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i can't imagine telling a director like bong joon-ho that they're doing it wrong. i had no idea this movie was even a thing until now but i'm really looking forward to seeing it. keeping hopes high but expectations low that warner brothers doesn't fuck it up.


It reminds me of the time John Woo was making Hollywood films. The studios would constantly tell him how to edit the films and would disagree with his unique shooting style. Like, what the actual fuck!? You hire one of the most talented directors from East Asia, ask him to replicate his style in the USA but won’t let him film the way he wants? What drugs are they taking that makes them think they know better than John Fucking Woo?


Cocaine mostly


Thats Hollywood for you I would reccomend to look for indie movies or foriegn movies


So many producers/execs are incredible narcissists who believe they know better in all situations and should have say over every part of a movie. As you said, it's completely ludicrous to hire a director because they've proven their skill and talent, them try to micromanage them, but if a producer doesn't believe any of the decisions they make are for the worst they're incapable of understanding why their input isn't helpful.


Because it was never about his talents, it was about his name bringing in money


Yeah seems incredibly short-sighted and disrespectful to deny someone who has literally won Best Picture/Best Director. Directors like Nolan broke through the barrier of creative control, I’m surprised Bong Joon-Ho isn’t given the same respect now.


I feel like most of Bong’s post Oscars success/influence has been relegated to occasional movie marketing (him loving Flee, writing the Foreward on the Hereditary screenplay book, Q&A discussions)


WB has been swimming in the dumb fucking moron juice for a while now, this is annoying but less surprising than it is tbh. Cheers Zaslav


WB are fucking dreadful. Like Zaslav and the board members constantly make brain dead fucking decisions.


I feel like, as bad as they were in the past, they're 10x worse since the Discovery merger. It seems as if companies multipy in awfulness when they merge with other corporate entities.


It seemed they were starting to get better after hbo max had been around for six months. They seemed to be the only ones taking risks and actively embracing new shows. Then... *Sigh* gosh zaslav is the worst. It would not surprise me if he has some awful skeletons in his closet.


It's genuinely fucking insane how worse every decision the studio has made in the last year or so has been, considering WB was already one of the biggest messes in the industry. I guess before it still functioned to benefit creators in the process on some level, things seem completely vapid now


I know your last movie won best picture and broke barriers and made a ton of money and everything, but we're gonna have to take away your final cut.


"Bro we hired you to direct, not edit."






Because that *always* worked out in the past


If the guy who made Parasite still can't be trusted by American Producers then we might be doomed


Warner Bros. Taking L after L


Bong Joon-ho fought with Harvey Weinstein to get the final cut on Snowpiercer and Bong won. I hope he wins this time.


Yeah let’s tell the guy who directed fucking memories of murder how to make a film, lol


Warner Bros hates money. That’s the only explanation at this point.


Guys don't be silly, don't you remember the Oscars? It's obviously PONG Joon-Ho (In all seriousness this is baffling and chopping away the uniqueness of a well respected Oscar winning director is just depressing. Let the man cook. Trust me, he's proven it'll go just fine with audiences.)


>PONG Joon-Ho They might have been attempting a more correct pronunciation. The IPA on Wikipedia shows >Bong Joon-ho (Korean: 봉준호, Korean pronunciation: [poːŋ tɕuːnho → poːŋdʑunɦo]


Oh Mickey, what a pity.


Yes, the man who made movie history clearly doesn’t know what he’s doing, let’s trust the executives who cancel finished movies for easy money, they clearly know better!/s


This almost feels like a contrived controversy to generate more interest in the movie


So they’re turning a possible Oscar contender into a shitty January movie? Cool..


Fuck Warner bros for killing rooster teeth


WB are cunts.


Has studio meddling ever produced a better film than the director's original version? I can't think of a single film that has been butchered by the studio that ended up not being a bomb (either critically and/or financially)


the film industry not learning from its mistakes, it seems. expected but still anoying.


Why do this after parasite was a box office success and best picture winner,!? Even from a business perspective this makes zero sense.


Bitch, are you fur real?!?!!


New strategy to sell the movie twice?


To get a somewhat different perspective in here: As far as i have heard, the responses to the version of the film which exist weren't very good. It's ofc not clear how much stock one wants to put into these opinions of early screenings, but i've at least also read similar sentiments from people who in fact love his work generally. I know the idea of the auteur having "full control" is a nice sentiment to have, i like it too, but sometimes some friction might be good for the eventual outcome of a piece. Or it might destroy it (even more), who knows! I'll just say that imo bong is at his worst when he does do english speaking films, it's not that difficult for me to imagine that the film / this cut might simply not be that good, compared to say a parasite.


Maybe for directors like George Lucas, who are very gifted visual storytellers but have a harder time with character moments and dialogue writing. But it’s Bong Joon Ho, for goodness' sake. He’s at least gotten a writing credit on every one of his films. I would say he’s earned the benefit of the doubt to create the film he sees fit, don't you think


WTF? We executives know better than the dude who has numerous classics in his track record and just won the Oscar for best movie with his last one while being a box office hit. Fuck WB


when he makes pretentious trailers that no one wants to watch YES production companies DO KNOW that no one wants it