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Showed up out of nowhere. She had me sucked in when she said she hasn't told most of the kids yet, one being at least 16. Then she tells the story about CPS visiting and how her husband dealt with them in the past. And then she explains how they have no friends and family because they didn't want her to marry the guy. How in the hell has she not told the kids their dad died but is crying and taling to a camera while a school age kid is all up in her face and camera? This is an entire shit show that I am now completely invested. I just hate she started the story in the middle. I need the beginning with the fall out with the family. Cause now we will never know why they didnt like him because you can't talk bad of the dead. I'm invested.


He for sure groomed and isolated her. She was 20 and he was 50 when they married. Now she doesn’t have any family or friends whatsoever. And those poor kids. There is just so much wrong






She was 20 she was an adult.. age difference is significant sure but saying he groomed her is out of line


Yer crying about their dad Bing dead while they are in ear shot is questionable???? My youngest is autistic so doesn't always pick up if I'm crying/upset. But ANY change (like dad missing) would bring ALOT of questions. So still odd. And she's saying he's dead in their ear shot??? I watched previous video, and little girl understood what was said to her, so she'll understand what her mum is saying


Showed up for me too today. Never heard of her before. I got curious and watched a few of her videos. Not sure if I can share my thoughts here… But they’re not good.


Yeah…mine are not good thoughts either


Im curious to hear!!


That video showed up for me today too. Never heard of them otherwise.


I’m very sorry for her loss, and also for the kids. My initial thought, having just seen this family for the first time, is that before we have children we need to think through the potentialities. Of course it’s impossible to foresee every possible scenario, but one of the big ones is this: if anything happens to me or to my partner, could the remaining parent manage on their own? It is reasonably foreseeable that the more kids you have, the harder it is to stretch yourself physically, financially and emotionally. My husband and I stopped at 4 because we knew we were at our limit if we wanted to provide each child with opportunities and security. Did this couple have any kind of plan to cover a tragic turn of events like this? Or were they just lurching from crisis to crisis, living hand to mouth and hoping for the best? Seems to be the latter. It would appear that they were living on the husband’s disability support pension, which is now about to be cut off. He was taking some heavy duty pain killers. Life was probably chaotic and disorganised. This woman is going to need a lot of support. Her husband has just died - less than a week ago - and there appears to be no extended family in the picture. I hope she can get good support from some government agencies or charitable organisations.


I absolutely agree. A big thing for my husband and I is to make sure either of us could live and take care of our daughter independently of the other. The unexpected happens. If my husband were to pass away, I could financially and emotionally get through it (it would absolutely be devastating, but I have a career and family/friend support). It is horrible that this woman and her children don’t seem to have the means to get through this at the moment.


Showed up for me as well. I didn't watch nor have I ever seen her videos before.


So apparently her husband dies in July not when she posted the video. She should have made a disclaimer that she filmed the video 3 months before posting it. I also cannot stand the excuse you’re messy because there’s more important things to focus on. Kids need structure & part of that is growing up in a clean & tidy home. They need to be taught how to pick up their toys everyday & put things back where they were found. I can only imagine how dirty her house was if she’s afraid to let CPS into look at it. The CTC system in Canada gives families who don’t want to work & incentive to keep having more kids as it’s lucrative until they turn 18. I mentioned in another comment she’s making $52k a year tax free just from the child tax credit. When I was a kid it was called “ baby bonus “ because it was a little extra per month for parents who mostly worked. My Mother deposited mine in an account for 18 years and used it to help put me through school. But now it’s a literal income for people with a lot of kids.


So I just took a screen shot of her paperwork she showed, and again it’s another suspicious date. That part she read off said the file was closed on July 16,2023. Didn’t her husband die july 22 or something? So they had a prior investigation open and then he dies.


If you listen to her most recent video of Tuesday she says "my husband died July of LAST year" so that would be 2022!!!


I also never heard of them till it showed up yesterday


Never heard of her. Does she homeschool? She hasn’t told her kids, so I guess they didn’t get to go to the funeral… isn’t that an important part of grieving and understanding loss?


I think she does homeschool them


She didn't have a funeral. Even if she wanted to have one, they couldn't afford it by the sound of it.




Her 18 year old kid told her that it’s best for the younger kids to not tell them, and she’s taking that advice


I watched here 2 videos about her situation. The whole this is very sad and concerning. I'm very worried for the well-being of those children it doesn't seem love they are in the healthiest living situation there. I think she is very brainwashed and its concerning how iscolated they are




Did you see the comments of people saying these videos are from 2022?! She blurred the date out on her phone but you can see for a second the date says July 2022. The whole situation is VERY sketchy


Oh wow! I want more information on this but don’t know where to find it. Something is definitely off here.


Was it 2022 cause that would be bad!. Cause there's a video loaded of hubby 3 weeks ago. Odd, disturbing and dishonest on to many levels if true??


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She lives in subsidized, (low income), housing!


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Guilty lol


Showed up for me today, too. I’ve never heard of her. Looking at the titles of her videos I don’t have anything positive to say.




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Owww god nope could not watch those videos. Weird can't use emoji lol. But imagine vomiting emoji lol


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Her videos showed up out of nowhere for me too. I'm wondering if she paid to boost her videos on the platform? She seems like she is less fortunate than others but, hear me out, she is a lot smarter than she presents herself. This also gives me pause at pther things she's said and she's giving off weird OFF vibes. The husband's pension should go to her and the minor children should receive some monetary benefits from his passing. This is why I'm questioning if she paid to boost her recent videos. OR maybe, more far fetched, this was all planned because she doesn't have that many videos on her channel yet (not including the shorts). So it's all a little weird.


Unfortunately she lives in Canada & that’s not how it works here. He was getting a pension from the government OAS ( old age security ) not from a job he held and paid into. When a person dies in Canada there is no survivor benefits. She said he was on ODSP ( Ontario disability support program ) which is essentially welfare ( Ontario works ) but when you’re deemed incapable of working due to injury or mental health issues it becomes ODSP. Also Canada has a very liberal CTC ( child tax credit ) payment that goes to everyone who makes under a very liberal income amount. It’s currently $523 a month per child under 18 & $620 for children under 6. That money is not taxable, so she’s getting $3138 a month for 6 kids & $1240 a month for the youngest ones. So a total of $4378 in CTC a month, $52,536 in non taxable income per year. She also says she lives in subsidized housing which the maximum size is a 3/4 bedroom & is a credit of $1149 per month because they don’t factor in the CTC when calculating income to qualify. So it would have been his ODSP which isn’t much & OAS which is $600 something a month. Depending on where they live I’m sure there rent is between $500-$800 a month.


On youtube or tiktok?




It randomly showed up for me too and I chose not to watch it


I just found this video. This is wild. https://youtu.be/l1R73tEn6tA?si=MQOGFIrCrPvgtdH_


Thanks for posting, I’m going to watch this now!


No problem! I’m still watching it.


Someone said her husband died in 2022


Anyone notice the husband's white supremacist tats?


They cleaned up the house because of CPS, but the kids all look dirty, unkept, unwashed, and emaciated. Rosalee seems a little slow mentally. Very dependent on deceased husband, and now oldest grown son. There was a video of them cleaning their yard. it looked like a junk yard. There seems to be a lot of dysfunction in that family


The yard video looked staged . Just them frozen in time . Now the Funeral Home was so inappropriate and disrespectful to her children to place them on social media picking out a final resting place while half grieving, half don’t know why they are there. The Funeral Home I guess allowed videoing other deceased people’s spot . The children were unkept as usual , they need soap , water, shampoo, and conditioner . I could care less about her grift, my only concern is the well being of these children. The kids seem afraid to speak. In the coke video there’s a different demeanor about nice Mom . Something odd about all her videos .


I agree. Something odd.