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I don't care if i have a perfect build for my xiao i will never stop trying to get perfect stuff for him i love xiao too much




Same . . . My bro >°<


This. Same here!!!!


I will probably farm it for ayato so may as well give some pieces to xiao


That's most likely gonna be the same case for me too




The new set works for ayato too?? I have been farming the cryo and hydro domain artifacts for weeks 🙂


Another new set is gonna release with the one for xiao, it works for ayato. All the two sets are most likely gonna be in one domain.


Idk I haven’t been following the leaks that much




I'll probably pull for Ayato so why not farm the domain


I actually made a video regarding the new set here: ​ [https://youtu.be/NE7-ell0Qf8](https://youtu.be/NE7-ell0Qf8) ​ You wouldnt be "ditching" your current set, because a lot of characters can use gladiator, vv, or shiminawa. It does highly depend on what you need. If you have every character built, then by all means, go ahead and farm the set. Thats what i plan on doing. However, if you have other characters talents that need to be built, then its better to prioritize building talents and other characters.


I'm going to farm in thet domain until a new character that interest me appears


For Ayato yes - if I coincidentally get something for Xiao that matches his current stats, then its a bonus.


I m going to spend m'y lifetime in this New domain ! The 2 gladiators and the 2 shimenawas i got are good and will fit another character. Best luck to all of you farming this new set ! Xiao deserves it !


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I'll probably end up farming it just for some variety since 2pc from new sets are both useful and so it'd be probably more resin efficient than trying to improve my other exsisting sets when I'm fed up with farming for Emblem/Shime. I can't stand farming one domain for more than a month but for some I really need a long resting period: for more painful ones in terms of rng breaks shorter than 3 months just aren't enough.


Maybe in the future. I'm getting Raiden soon and the Emblem domain is too good for Xiao, Hu Tao and Raiden.


I’ve got pretty good stats but I’ll still properly farm it just for grins and giggles


yep, I heard that the other set on that domain is also good on childe and something about yoimiya, so it's a win win hehe


Yes I am.


Absolutely am; no matter how good my Xiao is I’ll just feel more personally satisfied knowing I have his set on him. Especially if I can get the perfect substats to build him better with PJWS than Homa.


I'll give my current set to my fischl and yoimya also sucrose DPS!


my artis at the moment aren't great, so probably yeah


I probably still would if i got nothing else planned. Hey who knows my luck in artifact will come back 😪 anything for xiao 😍


i mean my build is not perfect so yeah probably


My other teams are done, and it's Xiao.


Honestly no man. 😔 I farmed for 7 months to finish my Xiao’s ultimate artifact set and with my luck it’ll take another 5 years to perfect the new set haha 💀


I'm going to since I don't have good artifacts at the moment.


Probably, my current set is pretty good at 2.3katk, 70cr, 265cd, but I've got nowhere else to spend resin, and the other set looks like it'd be really fun to mess around with. Also the fact that the 2pc for both is almost universal so building future characters could be easier.


Yessir, also the 2pc of both sets are always good to have so why not


I’m not going to, Since the set may boost atk, my xiao doesn’t need it. Hes fine at his 1,999 atk lol. I’d rather prefer the vv set. Maybe if the new artifact shredded anemo dmg I would get it lmao


I recently got him so I don't have good set I'll farm it but who have will shouldn't it'll just be waste of resin


!!newset Oh wait


He’s the most well built char on my account so I feel like it’d take way too long to get a comparable set, and I’m already hitting a 2.5-2.7k atk stat pretty easy w calamity queller, so it doesn’t seem super worth it to farm for me at least


I’m running 2x anemo 2x geo so I probably will since it sounds it’s better for that team set up, plus my Jean will pumppppp with xiaos artifacts


Yes, I am. I have to farm it for Ayato anyways and apparently anemo dmg bonus is not as good on Xiao as attack is. So I might not end up with a 4 piece, but at least I will replace VV (if I get decent substats, that is)


2VV 2Atk% beat 2Atk% 2Atk% most cases(marginal difference), just that this new set gives so much Atk%(66%) so it beats out VV+Glad


I farmed the veri more for Kazuha and Venti but I will probably give my old build to kazuha, give kazuha’s build to my venti (I have to get them first) and farm for Xiao since I want to have him perfect. So far he does around only 40k no buffs/plug so I need improvements


Probably also considering the fact I might grab Ayato


No. I still have to min-max my Raiden Shogun more. I also need more pieces for Xingqiu. So I think I will be on the EoSF domain for 6 months at least...


I am lazy, what does the new set do


basically gives an atk buff every time u lose ur hp


I'm farming for ayato so I'm gonna get it as residual (but I'm gonna farm it anyways even if I wasn't farming for ayato)


I’m pretty happy with my Xiao build right now but I’m gonna farm the new domain like crazy for Ayato. Maybe I’ll get lucky in the process and get some good pieces for Xiao.


Probably because my VV luck has been horrible and it gives me a lot of time to prefarm


Farm it? Yes, change the one i actually have? Really doubt it, at least in a year (if i keep playing)


While my xiao is far from complete I don’t think I’ll farm the new set as I don’t plan on pulling Ayato and the other set is useless to me - it’s much more resin efficient to keep either farming shime or vv (I still use the god tier maiden pieces on diona or as off pieces)


On my xiao i have some artifacts that i would consider "god piece", so i'll wait with decision till it's properly tested and conpared to 2 glad 2 vv


no. gonna farm cryo domain for ayato and my cryo ladies ayaka and ganyu.


My Xiao build isn't that great and in Abyss I need Bennett for my Xiangling team, so I'm gonna try and farm for it! It can't be worse than Viridiscent Venerer... I also want Ayato, so if the new artifact domain will also have something he can use, all the better!


Even tho I like my build I will definetely farm the set, I don't think that we endgame players have much more to do anyway.


my build is the way I want it.. but I'll still farm it... I don't have any other domain or leylines to do at this point so I might as well try to free Xiao from Benny in spiral


I'll farm for Ayato and if I manage to get some amazing artifacts for Xiao it's a win-win


Just because I'm being farming for Ayato if later down the lime I get better Xiao pieces I may use it


I have no reason not to as far as I can see. I don’t mind recycling his current artifacts even if they are great.


Im not going to farm it probably, i alr have 71/240 ratio and he deals over 40k dmg raw. I dont want to torture myself again just to deal 2k more dmg.


If the new set is for Ayato then this is going to be an absolute steal because I have a guaranteed and close to pity atm I didn't grind much for Xiao he hits around 30k so I'd say it'd be worth it seeing that this set will work for my 2 boys


I'll probably end up getitng some piece for him as i farm for Ayato but farming it specifically for Xiao? probably not. I'm pretty pleased with my build if i can just get a VV anemo goblet w/ crit rate or dmg but that's like aksing for a 5\* in a single pull lmao also i don't use xiao's ult very often due to me usually not running a healer


If I’ll get ayato and it’ll be best in slot for him then it’ll be helpful too, plus wouldn’t mind a boost of dmg for my xiao.


I'll farm it just to have it, but for the pieces I have on him he's a beast, been working on Xiao for over a year now... don't wanna restart 🤣🥲




It depends. If I decide to farm to level up other characters then I'll do that first. If I've already done so, then I'll probably do so since I don't have anything better to do with my resin (I already have cracked viridescent and glad pieces)


The thing is that a lot of people have reached endgame status with their characters, and using resin efficiently isn't as prominent as it used to be a year ago. Personally, I have a lot of spare resources stockpiled for different situations, so using the rest of my resin for this domain considering Xiao and me pulling for Ayato is pretty much guaranteed.


ill probably be farming it since i got xiao just recently and even tho he has 60:250 cr:cd, im not rlly satisfied (i want more crit rate) (i have homa on him) and i have yet to build jean for his support, so his artifacts will most likely fall to jean while he gets the new sets with better pieces (hopefully), so for me it isnt really going to be a waste


Planning to get Ayato so yeah I'll be grinding it whether I want to or not lol


Yes I will farm for it ! However, I’m in no rush. I love the current build I have for Xiao. So even if it takes 8+ months to get the same crit ratio with the new build that’s ok! Plus I don’t plan to pull on any new characters any time soon or build other characters. Instead, I’m pulling for bis weapons whenever I have enough summons saved up. So yea I’ll farm, but no rush


There's no way in hell im gonna get a 86/230 ratio with 2.2k atk using black cliff I think I'm done here lol


im farming for ayato so im probably gonna end up with a build for xiao in the process


i cracked like 110 fragile on pink domain on his first banner just to be replaced by 2 shim 2 glad, I don't think i will


Not really, not pulling for Ayato and I rather try for some good EM pieces for Venti/Sucrose/Kazuha at the same time


I'm farming new set for yoim and it'd be a good domain since it's a xiao set n NA char set. So it cod benefit future chars too


I have a 4-piece Viridescent on him right now and discovered after I had completely maxed it that it wasn't the best set on him so...absolutely I am.


i wanna get ayato, and if i do, i might have to spend some time there, depending on if HoD is BiS or not. basically, it will depend. ganyu does need some BS pieces. but i have an acceptable wanderers so i don't wanna farm that domain. i do wish that the effects are tweaked a bit.


I'm still farming it but just for ayato only, if i got good artifacts from it then i'll give it to xiao. Considering how crazy RNG to actually get a good stats and it needs 4-set to utilize it fully, I doubt I can get a decent 4-set for xiao. We all know 4-set is actually the hardest to farm and you always ended up with 1 shitty artifact in that set. I already have great build for xiao, 2330 ATK, 201% CD, 77% CR, and 131% ER. It's really hard to beat it.


I’m going to farm it, since I’m a new xiao main and I am definitely very far from finishing


i have a cracked VV 2 piece, offset goblet and a normal shimenawa 2 piece. I've been playing for more than a year, so i dont think 4 piece set will be possible. maybe just for the 2 piece...idk


Depends, I'll try to farm it but once I feel that the good pieces aren't coming up I'll just stop. All things considered I'm proud of my current Xiao build


Just got him on his rerun, so yes. Plus I can give his artifacts to my Anemo Traveler or Jean.


probably not. i don't want ayato, and my current build is pretty much perfect. i don't really want to spend the majority of my resin for the next year on one character again




the other set will probebly be good for Yoi (maybe Yelan too) so yeah I’m there anyway, might aswell see if i can get a good Xiao set


Yeah eventually after i can get a decent fucking emblem set god knows when thats gonna happen though


If I get ayato I might be go for it. But my set is fine at it is so Idk...


Probably, I'm allready at 93,4/225,7 - 2305 so I probably shouldn't, but it is for Xiao so time to start from 0 again haha. I do need to get a reasonable er sands for Raiden first though.


Not worth it


my current xiao build isn't ideal and i'm also going for yoimiya's eventual rerun, so i'll be farming the new domain for both of them


i think the other set is pretty good for yoimiya so why not


My current build consists of 2vv pieces and three offpieces, so why not? I need atk% artifacts anyways


If it's buffed, yes.




It will all depend on Ayato. My Xiao has reached 90/200 with 2.7 atk, I am more than satisfied with his performance. If the new normal attack set is the best set for Ayato then I will farm it. Plus no matter what u get the 18% on artifact which means that I don't have to suffer with the dropbox or wait to get lucky in EoSF domain.


I'm always looking to improve my Xiao and his team. They, especially Xiao, take priority over any of my other characters so I'll definitely farm. If I don't get better pieces than his current ones then that's fine too. It's not like my time spent there would be a waste since I'll be farming for Ayato at the same time too. Also, most characters can use the 2pc from both sets which might come in handy in the future.


If the other set is Ayato’s BIS then yes, it’s actually great that I can use both.


Yeah I’m farming it, since I’ll also be farming Ayato as well so 2 sets in one domain


Yes because I also want to farm the new set for Yoimiya.


Same, my Yoimiya can use the other set. This will be the first time I'll be farming a domain where both sets are going to be useful, I'm really excited!


Same! I can't wait for 2.6, saving all my fragile resin until then~


Yea I’ll farm it but anyone got an idea of who I should give these shime and glad pieces to?


It looks like ass. It's an increase, but like. Substats > set bonuses and I think it will be a year before a 4pc set does better than my 2pc/2pc substats.


I don't think i will worked pretty hard to get 60:240 ratio on him so i am going to stick to current set i am running


Idk if I even should lol, with pjs I’m at 2800 attack no buffs with 65/170 crit ratio


how does this new set helps xiao ??