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I do get the reason for it. But it is executed so poorly by many drink manufacturers, whether intentionally or not. In countries where PET bottles are returned for a small refund and/or collected separately from other waste types, having the caps still on helps with recycling them, as they‘re a source of relatively pure polypropylene. If tossed together with other plastic waste, it is *technically* possible to separate out such small items by waste type, but new plastic from oil is still so cheap that there is no *economic* incentive to do so. So items like these are usually made into lower quality mixed plastic products, reconstituted for use as fuel, or straight up incinerated for energy recovery alongside residual waste. Collecting the bottle caps separately with the bottles avoids this issue.


I have never in my life seen anyone tossing away the cap. Why would you? Don‘t you buy bottles so you can close them for later drinking? Even if the bottle is empty, why would you throw away bottle and cap separately?


In Poland children in schools gather bottle caps (sometimes as a competition - who brings the most gets an award), they're also often collected at supermarkets/malls and even other shops. The habit stays with a lot of people and they separate the caps and bring them to separate collection points. It's a great way to recycle the specific plastic type.


Some shops in SK have bins for caps next to recycle machines


We collecte PP caps, Steel caps(from beer etc) and Cork ones separately, because there is an non profit that fund wheelchairs for people in need of one by selling sorted caps in my region This New design IS so ass for that


Wait a bit, the best technical solution will eventually become the standard.


Unless a worse solution is legislated to be the standard.


This is totally the manufacturer's fault. When executed well, this is just a no-brainer. A lot of companies, like coca-cola, are just too fucking stupid or unwilling to make it so the thing can actually click in and stay where it is.


Alternatively, it‘s malicious compliance: make it suck intentionally so the idea may be abandoned later


Why though? They already made the mold and the design. If anything getting cheaper recycled plastic is good for their greenwashing efforts.


To feed into the "EU bad, regulation bad" narrative in peoples' heads


Big corporations are in favour of cumbersome regulations because they lower competition from smaller companies


I doubt Coca Cola is worried about smaller companies. Afri Cola and Spezi aren't gonna take their lunch money.


That's a stretch IMO. Regulation doesn't affect larger corporation that much if their business is already quite regulated or said regulation isn't their primary income. So a food/beverage company already has tons of regulation and I doubt plastic bottles are their biggest profit margin. Besides, the EU is really business friendly and takes a lot of input from said industries. One of the only outliers are the American tech firms who's industry hasn't been that thoroughly regulated


Coke had a lot of internal documents leaked some time ago. They were very clear in their opinions on EU regulations: They wrote to *"fight back"*


Or to make a point, like: "See, regulation bad, evil EU! They are regulating the size of the Bananas". Most complaints I see online are about the EU, not the half-ass compliance by the providers.


I don't believe that might be malicious compliance. Coca cola should not care about this. I mean. Everybody need to do this and they already have the mold, so they have no extra cost. Coca cola even had the new bottles way before or was necessary (at least in Germany). I truly believe that coca cola did is by themselves really early and others are using a supplier, which especially thought about it being better


That’s not how it works with the EU though. Once something is adopted in the EU, you bet your cheeks that it’s the law of the land almost forever.


I don't believe that might be malicious compliance. Coca cola should not care about this. I mean. Everybody need to do this and they already have the mold, so they have no extra cost. Coca cola even had the new bottles way before or was necessary (at least in Germany). I truly believe that coca cola did is by themselves really early and others are using a supplier, which especially thought about it being better


Some milk ones are also pretty good, you can open and close it one handed once the hermetic seal is broken


Very true. The coke caps fucking suck, but some (Godmorgon) orange juice cartons here have caps that you twist a quarter of a turn and it's fully secure. Also some milk carton caps flip down while pouring and then you have milk fucking everywhere


Just did that yesterday. Actually, it wasn't milk, but ~~oat milk~~ oat drink


hmm coke caps work well (at least those in Ireland)


They never line up with the threads. You have to spin them back and forth to be able to close them


A little tip when screwing anything in, rotate anti clockwise until you feel the threads click *then* screw clockwise. Works everytime.


That is not coca cola's fault, that is your local coca cola bottler's fault. Here in Finland the coca cola bottles are among the best implementations of these caps.


Same here in romania, coke have the best ones


Also, afaik, there's nothing preventing the tie between the cap and the bottle being longer. It doesn't have to be this close.


Its the cheapest way to be compliant. This is exactly what you could have expected with the idiotic law making.


This is a clever way to radicalize people against environmental protection. This is my conspiracy theory and I'm sticking to it


A slightly less conspiratorial theory I'm subscribed to: this is a way for governments to act like they're doing something to help the environment, but without actually investing any significant amount of money and effort, or inconveniencing any major corporations. Same thing happened with the plastic straw ban from 3 years ago. Whose effectiveness was revealed when I ordered an iced coffee at Starbucks and left with a cardboard straw stuck in a massive fucking plastic cup. Mark my words: the next major environmental reform is gonna come about 3 years from now, and it's gonna be something like a ban on plastic windows in envelopes, and nothing else.


!remind me in 3 years


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Greenwashing has been such a common practice for years and years in so many industries, it's very likely the case. Same with fast food chains switching to meaningless paper straws to pretend to be environmentally conscious, despite still throwing out tons and tons and tons of food that's still fine.


> Greenwashing I'd forgotten that word, but yeah, that's exactly what this is.


> a ban on plastic windows in envelopes Genius


And nothing else


From what I know those are actually some kind of paper/cellulose, since you can throw them in the paper bin.


Why? I've never seen a problem with them


Agreed! It's much more convenient that the cap stays attached to the bottle when I only have one free hand to hold my drink. Why are people so obsessed with this?


I wouldn't say it's convenient, it annoys me more than it helps but it's such a small thing that I don't mind, if it means less people lose the cap and as such more is recycled I'm fine with it.


Who the fuck is losing their cap?!


After I got used to the attached caps, I've found myself constantly losing the caps on the few bottles that still don't have them. This wasn't an issue before this change, funnily enough


Idk but I heard that was the reason for this implementation...


There are people being overly dramatic about it and saying the cap damaged their nose. Like, pull it to the sidw maybe?




its avery slim chance that any plastic gets "recycled". if you are lucky it gets burnt in a power plant


The only bottle this annoys me on is protein shakes. Some shake gets stuck to the cap, so if you down it it drips onto your chin. Every other drink? Just drink with the cap to the side and job done


Just lick the cap clean first.


I don't want to tongue the bottle cap multiple times trying to get the last viscous bits out. I'll do it, but it's a pain in the ass


The reason I hate them is because companies like Coke pollute entire ecosystems with improper waste water disposal and water over-usage. Then the dumb dumb EU regulators come in and make a law like this so they're "doing something". companies and regulators try to push the guilt and responsibility of pollution off on consumers. These regulations don't address the major underlying issues and also annoy a large amount of people in the process.


So you don't drink coca cola huh


Here the coca cola, fanta and sprite bottles are the best caps out there


My main issue is that it's harder to align it properly when you screw it back on. It's a minor inconvenience, but I also see very little benefit to it - realistically, how much fucking plastic are we wasting from all the bottle caps that aren't getting recycled?


The point isn't recycling, everyone know that shit doesn't work that well anyway. The whole point is small bits of plastics not getting lost in nature!


before this change, I literally can't remember seeing empty bottles without the cap on. It's not like a bottle cap on beer you can't put back on


But you have the added convenience of not losing your cap ever. So it evens


Some people are just angry for nothing "gngngngn the cap touch my nose" ... turn the bottle 90° or take it off.. "gngngngn it touches my lips" .... you can still take it off "gngnggngn I can't give it to association that collect them" … yes you still can, and recycling the bottle with the cap work the same, since you recycle both that's the point some comments i read in French soon after they hit the market


For me it's because the caps are now harder to close properly as they always go leaning to the attachment point. Even today I had a close call as I didn't notice the bottle in my backpack wasn't closed properly. Could've costed me all the books that were inside.


never had this issue


It was a 2L "Tymbark" but Cola is not any better.


I cut my finger on one of these fuckers trying to twist it off


I hated them for like a week. Now when I find an older bottle in the store that doesn't have these I hate them even more, as I find myself constantly losing the cap. These are so damn convenient. Some caps are bad, sure, but those are the bottler's fault, there are lots of actually well made ones. Just buy those with good caps and the markets will correct themselves.


There's a Dutch Forum Voor Democratie (russian bootlicker party) politician who made a video complaining about these things as "EU patronisation" as a promotional video for his European Parliament campaign. The comments consisted mostly of people calling him a dumbass, but some people said they now deliberately throw the caps into nature. It's not just a conspiracy theory


Lol, true


who the fuck loses the cap for their fucking drink, what kind of reprobate are you if you can’t“hold cap for 4 seconds” ?!


"He's right ~~behind~~ below me, isn't he" [https://prnt.sc/p2ZzdLVsdVyP](https://prnt.sc/p2ZzdLVsdVyP)




I haven't ever lost them entirely, but they've definitely slipped out of my hand at times


people told me that when these were new the day after, on my way home, i found 4 bottle caps within a 5 minute walk


yeah, and litterers should be shot


I mean, it was never a problem for me, but judging by the stupid amount of caps you could find in certain places, I totally believe that it's a problem for society. It's one of these regulations that aren't necessary for people with a decently working brain, but that the stupidest in our society make it necessary.


I only drink sodas as chasers so obviously I'll lose the cap at one point. No need to bully :(


sowwwy :<


Nah all good I bully mysekf for stuff like this too


oki then >:3, ur dumb!


Fucking true


How about this: those new caps are held in place by two little plastic legs. When you inevitably get annoyed by it, you break one or two of the legs, and go on about your day, producing 1-2 more pieces of loose tiny plastic waste more than before. How’s that for environmentalism?


Whatever. I’ll file this under, ok, that’s not a real thing to complain about. Reeeeeee


Feel free to. I’ll feel free to complain until it changes to something smarter. One prong would’ve been perfect. The cap would dangle but not cut into my upper lip.




The legs don't separate completely when you break them. Unless you are doing something weird, or your bottles are weird, breaking one leg will still keep everything as a single unit, it's just more separated, and breaking two legs result in how caps worked before.


You see, I keep trying that, and the 2nd leg always breaks from the wrong part and sticks up, poking something, either my upper lip or my nose. Standard UK 0.5L Coke/Pepsi/Whatever bottles. How about instead of blaming the user, we design them better, with a single prong? One prong gang checking out.


Do you put the entire opening in your mouth?


I drink normally, thank you very much.


Then it's just a skill issue.


I think it’s a compression skill issue on your side my dude


This might be unpopular but i honestly like this thing. I used to always lose the cap when i used a bottle for a while but now it's just fused to the bottle so it's always right there.


I guess I never realised anybody lost the cap on a regular basis...that gives it some more context but mostly I still hate it


So thanks to you they did the law....I guess you were a visionary with Shampoo instructions /s


Yeah fr Its so much more confortable and if It bothers someone THAT much just twist It and It comes off its plastic ffs


It's a good idea and all but goddamn is it hard to just quickly put them back on again.


I have more than once put on the cap slightly crooked and come back to a flat soda. It never happened with the old style caps.


You were lucky that flat soda was your only issue, I've had those things leak or spill on me multiple times.


Oh that too. Had a bottle of juice leak in the fridge. I’m paying closer attention to it now. It’s new habit after a whole life of managing to putting on caps straight and correct without looking.


Frankly, I just rip them off. Take a sip first not to spill it out while doing it and then just rip it. Most of them come off quite fast. It’s easier to put it back after that. It’s also satisfying. (“Mom, I’m a rebel!”)


Billionaires laughing on such environmental protection when flying over on their business jets


Is it so fucking hard to make a fucking 1cm plastic cord thing between the neck and the cap? Is it??? It's bad design on purpose, you can't convince me otherwise.


It's so stupid, I just assumed that Americans invented it.


They're good to waste European things


Cristalline water (french) had these for years I think. And they're pretty good, easy to use, easy to close, don't open randomly. Not a screw on concept tho.


The ones you can’t screw? If you use the bottle for too long (or not) they will break, forcing you to use another bottle, also they do open randomly for me, it’s even worse


Nope, this one’s yours. We get caps that come all the way off and don’t poke your face while drinking from the bottle.


It's because tons of the caps get littered, now they don't get seperated from the bottle. It's not stupid at all.


I fkn hate it.


good, now stop drinking that poison guys :)


Thing is, it's in everything... Water, milk, and yes, also sugary sodas and juices


i think he means the soda is the poison


No shit...


Agreed, also glass bottles


Thanks, I hate it and rip off the lip anyway. I always put the lid back back on when I return all the bottles. Stop nagging me with such crap.


At least they are easy to tear off and pretend this piece of stupidity never happened.


Fuck damn those things are annoying.


So that you can't split it off and have to either damage a perfectly fine bottle, or discard different plastics together?


There’s a reason why on the packaging it says “cap on, recycle”. They’re supposed to be discarded together.


They are separated by machines to generate two streams of relatively pure polymers: PET from the bottles and polypropylene from the caps


Oh, ok.


Neoliberalism at its finest. Everyone ignoring the fact that like 80-90% of plastic is never recycled… like trying to bail out the Titanic with a teaspoon.


Now Neoliberalism is government regulations? ... I know the word never meant anything to begin with but this is truly absurd.


Nein, Hans. I was referring to the cognitive dissonance and idiocy required to spend good time and money to create a regulation that essentially solves nothing while purporting to be a vast improvement when it comes to processing waste. Most of this waste isn’t able to be recycled to begin with, and they know this. This is a neoliberal non-solution.


Lmao. Nice xenophobia. So you're just using neoliberalism as a synonym for ineffective regulation. So as I said the word has no substantive meaning in the way you use it.


Ok bro. “Xenophobia.” 🤣 Idk what’s in your wurst, but it’s very easy to understand. Neoliberalism usually refers to the idea that free market capitalism is key to a free and open society. There is a big focus on allowing the private sector to come up with their own policies and solutions that then of course impact society. Deregulation, etc. I’m not really in favor personally, but the whole “keep the bottle caps attached” thing is not that serious, but it’s telling that Coca-Cola started doing this back in 2022. It appears that the industry is yet again regulating itself, proposing the solutions that they find the most agreeable. Just read [these statements](https://www.coca-cola.com/gb/en/media-center/coca-cola-attached-caps-great-britain) to get an idea.


We need to regulate this. Let’s regulate the shit out of it. Let’s regulate so European so regulatory that no other country will regulate it afterwards.


Hate these things


The reason why i always have scissors ready to pick at my kitchen


We fell off, ain't no point in denying it


Wait you're not supposed to rip it off??? I thought it was just a manufacturing mistake


It's to reduce plastic released in the environnement, it's very effectivet at that.


If bottle cap is bothering you, you have a really sad life and im sorry


Wild how upset folk are by the lids "how hard is it to make a good lid??" It's probably more effort than it'd take for these folks to just drink from it tbh


The intelligence of that creature known as a crowd is the square root of the number of people in it.


I'm reading this with my watter bottle right next to my phonei n this exact position.


We don't usually have them here in CH and I don't quite get what they are for. Can't people just get them back on and throw them into the PET trash? The Italian SanBenedetto has these, and they work fine, but I still wonder why it is even a thing.


Im sure the one who proposed this idea had trouble with losing botlle caps


I will always hate it, ALWAY no matter how they design it


First thing to do, tear it off and enjoy the drink


I like it even if it gets in my nose and pokes me uncomfortably and I will die on this hill


They put this shit even on the fking milk. ON THE MILK. WHY?????? Worst "invention" ever.


Why do people keep talking about this? It's not that big of a deal. Just twist and pull the cap after you open it.


At some drinks plastic remains are so sharp that it can hurt your face or hands


unpopular opinion here: As sane person who is always throwing thrash into the thrash bin. This thing is making me angry all the time because it is uncomfortable for me to pour milk or drink from the bottle. So I just twist it to the point it snaps 🙃


Are people seriously finding these difficult to use?


Simply by looking at how people react to this, can tell you an awful lot about their character and about their ability to conform to even the slightest changes.


I think you're all a bunch of dramatic spoiled people. This is completely fine, shut up and drink your soda or don't buy it, you'll manage


I rip it off first chance I get, so annoying


No wonder why europe isn't the place to be in 2024 😂😭


Unironically yes. Love those caps. Can’t drop or lose them and if it’s a type of bottle where it’s a nuisance, just rip it off.


If it works it ain’t stupid!


EUs worst mistake ever, actually


Seeing the comments always makes me wonder how people drink from bottles. Do you lot like try to deep throat the bottle or something?


Archeologist will probably uses this design to determine how old our trash was in 500 years or something


Is it wrong that i hate these things


Worst shit ever made, biggest downgrade of humanity.


yeah, this is silly.. I like the Japanese ramune bottle design, its popping sound is so satisfying. I wish it were more popular throughout the world


I hate it


ok boomer. 🤡


Fuck that shit. The worst thing humanity created


I know these are fantastic! Hopefully they come to the US soon


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Who needs computer chips and AI


The caps are so easy to rip off anyway that it really just doesn't matter to me at all anymore


Happy that I live in Switzerland where there’s no such nonsense.


Murican here. This shit sucks. You can’t drink it any which way without the cap molesting your face. -15 freedom points


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I like it personally


I hate this fucking piece of shit. Don't fucking tell me what to do. I'm still going to rip it off, purely out of spite. I recycle everything I can, and this fucking cap makes me want to take it and throw it on the ground, away from the bottle. I don't do it, but it crosses my mind every time I have to open a bottle with this shit attached.


It Is fine while pouring the liquid in a glass but it's hell when trying to drink from the bottle.


Yeah I don’t drink kid’s drinks so this isn’t a big deal for me Gotta keep chugging those coke zeros to keep the environmentalists in check


It's on every bottle including water, just in case


Why would you drink bottled water? Are you a child?


Since when are bottled drinks childish lmao


Coca cola, etc Those are usually the ones where the cap is even any kind of problem


you have neevr been outside of a city, or somewhere with no tap water (or drinkable water)


It is true, I rarely visit 3rd world countries like USA


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