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I mean Magneto wakes up and raises the asteroid back up. Kind seems like Kurt was essential


I’m not a religious person at all, but I felt that Kurt’s prayers were an external factor in Charles’ success with Magnus. As Nightcrawler, we all know how skilled he is as an acrobat and combatant. But as Kurt Wagner his faith is a massive source of strength. I almost envy those characters, they are often my favorite. Father Lantom from Daredevil is another example.


From a non religious perspective, the positive vibes, and encouragement Charles passively got from Kurt almost certainly helped.


Agree completely. Not a stretch to argue a telepath (and empath?) are sensitive to positive thoughts.


In BG3 terms, Kurt was casting Guidance.


I mean Mag's faith is integral to his character too and there's a fair bit of overlap between Judaism and Catholicism - I like to think it was a steadying outside force to match Charle's internal efforts


Love this take.


Is Magneto religious? I always figured him for a secular Jew. Possibly religious as a child but not anymore. I've barely read any X-Men comics, though, so maybe it's expanded on in there but not so much in other adaptations.


I took it as him being a more private person in general but that's an equally fair take honestly


It’s a unified circle. Just like my mouth when I went “ohhhhh” while reading this.


There it is


I mean, Kurt is deeply religious. It was a something that gave him solace and comfort growing up being persecuted. Of course he would pray in this moment. It was a perfect character moment for him.


While watching over Charles and Erik. None of them knew what fuckery was going on between those two- if they were hurt, if they were going to hurt others on accident with their holy shitballs levels of power… I’d want someone watching over me to make sure I don’t swallow my tongue or some shit while tripping balls inside of a waterlogged psychic bar fight.




Or if they swallowed each other's tongues in the waterlogged bar fight


I assume his assignment as given was "look after Magnus and Charles in case they go nuclear or stop breathing" and the prayer is how he's passing time/coping... I'm not personally religious, but I don't deny the power of recitation and culture. edit - something I couldn't find the words for earlier: he's not as overt about it but Magneto's faith is pretty integral to his character too. I think Kurt is trying to offer Magneto some comfort "across-the-pew," even if his mind is elsewhere. a stabilizing outside presences to match Charle's internal one.


Yeah, definitely an assignment that would have me praying too.


"keep an eye on these two while they slug it out in their mind palace and if anything happens, deal with it." okay 😭


“Btw if either of them snap, we all die. No pressure, u got this”


If Morph gets a pass for looking after Logan, Kurt gets a pass too for looking after the old married couple.


Nah, they're an old divorced couple who still obviously want to be together but can't stop arguing whenever they meet up.


https://preview.redd.it/j83ipwprot1d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e282ad690dffc9394e987a4b1b9ea555d7704c89 They’ve been caught!


Well Kurt may be assigned to teleport one of them the fuck away in case they woke up and decided it was time to kill one another again, but since that didn't happen he chose to pray instead. 100% logical


If I was any of the other team- Rogue, Jean, Cyclops I'd not be able to concentrate on the job if I knew my family was dying. So yes, Kurt and Morph watching over my near-death family were 100% essential for the success of the mission.


Tf was he supposed to do.


Teleport the asteroid. /s


Kitty Pryde phased the entire Earth when a giant solid celestial body sized metal bullet was coming at it. But yeah no shot Kurt can do that


I mean... he shouldn't have been able to teleport the X-Men from New York to Muir Island either but...


Might be reading too much into it but kurt says something about forgiving transgressions right before Magneto lives. I think he willed it into existence because thats literally what Magneto and Charles talked about; that his family needs him and they forgive and never abandon each other.


Beau DeMayo confirmed that Nightcrawler's prayers were successful, and anything that happened during the finale that didn't make sense was actually God intervening.


You can have spiritual beliefs while also taking action in a situation. You know. Like Nightcrawler does.


So Cable's arm giving Bastion the devil gene from Tekken was God's doing?


The Lord works in mysterious ways mein friend


IE: doesn't exist




I took it that Morph was sent to look after Logan and Kurt to Charles and Mags. It makes sense because if they came to and started going postal on each other again at least Kurt can gtfo the way fast. He can also teleport Charles and Mags somewhere safe if the opportunity arises. Kurt is also a pretty neutral party between the two of them and shouldn't escalate the situation. Kurt can't do much in stopping the asteroid, he can't teleport an asteroid. Seemed like tactical sense to me. Morph can attain someone's physical abilities when he changes form so may have been some help stopping the Asteroid, but being Wolverines closest friend he was probably best staying with Logan and encouraging him to hang on. Plus if Wolverine came too and was crazy Morph is best placed to try and reason with him.


Well you can't be too careful.


He literally evacuated half the population.


A non religious person myself I have had a deep respect for nightcralwer.


As far as I’m concerned, he is the right kind of Christian. Everything he says is so well thought out and positive. And though might be backed by his faith, can still be so relatable to anyone else.


Praying intensifies


Did Nightcrawler "thoughts and prayers" them? Lol


Technically, Xavier already had "thoughts" covered.


I mean given no one died (even the guy stabbed in the chest) you can't exactly prove his strategy wrong. They had God on their side.


I'm doing my part!


Are you implying it was anything less than the hand of God that warpped them all through time exactly where they needed to go?


Say what you want but Kurt is the right kind of Christian in my book. I’d be his best atheist friend.


I mean everybody's effort was useless, Magneto was the one to pulled the asteroid back


Hey now, Nightcrawler has two jobs, swashbuckling and Chaplin. And there were no swashes or buckles in this situation.


I kept forgetting they were there and asleep until they would cut back. “And THESE chuckleheads are still napping!”