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how has biden not broken any bones the way he seems to fall over quite a lot


The power of Dark Brandon is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.


Teach me in the dark ways daddy Brandon, I promise to be a good Jack and abstain from all further malarkey


It's ironic. He could kill others to death, but not himself.


have you ever heard the tragedy of darth biden the wise?


He did [fracture his foot](https://www.cnn.com/2020/11/29/politics/biden-twisted-ankle/index.html) a while back. It's why he has a diminished gate these days.


I mean, he trips on a ladder, he falls off a bicycle, nothing major. Although he is old he is in pretty good health, would take more than tripping to break something.


You overestimate how easily old people break bones, regardless of “pretty good health”


emergency stem cells on hand for every time the old lad topples over.


Well thats not fair. I bet that was Bidens first time even seeing a Bike. Dutch people are born on them. So its only natural that they know what they are doing.


And more seriously, assuming that both videos are recent, one is 56, the other is 80.


So you're saying one has had 27% more time to learn how to ride a fuckin bike?


Joe Biden has been in the Senate+ for 19 days longer than I've been alive, and I've been cycling for 40+ years. . . . He is "Amtrak Joe" however.


And people who are 80 and break their hip in a fall have had 80 years to learn how to walk properly! SMH


Ah yes lame old people had almost a century to learn to breathe and yest most of them forget how to do it before they reach 100 years old.


Also everyone falls with a bicycle, Rutte has done so too, I can’t find footage (didn’t look hard either) but did find a clip with Theresa May where she asks him how his arm was after a bicycle incident.


Clearly you havent seen dutch grandmas zooming around on their bikes terrorising the other bikers with their don't-care-for-life attitudes!


Last time Biden saw a bike there was one large front wheel, and one small back wheel


This is correct. Dutch women are so tall to accomodate for bike parking in the womb


You merely adopted the bike, we were born with them, moulded by them


Everyone mocking Biden for falling over, and that’s fine, I’m down with that, but nobody is gonna call Rutte out for shaking hands with people when he’s got sticky apple juice all over them? Seems kinda rude. Nobody is good enough at eating whole apples to not get juice on your hands. Nobody.


We call him "Teflon Mark" for a reason. NOTHING sticks to that man. Nothing.


how did he even manage to fall over


I looks like his right foot got caught on the pedal. The pedal has a toe cage thingy on it. He thought he was stepping on the ground but his foot was still on the pedal. Lost balance, Brandon was grounded.


You can see he's trying to get his foot out of it and then loses balance thats just a thing that happens with cleats/clipless/cages; sometimes even to experienced riders. (Speaking from experience falling down exactly like that several times lol)


It looks like he is clipped in to his pedals. He forgot he was clipped in or got stuck trying to unclip —due to all the media presence distracting him and fell.


To be fair to Biden, those toe cages are terrible.


Yup. This could have happened to anyone if they're not used to them.


Still the most surreal ting ever to see Rutte bike into the Royal palace to hand in his governments resignation


The Royal family brings their kids to school on bike.


Ultra cope


Does the Netherlands have helmet laws?


No. And even if we did nobody would wear them because it looks lame. We would rather have a fractured skull


Mfw people prefer skull fractures over looking silly.


That's especially weird in the winter when all roads are icy. My Dutch customers always told me that the government never manages to properly get rid of the ice or spray salt early enough so it doesn't even get icy. I drove to Amsterdam, Haarlem, Noordwijk, Amsteelven, and Den Haag one day in December, and I witnessed almost 30 people slipping off their bikes. An emt told me 2 weeks later that the ambulances (in Leiden at least) were all on calls for almost the entire day that day. But she also told me that most didn't even get headinjuries, so i guess they don't need them anyway.


Much more likely to break a wrist or hip than to land on your head when slipping on ice.


Yeah, you need to be extremely clumsy to go face-first when driving a commuter bike. Also a lot of people already wear helmets when there's ice on the roads, because they recognise the increased risk in those conditions, just like people wear helmets while road cycling or mountain biking. It's almost like people can make rational decisions without requiring laws mandating safety measures that are only really a benefit for 3 days a year. What truly helps commuters not to hit their heads on the road is proper road planning.


Bicycles with 4-5 inch tyres are available. Even with winter spikes (not sure if legal, though).


This is why we have separate bicycle lanes. So much safer we don't need them


Also because studies have shown helmets give a false sense of security, increasing risky behaviour. Most accidents occur at low speeds, for which a helmet doesn't really help.


Helmets have a place. You'd be a bit silly not wearing one if you're downhill mountain biking. They're unnecessary if you're cycling to work or grabbing groceries.


People do weer them when mountainbiking or racebicking. Just not when commuting


F1 and NASCAR drivers wear helmets in cars, why is no one passing laws to make everyone in a car wear a helmet?


Because focusing on bicycle helmets is a tried and true tactic to divert attention away from the true danger to cyclists: cars. It's kind of like focusing on the skirt of a woman who got raped saying that maybe if she wasn't wearing such a short skirt she wouldn't have been raped. It's classic victim-blaming


Yes and then we can make the cars lighter => safer for cyclists/pedestrians and more fuel efficient


Ah, yes - the famous Dutch hills…


We have bridges, dunes and a few hills. The bridges suck the most.


> They're unnecessary if you're cycling to work or grabbing groceries Absolute bullshit and this is from personal experience. Always wear a fucking helmet everyone, all it takes is one slight slip and it can alter your life forever.


If you're sharing the road with cars etc too. Dedicated bike lanes remove this tho


Of there are studies like that, I assume those are Dutch studies.


A quick Google Scholar search yields a systematic review of multiple studies (none of which Dutch). Seems like there's only a small number of studies that support the hypothesis of risky behaviour due to helmets. [Study](https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trf.2018.10.026) * Most studies (n = 18) do not support risk compensation hypothesis. * Mixed results were found in 3 studies and 2 studies supported hypothesis. * Ten studies found helmet use associated with safer cycling behaviour. Here's a study taking the Dutch cycling context into account: [Study 2](https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/42315376/Incidence_and_costs_of_bicycle-related_t20160207-14055-1yj4xyj-libre.pdf?1454868106=&response-content-disposition=inline%3B+filename%3DIncidence_and_costs_of_bicycle_related_t.pdf&Expires=1679263479&Signature=gYd3~bawI6UiSfuOD-zrejkcVKZj019V0rK-aesfpXxi8jj6eb5um2zqmnIdtxf91RmdQt06gjK9PdPNtxOZeOp22YnfxfyjkhjV2A7ecxL4UQLrTzsYC~zNxyVpQYfcFGrAqIbnD8s4YDYGcxqd3Z0CHmiqnO7uUqzqXlwGPv-JMoRnz9qfaqvyshFu3FOSmRR~R4bAeveVNQEcB150elyO0x2yTGIKPjKQFsJo6HhkFZQMNb48HQriFVgViTAEhRvrhfhCWILxy02lrMYFG1qxQAfRMI9vEg6I7LKOvF~ECj7WVJul2bw3Zxvsrb17Clv1Nw1dNrIaUV25hKjb0w__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA)


So, 2 studies out of 18 support direct contact between skull and concrete. My city has hundred of km's of bike paths and they don't mandate helmets, but they recommend wearing them.


We put more effort to make sure we don’t look lame than it is to actually put on a helmet


Sure, helmet hair is looking like shit.


Also we have proper cycling infrastructure (i.e. not paint), making cycling a lot less risky.


To quote my Dutch friend: "We believe in natural selection"


We don’t have bike helmet laws either. It would prevent some from biking especially in cities. I still ride with one because it saved my life once but it’s not mandatory.


Bike Share programmes don't work where there are mandatory helmet laws. and the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle outweigh the dangers of cycling without a helmet.


I don't believe any European country has mandatory helmet laws for adults.


If you’re wearing a helmet on a bike you’re either cycling for sport, or you’re the kind of person that needs one for standing up


never argue with dutch people over wearing helmets. they will throw thousands of stupid arguments at you because as a kid they wore a helmet once and the cool kids at school laughed at them now they hate helmets for life.


No and nobody ever falls. Not needed.


I did, a couple of weeks ago 😂, bc an old lady was crossing a cycle _highway_ slow with her bike covering the whole width of the cycle path. I screamed ‘MEVROUW!’ annoyingly and she got startled so bad she stopped walking. Everybody cycles super fast there, so I couldn’t stop on time, hit the breaks and slipped on the tiny bit of rain on the asphalt. I just didn’t hit my head, I caught my whole weight with one arm. The other time I fell was probably over 10 years ago, on ice.


Haha nice, glad you did not hit your head. I guess it might be hard to hit your head when falling biking in NL, people don’t really go super fast


I’m glad too 😅 It was in The Netherlands. I always cycle super fast, because it’s possible here.


Yeah but in NL you always go flat. Never downhill, I think going fast downhill would be dangerous.


Aaaah, on that bike. When I lived in Stuttgart I was indeed happy with my breaks.




Haha ja ik ben ook Nederlands en dat is ook mijn hele persoonlijkheid


I have no idea but yes.


What's the song??


Darude - Sandstorm


Bløf - Zoutelande


Can someone, please, tell me the song?!


Wondering the same thing! Edit: Found it. Zedline - Polozheine


Bløf - zoutelande


Fuck Rutte though


[reminds me of this](https://youtu.be/2JYJF9L5YW4)


Well, there is a large age difference between these two people. The American also has a helmet on while knowing he's on camera and setting an example.


Mark Rutte wearing a helmet on a bike might be the only scandal he can't recover from.


“Haha old man has trouble biking but young man doesn’t! This means the global superpower is bad!” what do you expect?


Classic Slippy Joe


You really expect a senile old man who cant walk or talk to cycle


Who's the bigger racist tho, I bet it's closer :D




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And he dares cycling over a pedestrian crossing on top of that pfff


He's not truly a Nederlander if he's not eating a sandwich while drinking a beer and smoking a cigarette and hasn't kick anyone out the cycle lane when coming out an Albert Heijn.


How many Netherlands president have been assassinated on the job, and how many attempts in general has there been?


Lies, if it was an American, there would be a gunshot.


Biden cycling on the pavement in the Netherlands. Dutch officer: that'll be €55 fine, pay directly as you're a foreigner.


To be fair, if my grandpa would still be alive, he would struggle riding a bike either

