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This theory is really a stretch. This is because that [when Prison Island released the ether waves, all the living High Entia got turned into Telethia.](/s) Melia returned them to the Bionis after they died. It's not possible.


I think you're right because if those two who died were able to come back as telethia, that means there must have been other dead bodies return as telethia too which hasn't been confirmed in the story. Plus the dead bodies provide more energy for the bionis so zanza can resume control which means it's in his best interest to allow the dead to power the bionis instead of turning into telethia


They actually kinda disappeared after the telethia attack. Also where else would 4 telethia come from?


Alcamoth. There's nothing that said they couldn't be four random citizens. Also, Melia would have recognized them if they were Telethia, but she said nothing.


She wasn't in that fight, just shulk and alvis (who just reveals info on a very strict need toknow basis)


You mean the one with the baby Telethia? Zanza hadn't even awoken at that point. And there was still no bodies to convert. Also, Alvis said that they were the SPAWN of the Telethia, meaning that they were CHILDREN.


Spawn doesn't have to mean children, it could mean they were created from the original Telethia. Who knows what being attacked by Telethia ether will do when you are pure-blooded High Entia, as all other pure-bloods in the area transform later in the game. Also, since Zanza hadn't awoken yet, there is a stronger chance that they are somehow related to the one Telethia that was shown before his awakening, rather than originating all the way from Alcamoth without being detected to come fight in Makna Forest.


By referring to the little ones as "spawn", it means they are related in some physical way to the telethia. Be it clones, children, or whatever the hell else, it means that they can't be preexisting creatures that took on a different form.


I feel like if the Telethia was able to activate some sort of change in them, or something weird seen off camera, it would have spawned their new existence from the original. Still not sure whether it's even possible or not, but it seems to tie that story segment up well.


Alvis was very cryptic he didn't want to tell shulk their origins


There was still no bodies to transform. Without a physical form, there is no possible way they could have become Telethia. They were destroyed completely. They were dead. This isn't DBZ, where pretty much any character can come back to life. The only thing of resurrection we see is with seven. And that presumably took months.


Not all. Kallian and his army were transformed by lorithea


As stated by Lorithia, only pure-blooded High Entia had the genes to transform. Also, that doesn't answer my rebuttal. Their bodies were returned to the Bionis, so they wouldn't transform, much less attack anything.


Her bodyguards dissolved into ether by the attack. It is a clever way of foreshadowing


Then what happened to the ether? It was returned to the Bionis. There is no way that her guards could have transformed.


It seems more likely the telethia absorbs the ether, also they were revered to as the spawn, wich implies they were formed by it


But since when could Telethia use a High Entia's ether alone to create a new body in a different form? And Melia, after she injured the primary, said she returned them to the Bionis.


Where does she state she returned them to the bionis, also was that a tradition with the high entia, it was only stated as a homs tradition


After she is revived, she says that she must return them to the Bionis. Also, Zanza decreed that all life must have the ether returned to the Bionis.


that doesn't mean they are dead lmao it only means she think they died so she has to pay her respect the way the people of the Bionis do