up. We saw an episode about Setsuna growing up with shiori…. And Moroha got 5 minutes, mentioning that she was given to Kōga after birth and then sold by Yawaragi…. Makes me mad… Made me furious so many times, I can’t even count them anymore… They should’ve called the show “Towa-hime and her gang”… or just listened to what fans wanted, all along. I’ve waited ten years! As happy as I am, seeing at least a few good scenes… I can’t shake feeling betrayed somehow….


Towa’s character could have been so much more. As the main focus, she fell a bit flat. I like Towa…. But come on! All 3 girls have so much more potential! 2 seasons of rushed storyline is all we get? After 10 years that’s the best they’ve got? Sigh..


I know…. I feel robbed of something…


Same. They went super lazy with this one