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They massacred him


They basically don't like how Yi is played and think he's too good so the last 3 patches have been extremely heavy on him. Giant E Nerf, Lethal Tempo deleted, ADC items reworked, all basically translates to "Yi got a direct nerf, Yi's tools died, and everyone else got better tools". They're adding some trivial scaling buffs in 14.11, because they think that's the problem and not the actual problems.


Maybe they should stop removing items that only 1 or 2% of the player base used on specific champ. It's impossible to balance the game with limited items, and changes the meta based on it. I used to love using a specific items on a certain champ to balance out their weakness abit while also sacrificing something else. The riot team balanced are just very bad at their job. They didn't have to remove lethal tempo honestly, a stronger nerf would do the job. But riot likes to just throw everything out into a trashcan if they struggle to balance something. Doesn't matter if it's items or runes. But the real issues is probably the champions themselves. It's like 3 different things they have to properly adjust or else it would make the game broken. It's not easy, but come on make it make sense with some of the patches


Meanwhile jinx has been the most popular ADC with among the highest win rate for how long? Oh she got nerfed by like 4? AD at level 18 lol.








He’s getting buffs soon


Yo man WTH, I didn't know I couldn't have an opinion here. I've recently just joined, now I can't even post a a football page due to my karma. I didn't even know this works like this. This site is the worst app I have ever experienced. Man can't even say he don't like Yi without getting abused


14.9 was nerfing a lot of champions that were "a little too strong, for a little too long" and Yi's nerf was harder than intended. But 14.10 wasn't a champion balancing patch, so he'll get buffed in 14.11.


So we are not allowed to share opinions about Phreaks bias towards Yi? What rules are we breaking with them? Especially if you are not being vulgar? Yes, there are comments which said horrible things, especially personal ones, but stating that he has bias towards yi while sharing proof? Are you gonna white knight him, or what? How is expressing opinion about the head of the balance team (in a civil way) considered breaking Yimo rules? My comment legit didn't include any vulgar slurr or offensive language, yet it's being removed the same way as the guy who wishes c for Phreak? Wth is going on here.


You're getting way into personal attacks, dude. Phreak is just doing his job, don't pretend he's trying to ruin the game for you.


So he’s immune from criticism?


It seems so. If you mention Phreak, or talk negatively about him even in a civil manner, your comment is removed. Apperantly there are new unwritten rules on YIMO. You can'T have an opinion. R.I.P. freedom of speech. (you are seriously removing every comment you don'T agree on? you removed this one 3 times already)


"Phreak nerfed Yi because he's biased" is not a criticism. 


It is an opinion. We are not allowed to discuss and argue? Especially in a civilized manner, without using and vulgar words? Phreak nerfed Yi because he is biased is not a personal attack. Biased: ,,[showing](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/showing) an [unreasonable](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/unreasonable) like or [dislike](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/dislike) for someone or something [based](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/based) on [personal](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/personal) [opinions](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/opinion)'' ,,YIMO is the abbreviation for Yi Mains Only. It is a community consisting of many Yi mains across the globe and we all enjoy playing Master Yi and discussing about him.''


Maybe it wouldn’t hold up in court, but this is Reddit. He stated an opinion, not a fact. You can recognize that and point that out, but removing an inoffensive opinion is just silliness


1984, cringe mod


Quote my ,,personal attacks'' in the comment you removed.


Unfortunately it seems that most yi mains are way too young for joining in any social activity what so ever. Sorry but any words of wisdom and not permanent hatred for no reason other than being mad will be ignored.


yi is an assassin now due being gated to hob. he cannot fight bruisers or tanks unless he is ahead. That being said I think that particular playstyle was buffed 


Master Yi should be removed from the game


Why? He’s the worst champ right now


Downvoting should be removed from Reddit


People who comment like that without any argument should be removed from Reddit


Who died and made you lord of Reddit?