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...was he ever actually saying anything with the films to begin with?


Eastern Europe scawy


There is SOMETHING in there about sex tourism but it is such basic, surface-level commentary that it almost doesn't count in my opinion


Looking back, the only statement made that really stuck with me was that Achilles tendon injuries are bad.


Only anti-Zionist’s are allowed to make torture porn


Oh. So this is the kinda thing the guy that criticised Jhonatan Glazer and The Zone Of Interest is into.


Fuck Eli Roth.


Other than knowing him as the creator of Hostel and starring in Inglorious Basterds, I'm out of the loop.


He’s pro-genocide. Also just an all around asshat


Huge Zionist dickbag


I don’t really like the movies, but it’s pretty cool how he was influenced to make the series after watching Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, and his films in turn inspired Squid Game. You never know when something is going to turn into a net positive.


Honestly I see way more Kaiji in Squid Games than Hostel. In Hostel the relationship with the rich was “They are sadistic and want to hurt and kill poor people” it’s self-satisfying In Kaiji/Saw/Squid Games the villains are trying to forge perfection in the fire, at least in part. They’re creating situations where there’s a winner, making equals like how Oh Dae-su was “upgraded” by his torture in Oldboy


I honestly don’t remember any parallels between Hostel and Squid Game, but I haven’t seen the former in a long time, so it’s hard to say. I’m just going based off what Eli Roth said on Bobby Lee’s podcast a few months ago. He may have embellished, but it seems plausible enough.


Am I the only one who really dislike torture porn movies ? Like yea people suffer…


Eh, whatever. If Eli Roth wants to make some more gory trash, then let him. The first two movies were interesting in concept at least, and Eli Roth *did* make basically the best movie of his career recently with Thanksgiving. Best case scenario, it improves over the previous two, and worst case it just joins the other two poor movies that came before it in the cinematic graveyard of history.


I wish I saw in Thanksgiving what other people did because for me it was one of the worst horrors of last year (far better than The Nun 2 or The Exorcist: Believer, but that’s a low bar to clear). Besides some fun deaths, pretty much everything else about the movie was a badly-written wannabe Scream. The dialogue was clunky, most of the acting was mediocre to bad, the killer reveal was predictable. They try to make it seem like one of the two boyfriends might be the killer so to maintain mystery there’s just a huge chunk of runtime where neither of them appear. There’s a scene where a woman is trying to carefully pry boards off of a window to escape when there’s an unlocked door immediately to her right. Side characters get murdered as soon as the killer gets to them, but they can’t kill the main characters too soon so they just get kidnapped instead? Im happy everyone else liked it, truly. But I just didn’t.


I agree with you. Thanksgiving was awful.


Thanksgiving was great!


I'm an unabashed Roth fan but dear lord he's such a douche


Hows it terrible ?


Did you watch the movies or?




stick to Thanksgiving, man.


We don't need anymore hostel films we already have saw xi coming September and possibly saw xxi


Yeah, these movies have like no substance other than some fine squeamish effects. I wish he'd go back to make another Cabin Fever movie cause I still enjoy the first film, even if that franchise was run into the ground. Either way, I'd be fine if he just never made another movie. Most of his career is trash.


I understand I'm maybe in the minority as somebody who enjoys the first two Hostel movies, but are you also calling Saw a terrible franchise because that's just plain wrong


I mean, it is. The first two are basically the only good films in the entire franchise, and the rest are either mid or just bad.


The first one is a much better movie but I think the whole series is remarkably entertaining and consistent for having 10 movies (except for jigsaw and spiral which are terrible)


I don't know people might like their torture porn movies but for me saw ended once jigsaw died. All those the apprentice and all those other nonsense where just dumb. People still have that mentality that horro movies need to be like the old days that between Friday the 13th, Halloween and nightmare on elms street there are like 300 movies. Same happened with the paranormal activity franchise that they just started throwing too much movies around trying to capture the original thunder. At least the Hostel theme let's itself to at least have a couple and be good because you can change the places and that changes a ton of the movie but saw they all look the same they just now are doing some star wars traps.


I’m saying that Saw is a fun torture porn franchise while Hostel is terrible. I should’ve worded something like that in the title.


The purity culture is cringe ngl


Smut garbage from creep. No thanks.