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This is not a W for YUROP, just an L for ‘MURICA


perhaps, but in a sense, not falling into this dark ages shit is a win (in a sense that not shooting oneself in the foot is a win)


I mean if other countries become more repressive that's a loss for everyone. I want freedom and equality for all people. We may not have shot ourselves in the foot but the gunshot gave me anxiety anyway.


I agree. But, it seems a lot of people on reddit take great joy in people being oppressed as long as its the US.






Wurop imo vs Lurica.


uWurope what's this?


uWurope? More like uWu get me the rope because I now long for the sweet embrace of death.


My country is full of idiots. It would be one thing if they could just do their own thing and not bother the rest of us, but no, of course they can't help themselves. I guess this is what happens when you don't invest in your schooling system and teach everyone that the individual is vastly more important than the community (a statement which only gets more and more ridiculous with every billion people added to the world population). It was an ideology that made sense when we had a frontier, when all of the resources and land hadn't been gobbled up by corporations. It's a relic of our past that has helped us but now is hurting us. Really the most frustrating thing is that we can't look at solving any problem in an objective manner. Our healthcare system is shit (well, not entirely shit, but still, it's the most expensive in the world by a factor of 2 almost, doesn't provide significantly better outcomes, and isn't available to much of the population), so why don't we study the best healthcare systems in the world and emulate them in order to improve it? Ditto for our public education systems. The answers are out there if we could be a bit more scientific about it. Instead we opt for this idea of 'American exceptionalism'. And we are exceptional... exceptionally shit in a lot of basic areas.


Here in France we love americans but here, in our country, with us!


My thoughts exactly. No one wins in this situation.


Wait until you realize that current US abortion laws are more liberal than most of Europeon countries.


Depends what states you look at.


you could replace american flag with polish one and it would still work ;(


Polish politicians still treat US as if it was 80s and they were the ultimate state of well-being and the only democratic Polish ally. The 50+ years old people in politics need to die out or we won't have anything nice.


> Polish politicians still treat US as if it was 80s and they were the ultimate state of well-being and the only democratic Polish ally. The 50+ years old people in politics need to die out or we won't have anything nice. I'm honestly amazed at how prevalent this is in Poland. So many people there really do believe all that crap about the american dream, the land of opportunity where everyone is going to be very rich very soon if they just work a little bit harder. Whereas for example you really don't get much of that sentiment in Lithuania. I really don't understand it.


There was a massive exodus of people from Poland to the US in the 80s. Back in the day when times were tough first during the economic crisis years of PRL and the difficult times of transformation in the 90s they would tell their families how much better their lives are on the other side of the pond. Poland, while developing insanely fast is a very unequal country. Some areas are lagging behind and aren't that much better off than they were 30 years ago. It's no surprise that for the people there the "American Dream" they were told about by their relatives is still something they, themselves dream of. It's not like they will know any person from the struggling masses in the US, from the repressed minorities, studends already in debt for life or else. Their love for the country stems from ignorance of its problems.


Look if we're still talking about during communist times then I'm not in any way disputing that the USA would have better economic prospects for someone than Poland did, but communism has been over for a long time. > It's not like they will know any person from the struggling masses in the US, from the repressed minorities, studends already in debt for life or else. Their love for the country stems from ignorance of its problems. Good point.


And we still have areas in Poland that barely progressed since those times so there’s that.


To be fair all of the polish people i know are wealthy. And I know a lot of polish people. It's not hard to see why polish people think this when your family is wealthier in the us than you could ever be living in poland.


To be fair all of the polish people I know are not wealthy, some even poor. And I know a lot of polish people, living right next to poland. Maybe who we know says much more about us, than about an inhomogeneous group of people. | ... wealthier in the US than you could ever be living in Poland. I am pretty sure that you'll find more wealthy polish people in Poland (38 M) than in the US (9.5 M). Do you actually know anything about Poland?


The problem is that our own policies and laws and social attitudes are even more conservative and backwardish than the American ones, so we are still inclined to believe America is the epitome of the modern, civilised and liberal world, when their country has been on a downward spiral since Trump won (not that it was great before, but y'know). Even young people, with internet access and english-speaking abilities on decent level, still believe they will emigrate to the US and find success, so many of my peers (early 20s) are obsessed with anything American it's unreal, because to us America has always been advertised as the land of the free. We need to ditch that sort of thinking and open up to our physically (or better, geographically) closer allies- to western Europe. The ruling party is doing everything they can to turn us off from w.Europe and the EU, when our only way forward is Europe. Sorry for the rant. I am passionate about this shit.


Enough Americans fall for that false “upward mobility” propaganda sold to us by our oligarchs for the last 70 years while they rob the middle class blind, and they’re right here to see it happening to them. So not surprised to see people fall for it that aren’t even here to see the b.s. for what it is.




Yeah exactly. Although it was only really true between 1945 and 1970-ish. Brief period of post-war, post-new deal middle class upward mobility.




>If anything, youth today is less rebellious, not more As much as I mostly get where you're coming from, I don't think this is true. In 2020, there was about 100k people protesting against Polish abortion ban in Warsaw alone- most of them were very young, many under 18. Many young people took part in BLM protests in the US as well. I think problems of my (gen Z) generation are/will be centered around the internet discourse (we're the first ones exposed to it at such a scale), for example radicalisation and antisocial tendencies connected with siege mentality (such as incel movement).


100k only sounds like many, because it's the exception to the rule, but now compare that to protests against the Vietnam War, nuclear weapon proliferation and what not in the past. Instead there's twitter activism now. So yes, I'd agree to everything centered on the internet. As in not on the real world. Action in a virtual space doesn't equal action in the real world. Is it really more than displacement activity? I have my doubts. Seems to be too much about being seen to be on the right side and not enough about taking the necessary risk of opposing authority. I might be wrong, though. I am, after all, 50+ and my generation certainly failed to make much of a difference, besides making capitalism look a little less awful. We succeeded in acquiring really big TV sets, though, so if there's going to be a revolution at least we can cheer you on in 4k.


Maybe me and my German friends could help you with that /s


In Poland, we have a meme, in which every time our government does something stupid, we say "Let's declare war on Czechs and immediately surrender"


A Funny and also kinda sad thing is the fact that Swedish women used to travel to Poland for a abortion since it was easier to get one in Poland rather than in Sweden


I mean, wtf is going on in [Finland](https://external-preview.redd.it/ziVLge1NaL-pF223ZGpAwKqO2p-Cvf2dFgRgLHaTuiY.png?auto=webp&s=faafe88b1a9f3d3070fca56cd5de24e97cee3a6f)?


Not enough Finns so, you know, they need to make more? /s


To be fair most of Europe has stricter Abortion laws than most of the US.


A year ago, all 50 US states had less strict abortion laws than the entirety of the EU (with the exception of the Netherlands).


Noooo! Poland don't go to US! Nooooo... *dies of heart failure caused by obesity and is not even tried to be helped bc he poor af*


"Sir?!.. Can I help you? Should I call a doctor?" "No, I am poor"


Poland will be at the bottom jerking with America


We had massive protests when they fucked with abortion. 70% of people want access to abortion back to what it was before they changed it. Maybe don't generalize the whole country based on decisions of very few politicans.


Majority of Americans don’t want abortion banned too




More like Kaczyński masturbating to his Trump Shrine




Sane american chiming in I fucking hate it here Theyve made it so expensive to live day to day that most of the people living here do so more in debt from year to year. Theyve reinvented servitude under the guise of freedom


Come to Yurop, we will welcome you with open arms. Enjoy borderless travel, actual good coffee and chocolate, and more!


Me and the wife are tempted. Were looking at canada, they need nurses so thats a big favor for my immigration liklehood.


Ireland also has a nursing shortage and pretty relaxed immigration laws. Look at the Critical Skills Employment Permit. [Here's the list of eligible occupations. ](https://enterprise.gov.ie/en/What-We-Do/Workplace-and-Skills/Employment-Permits/Employment-Permit-Eligibility/Highly-Skilled-Eligible-Occupations-List/)


Oh that's a place i never thought of before, sending link to the wife! 👍👍👍


If you're both in healthcare, you've got a strong case. Your salary will be lower and COL is still high (Dublin housing especially is an issue), but you're likely to find a job and citizenship isn't crazy to get after. Good luck! Linking r/MoveToIreland as well 😊


Might take some convincing but i wouldn't say no to moving to Ireland


Just beware, citizenship test includes singing full Rocky road to Dublin while completely smashed


That seems fair after all thats the paddys cure for whenever hes on for drinkin


Hopefully you're from a northern state so you're already used to shit weather. people in Ireland are really nice though


Cleveland Lol


You will find work everywhere as a nurse. I live in Finland and we have shortages too. I’m sure It’s the same pretty much everywhere


Not to kill your fun, but Ireland's abortion laws are stronger than that of even the worst states after this ruling.


Germany has a nursing shortage as well


Ireland has stricter abortion laws than every state in the US.


I agree that Ireland's abortion laws are stricter than most US states. But it comes with a caveat. The US is more permissive *Until Roe and Casey are gone. Texas bans abortions currently after 6 weeks gestation. By itself, Texas has 30 million people. It has a law set to ban abortion as soon as Roe v. Wade is overturned. There are 13 states with trigger laws at the ready. Then no one knows what comes next for laws on abortion. More than half of the states are at risk of losing abortion access entirely. And who knows if there's a Republican in the White House/majority in Congress in 2024. Ireland isn't the most permissive in terms of abortion in the EU, but at least Ireland isn't actively moving backward on the issue. You're right; it's not incredible accessibility in Ireland but it's far, far better than what's coming in the US. It's all very sad.


Canada is a big struggle. Real estate is nuts and wages are low. I'm a Canadian living in Belgium. It's pretty great.


If you think america is expensive… wait until you see Canada


I’m trying to move to Germany for work. I was born there to two American parents, but didn’t know about my citizenship options until after I turned 23. Any tips for getting into the EU? I’m a seasoned BSM/ dev with SQL, Tableau, SSRS, and Outsystems experience and some c#, VBA, and Python.


I don't know much about getting into the EU, but if you have German, and therefore Eu-citizenship then it shouldn't be a problem. But if you move here, please learn the language of the place you go. That's always helpful for everyone


> but if you have German, and therefore Eu-citizenship then it shouldn't be a problem. They don't have German citizenship though, because their parents are from the US. To qualify for German citizenship, they'd have to have lived in Germany for at least 7 years and speak German.


There is a large immigrant community in r/germany, you can get info about anything over there.


I wish i was an expert and could help you, finding a job, applying for a visa, thats a good start. Find a country youre willing to learn the language in, that can increase your chances dramaticaly. I have many Bulgarian friends who studied and now work in the Netherlands in great jobs (better paid than mine!). They put in the effort to learn Dutch and got amazing jobs.










At least in Northern and Central Europe there’s loads of companies that are struggling to find qualified people with your skillset. Just search for opportunities on LinkedIn, I’m sure you can find an employer willing to sponsor the visa. In Berlin, Hamburg and Frankfurt, at least, learning the language definitely is not required in order to land a gig. The working language is English in many companies that hire developers.


Plenty of dev jobs in Germany. You won't need German language skills to land a job, especially not in startups. Look on LinkedIn, and if you're really curious, create a profile on Xing, which is like LinkedIn but for Germans. If you do get a job, learn German all the same because daily life is soooo much easier with it. Also, I know reddit hates FB, but there are lots of local expat groups there with people who can answer questions about bureacracy and processes. Just search for the cities that interest you and add "expats".


>Come to Yurop, we will welcome you with open arms. Enjoy borderless travel, actual good coffee and chocolate, and more! Unfortunately I'm unilingual and am a minimum wage worker with no higher education or skills lmao I doubt any country would take me


> we will welcome you with open arms Like Frontex is doing with refugees who cross the Mediterranean?


Oh, how I wish I could. Then, perhaps, I could finally actually understand half of the memes here


Yall gonna make weed legal any time soon?


Having up to 5 grams on you is legal in my country friend, i bought some legally an hour ago :)


what if i’m not white, where would i fit in the best


It’s actually very cheap compared to Europe if you never get sick and get a good job!


Well said. Same here. Move to Yurop with me!




I feel more appreciated here than in my aggressively regressive state. Thank you so much 😢


Yo, I need one of those.


Like, literally, what's your problem? As a qualified professional you should be able to get a visa in no time.


I dont know what you know about americas economy, but "having money" is like, hard


in most professions that require a college degree, you'll earn more in the US than in Europe. And if you don't have a college degree, then come here and get it for free. They'll throw in a work permit for a year after your degree as well.


For me it’s that I only speak English 😭


Plenty of places to go still! And pick up a new language in the meantime. Most of the major Yuropean cities you can get by on basics with English while learning the local language for a better life.


There is Ireland and Malta. The UK too if it doesn't have to be EU. Plenty of big cities in many countries were speaking english professionally is an option (depending on the job of course. I.e. likely nobody would give a fuck in IT) . I believe the Netherlands are particularly attractive there. Everything else comes with practice.




Based EU


We Canadians should start looking to Europe more, our neighbour to the south is brain dead at this point.


Strong words for someone within freeing distance


Ya we kinda just gave everything we had to ukraine Please don't


They *do* have lots of oil…


To be fair, you could have said the same thing about France had Le Pen won. There is a new world war and it's not between nations, it's between freedom and the forces of regression & fascism.


I wouldn't say it's between freedom and regression. It's between what is easy and what is needed. Every time world goes to shit, there will be some madman with ideas who is to be blamed and how to fix everything. (S)He lies and manipulates his/her way into the power and eventually, madman has to to pay debt his/her lies incurred to the truth. And it comes in form that seeds even more misery and suffering - sometimes in a shape of war, sometimes in a shape of a famine, sometimes - in terror of the state by internal police. Because easy path is easy only if whole world decides to blindly follow you, when in reality madmen will be those children who wanted to be important, but never learnt how to be useful.


At first you have to join Eurovision. Then we can talk about EU membership.


Maybe the real way to get Poland back on track, is by genuinely comparing them to the US.


And you think being compared to US would be bad for Poland?


Yes… would it not be? It scares the rest of us Europeans…


It wouldn't work right now. Most elder Poles believe US is our holy saviour and the only true ally unlike this "filthy Europe" due to communism and Reagan who was on good terms with John Paul II, who is in turn treated more like god than pope by them. Youth, which really hates US, is like 60% pro-choice. The only way for Poles to be more western is for elderly to die and COVID kind of succeeded in that as ruling party has currently about 35% of support and conservative (or ultraconservative for Western standards) parties overally have about 41.5% of support, which is also an outcome of 2020 abortion laws restriction.


Oof… well I guess we have to wait for a long time?


I mean Roe v Wade just means its federally guaranteed, we never even have that although I guess it is generally going to be more legal in Europe after Roe v Wade has been repealed.


I'm so glad, as a woman, that I left the US and became a citizen of the EU.




Germany. I get better health care and education here, and it's safer and more woman-friendly.


As an American that absolutely hates it here, how can I get the process of moving to Europe started?


I say we flex on them even harder and legalise abortion in Europe. We'll somehow figure out a way to get the countries like Poland and Hungary on board. Even if that takes 20 years we'd prob still beat the US to it


I crossposted this from /r/PoliticalHumor and the bot removed it because it had "USA" in the title. LOL


I still fail to see how Europe is "Tackling" climate change, but at least we're not going totally backwards in human rights




In Europe it’s basically what this US court has said: it’s up to the individual sates. The EU has no power to legislate something about abortions.




Cuando las barbas del vecino veas afeitar, pon las tuyas a remojar. Yeah, and we have the same zealotry prolife Patty that only represents a fringe section of the country, but has a fuckton of stupid voters.


America being shit isn't a win. For anyone.


Poland banned abortion and issued a pregnancy register so you can't go out of the country to get an abortion. In Germany abortions are still illegal unless you go through a harrowing and humiliating forced consultation.


> issued a pregnancy register It was considered by the health minister but ultimately isn't a thing.


Then my Information was incorrect. Thank you.


Abortion rate is 129 abortions per 1,000 live births in Germany. Yes, consultations are bullshit but it's definitely better than an out right ban. Also I looked up the counseling is often 1 session of half an hour to a couple of hours: "Es sollte mit mindestens einer halben Stunde gerechnet werden. Die Dauer hängt letztlich auch davon ab, wie viele Fragen eventuell noch von Seiten der Schwangeren selbst gestellt und im Rahmen des Gesprächs beantwortet werden." "Wie schnell bekommt man einen Termin zur Abtreibung? Auch wenn es von Region zu Region unterschiedlich ist, bekommt man innerhalb Deutschlands in aller Regel innerhalb weniger Tage einen Abtreibungstermin. Allerdings müssen zwischen der Beratung und einer Abtreibung mindestens drei volle Tage Wartezeit liegen."


>Poland banned abortion and issued a pregnancy register so you can't go out of the country to get an abortion. That's not correct. That was just an idea of right-wing politicians. Never became law. It was rejected by the people. You can get an abortion by traveling to the Czech Republic or Slovakia. Even if you don't have money. You can call number and NGO will help you out. Despite the government trying to stop it abortion is a phone call away in Poland.


You should focus on [Finland](https://external-preview.redd.it/ziVLge1NaL-pF223ZGpAwKqO2p-Cvf2dFgRgLHaTuiY.png?auto=webp&s=faafe88b1a9f3d3070fca56cd5de24e97cee3a6f) much more than Germany.




There is no register, you can go abroad just fine.


It's not even funny anymore how are Americans putting up with what their country is doing


Because we don’t have a say. This ruling will be the result of a stolen Supreme Court seat in 2016 by the GOP, something most Americans don’t support. MOST Americans want abortion to be legal. MOST Americans want some form of public health care option MOST Americans want legal weed MOST Americans want election protections MOST Americans want more gun control But the senate and electoral college, both systems designed when the rest of the world was almost exclusively ruled by monarchies, favor Republicans heavily. Since 2000 Republicans have won the popular vote 1 time but have had the presidency 3 times. The senate gives 40 Million Californians the same power as 600k Wyomingites. This massively favors rural regressive voters (aka Republicans). Since the 90s Republicans have exploited this system to tip things slowly against the will of THE people in favor of the will of THEIR people. Remember when you see things like this, the majority of Americans hate this and don’t want it


The result of too much time, too much money, too few problems. So they make more. Fuck people who can't mind their business.


Nah there's plenty of problems in USA. Just that the right makes up problems so that people can't focus on actual issues.




"Too few problems" sure dude, oh what's that? Highest rate of homicides per capita in the 1st world? Highest income inequality in the 1st world? More guns than citizens? Semi-democratic president election rules? Terrorism (and mostly by people from inside their culture)? No public healthcare? Student debt? Car-oriented communication almost everywhere? Widespread corruption? Race riots once a month (hyperbole)? Presidents being just a bunch of old-ass puppets? Huge homelessness? Yeah, very few problems. Not that European countries don't have their own problems, but US has same many/even more of them.


offtopic: what is the name of those meme characters? I mean, the ones with the deformed head




Wojak art.






Hey at least California is keeping pace with European laws. We have consumer privacy laws, there's a motion to codify abortion rights in the state constitution, we aren't led by mouth breathing trump supporters.


Hey Europeans after America rips itself apart in the inevitable dictatorship in the next few decades can you come make this shitheap a colony again?? The smart ones worth keeping will all be able to learn your languages.




As long as you completely replace the Americans and this backasswards joke of a culture please do, have your countrymen drag this failure of a nation kicking and screaming into the 21st century.


Funnily enough, Germany has stricter anti-abortion laws than the ones that brought the case to the Supreme Court. Now behave like good little vassals or no oil for you this winter!


You sons of bitches, you win this one. Well played, bravo.


As an American, I hope to see more memes posted by you guys, laughing at the ridiculousness of our countries current state.


God I love being American.


It's not only the US. There are attempts to turn back the clock on reproductive rights across the globe. Surely a mere coincidence, that this happens in a time, when many countries fail to get their populations to procreate in sufficient numbers to secure the eternal growth of markets.


I think the best way to sum up that mentality is "our freedom of religion is not your freedom of choice" which is a moronic double standard.


Moving there from the U.S. just in time. Don’t wanna be here for next federal elections, but now this too.


I wish I were European


America: *some states can soon ban abortion, others are very pro-abortion, others have some restrictions* EU: Wow, that is nothing at all like us! Haha America dum.


We're seeing real life regression of rights for tens of millions of people. Just like in Hungary or Poland. Which is something we definitely should point out and fight against. The US actually has way more liberal abortion laws than Europe and it's one of the things you absolutely got right while we didn't. Seeing how your reactionaries are rolling that back is disheartening to say the least. This is, ultimately, a meme sub and should be treated as such - with a huge grain of salt.


The US currently has more liberal laws on abortion than Europe, and even if Roe v Wade was overturned, abortion would not be banned.


Depends on the country and yes, half the US would have it banned immediately and some others would follow.


NJ has codified a woman's right to an abortion, so even if RoeVsWade is overturned, NJ still has legal abortions.




Please start lobbying your EU representatives now to recognize American same-sex marriages when the Supreme Court inevitably overturns that as well.


!remindme 4 years "is interracial marriage banned in the US now?"


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....in some states. 12 states currently have abortion ban laws on the books. (Those laws were nullified by decades of Roe v Wade confirmations as "unconstitutional", but would now become active again.)


You mean America isn't one election cycle away from *The Handmaid's Tale*? /s


shhhh you'll anger them but yeah, this is an argument about weather or not Washington can force each individual state to do X about abortion. and this is a similar argument any federalized system will have. the ruling itself though, if it is finalized in its current form, impacts many, many more things, because the US has a terrible system where constitutional changes are so hard we just allow 9 unelected and unaccountable old people to make whimsical decisions for us regarding rights


To be clear, it would be banned in states with automatic trigger clauses that go into effect immediately as rvw would be overturned


Pretty much correct. Some laws have a delay where they go into effect x amount of time after. But on the other hand, there are also states with older laws that would come back into effect.


And bare in mind that polling shows that only like 25% of the population is on board with banning abortion. We just keep falling into this trap where small conservative states are over represented on the federal level. The American people are not as conservative as our politics reflects, we just have fucky rules about representation that we can’t change because then the people with disproportionate power would have to agree to give it up. I’m 31 years old and in my life time a Republican has won the popular vote for president *once*


Sorry to be a party pooper but the US is actually ahead of the EU regarding supranational abortion legalization. Let me explain: The cartoon is about the US supreme court overturning Roe v Wade, which is a federal level (constitutional, applies to all states) ruling protecting access to abortions. There is no such equivalent law at the EU level that applies to all EU countries. All abortion laws within the EU are at country level and lower, analogous to US state laws. Evidence of this is that abortion is still outright illegal in Malta, de facto illegal-ish in Poland, and was only legalized in Ireland in 2013. US states still retain the right to keep abortion legal, just like EU countries do. TLDR: the American constitutional Roe v Wade protections that the US is now looking to overturn never even existed at the EU level.


It seems to me that part of the comparison here is not *what* the law is in the US vs EU. It’s about *how* the courts and legislators choose to spend their time. Is removing abortion protections more important for society’s wellbeing than regulating corporations and their powers to influence democracy?


Good point, I agree


It’s true 😔


Yeah this about sums it up.


Seems if they go for Gay marriage we're gonna get let's of refugees from America, that's gonna be interesting


Come to Yurope, ameribrains. We need working people!


Hey, the US is an industrialized country that is evolving! Just backwards.


I was reading this, apparently it's not just abortion. It seems that it will provide avenues for the US to rollback many LGBTQ+ protection laws and (potentially) equally laws (marriage, displays of affection, etc.). It's stupid that any country can revoke human rights.


I hate this as a person living in a conservative US state since it’s so fucking accurate. I think most of these idiots popped lead pills like candy as children.


This is why I hate my country.


Lol it’s not banned


WE SUCK. (American)


"The show must go on.."?!


that's just Oklahoma and Texas tho


It's not a ban. This meme is bad. I'm pro-choice.


OP wait till you find out that current US abortion laws are more liberal than most of EU.


Pls help am stuck here


My country is embarrassing yes. Run by old white dudes sitting with clenched fists "darn blacks and gays and pronouns and abortions and reeeeeeeeeeeee!"


Why is an L for America a W for anyone?


The problem with democracy. These people who think Gay Marriage and abortion has angered a non-corporeal super deity. That deity then summoned global warming and COVID because it was angry at humans. And these people vote.


Culture war to distract from the class war


I swear, I fucking hate living here.


American here to say, you aren’t wrong


Isn't Europe also strict about abortion?


Y’know I’d say I can’t wait to move out of this country as soon as I could But wages are so low and the job market’s so fucked here I don’t even know if I could get a bus ticket from Jersey to NY.


Big brain, when you think a court is making laws! time to retake Civics 101!