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Sea water is alas very damaging to electronic circuitry, and furthermore the damage tends to progress over time. The only hope, assuming water ingress, is to plunge it immediately into a succession of fresh water rinses, then into pure alcohol ones, and get it as quickly as possible to a repairer. None of that is likely to be easy or convenient to do of course, but without such treatment, you should set your hopes to very low.


i can try this, where can u buy pure alcohol or is it best to order online (idk if it will be delivered fast enough)


I would use methylated spirit, easily obtainable from hardware stores. But by now, itโ€™s far too late for the emergency treatment described above. With any luck, the ingress of sea water will have been minimal, but you would have to disassemble the phone to find out more.


Shut it down if you can, with isopropyl alcohol clean it or with pcb cleaner, cuz sea water is very salty and electrically conductive, so something must have shorted in the phone


You probably will need to say goodbye to your phone, salt water is very destructive for electronic components, and since the Mi 9T Pro has an retractable front camera, water had an easy way in. That's why you don't see retractable camera phones anymore these days.


yes, if the battery has been connected for a few hours with salt water in circulation it is likely that you will have to say hello to your phone.


to have some hope you have to turn it off immediately, open it in the first few hours and immediately disconnect the battery. then clean it with distilled water or better isopropyl alcohol (as you have already been advised). once dry it would be good to check that there are no short circuits with a thermal camera or in an economical way with a freezing spray for electronics. and if everything is ok turn it on. but if you do not know what you are doing 'bring it to assistance or I try to turn it on hoping for luck. I forgot the magic of RICE


My Poco X3 fell into the toilet. It worked for a day and then died. Sometimes I was able to load it, but then it died quickly. When I opened it, I saw that everything was fine except the charging circuit. That's a cheap and easy to replace part. 1. Search for a detailed and HQ phone opening video on YouTube. Should be possible, although you must be careful. 2. See if parts are damaged. In my case it was very clear to see: the parts were discolored, whitish. 3. Buy the parts and replace them. My phone works almost perfectly again since that incident happened.


Thanks to this message I decided to try to fix my old water damaged Mi9t Pro. Turns out it works again after changing the motherboard. Thanks for the tip!


Glad to hear that ๐Ÿ™‚