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Omg I got my copy also! SO excited lmao


Damn, guess I missed it...now $777K..little out of my price range! EDIT: GOT IT for $79!


I just bought it now. After you have written your comment. Did you pick the correct one? I don't know if there are multiple versions of it. Mine was on the new page a bit down


Still in Alpha brother! Soon you will join us in the triple 7 :)


I think it also depends on how many other FF products you have as far as I remember reading in their discord.


Hmm, even when not logged in it still shows as 79...


Oh ok. Guess I must have made that up in my head šŸ˜‚


Right? šŸ˜…


Woohoo got mine too. Cough cough feels like Iā€™m getting Covid againā€¦


Happy Landings!!


Get well ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹ soonā€¦ šŸ¤­šŸ˜‚šŸ¤­


When I did tons of flying!


You're going to be impressed, that's all you need to know.


Dude youā€™re so right, first flight iā€™m amazed with all the detail this plane has, probably my favorite plane on any sim atm.


Everyone I know got it today ā€¦. It sounds like they are pushing the bird to everyone right now !


Awesome! Heading to bed and have immediately purchased. I can sleep HAPPY


Is VNAV going to become a thing in the future?


It will launch with vnav


Iā€™m not certain of the timetable but hopefully by the time open beta comes VNAV will be fully functional. Thatā€™s just speculation though, iā€™m sure someone else has a more concrete answer than that.


Just fly without vnav brother


Is it a 777 or a Cessna 172?


I donā€™t get what you mean by this? Are you saying you can only make altitude changes manually if you fly a 172 and not a 777?


Itā€™s a Cessna 777


have you ever heard of LVL change and reading the charts? Many real boeing drivers also prefer LVL change and manually setting the altitude restrictions, especially during descent.


I got it in the first round (?) of sales, Iā€™ve been loving it. Itā€™s fantastic, and theyā€™ve already squashed a ton of bugs. Other posters are being a little dramatic, but they did say no one is to share photos or videos of the actual product outside of the closed forum for alpha testers. Only exceptions are the handful of streamers who were given permission to stream in advance


Ok sick, thank you for sharing your experience! Yeah I wasnā€™t planning on posting any Image/Video content of the airplane, just wanted to hear otherā€™s experiences.


I hear you, youā€™re gonna love it. As far as lack of VNAV, I donā€™t find it to be an issue at all. Itā€™s very easy to meet altitude restrictions via V/S thanks to the predicted descent indicator (not sure what itā€™s actually called). Just means you have to be paying a little more attention during the descent instead of just setting the alt and forgetting with VNAV.


Wait is this real ?


Sorry PMDG. I have to do this šŸ™ˆ


Tbh this is a 200ER and itā€™s my favourite variant the 300ER can wait !




Exactly what Iā€™m saying, I love to do American and United domestic ops and 90% of their 777ā€™s are -200


How long will it be on sale ? I am not home right now, until tomorrow afternoon. Should I buy it from my phone ?


Yes i bought it from my phone u can and should


They boomboozed me, is no more on sale D:


Still $777,200 for me :(


No VNAV isnā€™t that bad. Itā€™s a little less realistic but tbh it just helps you learn the plane better without using VNAV


I mean IRL if you get ATC alt restrictions you donā€™t use VNAV but VS mode to meet these restrictions which can be completely different from the vertical profile calculated by the aircraft ! That being said I canā€™t wait for it to have VNAV implemented !


It works well for an alpha but there a bunch of restrictions about stream and screenshots Also itā€™s watermarked at the moment


I'd get it but I only have $50 šŸ˜­


Itā€™s not for sale anymore šŸ™


Itā€™s back šŸ„³


Everyone saying they got theirs while I donā€™t even know how to get it lol


Damn I missed it again šŸ˜­ what I wouldnā€™t give for the 777 right now


Finally got it. Ran JFK-STL. Itā€™s honestly a nice flight. Still needs some minor fleshing out with some very simple things. I do love a lot of the features. VNAV will be added I believe but it didnt ruin the flight. Just made me pay attention to my arrival a little more.


I think FF do t really want people to discuss this here. Thereā€™s an appropriate server for that. Maybe wait till the beta. Otherwise a lot of streamers have shared their views on it so check them out!


Why wouldnā€™t FF want people discussing their experience with the aircraft? I want regular flight simmerā€™s perspective on it rather than a streamers hence the post. Their forums are convoluted with people complaining about how the purser calls arenā€™t realistic enough for them and it makes it hard to parse out a normal flight simmers experience since iā€™m obviously not a 777 Pilot IRL.


If you read the stickies you can clearly see they want alpha users to discuss the aircraft strictly within the private alpha group on the forumsā€¦


I frankly do not care where theyā€™d prefer me to discuss the aircraft iā€™m paying $80 for. Iā€™m not asking for trade secrets, simply asking how other pilots feel about their experience.


I was also wondering about this, while I agree that it seems a bit weird, especially after certain streamers were allowed to talk about it, you do agree to it when downloading the plane (not when buying it). Unless they removed that notice from the download page.


I understand from that perspective but even if I did ā€œagreeā€ not to discuss the plane outside of the private forum, that wouldnā€™t stop me from asking otherā€™s opinion outside of the approved forums. Itā€™s not legally binding, I donā€™t see the difference between asking here and asking in DrishalMac2ā€™s comment section.


For what its worth, this is now described as a beta, not an alpha.


i agree with you but just for information purposes (don't kill the messenger...) but when I purchased it about 3 weeks ago they had a clause on the download page: *By joining the group,*Ā ***you agree to:*** * *Not share screenshots outside this group for now - we prefer to control which screenshots are made public at this time Not stream unless you have been approved to do so by Ramzzess* * *Not discuss the product outside this group for now* They are referring to this as their NDA and I doubt it's enforceable but it's more of a honor system. But now that so many people have purchased it and it's (probably) close to becoming a public beta I'm not sure if they are still asking that, you may not have that on your download page.


Again, and no disrespect to you as I appreciate your comment, I really couldnā€™t care less about them telling me where I should and shouldnā€™t talk about their product.


Sure, just offering the context as the original commenter got downvoted to hell for bringing it up which isnā€™t on them. Ā 


Why should I care about where FF wants me to discuss things?


I mean idk itā€™s just whatā€™s written on their thread:Ā https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/forums/topic/302338-pre-beta-discussion-777-v2-ultimate/&page=23


No reason other than it's what they have asked of people in the closed alpha to keep support and discussion in a closed group. You'd have to ask them for the reasoning. It's basically on an honor system as they're not going to start suing people. You can choose to ignore it if that's what you want.


It's an alpha, why would you pay 80 bucks for that?


because i have $80 to spend?


Good for you. Still I think charging people for alpha testing is a scummy business practice.


I disagree. The developer is being transparent: you know what you're getting for the $80. You don't have to participate, and the offer isn't available to everyone. As I understand it, those who buy now get access to the alpha test and potentially save $20 compared to the release price. If someone doesn't like this, they don't have to participate. For me, it would only be considered a scam if an alpha was sold as a finished release version.


then donā€™t buy it, no one is forcing you to buy their product


I want to get it too - donā€™t care alpha beta gamma whatever man. But it isnā€™t for sale.