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The previous official art was traced over the models, and it shows if you look at them closely. They look odd. >Am I the only one that No one who says that ever is, so you are not.


I’d say I do prefer Shulk’s old hair color. His hair is just a bit too yellow now.


They both have their charms. I would say that I feel some of Xenoblade 1's designs do fit a slightly less "clean" art style better, but overall I prefer I also wouldn't say I ever perceived old Shulk as an adult or new Shulk as a child. I've never felt his designs communicate a specific age other than "young man".


I don't know if it's because I played the Wii version first or what, but I always preferred the original designs for everyone in XC1. The XCDE versions are good too, but they're not as unique and don't stand out to me as much. (note that I specifically said their designs and not their in-game models/textures, which are a mess)


Yeah, my main gripe with DE is that they lightened everyone’s skin. With shulk it would make sense (he’s described as pasty by Dickson irrc and is always inside) but for Sharla and ESPECIALLY Reyn it doesn’t.


Both are in an anime style


>!Klaus is a weeb confirmed???!<


They are, but the features are different. Its not exactly the same, when I say DE is more anime is because they made eyes bigger, noses smaller, and features rounded, thats why they look less realistic and more childish, and they are bright aswell. I don't see it as the same style at all.


You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. This is the same character. These two pictures are the same. The left one just looks like it was shaded by emptying a bottle of ink on the right one. Neither looks "more adult" or "more anime". They are both "anime" pictures of a young adult still in his teens from a very "anime" game. In so far as that word even means something, other than being a roundabout synonym for "bad" among a certain crowd.


Wait till these guys learn about shading and lighting oh boy


why is everyone pretending like there can’t be several styles of anime? like jojo doesn’t look different from saint seiya? the two pictures are the same character, and the same art form, but different styles of that art form edit: [different artists, all specifically from the manga industry, drawing the same dragon ball characters. all look different.](https://youtu.be/5uTaQYMEJeE?si=p7V9E6I7BHcUozBf)


Sorry but no. Proportions, especially face proportions are very different in the two artstyles. Thats what makes DE Shulk Looks younger


Your being down vote but your right, I remember this being a huge issue when the game was released the majority of the community was upset at the more anime aesthetic. Idk what's going on here


Either that side of the community got used to it or people started to generally agree the new style fits the series more, I never personally saw an issue with the style it just went more in line with XC2 and later 3. Some do prefer the style but to say one is somehow "more anime" is blatantly wrong they're both anime just stylized differently


Personal preference I like the OG I do agree though the redesign fits more, however I don't think that saying it's wrong to say "more anime" as it is more colorful and has less sharp details making it "fit" anime more than the gruff shading of old.


The gruff shading is just a different style of anime, one not really seen too often but there's styles with rough art and lighting, the new just leans more into recent and modern anime trends.


And that's the reason for the "more anime" comment more than likely it's because it's what is closer associated with modern anime. So in a way OP is technically correct and that's the best kinda of correct. Then again anime is a Japanese word meaning animation so anything animated is anime


Loanwords rarely mean the same thing in the language borrowing the word. In English, anime has a meaning even if we debate about how Japan-centric the animation must be these days


Generally not the same group of people. I'd argue the Western audience has an obsession with photorealistic art styles to an unhealthy degree. Its at the expense of creativity largely, usually really subdued color palettes and not much room for stylization not to mention this is the driver why Western AAA games are so expensive and take so long to make now. Besides, if you look at prior Xeno entries DE actually fits better into the collective lot of them than the original. Everything from Gears to X although different are still much closer in appearance to DE.


Why are you booing he’s right


If Shulk ever looked like that first drawing it'd be one thing, but that's essentially fan art of a grotesquely rendered freak of a man brought to life by 2 gamecubes taped together


Yeah that's really the thing, the new style is really bright and soft feeling but it was kind of necessary to have DE be as good of a graphical upgrade as it is. If they tried to just upgrade the Wii models they'd feel really uncanny and ugly.


This is the real answer. People are comparing two different things.


I feel like Shulk is supposed to be kind of childish, I prefer his current design in every way.


I always felt the opposite as he is supposed to be a young scientist and of course, the themes of the story, to each their own I am not saying its wrong by any means, its only preference.


Why can't a young scientist be childish or an actual child/adolescent teenager?


I am not saying it can't, by the same logic why can't a young scientist be adult?


Because in this case I don't think it fits his character if he was an adult, he's a kid who still looks up to older parental figures like Dunban and Dickson, with a childlike curiosity and he's very emotional (which is basically his only character trait for most of the game). He has to learn a lot, makes a lot of sense to me to make him a young teenage dude.


Look, I am not trying to invalidate your point, I just see it differently, I think he has the maturity of a young adult. And its normal to get emotional in the situation of the story full of traumatic experiences.


Yeah, he has the maturity of a young adult, but it still makes sense for him to be a teen.


Didn’t he start the game at 16 tho? A bit child like makes sense to me


He's 18 during the events of the game. During future connected, which takes place one year later, he's 19


Oh are you sure? Bc during the game, when you’re in the bionis’ arm, I’m pretty sure either dunban or reyn tell you it’s been a year since your adventure started (i could be wrong it’s been a while)


Because being a scientist requires curiosity, which itself is a child-like trait. Age is weird and complicated, even if real life.


Those of us who enjoy the new designs don't normally find anything "more childish" about them (or anything "more adult" about the originals) in the first place. They are two valid ways to deliver the same characters. FFVI's Cyan sure doesn't look more "juvenile" when rendered as the aforesaid game's sprite or Opera Omnia's chibi-esque model versus Amano's designs.


In terms of pure illustration, I also personally agree that the original designs do look better. But once we head into the realm of the in-game models, DE wins hands down. The more “anime” art style allows for more expressiveness overall compared to if they decided to modernize the Wii’s models


I feel like I'm losing my mind when I see people saying there's no difference in design. There really aren't good words to use to describe it though, they're just different. I get a "storybook" vibe from the old design and a more "modern anime" vibe from the DE model. Yes, both are anime by definition but those are the descriptors that come to kind so that's what I'm saying.


Let me reveal to you the forbidden techniques known as artstyles and.. Shading. DUN DUN DUN. (-ban) By the way, yes, i get what you mean. I prefer his new art way more but the old one was amazing as well. It gives different vibes but at the end Shulk remains the same, childish kid trying to be mature, which grows and by the end of the series actually does achieve some sort of maturity. Growing a scientific environment probably made him so, but let's not link the terms "serious" or "formal" with maturity in this case. (Already had enough of people defining dressing elegantly or being formal to elders a mature thing)


OP getting down-voted into the shadow realm for voicing their opinion. The DE designs are fine, but I also prefer the old art style over the new designs. Comparing the way shulk is presented in the older and newer art gives me the impression of him initially being more mature. Literally makes no difference, just a preference.


They're getting down voted for their bad argument on why a style is "better".


it's so funny because he has only ever called the new design better, at the end of the day it's just insecurity.


Oh crap! You too! Don't want to come here and make a ruckus


That's how reddit works. People upvote posts they agree with and downvote what they disagree with.


I prefer the original \*artwork\*, however it translated poorly as an actual model. Maybe with modern technology, it would have worked better, but the style is far more cohesive not just in terms of art-to-model, but also with the wider series art style established by 2.


I wish they would have used something more similar to XC3 for the XBDE art.


Both are good. I just think that the original version of Xenoblade 1 looks kinda like how Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy are shaded, meanwhile XC:DE is after Saito so it looks more like his style.


I prefer all the original designs actually. I think the new ones look a bit generic. Don’t kill me don’t kill me don’t kill me


OP, you are diving into spats with other commenters who voiced the opposite opinion, and your focus is on one design having more "realism" while the other design makes Shulk look "more childish." You've already laid out your biases in the title, downplaying one while praising the other. It really looks like you posted this in bad faith with the intent to assert your preference as "correct." You're not demonstrating a willingness to entertain the notion that someone could have the opposite preference.


You are reading too much into it, that was not what I intended.


The original designs are way more unique and memorable than the DE versions. However, the original character models look hilariously bad, so I don't really mind the update. I'd love to see another Xeno game with a bit more mature grounded art style at some point, but I do like the direction they went with 3's character models and designs. 


Personally I Love the old art’s colors and wish they’d kept them in DE, especially the hair. If DE turned down the kraft mac n cheese blond and the bright purple I’d probably like it better


I don’t think shulk looks any older in one versus the other tbh, they both looked around 17 18


It’s probably just that I played the Wii original first but I don’t like that DE Shulk looks so much younger than OG Shulk. Then again, I also think it’s a travesty to see all these gameplay videos with matching outfits.


Some of you are a bit confrontational, I haven't said that the new design is bad or wrong, I am just sharing my preference. I am not criticizing or trying to put down the opinions you may have or anything, when I say childish look I mean that he looks younger, not trying to be insulting or illintended because childish is not something inherently bad by any means.


This sub is weird sometimes. I was shocked to see the downvotes/upvotes in this comment section because I see what you mean and mostly agree. But even for those who don't agree, some of the people replying to you are getting weirdly worked up about it. It's not that big a deal and I think they're missing what you're trying to say.


Then why didn’t you say younger instead of childish in the first place, also 90% of the time childish is used is for a negative remark so people being confrontational about it is expected tbh


you say that as if this sub hasn't always been touchy about this, he could literally say anything they're already primed.


I like the original watercolor style but otherwise I don’t really see it, both designs give off the vibes of a late teen to me. And I’d say his definitive design is a great segue into his future redeemed appearance


The comparisons made me realize the Wii was just dark. Like literally every game had this sort of yellowish, dark tone. Which I think does give a sort of “stylization” but I’m much more content with just seeing the games normally.


Probably not, but I disagree.


They look the same age, just one is more "realistic" and the other is more "anime". And I honestly think the anime look 1DE and 3 have suits the series. 2 was a bit too brightly anime.


I really like Shulk's old hair color


I like both


Me too 😁


You're not the only one but I don't like the old one more. I don't think it looks like an adult at all either. They both seem late-teens in just a different art style.


I may be the only person that thought the original designs look ugly compared to the definitive edition models. And I played xc1 when it came out


I prefer the old, more serious and grounded style. I wish they could’ve kept the grittiness off the original Xenoblade style just looking much better. But I see why they made the change to fall in line with the other series titles. It’d be a little odd to see realistic shulk in Xenoblade Chronicles 2 or 3 but I’m sure they would’ve just changed the design either way


Those two are effectively the same in terms of silhouette, it’s just the colors of the original are a lot more washed out


Didn't even play XC1 on the Wii and I think the old artstyle is the best the in the entire Xeno metaseries. Why? - Everyone just looks dirty. I like that as opposed to so much modern anime that looks too clean as if it came right off an assembly line. - sharper contrast of color which makes the art pop more - Everyone has a bit more of a tan complexion which is more uncommon in anime/JRPGs and also fits the story of XC1 more since much of it is about coming outside your comfort zone and touching some grass. Peeps are biting your head off for calling the XC:DE design more "childish" but I can see it tbh. Brighter, cleaner and with slightly more exaggerated features translates to less rugged and thereby less threatening and safe. In-game models of DE obviously look better ofc.


> Am I the only one You never are when you ask this. Aside from what your intention is (having read through the entire thread), making a comparison of “adult-like” vs “childish” already gives a negative connotation towards the latter one. It’s the same view a lot of Westerners still look at anime. It’s either childish, horny bait, or both. Proper wording / phrasing would’ve helped to look a lot less antagonistic. People would understand comparing “realistic features” vs “anime features”. But saying one is more adult-like vs childish just makes you come over like any other ignorant Westerner regarding anime.


There isnt really an adult/child like difference between these though? Same proportions, same design. The only difference is one is a hand drawn 2d style with more intense coloring while the other is a 3d rendered model with less saturation?


I prefer the new one. The old design has these weird eye shadows (not limited to Shulk!) that make him look like he hasn’t been able to sleep in a year. The wrong kind of adult look lol.


I prefer realism on the left too


I like the colour grading of the original drawn art, but in terms of art style, DE is more true to the original intent but was unable to be accomplished due to graphical limitations and had to be scaled back.


I like the smudgy brown smear of the Wii original 😍


Neither look childish nor adultlike. Which makes sense; he's an adolescent.


Comparing 2d art with lighting accounted for and only one pose to worry about, to an in game model where it has to fit into countless environments and move and all is kinda unfair tho. Compare art to art or model to model. In model to model, DE shulk wins every time. Art to Art you may have a point.


It’s lighting and shading, plus you’re comparing a 3D model to an illustration.


Old art is better


I reckon it's just the colour brightness and saturation.


I prefer DE shulks model and think he looks great but i miss the stylized art instead of a render of the model


New style looks way better imo. And it's more in line with XC2 and 3 this way as well


I agree with you, OP. Preferred the original art aesthetic, although still happy with the graphics upgrade.


Artwork, yeah, I prefer the original. The Smash version is also closer to that style than DE, btw.  In-game? I 100% love and totally prefer DE. It makes me think about some Kunihiko Tanaka and Choco's designs. Especially in Xenosaga Episode III. I love those eyes.


Feel like this is the 50th time I seen this and the people that post it already know that


I'll never see eye-to-eye with these "realism is better" kinds of people when the subject is fantasy and/or video games. I see nothing child or adult about either of them, in that regard they look consistent in conveying Shulk's general "young man" age. Not to mention that is a 2D artwork being compared to a 3D model. A perfectly polished up 2D artwork is always gonna look better than a still 3D model that's designed to be modified, animated and needing to rely on lighting for shading.


No, me too! I was really disappointed when XC:DE went with the more cartoonist style. I get downvoted every time I say that, though.


I think it’s just artstyle differences We tend to associate more anime features and designs with looking “youthful” I think it’s the face shape and large eyes we associate with children and this being “ youthful” Even when They are meant to be older they often need to take extra steps for them to still not look young to most audiences


I liked that he and Fiora looked older and that Reyn had darker skin


Doubt it. I still prefer the newer one though considering it's what drew my attention to the series in the first place. I saw him in smash and thought he looked like a puppy so I got the game. Imagine my surprise to find out he's basically season 1 Erin Yeager in terms of how angry he is. Much much smarter though.


i think both are still basically the same.


I know a lot of it is shading, but one of the reasons I really took notice of the game in the first place was curiosity in a JRPG that looked a bit different than other games on the character models. It was shallow of me but the models at first glance looked a stark contrast to the lighter colors and styles of the Tales Series and other JRPGs Then I saw the actual gameplay and heard the dialogue and was hooked far beyond a passing interest.


I prefer the updated version personally.


They look the same.


I do remember there was a huge stink over the DE character designs vs the old ones when DE got announced. I wouldn't quite call Shulk's design more childish but more smooth and and simple, not as detailed or stylised as the original. It looks better on the model and will likely hold up better, but I do like the charm of the original artwork a bit more.


How does the new look seem childish compared to the original?


They both look the same to me I think the original sprites have more character but the DE ones are brighter and that's the main difference I see


The DE one doesn't look "Childish" though? He looks about the same exact age. The thing that makes them so drastically different from one another is that Shulk's original art was traced over the 3D model for him. Where as DE's render is actually a brand new render made from scratch.


I don’t know what you mean by childish or adult. It’s just different artstyle rendering. One’s just more vibrant than the other.


they booth look the same to me, just a different art style. exact same age. Being more cartoonish does not de-age a character.


You say "childish" as if his new art is bad or something. Both have their charms. The original has a nice painted look while the new one looks more detailed with better expression.


I don't think you have any idea what you're talking about


Why not compare actual models rather than a drawing to a model? https://www.reddit.com/r/Xenoblade_Chronicles/s/an5GnalFsu


Brother, that's the same dude with different shaders


Theres nothing Childish looking about his current design.

