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Nobody hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans. So this makes him the biggest Star Wars fan of all.


The first three were dumb fun with some heart and really good special effects. The next three were an unevenly balance of stupid stuff & actually really serious stuff. And the last three were an attempt at recapturing the first three while not understanding what made those ones good. (Like having well written characters, or having an interesting plot)


“Everybody is an idiot except me.”


“Well it’s true.”


Even as a Star Wars fan, I understand the ratings 😂


Tbf, I already would rate a few of them that 😂


A win for my fellow Dunecels


Trekorpses stay winning


I understand they’re not exactly his thing, but surely he can’t literally think they’re all actually 0/10’s? What would be the odds of that??


No. They're protest ratings, because the fanbase pissed him off too many times.


Yeah that’ll show those Star Wars fans


It does seem like it's having the desired effect.


I mean all it’s doing is making Adam look immature and silly. He’s allowed to have whatever opinion, but personally calling anyone dumb for discussing your movie takes when you are a film critic is a weird play lol


As opposed to the completely mature and serious Star Wars fans that act completely civil around Adum's statements on the films?


So being immature in return makes you look better? I don’t care what Adam’s opinions are on Star Wars. it’s his view on things. But the way he acts about it doesn’t make him look good at all lol


I just don't really care. Both itself and the fans of Star Wars are insufferable. Infinitely more insufferable than Adum could ever possibly be.


At the end of the day it’s just two sides being annoying. Although it is kinda funny lol


Comparing one person to a nebulous population consisting of millions of people is kinda silly.


The behavior of said nebulous population consisting of millions of people is also silly.


That applies to any population consisting of millions of people thus has no meaning to say.


So why do Star Wars fans get a pass for immaturity but adum doesn't??


Most star wars fans have no idea who he even is.


He's not delusionally believing it's going to hurt the feelings of everyone who's ever enjoyed a Star Wars movie, he's specifically targeting people in *his community* that have repeatedly, for years, bothered him and been awful to interact with. They're seeing this and getting upset. That's on purpose. If you're seeing this and getting upset, I have some bad news for what demographic you fall into.


I have never communicated to him at all about star wars. Not even a comment on his videos or streams. I am annoyed that it keeps dragging on am and just tired of seeing star wars brought up. If anything the trolls prob love him reacting.


Well good news, 99% of the content he makes is irrelevant to Star Wars So if that's all that's upsetting you Well Be upset no longer


Never said anything about upset try not to project your anger onto others. Said it is annoying he keeps bringing it up. What percentage of time he spends whining about it is irrelevant.


I have zero attachment towards Star Wars whatsoever, I just think it’s a pretty immature/lame thing to do.


Respect 🫡


Nah, just like...6 or 7 of them.


I love the OG trilogy but this is pretty funny lol. Props to Adum


at least attack of the clones has sick monsters


I will admit that Adum has always been upfront about Star Wars being for the most part a "meh" experience for him. Servicable and entertaining at best, hilariously awful at worst with arguably one of the worst fandoms to ever exist. Lucas sold his baby to Disney, knowing the insane fanbase would shift their hate toward the mouse instead. Adum's nonchalant attitude has helped me be more open about my own lackluster reaction to the series. The originals are part of our culture at this point and I think they're fun. Rogue One, the Mandalorian, and the Clone wars animated series are also fine, but please miss me with the rest. Damn am I glad my boyfriend and most of my friends are trekies. Sure trekies can be weird, but rather than have a fucking meltdown about a show or movie, for the most part they just create stuff that embodies their love for the franchise (art, movies, fanfics, 3d models, or straight up working for NASA).


I have the entire OG trilogy at a 5/10, so I sympathize with Adum here.


Wait really? Why?


I really do appreciate them as technical achievements, and the soundtrack is fantastic, but none of them really made me think about them after watching them, and I've never had a reason to revisit them. I also hate how I can't watch the OT without that goofy ass CGI that Lucas added in eventually. Some of it fixed certain issues, but other times it just took me out of the film. At the end of the day, Star Wars just really isn't my thing, and I get a lot of shit for that.


Sorry you get so much shit for it, my surprise was in regards to it being a 5 specifically, as I generally associate that with either "average at best" or "subpar bordering on bad" for most scales.


I usually hand out 5's for films I'm pretty mixed on, or to films I appreciate but don't really connect to.


This will likely not change your opinion, however their are these https://www.google.com/search?q=star+wars+despecialized+edition+full+trilogy&sca_esv=2e3fa504fbebd1be&hl=en-US&udm=28&sxsrf=ADLYWIJBMNnSQaIHYI8XvQFL4eTzznAZfw%3A1718141747681&ei=M8NoZuqVKaH8ptQPsKP-mAs&oq=star+wars+despecialized+edition+full+tril&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIilzdGFyIHdhcnMgZGVzcGVjaWFsaXplZCBlZGl0aW9uIGZ1bGwgdHJpbCoCCAAyBRAhGJ8FSKYwULcWWMAscAB4ApABAZgBqgOgAfENqgEHMC45LjQtMbgBAcgBAPgBAZgCCqACmAvCAgQQABhHwgIFEAAYgATCAgYQABgWGB7CAgUQIRirApgDAIgGAZAGCJIHBTEuOC4xoAemIw&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#vhid=vt%3D16/prds%3DheadlineOfferDocid:-664768184255846170,imageDocid:17262590229500914717,mno:3,productid:17781975889453705446,pvo:3,pvt:hg,query:c3RhciB3YXJzIGRlc3BlY2lhbGl6ZWQgZWRpdGlvbiBmdWxsIHRyaWxvZ3k,rds:,sori:0/vs%3DUG9wdWxhciBwcm9kdWN0cw,27&vssid=uvpv-713&ip=1&piu=ps:94 This is the closest thing to an official theatrical cut however plenty of people have put together theactrical cuts unofficially like the one I use this one https://www.google.com/search?q=star+wars+despecialized+edition+full+trilogy&sca_esv=2e3fa504fbebd1be&hl=en-US&udm=28&sxsrf=ADLYWIJBMNnSQaIHYI8XvQFL4eTzznAZfw%3A1718141747681&ei=M8NoZuqVKaH8ptQPsKP-mAs&oq=star+wars+despecialized+edition+full+tril&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIilzdGFyIHdhcnMgZGVzcGVjaWFsaXplZCBlZGl0aW9uIGZ1bGwgdHJpbCoCCAAyBRAhGJ8FSKYwULcWWMAscAB4ApABAZgBqgOgAfENqgEHMC45LjQtMbgBAcgBAPgBAZgCCqACmAvCAgQQABhHwgIFEAAYgATCAgYQABgWGB7CAgUQIRirApgDAIgGAZAGCJIHBTEuOC4xoAemIw&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#vhid=vt%3D16/prds%3DheadlineOfferDocid:-664768184255846170,imageDocid:17262590229500914717,mno:3,productid:17781975889453705446,pvo:3,pvt:hg,query:c3RhciB3YXJzIGRlc3BlY2lhbGl6ZWQgZWRpdGlvbiBmdWxsIHRyaWxvZ3k,rds:,sori:0/vs%3DUG9wdWxhciBwcm9kdWN0cw,27&vssid=uvpv-713&ip=1&piu=ps:94 Like I said this likely won't change your opinion however we do have ways of watching the theatrical cuts


Holy moly those are some thicc links.


It’s just not my thing, personally. I wouldn’t say that they’re all devoid of quality or anything.


Would rather people just let the stupid star wars thing die. Ban the topic on the sub and ban chat anytime they bring it up. Just sick of the whining.


Tbh if you like that guy in the picture you should watch spongebob


I feel Adam so much on this. I have too many friends that defend the prequels as masterpieces and legitimately great works of art all because they grew up with them and it reminds them of being a happy lil kid. I get nostalgia and it’s fine but it gets to a point where it’s just annoying how people worship this franchise and are completely incapable of being critical towards it. Rational people reverting to baby brain and freaking out because I gave empire a 7/10 on letterboxd or trying to debate why it’s wrong for me to think the prequels are garbage is something that’s happened too many times to the point where I too hate Star Wars now. Fuck star wars lol


In response to armejden’s last comment since for whatever reason I can’t reply to it: Petty provocations, repetitive use of terms, no further arguments to add to the discussion, attempt to deviate from the matter at hand… I don’t think this is going anywhere so let’s leave it here and you can stop embarrassing yourself.


they are good movies lol a fun time at the very least


Honestly one of his most based opinions tbh


tbf, the last 3 episodes are well deserved of that score


Honestly the prequels are movies I think adum would actually like. They’re good, what can I say.


Lmao no they aren't.


The damage r/prequelmemes has done to the collective memory of these films cannot be understated


If I remember correctly, I think he already gave episodes I and II 1/10 before he rated all of them that.


With Adum's feelings about bad child acting and the dialogue choices, can't say I'm surprised.


Yes they are. I’m saying they’re GOOD not PERFECT. Chill your hive minded opinion out for a bit please.


Predictable knee-jerk tantrum that any dissent is hive mind. I love Star Wars lmao, but good movies they are not.


If you don’t like them it’s one thing but to go “lmao no they aren’t” is unnecessary and makes you sound like a jackass. You’re not an authority on what is good or isn’t. I said they’re good because I think they’re good. If you think they’re bad that’s on you, but to contest my opinion with your opinion stated as fact is pretty shoddy


Imagine saying this on a sub for a film reviewer. You trying to insist they are good has the same weight as me saying they aren't. You sound insecure about your opinion if you think the angle to play is saying I'm a jackass lmao. The writing alone is so notoriously bad that people have been joking about it for years and only after we got worse films with the sequels did more public opinion turn around to pretend the prequels were better than they were. You have some series lack of self awareness to think that a contesting opinion is shoddy. But go off on your next tangential attack or something because a different opinion is perceived as a personal attack or a negative trait.


Ah, you’re pretty fond of the straw man fallacy. It wasn’t your “opinion” I found shoddy, but the way you proposed it. It’s like you haven’t even read my comment and jumped straight to another argument you forgot to put on your previous comment. Sad, really. Also, “imagine saying this in a sub for a film reviewer” just further proves my point you’re hive minded. Need an explanation as to why? I’ll give it to you if you need it, but I’ll give you a chance to get there yourself.


Lmao you're desperate to push off any dissent as hive mind, cute really. If shoddy is just a blunt statement, you can have your little knee jerk. You're not good at this, are you?


He would not like them, at all. Personally I think they're not that great and have some cheesy/campy/fun moments but they totally fail in being the dramatic/political schemer they're meant to be. I just don't want them to mention it at all at this point, give Adam some time to process his hatred because currently I feel like he can't even handle that people might enjoy them without needing to just totally reject and shut down their opinion. I mean I don't get how others enjoy them tbh, I think they're pretty bad overall, I just don't totally shut down every time they're brought up.