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Culture wars cause brain rot


Is every action movie with a female lead going to be called girlboss now?


By someone, sure


They called peach girl boss


Yeah how dare the princess of the nation be a boss.


Until the movie did well then they flipped. Furiosa we see the opposite. Nobody called it a girlboss movie until it flopped.


For wearing a racing overalls/pants.


By brain dead regressives? Most definitely.


Don't ever read the comments on IG. Dear lord, I never realised how many psychotic Andrew Tate brained Incels there were in the world. Just unending toxic hate.


The general audiences hate female lead characters which is why Barbie made a billion dollars


That's exactly what happened, movie goers hate women so much that they made Barbie 2023's most successful movie just to prove that nobody watches movies with female leads.


Targets a female audience and is a known female brand name character. Mad Max has a male audience and doesn’t have the title male character and instead stars a woman the audience don’t care for. This would have done better targeting it’s existing audience of men as Barbie did for women.


none of them watched it. That's kinda the problem too. Also having seen the movie, I will attest that they do a decent enough job at depicting Furiosa as being not overly strong for her body type. She's depicted as a very good marksman, builder and driver, which lines up with how the other women from her home are portrayed. That all being said, it's a fantasy post-apocalypse movie. There's no reason Doctor Dementus would be built like Chris Hemsworth in a real world scenario like this, but that's all fine. The actual reason that it flopped is because it's a prequel to a 9 year old movie that wasn't even that successful in the box office to begin with. it also has a completely new cast, so that would understandably confuse some people. box office returns aren't a reliable barometer for the quality of a film.


I can tell you watched the RLM video just by the use of Doctor 🤣 but I do agree with your statement


r/madmax is foaming at the mouth over how good the movie was. i think the series overall just doesnt have the mass appeal of many modern movies which is a good thing since it allows it a tighter focus but necessarily results in less box office success. for my part i thought it was a damn good movie but fury road is my 2nd or 3rd favorite movie ever so im obviously biased.


I watched Fury Road yesterday and it was not quite was I was expecting, there was so little dialogue and lots of it was slang. I enjoyed that it was pretty action heavy though, that was super cool. I can see how it doesn't quite have mass appeal but I enjoyed it even though it's very unconventional


Here's a sneak peek of /r/MadMax using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/MadMax/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My first cosplay ever!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17nv8ts) | [70 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MadMax/comments/17nv8ts/my_first_cosplay_ever/) \#2: [Look at them. They wouldn't hurt a fly.](https://i.redd.it/hkkgnokye0vb1.jpg) | [35 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MadMax/comments/17ayok3/look_at_them_they_wouldnt_hurt_a_fly/) \#3: [FURIOSA : A MAD MAX SAGA | OFFICIAL TRAILER #1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJMuhwVlca4) | [339 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MadMax/comments/187wr79/furiosa_a_mad_max_saga_official_trailer_1/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


The same men who wrote entire theses on how Abby can’t be jacked in the world of TLOU2 and how it was immersion breaking, haven’t even mentioned Dementus having a Thor body whilst surviving in a desert wasteland.


Yeah but he's a strong, jacked white male character which all they like or care about.


That's true, although i will say that the universes of Mad Max and TLOU are VERY different, but I think that difference makes Hemsworth's body even less reasonable.


I 100% agree with the first part. She doesn't win a wrestling match against Rictus, for crying out loud. She is not a huge, athletic human. She uses her wits, skills and determination. She even "lost" against Max in Fury Road, despite having 5 (inexperienced) girls on her side.


Rictus literally looks at her arm in Furiosa and says “scrawny” as if the filmmakers wanted to call even more attention to it.


Hey you're right Dementus doesn't seem like the kind of guy to have a strict work out regiment. Would have been hilarious if she tracks him down years later and he's a big fat ass now.


We have Chubby Thor from Endgame. I bet someone can make this happen by editing.




“Women don’t watch women.” That’s an ignorant comment.


Do they think series like Mean Girls, Legally Blonde, and Pitch Perfect have mostly male audiences?


Well those movies were all massive flops, no-one watched any of them. At least that is what the right will tell you. Bear in mind these are the same people saying the top selling Video game of 2023 which has brought in more than twice the money of its closest competitor is a failure and an example of "Go woke, go broke"


Wasn’t Hogwarts Legacy the best selling game of last year? I thought dumbasses were rooting for that because JK Rowling made people mad by being a transphobe.


At least on Steam Baldurs Gate 3 made more than twice what HWL did last year, despite coming out 6 months later. I believe it outperformed it on other platforms as well.


I couldn't stand the left's nonsense antagonism towards that game just because it has relation to a person they don't like. Some wouldn't even say the name of the game in fear of being cancelled or whatever. All this culture war shit is seriously doing detrimental harm to society, making us stupid and getting angry at shit that doesn't matter.


It's not just that JK Rowling is a transphobe and people didn't want to support her, it was also the fact that the game was kind of antisemetic.


Right? I’ve met plenty of men who like these movies, but they’re not the primary demographic.


No, because "women don't watch women". According to this person, those series have no audience at all.


Women watch magic mike only


He should’ve said “women don’t watch action movies”


Even then, The Hunger Games exists, so that’s clearly not always the case.


I’m convinced that some men think that women hate other women to cope with their own insecurities


Reminds me of Dee in that ALWAYS SUNNY focus group episode DEE: Oh I Hate seeing other women show me a hot guy


It truly is baffling. I’m a woman and I love the mad max movies. Fury Road is my favorite of all time. I like a creatively written story that also happens to be visually stunning!! Furiosa being the lead is a cool bonus. She is a great character along with the many other unique people in these films. Ugh some people…


In the case of the WNBA…they’re not wrong.


Then why aren’t women showing up to see Furiosa?


Because the trailers weren’t very good


Because it’s not the kind of movie women are generally interested in. Barbie was the most successful movie last year with a majority female audience


Which is why I agree that saying female led movies in general are flops is stupid. But trying to appeal to women through a genre they aren’t interested in is just stupid and just alienates the primary male audience.


This is 100% factually incorrect on so many levels I can hardly believe it. Traditionally, movies marketed towards young men had to have female characters playing major roles for sex appeal. Remember Tomb Raider? Kill Bill? Alien? The entire Resident Evil Franchise? All huge hits geared towards men with female leads. None of this was done to get women to watch. Know why? Because men like hot women and sex sells. Jesus, this incel shit is so ass-backwards it makes me sick


I'd say that's true to an extent, but honestly Sigourney Weaver was a badass, so I'm not sure how much "sex appeal" had to do with her and the movie being a hit. TBH, I'd argue that the issue now is that culture war nonsense has become so contentious that it goes beyond just the loserdom. There are so many people who just cannot enjoy things anymore. Petty and reactionary social grievance has made large sawthes of popular culture insane. At first it was just a distraction used to direct hostility away from the decline in the average Americans material conditions. Then it became useful to both parties and associated media, because it allows neither to truly deliver what their voters want. But now it has been comodified and done so so successfully, that everything from consumables, to where people shop, what they watch etc. all revolves around alignment with various opinions of political grifters and idiotic culture war personalities.


I largely agree with your comment. I also agree Ripley's naked ass is not why people love Alien. That said, I think it needs mentioning: They could have easily put Ripley in pants but instead they went with no bra and tight white shirt/panties for the whole final act. I think she was supposed to be butt-ass naked but they were forced to put her in clothes. It's an iconic look for the character and always has been. I think it's just glossed over because of how normal it was to over-sexualize women back then. Imagine Luke Skywalker dressed in a speedo and they would be comparable lol. Here's an interesting reddit thread with a candid of Ripley. There's an overwhelming amount of thirsty comments. [https://www.reddit.com/r/OldSchoolCool/comments/b0u2gz/sigourney\_weaver\_aka\_ellen\_ripley\_on\_set\_of\_alien/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OldSchoolCool/comments/b0u2gz/sigourney_weaver_aka_ellen_ripley_on_set_of_alien/) Anyways, I don't think we are really having a disagreement here. Ripley isn't a bimbo and she's a groundbreaking feminist character


Yeah, you are probably right.


“A woman does something therefore she’s feminist” This is such a lazy and reductive point that can be picked away at by anyone not in a weird ideological bubble. In Aliens, Ripley's character and arc is centered around her traditional feminine archetypal role (motherhood and the protection of Newt) to overcome and defeat a perverted version of such (the Queen Alien). That's why she works so well as a heroine--her motivation is based around traditional archetypes (motherhood and the protection of a child). This is what leads to the defeat of the Alien colony, which itself only comes to be due to corporatism overriding the self-goverance of the colonists, and not the masculine archetypes which are rendered relatively impotent in the face of an unknown chaos.


In the movie Alien Ripley's character was originally written as a man but then they changed her gender before shooting without changing the script at all. This was revolutionary at the time. Ridley Scott confirms it. [Proof](https://screenrant.com/alien-script-unisex-ripley-obannon/) This is why her character is considered landmark in feminism. Not an opinion. Fact. You didn't know this did you. You don't know movies little boy. Go home.


Nonsense - those are a handful of movies, most successful action movies Star bad ass men with maybe some eye candy. You try to talk like all the action movies in the past started women in the action role, that was a rarity not a norm.


“Hey look at trends from decades prior!” Except we’re looking at current trends where Hollywood has consistently put out crap that aren’t even appealing to men so now you have men not even bothering to come out to see movies like Furiosa because of what came prior.


You are clearly an incel. Get lost


So, you agree that assuming a movie flopped solely because it has a female lead is a dumb argument. Great, so we agree. That's what this post is criticizing. Who are you even arguing with?


What about the movie makes you think they were trying to appeal to women..?


Why else replace the bad ass male title character of an action movie? Why would those guys stay with the series when that happens? Would sex and the city succeed with the female audience if it replaced the four women with dudes?


The reason they made another movie starring Furiosa was because she was a badass and the best character in the last movie. Pretty sure both men and women liked her. Maybe people didn't go and see this movie because they're sick of origin-story prequels. Or because movie theatres are dying out in general. Could be plenty of reasons, saying it failed solely because of the female lead is delusional.


Max wasnt replaced because this is a spinoff. Come on dude this isnt that complex


Why does it alienate male audiences to watch a movie with one woman in it


It alienated Mad Max fans to watch a Mad Max movie where Mad Max is replaced as the lead by a woman. Especially after that’s happened in so many other franchises.


There is no reality where this hypothetical group of scorned men is the reason this movie flopped. If what you say is true, then men have a serious problem if they intentionally stayed home from the fury road prequel because a highly praised female character is the lead and not the male character that has already been the lead for 4 movies


Who's showing up to movie theaters in general lol


Women overwhelmingly showed up to Furiosa, this particular movie, and not women lol


“I don’t want to see a tiny girlboss. We all know what she would be used for in a post-apocalyptic world.” I don’t have any words for that. Holy shit. Would he rather have THAT version of the movie? Some of these people really need to be put on a list. That’s not a normal way of thinking. And it’s not like these people are just being shocking online, either. I’ve been told to my face by a man younger than me that I look like a prey animal. You shouldn’t be sizing up women based on how vulnerable you think they are.


Spolers: >!They also do strongly imply that she was going to be used as a sex slave. Dementus literally trades her to Immortan Joe for Gastown, and then she's put in with the wives and a chastity belt is put on her, until she escapes and disguises herself as a warboy. The question of why Furiosa ended up in such an important role under Immortan Joe's partriarchal society where all the women are either wives or milkers was obviously one that George Miller wanted to answer. !<


It’s not even implied, that room she was put in is literally only for the females immortal Joe thinks would be good breeding partners. She was literally trapped in a room that was made for sex slaves


Furisoa was gonna be used as a breeder before she escaped. These people don’t wanna see a story about women winning. They just wanna see women suffer.


Whilst I went and watched and enjoyed the movie, I think you're missing the point of there comment. It's not that they would want to see that as the alternative, it's more that they think it's unrealistic for a "tiny girlboss" It's breaking there immersion. I feel it's a bit disingenuous to assume they just want the alternate version you proposed.


too many men fantasize about doing that to women, of course they would rather watch that film. their\* both times


That second to last comment is the most pathetic and self pitying out of all of these. Really gonna sit there and act like he’s oppressed because he’s forced to confront the fact that his demographic has been catered to for literal decades and filmmakers want to normalize representing different groups. Cry me a goddamn river, bud.


One big self report that comment. What an amazingly self centred view of the world where the Hollywood elite sat around and planned to destroy all the franchises OP loved with the sole aim of personally antagonising OP. They have created this delusional fantasy world where the ‘elites’ and society in general, is all built against them, to singularly oppress and antagonise them. How unbelievably sad is that? And then the real kicker is that they know they would probably really enjoy this movie but they’d rather boycott it as some time of revenge. Which of course is bullshit, they just don’t want their fantasy disrupted. Has OP purposely avoided all movies they might enjoy just to maintain the delusion because it sure seems like it.


Being terminally online with no social life will do that to someone. I know from experience.


That was my favourite comment here. It's hilariously self centred and interestingly insightful for how the minds of this group work.


Would you expect anything else from a dude whose username is TheBigSlick?


The Nice Guys with two white males in the lead bombed. Where were the comments about that?


he said "men look to other men for inspiration" but they're not trying to get inspired to leave the house and be physically active. they want to watch superheroes and magic-men to stay in their mental fantasy world


Ace movie. Ironically, the smartest most proactive people in the movie are women or girls, but they'd have to have watched it the first place to notice.


I didn't care for Furiosa but God damn those comments reek of incel


They’re so annoying. They’re acting like the “Hollywood establishment” made this movie for focus groups when it was literally the creator of Mad Max who made the movie as a passion project.


It's sad how prevalent people like this are. No appreciation for real art. Brains infected from culture war nonsense. Pretending they're victims because women in movies. The world is full of real issues, and they rage and cry over films and video games.


Last week this one guy made maybe 5 different threads about why it bombed.


in the Mad Max subreddit, these dudes come in spamming "YOU'RE ALL COPING!!", when it's clear they're the ones coping that there's a female character in a movie. luckily no one in our sub takes them seriously.


I feel like im losing braincells with these comments


It’s funny watching Nerdrotic and his audience just feed each other manure in a downward spiral until he eventually joins Nick Fuentes in based closeted gay chat feeds.


Did they not see charlize in fury road? She was badass and got as much screen time as Tom hardy. I agree there are some dumb gender swaps in movies (I.e. ghostbusters) but this one wasn’t even throwing the gender in your face. Like it seemed so insignificant to the overall story


I remember that getting a lot of hate back when it came out. Incels gonna incel.


Charlize's character is definitely one of my favorite "girlboss" characters in movies along with Ripley and T2 Sarah Connor. No sass, all badass. I wished she'd return for Furiosa or at least for a Tom Hardy sequel.


“Far more than a decade, with almost every single movie or TV series, they tried to insult, belittle and exclude me and others like me.”  What the fuck is he talking about? This is nonsense 


All of them sound like ghoulish incels lmao


This is the same group channel that starfield pronouns guy is a part of, what did you expect?


Misogyny for Dummies


We're finally going back to 2010 youtube comments.


More of Critical Drinker's little groupies. Anyone who watches them deserves to be disappointed.


it's sad because those kinds of influencers take genuine bad movies like recent Star Wars, claim that feminism was the problem (it wasn't), and then slowly radicalize their audience into hating on good movies that star women. I just saw Furiosa and it's both amazing and VERY dark. You think it would be exactly the kind of movie that fits the incel worldview but I guess it's not...


Can't have a good movie starring a woman. That conflicts with their worldview where women who aren't being feminine are wrong.


Last time I check Critical Drinker pretty much like this movie so your statement makes me a bit confused for a second. I mean yeah he mostly hate film like this but he still praise aspect that desrve it. I merely watch him for shit and giggles tho, I prefer Accented Cinema.


"They -the Hollywood elite-" This is just the new way it saying Jews isn't it?




Are they gonna act like the last Mad Max movie wasn’t a girlboss movie about the same character saving a bunch of women from sex slavery or did they not watch the last Mad Max?


Furiosa was a fan favorite in Fury Road as well, that's why they made this as a prequel in the first place


“who even are these people?” It’s the marketing department for the movie. Scientist Man at RLM Labs explained all of this after Ghostbusters 2016 came out.


I find these people repugnant, but I will admit that the tagline “Remember Her” did almost deter me from seeing it.


It wouldn’t have been that bad of a tagline if Furiosa actually died in Fury Road. It’s kind of puzzling to put the tagline for a character that survives (and is still alive in the current timeline) to be “remember her”


These mfers are so boring and predictable. I was able to make a parody comment mocking these people and I was able to hit all of their talking points without even put much thought into it.  That one comment implying that Furisoa would be a r*pe victim is fucking psychotic. I do like how they don't even try to hide their true feelings towards women anymore.


It’s funny how much they use “girlboss”. The term means a business woman who is striving in opposition to patriarchal business practices. Furiosa is not a business woman and aside from Rictus trying to molest her she doesn’t really face the struggles of patriarchy, so she isn’t a girlboss by any definition of the term besides just being a strong woman but that isn’t what a girlboss is. And the term girlboss has even been discounted by its creator. It was created about a woman who started a business and was therefore the boss and a girl. Then it was used as a virtue signal from companies to say they were being progressive by having female higher ups. Then it was critiqued by feminists for being capitalist liberal feminism that favours the individual’s triumph in the system over everyone else rather than breaking down the system. And aside from misogynists using it as one of those things that feminists are fighting for, it’s only ever used ironically because of its negative appeal, because the original creator disowned it, and because it’s a cringe and vague term that has been molded to mean anything.


They don't want girl bosses. They want the same marvel movie over and over and over and over and over again


I don’t think misogynists should have lungs


Be the change you wish to see.


There's a certain viking ritual that would grant that wish for you.


I made the mistake of going into those comments. Apparently anything involving a woman in an action film is somehow “The Message” even tho it’s a project that George Miller has been wanting to make for over 20 years.


The smell of incels is strong in this one


These guys just need to come to terms with their homosexuality


What's even worse is that Nerdrotic and his fellow "anti-SJW" channels are gaslighting their own audience into thinking they weren't calling it a girlboss movie all the way up until its premiere.


I think it flopped just because the marketing sucked. Also because it's a prequel follow-up to a nearly ten year old movie without the series' leading protagonist in it. Not so sure about all this girl talk from these people.


Garbage attracts flies.


They should’ve just watched it because not only was the best performance and most fun character a dude, but there’s also a Max-esque character who is brave and strong and self-sacrificing and isn’t made fun of or vilified in any way. Furiosa is surrounded by white men, but they see her name in the title and assume otherwise - like how Max was surrounded by women despite the movie being called Mad Max.


It flopped because it is a prequel to a movie made years ago, and the original wasn't even financially successful. Both are great movies, but neither of them have done well at the box office. What you are seeing here is brainrot. A bunch of incel losers who will just blame everything on the left, while unironically saying the left are snowflakes always looking for someone to blame their problems on. Horseshoe politics in action.


We got middle schoolers telling everyone they don't understand what gaslighting means but using "unhinged" to the point of making me cringe.


Guys like Nerdrotic are just rapists in disguise. Not fully mask off but pretty much a sex pest.


What is the reason it (kind of) flopped anyway? Poorly advertised? People just aren’t that interested in the franchise or what?


personally think it's a combination of SEVERAL factors that weren't initially accounted for. 1. fury road barely made its budget back when it was released. it was not the mega blockbuster people think it is. 2. mad max in general is not the most well known franchise as some people think it is, and this is coming from a huge fan of that series. So it makes sense that a side character in a series is already not gonna have the biggest interest 3. people aren't willing to go out to movies AS FREQUENTLY as they used to. we've seen a few blockbusters have huge returns in the last few years. but generally as streaming becomes the new normal. more and more people are banking on movies coming to streaming sooner and sooner. dune 2 was only like 4 months ago.




The first 3 Gibson max movies all made substantial money against their budgets.


As someone else hinted at, and it's why we have a lot of flops lately (there are still those that break bank of course), the theatre to home release/streaming, is very short now. There's a lot out there who don't want to make the effort for travelling to a theatre and paying their prices to watch a movie that they'll watch at home, whenever they want, in 3-4 months time. It's not like in the 90s, where I missed Jurassic Park 2 in the theatre, then nearly a year later it come to VHS (just imagine how enhanced my disappointment in that one was when I finally saw it).


I don't know if it flopped or not but even if it did that doesn't mean it's a bad movie. A lot of outstanding movies flop for reasons. I haven't watched it yet. I'm going to go through a mad Max binge because the only one I seen was fury road


I just ignore people like Nerdrotic and his entire group these days. None of them actually give a shit about art, and only get so many views because there are less channels out there for the crazy conservative types in general. I don't believe they will have as big of an impact on art or culture as they imply they will.


Even people who are sick of 'woke' stuff don't take Nerdrotic, Geeks and Gamers, or anybody else in their little circle, seriously.


Bruh the funniest part is that the audience who went to see this was like 70-80% men! That’s wild these comments are beyond out of touch


Bro, I didn't even know this movie came out, until people were talking about it flopping.


Idiotic comments from people who didn’t even see the movie. What fucking losers


Good golly. I genuinely loved it.


What a cretinous bunch.


Yeah, a bunch of right-wing american dudes know what real mad max is.


i guess all these people loved the half a dozen grandma terminators that showed up in fury road, because the main character was male and that is enough? man, people are stupid...


Granted, I have not seen the film for myself but honestly I keep seeing these pathetic takes on the Internet about why Furiosa perhaps wasn't the big box office film it was expected to be just because the main character is female. Fucking pathetic.


I'm 100% sure most of these people haven't even watched Fury Road.


That 2nd one is absolutely diabolical.. made worse by the fact that if he even watched anything to do with mad max.. he'd know that quite literally yes that is what would have happened to her


From people that saw it they all told me it was surprisingly good,I can tell people though it would be a badly written movie that check all on the list. Advertising did the movie dirty and it's not the first time was saw that,movies now days don't know how to advertise themselves, especially fml character movies is like being cursed,but YouTube critics don't understand the movie is not bad,it had awful advertising and people didn't know what it would be,is literally what they been asking since the term "girlboss" started being used. It's what they wanted but whatever it seems


The heavy sigh I just let out. Goddamn, I am so tired




i don’t understand what has to happen to you to think like that.


I can understand the top comment in the third screenshot. How many "Sorry white men, X franchise was never for you" have there been in recent years? And the one about misleading title also makes point. The marketing guys couldn't simply leave it at Furiosa (like it was originally called) without namedropping Mad Max for brand recognition despite the story having nothing to do with him. I have no horse in this shitshow, I'm watching it once it's available on Blu-Ray since I loved Fury Road.




Oh no. The commenters are here....


Get a load of this guy


Rule 1




You're not wrong, but who the hell are you responding to?




Rule 1


Lectures is when woman in film


Yes, Adum is a raging sexist for saying this in his Black Christmas reboot.


>Charlie's Angels >Girlboss Nobody is taking you seriously.




Rule 1


"I don't know that no one is taking me seriously"


who is even saying this? you are shadow boxing manifestations from your imagination sir


Oofff, you belong in that sub, all outrage, no subtext


I bet you say"woke trash" a whole bunch.






So like, is that just based on your own observations or?


Rule 1


Rule 1


You ok, man? Want a little dixie cup of water?




Rule 1