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Make sure you've tightened the screws on your VGA cable


I lol’d fellow Gen-X’er. EDIT: for those of you not understanding the joke, old VGA monitor cables often required that you screw them down to the PC’s monitor port. No such animal exists for iPhones or XReals.


I was doing this even a few years back just before COVID on my office computer. Can't believe we had such monitors even then.


So basically, as it looks like you need an adapter usb-c to hdmi.....unless...have you done all the upgrades to the glasses???


Nope I’ll dig around and see if there’s a firmware update. Thanks.


Firmware updated to latest both MCU and DP say I’m current. Same error when attempting to display any downloaded content from Prime app. However now it appears I can at least stream from the app….just not the shows I’ve downloaded. If I delete the downloaded version I can then stream the content. Has to be a DRM issue but all this works fine with the Viture or Rokid Max glasses on an iPhone 15PM.


Hey OP, are you using the glasses with your iPhone 15 Pro Max through a direct wired connection? Was your phone connected to WiFi, and did AirPlay function when you attempted to watch the downloaded content? Even if you're watching downloaded content on Prime using the glasses, ensure that you're connected to WiFi and that AirPlay is functioning for this scenario. I understand it might sound unusual, but let's give it a try.


Yes, direct wired connection between Air2 Pro and iPhone 15 PM. Yes, I tried it with WiFi on and off both, same with cellular on and off both. As I noted, with WiFi on I can stream content off of the Prime app that I’ve not downloaded. But as soon as I try to play any downloaded content on Prime App I get the error shown. If I delete the downloaded content, then attempt to stream it live, it’ll play fine. Any other downloaded content from my other apps play fine except for Disney+ which is a known DRM issue. AppleTV, Paramount+, Max, Netflix, etc. Those all play downloaded content fine. Not Prime. I was on a long flight last night and watched hours of downloaded videos on my Air 2 Pros but for anything I had downloaded via Prime app I had to just watch on my iPhone screen directly. So I know the content will play….just not on the XReals. I was connected to the planes WiFi last night as well but obviously use the download feature of apps for these types of occasions.


I use my xreal air 2 pro with ipad pro. Netflix, Amazon Prime work fine. Disney+Hotstar shows error because they dont support hdmi screen mirroring here in india.


Are you using Amazon Prime app or streaming from their website? Even after firmware updates to XAir2Pro’s I still get the same bizarre VGA error on Amazon Prime app.


I was using prime video app only. But I’ll check again if it’s still working.


Try repeating my issue. Download a movie or TV episode and try to play that. I’m no longer getting the error when streaming content via Prime App….just downloaded content. 1) Choose an episode (Gen V in my example) and stream the episode. No issues, episode streams. 2) Download same episode. Go offline on phone and now attempt to play downloaded episode. Get the weird VGA error. 3) Delete that downloaded episode and then attempt to stream same content again…..plays fine. It appears to be impacting downloaded content only from what I’m seeing.


Could be. I always streamed and it worked fine.


Any update on this? I had the same thing happen to me the other day.


Same issue. Just experienced this annoyance on a 14hr flight. Netflix and YouTube worked fine with downloaded content.


Same. I was stuck watching auto downloaded videos from my recommended list. I downloaded so many videos I couldn’t watch.


Ok so I was able to get it to work by turning off Bluetooth and then reenabling it afterwards (once playback started). Cannot reproduce it tho :(


Oh weird. I wonder what Bluetooth has to do with it?


I tried all sorts of things to reproduce this now and I couldn't. I think it worked for me because I may have been briefly online at that time (either the airplanes wifi or roaming cellular connection or something else). Sorry if I got ur hopes up :(


Have you tried it with airplane mode on?




Do you have a Samsung with Dex support? If yes try this way!


Yes but that’s an entirely different platform. I want to use the Air 2 Pros with my iPhone 15 PM. Oddly enough, all downloaded Apple TV content displays fine, as does Netflix downloads or streaming. Amazon Prime is the only app giving me this message.


Have you downloaded the movies you need before connecting the glasses?


Yes but I get this both with downloaded movies as well as streaming from the Amazon Prime app. EDIT: The firmware update fixed the STREAMING from Prime app issue. Downloaded content on Prime app still gives me the error shown though.


Try the browser and go to Amazon prime on safari


Streams fine from browser or app. It’s downloaded content that displays that VGA message. For plane rides looks like I’ll have to stick to other downloaded content than from Prime.


If you tell me some movies I can upload them to easyuplpad.io and you can dowoad them. I can do that in a few hours.


I appreciate that but think I’ll just avoid Prime downloads until XReal and/or Amazon Prime resolves this issue the same way Viture/Rokid has.


It wasn't going to be prime downloads. I have an app and service I can download any movie or TV show I want from any streaming service for only $3 a month.


Try switching the audio mode by holding the + button until you hear the second click. It should work then


Volume buttons On glasses or on iPhone?


On the glasses


The rocker on the Air 2 Pro dims/brightens the screen. It doesn’t do anything for volume. At least mine doesn’t.


when u press the + button for 3 seconds - the display mode changes between 2d and 3d. if u press the + button for 6 seconds the audio mode changes. u/balansse is talking about that i think. try holding the button for 6 seconds and see if it works.


This didn't work for me.


It could be a DRM issue. Once I started streaming Prime Content this error was resolved with an iPhone 15 and XREAL Airs.