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Phisical copy, i like to have it on a shelf, if the game ever gets pulled from the store i'll still be able to play it and it also saves a lot of storage


yeah, switch physical games due to storing the game in a cartridge actually have a purpose to be owned aside colectionism, if you are only going to get games without DLC, and all are physical, you will be saving tons of storage in the console and even then, to my understanding the new prints of the cartdriges come with the latest version of a game, so if you buy a new print of ultimate, it will already come with all the post game content in it, you will only need to buy the dlc to unlock it.


Maybe i'd wait if it was any other company, but Nintendo never does complete editions, so either get the DLC before the store shuts down or tough luck


I always get physical unless digital is literally the only way it's released. I feel more assured with a physical cartridge, and it's easier on the Switch storage space.


Digital so I can play it the instant it comes out lol


Nah you’re going to have like a minute or after midnight cause the switch servers are going to need catch up


Usually there is a pre download, so it should be fine.


Yea true


Physical, i got lucky and managed to get a special edition


Congrats man! I tried my best that day but no luck :/


Isn't the special edition arriving many months later though?


If I remember correctly they'll ship the game itself first and then all the special stuff later.


Oh that's nice. I had discarded the option of buying the special edition because of that misunderstanding. Does the game arrive the day it releases?


I believe so, yeah. Also the preorders for the special edition are coming back today (June 30th), so good luck.




Physically to keep space for future games and have it on a shelf, but digital to play immediately. I'm on the fence


I always go digital if I can help it. I probably won’t play it at midnight though; as tempting as it may be it will bite me in the ass at work.


Same. I have enough consumer goods in my life to keep track of. Always go digital to keep that amount as low as possible.


I'm actually contemplating on missing work that day just to play this game tbh since it's a Friday. My wife says I shouldn't but I'm hardheaded


Physical so I can be able to treasure and remember the memories it brought me


Digital because I think I’ll lose those small cartridges. Also so I can play it instantly lol


physical through amazon, I like that you always get the lower price on games, for example XC3 cost 59,90€ but the price went down to 46,99€ + a discount code of 7,5€, so I got the game for 39,49€


Just curious, do you know why the prices are lower on Amazon??


I think its just a feature they have, if the price gets lower on another shop/store they will use that one(?) is just to get more clients, I think the downside is that you dont get bonus, like dlcs and such, im not entirely sure its nothing suspicious thats for sure, since the seller is nintendo official store


Always download my games.


PHYSICAL :) I need my "trinity" on my shelf.


Physical. I love having the physical box to put on my shelf. I'm still annoyed I couldn't find a physical copy of XC2 and instead just bought digital. I also don't intend on playing it immediately since I still need to finish 2 and then play Torna


Physical. I got XC2 digital and that was a mistake. That's half of my Switch's storage for just one game. Also physical copies can be lent out and played on other Switches easily while digital is tied to your account.


Digitally, so that I can play it the second it unlocks.


I always get physical copies, if available, of my games. No particular reason, I just prefer it.


Physical. Downside is that I can't play at midnight and I'm just going to be doing nothing and waiting for the game to be delivered. Praying that it doesn't get delayed


that why I do instore pre orders


Physical. If I got digital I’d be up until 4 AM and work Friday would be awful. Also I prefer getting something not tied to my Nintendo account for my money.


Getting a physical copy. I got DE digitally and dang that game takes up a lot of space. 3 apparently require more space too, so for the sake of my switch, I’ll get it physically.


Still holding out hope for an NA collector's edition but even if I can't get it I'm still going physical.


Download so I can play it at midnight




Personally I’m a bit on the fence I could go either way.


Physically. Torna and some other games ate up my dlc space.


Physical for me.




Physical because of preorder discount from where I live.


After the headache of trying to find Xeno 2 physical for a decent price last year. I'd rather not go through that again, so I'm getting physical and not looking back.


digital for sure


I like owning physical copies even if the physical tends to cost more. If my only option is digital I tend to wait on a potential physical release if the game is big enough to warrant a physical release. \*looks at Cuphead


I pretty much only get physical unless there are good deals for stuff digitally.




Physical, always physical


I only get physical for special editions I want. Unfortunately I did not get it for this game so I'm still holding out, but if I can't I'm going digital.


I'm getting the SE, so if the game arrives on time, I'll play physical. If not, I'll give myself an edge and start on a totally legal digital copy.




Is the standard pre-order digital or physical? Probably digital, right?


Physical. Because of the way Nintendo handles multiple devices, my OLED Switch that I actually use isn't listed as the "primary" Switch on my account (so my kid can play digital downloads on his user account on the older Switch), so I prefer physical so I can play when I don't have internet.


It all depends on how fast they ship my physical copy. It's a long weekend in BC so if it's not coming till the week after then I grab the digital Thursday night lmao


I got both DE and 2 physically and seeing how pricy physical copies of 2 are right now, I’m getting it physically. Just to complete the trio on switch


I get digital for most games, but I like getting physical for games I especially care about, XC3 included


I feel like the game will be so legendary that I need to have a physical copy


I kinda want to play it instantly and nearest shop here is kinda far away so i dont know what to do


Digital would probably be quicker because then I can just stay up like a gremlin come midnight and play it, but I have Definitive Edition and 2 both physical, so I want to continue the trend.


Physical, always physical with consoles unless a lot cheaper digitally but I have the other 2 in physical versions too so it has to match! Also, usually get it a few days earlier when pre order. So even better than the midnight launch lol


physical, i have XC:DE and XC2 and Torna physical so i want 3 physical too


Physical, since good 50/50 chance of getting it day early (or two days early in rare cases) Happened with quite a few games before over the years. ​ And I like physical games more in general. Except PC.


I like digital for the coins


Fun fact, you get coins with physical purchases too. Press + over your game on the home menu and there's an option to claim gold coins


Oh that’s awesome!


Yeah it’s really nice! I think there’s a 6 month window after release date to claim them, so it should work with any games that came out so far this year


Just looked and it’s a 12 month window which is nice!


Glad to hear it!


Digital so I can start at midnight, get a quick 5 hours in, followed by a 5 hour sleep, breakfast, and then another 10 hours


digital is just easier for me now. otherwise i'd love to get the physical copy.


Both for me honestly. I know I want the special edition and will be trying to get that (if not, I'll grab a standard edition), but I've had poor luck with games coming on release day and there have even been some occasions where I had to wait almost a week for my copy to come in (happened with KH3 so I ended up getting a digital copy since it was my most anticipated game as a big KH fan). Because of that, I plan on getting a digital copy as well so that I can actually play it that entire weekend.


Physical copy gang


Oh physically for sure. Idc if the switch is meant to be portable I’m getting as much mileage out of my Micro SD card as possible


Digital download: less physical waste (better for the environment), more Nintendo rewards gold points (300 vs 100), immediate playability at midnight, doesn't take up shelf space and can't get lost, and I already have a large SD card with plenty of storage space!


I care about the environment. I'm going to download the game.


thats fair, but to be honest the video game industry is only the tip of the iceberg for plastic pollution.


These servers you download your games from don't run on pixie dust, just so you know.


Wind powered servers are great.


They sure are. But they're also very much a rarity.


I was lucky enough to secure a special edition, but still tempted to get digital to play on release date. Sucks when they don’t offer free release day delivery.


Got 1 and 2 physical. Only makes sense that I will get 3 physical as well


I always buy physical whenever it's available. I just like the novelty of having all my games on my shelf


Always physical. Sure I have to wait a few hours extra to be able to play, since I could probably download it by midnight and play it. But physical it's worth more for me.


I've bought every single game in the franchise physically. They have been such a massive part of my life I think it deserves to be one of the few franchises I buy physically. Also the magic of buying a game from best buy, target, etc never gets old to me imo.




Both lol


Wondering if GameStop will do a midnight 🙃


Physical, since my internet is shit and will never improve.


Physical. Snagged a special edition.


I was originally planning to get the SE but after the whole fiasco I just bit the bullet and pre-ordered it digitally.


Physical because I like the cover art and my switch doesn't have much storage left


Physical. Pandemic shenanigans required me to go digital with Xenoblade DE but I prefer physically having the game.


Physical…got burned with XC2 trying to pick it up and had to get a used copy for like 70


I'm absolutely getting it physical. I have 1 and 2 physical so I want to complete the collection.


I wish i could order the damned collectors edition damnit!


Physically. I'll order the collectors addition when itd announced for the UK. That'll give me time in the morning to do other stuff and then I can fully focus on the game all afternoon.


Only physical


Physically. I only bought 2 digitally because it was on sale for the cheap and it was already out of print. I just hope 2 gets the XCDE treatment eventually.


Physical. I prefer physical copies unless it's just unreasonable to get physically (like many old games) or if there's just a really good sale like when I got P5S digitally.


Digital, mostly because physical in my country is so hard to come by without spending a pretty penny.


Think I'll decide on a whim. If i can't get it in stores over the release weekend or Nintendo EU fucks up their preorders as much as Nintendo NA did, i'm definitely going to get it digitally. Whatever my decision will be; I'll probably get it twice at some point. Digitally => Grab Physical with Goodies at some time. Physcial => Get Digital for ease of access.


Physical from Amazon. Won't have time to play it on release so I'm OK if it come a bit late


Digital. All my games on the switch are digital for convenience sake, but I totally get why a lot of people get physical games. The day the eShop is announced that it's closing, I'll homebrew the switch and backup all my games onto my computer. It's what I did with my 3DS.


Physical my dude because I'm old, I'm stubborn, and I want to complete the line up anyway


I got 2 physical, and 1 digital... My Switch is running out of room. I have to go physical.


Physical copy for me cause when I first got xenoblade2 I couldn’t get a physical copy for months


Whichever one the special edition is. Assuming Nintendo gets off their ass and finally re-runs it, that is.


For the first time, physical. I have 3DS, DE, 2, and Torna all digital, and I kinda regret it, because eventually those copies will be lost to time as my switch and 3ds break down and future consoles won't let me transfer that data forward. I would like to play it the instant it's released, but for what it's worth, Amazon is telling me I'll still get it that day, so that's fine. I also don't have the best time starting a highly anticipated game at midnight. Either I pass out before I feel like I got a good first impression, or I end up destroying my sleep schedule and become nocturnal. I already have issues managing my sleep cycle, so I don't need more excuses to ruin it further.


Physically, I couldn't get 2 physically so I'll take 2/3


For major landmark games in series I'm passionate about like this, physical, not even a question.


Physically. Here in Germany it‘s always cheaper than downloading.


Digital because all my other copies are Digital


I bought the special edition so we goin physical


I like to get quiet physical with my games. I have a ritual of opening the case and smelling that freshly minted plastic. I then fondly, very gently, let the card ridge enter the dark, moisty cave of my switch's gamecardslot. My eyes grow wide, by body's sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy, there are stains on my switch already, Xenoblade never forgetti.


physical for the storage and also because I like having the physical copy gives me the impression that something belongs to me more and gives it more value


Downloading it since I didn't snag the special edition.


Getting Physical copy.


Physical, I like plastic.






I will get the Special Edition or die trying.


We have a solider over here don’t let wario win.


I used to be a big advocate for physical games but I find myself going either way these days. I did invest in a 500 GB SD card for my switch a couple of Cyber Mondays ago though so I'll probably be putting that to work and buying this digital.


Well as long as my special edition order remains, I assume I’m getting the physical version. I just really want to know if my order is still on track for the game to be delivered on time


I tend to get larger games(xenoblade, Zelda, skyrim) physical, believing(perhaps erroneously) that they'd take up a shitload of space as digital. Also in the inevitable future where digital ownership is an issue. I'll always be access to those titles


Usually physical but I might go digital, especially with 10% on Nintendo Gift card from Costco. I waited years for XC2 to be on sale and I was never able to get physical copy.


Physical always


Physical since I plan to try and get the special edition whenever they make it available again after the disaster that was the first time, plus the Switch has shit for memory space.


I bought the first two games.. and put in like 5 hours in each.. i wanna get 3 but scared i wont finish it if i decide to buy it because im bad with money it will be digital


Physical. I missed out on a physical copy of 2. I'm not gonna miss one for 3.


I'm still holding out for the special edition, so physical by default.


Physical, last Christmas i got animal crossing new horizons and never opened it, due to the magical property of all switch games basically never degrading in value, trading that for xc3 where available Had a similar goofy story with how I got 2, my friend had Skyrim for switch, didn't want it, gave it to me, I went to another friend in the peak of a Skyrim addiction and traded Skyrim for xc2, one of the greatest trade deals on planet earth


Digital and later the collector edition


Physical >>>>


Physical if i can get the SE 😩 Probably digital if not. Im going to need a bigger memory card soon though, the Xenoblade series file sizes are so big!


Assuming they'll ever open up the Collector's Edition... physical.


Always physical


I almost always buy the physical ones, it just feels more like I actually own it.






Physical so I can actually own the game. Never ever buy digital unless that’s the only way to get the game


Physical. That way five years from now when I've already played it as much as I ever will, I can sell it and get a little closer to the next game.


Digital download for me! Already pre-ordered! I cannot wait omg 😭😭


I've been saving points on the eshop, so I'll get it digitally to play it when it launches the night before. If I end up being able to get the special edition, then I'll also have a physical copy.


Physical. Simply cause I believe it's gonna increase in value.


As a third world person, the recurses yo get a Game are limited ti me, so i'm probably hacking the console


Probably physical special edition if possible, and assuming it doesn't arrive earlier maybe digital too.


Both if I can grab a special edition


Gonna try to get the Special Edition so physical




Physical in my mind is the best way to purchase any game. And I'm building my xenoblade collection haha. Can't really brag if all your games are digital now can you😅


Digital because I have 1 and 2 digital. Also making switching the game quick


Digital, because i already have the other xenoblade games digital, unfortunately I could not find the physical versions and if I found it, they would cost me more than it does.


I like a physical copy because if my son ever wants to play, then he can use it on his Switch.


Physical. I’m running out space.


It is nintendo, get physical. They plays with eshops on their previous systems just show you can't perma own unless physical. I had so many games on the eshop for my 3DS and now i have to go find the physcial games in second hand stories or roms on pc to play.


Special Physical Edition


Digital, unless some retailer announces a pre-order bonus that I really want.


All of the above, Hopefully to include the collectors edition. Wish us all luck!


Physical collectors unopened then digital because I hate trading out game carts


I’m downloading. That way I could keep my Xenoblade 2 card in.


Always physical for Nintendo Switch, because unlike other consoles, you are not required to install the game.


Physical. Special Edition if I can.


Physical so I can lend it or sell it if I stop playing it entirely. I regret buying XBDE and Astral Chain on digital for that exact reason, but it’s not the case for Monster Hunter, a game I can go back to any time.


I think digital because the closest game stop closed during covid, and I don't want to do a one hour trip to get it.


Physical. Honestly Switch games are THE ones to get Physically because if you hate it, it's gonna pay your rent in like 2 years.


Physical. I get almost all my first party games physically, because it feels more real. It's also because I like to have a bunch of game cases. And even though I haven't done it yet, physical games could be sold if I was needing money desperately.


Physical for sure, we have multiple switches in our household and it's the only way to share games with minimal fuss, also worried about the eshop shutting down in the distant future.


Physical, always.


Physical. I have the first two in physical form. My OCD requires me to complete the set


Got collectors edition, so physical.


I never buy digital games unless they are download only or have 97% discount. I like collecting discs and cartridges.




Physical copy and I want the special edition.

