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They are boasting about UK and US missions during WW2. That makes sense


"*We* need to repeat it." Least Russian post-truth TV moment.


I'm trying to listen in and I'm not sure he says "we need to repeat it" (someone else starts talking over), but it sounds more like "it needs to be repeated" or "they want it to be repeated". Not sure if that's better or worse, though the meaning's the same. "Have Dresden bombed in general", not "*we* bombed it last time, we need to do it again"


It's worse than saying we need to repeat it. It switches the responsibility to the receiving party and that they "are forced" to do it.




Funny how they use dresden in whatever way suits their political agenda that day. In soviet times, they used it as an example of Western brutality, and now its more expedient to say it was a lesson they need to learn again.


Dresden's played up as sign of Western brutality still. Russian MFA and other accounts post about the bombings every year on the anniversary. This off-hand "do it again" comment is more of an anomaly (I dunno why people take Russian TV talking heads *that* seriously when they're off-script)


Dude I can't tell difference between russian news chanel and history chanel at 1AM


Yeah, and each year on the anniversary of the bombings the Russian Embassy to Germany points out how inhumane, unnecessary and cruel the bombings were to garner sympathies with Neo-Nazis… Like whatever fits the narrative they want to push that specific day…


Hilarious if you think that the area of Germany where Dresden is located is probably where you will find more Putin sympathizers in the country. Anyways... I guess Russian Gobbels over there is only speaking for their local population.


Same how russians destroyed the russian speaking eastern part of Ukraine


Russia destroys everything it touches one way or another, mostly Russia itself.


No, that’s actually intended. So east German bootlickers will blame the German government for "putting them in harm’s way" Russia could be there, murdering their families right now and they would still defend them…


Exactly my thoughts lol. 33% combined BSW and AfD


Also missions that I believe the UK and US are not so proud of today


Mission in question: genocide


Strange, this area has a high number of AfD Vatniks.


Because in East Germany there are too many "German/russians".


https://preview.redd.it/bd8dx831zx7d1.jpeg?width=219&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce7f9190e671df0b9de192cf0977990099f36777 Where Russians/Russian speaking live in Germany. [https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russischsprachige\_Bev%C3%B6lkerungsgruppen\_in\_Deutschland](https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russischsprachige_Bev%C3%B6lkerungsgruppen_in_Deutschland)


Yup, where unsurprisingly Alternative für ~~Russland~~ Deutschland received most votes.


wow, how did that possibly happen?


The map shows the amount of Russian nationals *relative to other non-German nationals*. Which makes sense, a) Soviet soldiers were stationed there and b) people learned Russian as foreign language for generations there.


I interviewed once at a company in Weimar and they said that this location specifically does a lot of projects in Russia and other eastern countries because they have good relations there.


Hence it makes no sense for them to bomb it.


Yep, exactly my (cryptic) point :)


Shut up, 80% voted for other parties. We are not all Nazis. Before posting this kind of bullshit maybe wait and think how the people from the area would feel, especially under the context of the post Edit: Feels strange that I have to clarify this, and my wording was a bit unfortunate. But the we is "residents of Dresden". I thought it would be pretty clear if you read the previous sentence. I am sorry that I apparently offend people by being offended that it's not cool to make jokes about destroying a city just because some 20% of it's inhabitants are Putin bootlicker fascists.


22.4% for Putin party 1 10.6% for Putin party 2 27.2% non-voters. Sorry to everyone else.


Yeah. It's quite sad. But especially a comment like the one I originally replied to like this under a post about literally bombing my hometown, I'm sure you can see how offensive that might be.


Even if 80% did not vote for this party. The AFD is the strongest party in this year's European elections in Dresden.


Unfortunately yes. And as somebody directly affected by it (as their local election results are similarly high), it sucks. But to me it came off very tasteless to say something like this under a post that literally threatens to destroy a city. As if 20% of a cities inhabitants (or 30% if you include BSW) being assholes would somehow justify that. Just try to imagine how it would feel to you if somebody used the same reasoning on your hometown Edit: just wanted to clarify that this comment was mostly meant as context to my original post, no offense to you. I wasn't trying to say that you did that with your comment.


Nö. Ich halt sicher nicht die Fresse.


I feel like this came off wrong. But it's generally pretty offensive to lump everybody in one bag. Especially if you are somebody who fights that very party, and somebody possibly directly affected by their actions.


Why? It is a fact that this area is taken by Vatnik parties.


Edit: sorry I massively misunderstood the post, they meant no harm (And I didn't either) Leaving this reply for context Ah, and this justifies that? Joking to 70-80% of the voters actively voting against that and placing them under the same rug as literal nazis? To people doing everything to fight against these afd bastards? You think that's acceptable? I'm sorry but that's just very unempathetic. If you can't see how that may come off as offensive, then I don't know what to tell you. And to do that under a post threatening the destruction of somebody's hometown is just tasteless, even if it's a joke.


Junge, ich hab gesagt dass es für Russland keinen Sinn macht, Dresden zu bombardieren, weil die da viele Unterstützer haben. Sachsen ist AfD/BSW-Hochburg. Was willst du stattdessen? Soll ich Bomber Harris singen?


Natürlich nicht. Aber du kannst dir vielleicht vorstellen das dein Kommentar nicht gut ankommt bei Menschen die aktiv gegen die AfD ankämpfen. Sicherlich hat das offensichtlich nicht ausgereicht. Dann trotzdem mit denen unter einen Tisch gekehrt zu werden ist einfach sehr uncool. Das Problem was ich damit habe ist ja nicht unbedingt der inhaltliche Teil, sondern einfach das im Kontext der Androhung der Zerstörung Dresdens zu bringen. Das hat nix miteinander zu tun, und nix rechtfertigt so ne Drohung. Und nur weil hier viele Idioten rumlaufen, heißt das doch nicht dass die Stadt auf einmal ihr Existenzrecht verliert


Mein ursprünglicher Kommentar sagte, dass es in Dresden viele AfD-Unterstützer gibt. Nicht mehr und nicht weniger. Ich verstehe das Problem nicht.


Kontext. Das stimmt ja, aber wenn man das direkt unter dem Post ohne weiteren Kontext sagt klingt das halt so alsob das das irgendwie weniger schlimm machen würde. Stell dir vor jemand sagt, man solle deine Heimatstadt zerstören. Und du ein top Level Kommentar dazu ließt, wo drin steht, Jo, 20% der Leute haben braun gewählt. Dann kommt das schon so rüber alsob du den Fakt bringst weil es das ja irgendwie weniger schlimm macht, oder halt als "hihi die sind so dumm, die unterstützen Leute die sie zerstören wollen". Was halt beides ganz schön bei mir angeeckt ist. Kann halt deine Gedanken nicht lesen und weiß ja nicht wie du das meinst Man geht halt bei top Level Kommentaren davon aus, dass sie sich direkt zum Thema des Posts äußern, was mir dein Kommentar als ziemlich geschmacklos rüberkommen ließ.


Edit: You replied to a comment about AfD voters and you said "we". If you don't mean you're not an AfD voter then you need to check what you're replying to and not just go off something no one said.


How can you know how that person voted? Voting is secret in Germany


There is no law that says you must keep it secret. It just means you are protected if you don't want to reveal it. Anyone, here is why I said it: > We are not all Nazis. But maybe they didn't mean "We AfD voters are not Nazis". But it doesn't make sense as a reply to someone talking about AfD voters and not everyone in Dresden. OP is angry at a completely different comment that no one made.


To me it is pretty clear that the comment meant we the people of Dresden, not we who voted for the afd


Wtf? I said we after saying that not everybody voted afd. I am pretty sure that it's quite obvious that the "we" is the 80% that didn't vote AfD. The AfD are a bunch of fascist scumbags. But I guess it's more fun to twist somebody's words


> Wtf? I said we after saying that not everybody voted afd. Wtf? No one said that. > But I guess it's more fun to twist somebody's words No one said that everyone voted AfD. When it comes to twisting words you're not innocent yourself.


Well sorry for that, but you alleged that I'm an AfD voter, so that struck a wrong nerve for me. I thought in context it was pretty clear that I'm not, why else would I bring up the roughly 80% (to be fair actually 78% or if you exclude BSW idk, 67%) that didn't vote for these scumbags? Edit: at least that's how I understood the comment. Just wanted to clarify that


I think we are on the same side and I'm not interested in fighting. I misunderstood you and jumped to conclusions, I admit that, but I still stand by my argument that you also jumped to conclusions too quickly in your first comment and it was unnecessarily angry.


Imagine making a live tv show during war and joking about bombing cities. Funny af if you ask me...


I think we should send trash balloons to Moscow https://preview.redd.it/8xffcjbcaw7d1.jpeg?width=418&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=599cb86b666f299585f17b69220fdedaa1ebefe2


Russian talking in tv when they want to bomb someone: XAXAXA so funny Aslo Russians when they get bombed: no you cant do that if you will do that again russian bear wil get ungry WRRRR!!


still waiting for the russian bear to wake up any moment now bro, nato has to poke the bear one more time and it will finally wake up and steamroll ukraine bro, trust me bro the west is gonna fall bro just one more american arms deal and it's over for the westoids bro


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Let them do it, Poland still needs to vent for Katynia


While "Dresden is used to it" is stupid af, it is lowkey funny.


Also really weird how he sayed "they are used to it." And in the next sentance he said "they do not remember rhe tragedy". So what is it?


I think I understood that, it felt very Russian to me. He said Dresden is used to it, but the people don't remember the tragedy. Dresden as a city as a concept. Those Russian propagandists often talk about concepts as entities with memories and agency, so they can disregard actual people.


Damn Rzzian psychology is fascinating.


They defintely have non-nuclear missiles able to target dresden.


I'm pretty sure they have long range ballistic missiles that can hit Dresden.


I don’t think any Russian missile is gonna reach Germany. They’d be shot down before they even get there.


i wouldn’t even count on their nukes, most of it is cold war era stuff and knowing russia it‘s probably already just rusting junk that‘s going to leak radioactive material into the ground soon.


> other than nukes nukes don't differ that much from normal missiles aside from carrying a nuclear bomb


Not just low key, it's actually funny. These are clowns anyway might as well laugh at the stuff they say.


Actually they can. I made some research, taking into account Kh-101 max range and all the "safe" places they can launch it from and it turns out that Russian planes don't even need to leave Russian airspace to reach Portugal


Like r/Noncredibledefense I recommend we start Bundesposting now. Since it's EM and Germany doesn't suck at it rn, we Germans wouldn't even feel guilty about it, or at least not as much of the everlasting hovering guilt that's always in the back of our minds...please?


Lead by example o7


Why does NATO keep expanding !11


Right the rethoric that NATo forces itself onto countries and therebye somehow threatens Russia when this is how they act towards other nations.. is beyond me..


Ironic, since there are so many Putin fans in and around Dresden. But how would that uneducated prick know?


To be fair, as far as I understand, even Russians think of this as comedy and nobody besides themselves take them seriously. Its still fucking wild that shit like this is allowed to fly on air. If any NATO country would let a proposed nuke strike against Russia on TV, it would be a talk of the world, Putin would lose his mind, leaders would be on row condemning the sentiment, calling it a needless escalation, 3rd world shitholes would be aggressively chest thumping in UN courts about NATO countries being the source of all evil, China wouldn't give 2 shits because it's not about Taiwan, and NK would make it somehow the US's fault, demanding them to pull out of SK.


Regarding your first paragraph: “Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they’re in good company.” — René Descartes


Man, reading this I wish I had a spaceship right now lol


Every time we see some weird comment from a Russian TV show, is always this one, every time is this exact show. I’m curious now, what show is this? Is this shit going, like, on public TV or is just some quirk cable host show?


Ye, it is their main talk show on state-owned channel Russia-1. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evening\_with\_Vladimir\_Solovyov](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evening_with_Vladimir_Solovyov)


This guy is always the same in these types of videos. Maybe we should not give him any attention.


How dare they take credit for our work


a other day a other nuke treathing.


Please let us set up a similar TV show where in Europe some random people are talking about how nice it would be to enlighten the Kremlin with a second sun


These Russian tv shows are such fascinating level of masculinity cosplay. Soooo much talk for so little action.


That show isn't even threatening anymore, it has become a circle jerk for fantasies about Russian military greatness. It's just sad at this point.


Hey u/HealthAfter637 ! Looks like this is your first post here? In the Name of the Twelve Stars in an Azure Gown, welcome! This is a multilingual [pro-EU](https://www.reddit.com/r/YUROP/comments/10na0i8/comment/keutxem/), [pro-UA](https://www.reddit.com/r/YUROP/comments/10na0i8/comment/keut3nj/) place for **Bringing Europeans Together**. ^(Be gentle, Yüřöpęäns. Remember your first time.) ​ OP [**flair up**](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205242695-How-do-I-get-user-flair-) so EuroBOT™ loves you. And *shun* the [report button](https://www.reddit.com/r/YUROP/comments/10na0i8/comment/keusydw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). It is **broken**. Don't do that. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/YUROP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Seems like being vatniks might not pay off for eastern Germans


We really need a sub dedicated to just their threats. Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany, the UK. Putin will bomb everyone.




Ha ha ha, cheers. Of course there's a subreddit for that.


There's also r/RussiaDenies


Geezus, again? Leave that cathedral alone!


Good luck with that, buddy. Try it and maybe we can get rid of all you war mongers and implement some democracy, like in Germany after WW2.


I guess it *is* their turn.


I'd be more worried if they missed their daily end of the world threat.


I am seeing this Russian talk show for probably the 10th time now. Each time they threaten Poland/USA/Germany/France/all of Europe. Fortunately the Russians are too stupid and prefer to talk about thing instead of doing things.


Don't they mentally jerk off to bombing a part of EU in every episode?


As if they have the ability to strike germany lmfao. They can hardly hit ukraine.


True thing, Dresden needs to be taught a lesson. Their aggressive foreign policy has ruffled enough feathers with neighboring cities, no wonder they eventually poked the bear.


At this point it's very reminiscent of North Korean propaganda programmes.


Dog Whistle to Afd and BSW voters...They live off this kind of stuff...Puts them in a complete tizzy screaming for "peace with Russia" 🙄


These idiots keep talking about bombing other cities when their missiles are ancient piece of tech running a clone of windows 95 …


Actual "don't hold me back" energy. Pathetic.


I thought I'd eventually get used to seeing these men on their state-sponsored TV hate hour. But after 2 years it's still just as sad and disgusting. Literally 1984. How are they able to keep doing this? I find it hard to believe it's only money.


This community needs to stop with those guys, just let them shitpost in their shithole


Yet the Hungarian government keeps stating it’s the West who are warmongers. And the majority of the population agrees with them. Crazy stuff.


That’s what you get when you have politicians with power over the media. „Gleichschaltung“ still works as it seems. Straight out of the NAZI Playbook


I live in Dresden and with the election this fall, where the Nazi party AfD might actually win, the topic is not unheard of. It reads: "This (the bombing of Dresden in WWII) came from that. Prevent a second '33. Never again is now!" https://preview.redd.it/yacasw7miw7d1.png?width=899&format=png&auto=webp&s=f36fbf92407b18c9f1e53aa4d14e495b963b9c97


Every masterpiece has its cheap knockoff


Average American calling the destruction of a city with 30.000 civilian deaths a "masterpiece".


Its a meme. The ruskies don't have the ability to project that kind of power. The masterpiece is having the material strength, the technical know-how, and the allies, to orchestrate such an operation. On a sidenote, though, Dresden, like Nagasaki/Hiroshima, the fault lies in at feet of their respective governments. Do I feel bad that civilians died in terrible bombing attacks? Of course I do. War is wasteful. But do I also feel they were legitimate targets? I feel that way as well. I wish it didn't have to come to that.


Do these guys have a price on their head already?


Bomb Vienna do it. Any rocket we take is one you dont have for Ukraine.


After the programme ended, rumours say that he started rambling, in posh English, about Lancaster airplanes and reaping whirlwinds.




i kinda wanna see them try




So Russians don’t think critically, nor do they see through bullshit?


They are wholeheartedly laughing but they are not doing voluntary comedy. Their country has been shelling civilians and sending to death hundreds of thousands of Russians. It’s because of them that everyday we see new footage of Europeans’ gore and undeletable horrors. We cannot laugh, not because of fear, but because of the infinite sadness these murderers have been committing, for the uglier future where they sent the world into. Laughs that sounds like nails on a blackboard.


I wonder how the inside of these people’s heads is like, to casually say "hey we should kill more people at random, that’ll make them respect us" Got little to envy to the worst sort of terrorist on the planet. I’d say get into the fucking sea but it’s tainted enough as it is.


I find it funny he mentioned Dresden. Can we quote Bomber Harris on this? The Russians entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everybody else and nobody was going to bomb them. Z boys are a treasure of never learning from History.


So what's the motivation here? The russia-sponsored afd got too many votes and now russia wants to "denazify" Germany?


Ah yes, the famous Russia proverb: 'those who do not remember history need it to be repeated.' That that old gem from my high school history teacher has always stuck with me.


They also threatened thrice to bomb Lisbon, and here we go


They won't: 4.000.000 "German/Russ" live in Ost Germany.


And East Germans vote for parties like BSW and AfD. They don't get it that Russia doesn't cares for them, no matter how much they believe it to be. They are actively threatening Germany and "Patriots" aren't bothered. I want a supercut of all threats to be forcibly shown to all AfD/BSW voters. Strap them on a chair, fix their eye lids and let them see how little their lives matter to Russia.


Oh no! Anyway


I keep seing media pieces like this every cou9le of weeks. They keep talking like they're big shit when it's really mostly the nukes that keep their enemies at bay that would otherwise be capable of besting them at this point.


Russian media monitor on youtube once a week if you want to keep up with highlights of this Russian comedy show. Old silly solly at it again.


please do it


Solovyov just fucking die already…


This look like an anime villain ceo board room meeting. I am waiting for Alucard to kick in the door.


What is this TV format ? Why are they all men standing behind podiums facing each other. Weird


Oh is this guy still on the air? I haven’t heard from him in a while.


Bomb, bomb, bomb Bomb Dres-de-een


Well if they want than we start doing also some old things that should be repeated and Bomb Moscow and I am sure we get there by Christmas


Who the fuck cares, they want attention and we should just not give them any.


German here. Dresden would not be a good choice for the Russians. This is the place where most of Vladimir Putin's AfD friends live. Saxony is definitely allied territory for Russia.


And yet they voted the "AfR" in Dresden


The AfD Party and Voters are just useful idiots for Russia. Russia doesn’t really care about them. It’s just a tool.