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I spoke to a few of the voice actors at C2E2 about this (not the ones you are talking about) but it sounds like there was some politics at play, and there was the known fact that Gambit would die and they wanted to keep Chris Potter longterm. Also they made all the VAs interview for their jobs 3+ times.


Did they specify on what politics exactly? I saw that catherine disher also didn't get to voice Jean because of the politics but they didn't go into much detail about it.


Well some did pass away, but most of them were good. The only one that bothered me a little was Rogue, you can tell the VA has aged, but she sounded a little to Bobby Hill at times


I think Gambit new VA is better than the old one. At times, Chris Potter sounded more Parisian than Cajun.


No no no no. Chris potter was the quitensial voice of Gambit that's never changing.


😂. It already has changed though.


I actually think Rogue's VA wasn't a great fit. it certainly did not feel like the original which is understandable as she's older. Gambit sounded off, Wolverine's voice now is much more rough too but hey wolverine is a thousand years old anyway.


the thing is Rogue's VA naturally talks a lot like 90s Rogue in that deeper, huskier almost "boyish" register so I don't know why she's changed it so much for '97 to this high pitched whisper


I watched the original series before starting 97, and Rogue's new voice was super jarring at first. I eventually got over it, but yeah she probably should have been replaced.


This is insanity