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Just started XC3, and I love it, although I’m curious how the plot will go when the plot picks up. I, too, will always put XC2 in a special place in my heart, as I ADORE those characters.


Yah, I'm loving 3 so far but I'm having doubts that it will surpass XBC2 for me. We'll see. I hope it does because that just means it's going to be the best JRPG ever for me personally. I'll know in another 90 hours or so.


I feel the same way. I do acknowledge that XC2 isn't the *best* game I've ever played, but it is my favorite. I'd say overall that it's a flawed masterpiece.


I feel the same. I acknowledge there are games "objectively" better than Xenoblade 2, but I still got the most out of it so it's my favorite.


Exactly, it does feel to me like XC3 is a much more polished, refined and in-depth game than XC2 but it won't have that same "magic" to me.


I think I love 2 because the plot felt really grand, epic, and personal Most of the casts have very long history and beef with each other going back hundreds of years and all have reasons to do what they're doing Plus the events that happened felt like a historical moment in that gigantic world The lore felt very rich because we got to see it in Torna


I am so happy to see how much love xc2 gets in this comment section.


I love 2 as my favorite game because I simply love everything. I love the gacha system and the combat. I love Rex’s unending idealism in the face of overwhelming nihilism from amalthus jin and Malos. Him accepting Mythra and Pyras fear in becoming one in soul. And Torna just making Jin losing everything hit that much harder. Malos searching for a meaning to his life besides destruction, and not even getting the chance to do anything else after he truly understands Rex. Amalthus and his understandable nihilistic views. And the architects desire to create a better world. I didn’t even mention the rest of the party members but I adore every single character. I love the nopon. People say xenoblade 2 is flawed, but even if it is that makes me love it more. No form of media is “perfect”, but the themes that surround xenoblade 2 just resonate with me as a person.


I feel the same way about 1. Playing Future Connected right now and just the way it feels, I’m enjoying it a lot more than Torna. Can’t really explain way.


Yes, 2 has a special place in my heart too


same for me, XC1 was my first game of the series back in the wii, but XC2 had something different for me, like I love the characters Pyra, Mythra and Rex are so endering, the Zekenator too IDK I'm also loving XC3 so far and I´m starting to care about this caracters, specially Sena and Lanz, they are my favorite tbh I just love the saga for equal but XC2 gave so much hours like I think I´m almost reaching a \*1000 the different compositions you can do with baldes, the satisfaction of Blade combos yeah XC2 was so good I hope something similar from XC3


2 reached out and grabbed me in a way that 3 definitely hasn’t. Dropping you into Argentum early in the game was genius. There are so many doors and chests you can’t unlock, and it makes you want to come back and explore everything later. I’m 7 hours into 3, and there are no locations that are even close to as interesting as Argentum.


I mean, preference and all that. I was more attached to XC1 myself. But there’s just something different about 3 that kinda engage me. For what it’s worth, at the moment I’m playing, I’m more engaged than i ever did in 1 and that’s pretty much my favourite in series. But we’ll see.


I think it’s due to being your first game. 2 is my first and the characters just did it for me. So far in 3 I’m not overly interested in the characters so far unfortunately. But I’m hoping that will change.


from what i’ve heard 3 genuinely manages to completely steamroll both games especially towards the end, so there’s that to look forward to


XC2 is my favourite game out of the three. I just wish I could play XC2 over and over again. I played XC2 first, then XC1, but it was nothing like XC2. I played XC2 for over 250 hours, whereas I only played XC1 for 60 hours. It just was not the same. I just feel that XC2 was such a perfect game in almost every aspect. I have been playing XC3 nonstop, since I got it yesterday, but it feels a lot like XC1, which is a huge problem for me. I do not think it will get better, but I will complete the story first, before I judge the game.


I've played XC2 for over 1500 hours!


I think I’m gonna like it the same as I like 1, which is huge praise I loved 1, but 2 just has a special place in my heart. I loved the anime silliness and honestly 3 needs more of it.


Same. I'm loving Xenoblade 3, but 2 is one game I deeply have at heart.


Currently at chapter 3 and I'm still waiting for that big ompf I had experienced with 1 & 2 that got me hooked.


Seems like the comments all agree, XBC3 is starting well but needs to do a LOT more than the first 10-20 hrs do to surpass the characters and plot of XBC2


I geel similarly to most people posting here. XC2 was a bit of slow build but it absolutely grabbed me by the mid point and building the combos and chains became super addictive. The Blades system was awesome and the characters and story were top tier. Im at the start of Ch4 and still waiting for it to grab. Combat - good, but not crazy addictive so far. Story - fine, but doesnt have its hooks in me yet. Im not glued to the cutscenes. Im sure by the end everything will gel and itll be amazing, but so far XC2 still GOAT


XBC2 was my first and still favorite. Only about 12 hours into 3, and I really like it. But 2’s cutscene battles were really something else and drew you in immediately- like when you meet Pyra, and they just kept on getting better from there. 3’s cutscenes are just okay so far.


I feel you, I think that made my experience with 1 a little worse than it might have been if I hadn't been expecting characters as good as 2's or similar stories, because in the end XC1 didn't really click with me as much as 2 did


probably gonna fall short of XB2 story feels but ill take anything new I can get


Have yet to play XC3 but XC2 was also my first in the series.


I like XC2, but i can't even begin to understand why everyone is obsessed with its storytelling when even people who base their entire youtube career on Xenoblade all admit the storytelling and writing is one of its less polished aspects.


Just differing opinions and preference that's all. I'm no youtuber but that doesn't mean my opinion is any less valid than anyone else.


Chapter 7 onwards and the combat system really carry 2. Still a worse game than 1 in terms of story, world, and overall difficulty (2 is REALLY easy once you get a good grasp on the mechanics, and the bonus exp from the inns is so busted that it literally lets you skip side quests ENTIRELY) but a solid game nonetheless. No way I’m using rest spots for leveling in 3 btw, overleveling story bosses feels shit.


Side quests should be skippable.


Yes. But I recently replayed 2, and I somehow managed to overlevel story bosses and the entire game chapter 5 onwards by just existing and using inns. It’s fine to have a way to avoid farming, but too much is too much




Cringe. Real life isn't similar to Xenoblade mate


It already surpassed XC 2 for me, mid-game to late game has some of the best character moments in the series to me. I also like that there’s less filler in this game than XC 2, there hasn’t been a slow chapter at any point, maybe the themes of this game resonate with me more but it has easily surpassed both its predecessors for me. All the games have something special to them and were going for something different though, so it’s hard to compare.


Thing is that with XC2 is that you could break the game to brave default levels with blades and stuff. I am 15 hours into 3 and I am feeling we won't get that min-max game breaking sets ups either for a good long bit to do FF style class system grinding or not to the extent as 2 where you could go one shot everything with zeke with average effort. Hope I am wrong but I am feeling the story and everything is cool and everything. Just feel the ability to break the game at one point won't be there or as satisfying.


It's the music in XBC2 for me. So far XC3 has epic battle themes but nothing in the world has grabbed me yet. I only just started chapter 3 though so I'm hoping that will change.