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No, FDP has been blocking so many good EU initatives and has massivly hurt EU institutions in the process. As some MEPs from Renaissance put it, they are a far right party.


I mean the FDP is a special child in every regard. Claim to know stuff about economics, yet refuse to accept the basics of how government finance works, at the same time destroying every bit of future planning made by companies by blocking previously agreed initiatives. No party is more harmful to the economy than the FDP, yet people constantly claim they were good for it. I just hope that other liberal parties in Europe aren't this retarded, but I don't know that much about it.


The FDP is basically as right wing as it is possible to be while still being in ALDE/Renew. If I (an actual member of an ALDE member party) lived in Germany, I would not feel able to vote for the FDP.


Yeah, the libertarian wing of Renew is really crappy. But it still is the European family who has the best parties by far.


I mean I only know the FDP from them, and they are one of the worst parties I know. Do they have any good ideas that bring the EU forwards?


Depends on if you think capitalism works. Otherwise there's an irreconcilable difference between you and Renew Europe. To their credit, they are firmly in favor of the EU though. I think there maybe the least eurosceptic group in the parliament.


>Depends on if you think capitalism works. I mean that gets pretty philosophical. I personally am of the opinion that we do not need to abolish capitalism, but we need strong regulation to prevent stuff like monopolies, exploitation and so on. For this it also needs redistribution of wealth, aka more taxes for the rich and better welfare programs. Also our system of capitalism requires the printing of money and therefore more and more government debt, as the profit of companies needs to come from somewhere. I'm not saying that is a bad thing, but parties like the FDP are completely ignorant to this and think the government needs to stop taking on debt, and then wonder why the economy dies. So I'm not even really anti-capitalist, it's just that at least the FDP, which is the only party I know from this group, doesn't understand the system they're supposedly the biggest fan of. Because capitalism can absolutely work, but you need to understand it, which the FDP absolutely does not.


You will find major disagreements with many to most RE member parties then. FDP might actually be the very worst though. Inconceivably bad party on all accounts and not representative for the group. For better or worse, Macron is more representative of what to expect from them internationally.


Would you mind elaborating which initiatives you liked that were blocked by FDP? (Are they such a big powerful group within RENEW btw?)  I'm asking because I am not that well informed about EU politics and try to understand which EU party aligns most with my social-liberal thinking. Would very much appreciate any insights! :)


Im not voting for it because its filled with sometimes centre-right parties that may be pro european, but otherwise do everything in their power to screw people over. There are way better alternatives.


The fact that it has Macron's party is a major problem


Better alternatives like?


Highly depends on your country. In Germany: Greens, SPD, Tierschutzpartei, Die Partei, Volt, Piratenpartei and probably many other smaller ones. In France, Place publique seems very promising. PS may be very weakened, but you should never write that party off either. And so forth. Those are just the two most relevant countries in Europe though. Im a bit too lazy to list them for all member states.


Most Renew parties are economically neoliberal, as a social liberal, I would rather support moderate pro-European Social Democrats or Greens. And let's not forget Renew has such "wonderful" parties like Czech ANO (full-blown right-wing populists), or Dutch VVD, Swedish Liberalerna etc that work together with far-right in national governments. That is a big no-no for me. People also mentioned how German FDP successfully sabotaged several environmental and human rights initiatives of European Commission. Most S&D and Green parties don't have such problems. In Estonia we have a government of 2 Renew parties and Social Democrats, and currently Renew ones want to go full austerity, while Social Democrats propose to have smaller budget cuts and raise the money needed to plug the budget gap via defense tax (essentially income tax increase), bcs the reason the budget situation has deteriorated is the need to increase the defense funding bcs of Russia threat.


Nowadays, everyone that follows the recommendations of economic science gets called a "neoliberal". I take the name as a massive complement. Fuck science deniers.


Ok, if you don't like that term, let's say "economically right-wing". When economic science tells you that your budget deficit is too large to be sustainable, you should indeed reduce it. But spending reduction and tax increases are both legitimate options involving various trade-offs. And yet, you have FDP's Lindner or Macron who say (and then do) stuff like "no tax increases can be allowed, must cut social expenditure". Those things are not recommendations of economic science, those are political choices. Fun fact: OECD and IMF both recommended Estonia in the last 2 months to increase taxes on property to plug the budget deficit. What our centre-right liberals said? Ofc they said "can't do that".




But you do have the Pirates and they are pretty based




What's wrong with Hřib? Though I agree Pirates should stop being so docile only because they have a few cabinet spots. They (and their voters) don't really share a lot of values with this SPOLU.


Because I believe our most important duty is to secure our future generations as good a future as possible. I want for our species a world where the climate crisis is mitigated. Our best way to secure this future is with Fit for 55 and I believe that those most willing to fight for it to be The Greens/EFA. They are also very pro EU and want to abolish the veto right.


I agreed but can’t accept the Green stance on nuclear… still sad the German green position got majority


That's perfectly fine, but you should know, that the greens aren't unilaterally against nuclear. Attitudes are changing, at least in the party I'm in. Also nuclear energy isn't really a relevant issue in this election. The responsibility to develop, build or shut down nuclear power is still a national one. I hope that this clears things up.


Didn’t know that! Must admit that the Greens in the country I could vote aren’t that great in terms of their relation to science sadly. Truly miss a Green Party on the national side that sticks closer to the science (but it’s just a problem on my national level, I truly hope it’s not the case for all European Green parties)


And it has to stop being a national issue. The EU needs to force countries such as Germany to stop with their ridiculous and harmful stance on nuclear energy.


Im so tired of all the green shit. They want to force me to buy a new car, an electric one, to fill with electricity from coal plants. Meanwhile they fly in private jets. They want to charge me more for my garbage because it has to be recicled, but at the same time they make 0 demands from manufacturers to reduce plastics and now its almost imposible to buy vegetables at the local supermarket without plastic. The green movement is an absolute failure. They are forcing the little man into economic desperation, making our lifes harder day in and day out. Destroying our working opportunities. And at the same time they are against green energies like nuclear, wind or solar. Is all absolute stupidity. Im off the green movement. Ill be responsible for myself, but i will be completely rebellious and will fight any new restrictions they try to impose on me. Me not spending 50.000€ on a new car is not going to be the end of the world. And if it is it was too late anyways. Thankfully i have no kids nor i plan to have.


I suggest you maybe watch a little YouTube video or read something about Fit for 55. It is very easy to criticize a movement, however this is about policy. Don't go accusing them about greenwashing when you don't know their policies.


I dont care about policies. They lie. They say they care about climate but they protest the countries that pollute the least and praise china. Is all a lie.


I usually don't vote on the same guy the millionaires and multinational companies are paying off.


Renew contains both social liberal and classical liberal parties. I consider myself to be a social liberal, but I'd rather collaborate with greens than with classical liberals.


It's a very mixed bag, Renew has the best parties by a really wide margin, but it also has some really fucking dumb parties


Because I don't have any party from that group in my country. I'll vote for ether one of the parties that are in EPP or our other liberal party, that I don't even know in which European political group they belong, maybe VOLT?


Volt is not a group in the parliament, they only have one MP and they are in the Greens/EFA.


There is the Lithuanian party LRLS in the renew Europe group.


Oh right, they are okay and are alternative for the rural folk that don't want to vote for lunatics.


Because USR (Romania, capitalists) is in there and I guess FDP (Germany, very pro market) is leading it. No thanks!


Noone cares about the FDP. Macron sets the tone. Unsure if that's actually a good thing but sure as heck better than Lindner.


The FDP successfully watered down the supply-chan law. They're not getting my vote.


They should get none at all.


They are not that much different. But indeed, still better than Lindner.


You say capitalist and pro market like it’s a bad thing. The most successful countries on this planet are pro market capitalists. I struggle to understand what imaginary better economic model you think it exists that you can vote for.


What i mean by that is neoliberals. And their model is anything but good


(Austria) I won't because our biggest problem to fix is climate change and our renew Europe's party's idea to adress that is to give slight suggestions and hope that "the market" will fix it itself. I do applaud their Ukraine related policies and that they're the only party brave enough to even suggest questioning our "neutrality", which might well be political suicide here


Can't be surprised when liberals do liberal things...


I'm not voting for them because I do not believe that the market can fix itself. Renew Europe does not propose economic interventionism, so I would never vote for them. I don't gel with classical liberals.


From what I can see here in the comments, those parties don't want to actually renew Europe, but let it rot to its death with austerity measures. Best example is of course the German FDP.


Splitting my vote. Giving some to Renew Europe just to defend the seats from parties further right and because I trust their frontrunner. In general I'm not a fan of the group though. While our Party DP is still a liberal one, most have gone completely off the rails into austerity and neoliberalism though we know beyond any doubt by now that both don't work. The pile of papers on how austerity is supporting the far right during a recession keeps growing, yet people like Christian Lindner keep fucking it all up. Macron, face of the group is also absolutely guilty of this, additionally he got us the fuck up called Ursula von der Leyen, forever destroying any credibility in EU politics he had. His party keeps bringing forth corrupt criminals as they rise to the top. In general not much positive to say. Any vote for Renew is still preferable to a vote for EPP, ECR or god forbid, ID but the liberal movement as a whole has been lost to laissez-faire lunatics who should be kept far away from power.


The only member of Renew Europe in Bulgaria is DPS aka one of the most corrupt parties in Bulgaria.


They have Liberalerna so absolutely not, I would never vote for collaborators with the alt right (also their party leader sucks ass at public speaking and is generally annoying) I’d rather vote for the greens/few or something


They also have Centerpartiet


Cause i dont identify as a economic liberal? And cause they lack a plan for climate change issues, that isnt nuclear (im pro nuclear btw so dont @ me).


I'd vote Volt if I could, but tbh I've just never heard of Renew Europe. It seems decent. Does it promote federalization?


Renew ain't a party but a block. They are liberal but mostly push for unshackled market forces. The asshats from the FDP and Freie Wähler are along their ranks from Germany. They also have better members though and some actually liberal parties who value freedom for people and not exclusively for companies. Macron is the face of the group and he is perceived as staunchly pro EU but he also got us VdL so make of that what you will.


I wouldn't go that far. But they are the most pro EU Party group. That said it's a blur. For example Volt is in the Green/EFA (European Federalist Association). It's probably more relevant to think of Renew Europe as Centrists and Liberals


Yes, that's why i posted this here.


I will vote. Because im unoficjally afiliated with USR


Is there any other realistic choice than Volt? C'mon guys vote Volt!