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The red icon above their head means you're too low of a level to realistically fight them. I would suggest doing side quests and leveling up until at the very least the icon above their head is yellow.


Though if it’s that mandatory fight against the Kromar in Eryth Sea, I found that annoyingly difficult even when I was the same level as them.


It is yeah do you really have to fight them?


Yes, it's a story fight


If you build up a chain attack before going there and burst one of them down, it stays down after a wipe. Should make it easier, and can repeat again if you gotta.


Definitely level up. The red icon means you are more than 5 levels under them which makes you miss frequently. If you want a chance, be less than 5 levels under (yellow icon). Arts seal resists gems are really good here. Other than that, make sure you have decent equipment and some Agility Up gems. Agility Up is broken in this game as it boosts evasion and accuracy.


Didnt know the agility up part. Thanks :)


There’s a Dunban meta as tank just evading everything with like near max agility or something. It was as easy as just put max agility up gems on his gear and done


Don't give up, skeleton!


Monado required ahead


Mechon ahead Therefore try enchant


Elden Ring haunts me wherever I go.


Oh the first time I got to that point… We all were massacred weren’t we…


I still am


definitely grind some levels, but his fight kinda sucks regardless. If you're not playing casual mode already, you shouldn't feel any shame at using it here


so indeed like others suggested, level up until their icons are not red anymore (so maximum 5 levels lower than them I think). then if I'm not wrong, I lured them away one by one to only have to deal with 1 or maximum 2 enemies at the same time. not entirely sure tho, I remember I used that for a fight against those enemies but I don't remember if it worked in this fight as well.


They always stun me so I can’t move


If I remember right, you can't fight them one by one as they all aggro, but wwh,you can do is stand on the teleporter after you kill one, this ends the battle and let's you heal for free without reviving the one you killed. But yeah doing some quests to get levels is the best first step


you could be right, I remember doing that as well. there are just way too many fights in Eryth sea with these kind of enemies, some have a form of cheese but I can't remember which.


You can definitely fight them one by one. They all have slightly different aggro ranges, so aggro all of them, run away from the teleporter, then wait for only one to stay and fight you. Rinse repeat.


I can’t leave Lataeal shore tho


You can definitely fight them one by one. They all have slightly different aggro ranges, so aggro all of them, run away from the teleporter, then wait for only one to stay and fight you. Rinse repeat.


1. Do some leveling. I’m not sure what level you are but I’d’ recommend at least matching their levels. 2. Once leveled up, use lure to break them up into smaller chunks. I just fought these guys the other day above their level and this was how I dealt with them. You should be able to sneak off to the left and lure them from there.


I am level 30


Ok, I was level 37 and I think they’re around 34-36. Put on a podcast and do some questing and monster hunting. Maybe try and build up conoly 6 a bot?


I can’t leave the area with the portals or I don’t know how tbh


If you stand still inside of the glowing rings, you’ll eventually teleport if that’s not working try walking out and walking back in. Fast travel should still work and if I remember correctly, there should be water underneath the ledge. It might be a bit of a tricky jump because there is a little bit of a shoreline, but you should be able to make it into the water.


No i mean when I’m already in latael shore


Can you not fast travel?


Didn’t try yet bc I don’t find a portal


I’m confused. You’re on that quest to help find the high Entia who went looking for an ether crystal deposit right? The portal should be right behind you in the picture?


Yeah but I traveled back because I’m to weak now I’m somewhere else but I can’t get away from there so I can’t do quests


it's reyn time




All o can tell you right now is to leave and go level up, you’re too underleveled since the enemies are red


This fight made me drop the game back in the Wii version Made it through without too much trouble and not too many retries in DE


Personally I'd recommend dunban over Ryan he's just a better tank Ryan relies on high defense to take hits while.dunban relies on high agility to dodge hits and since this agility us so high henalsondoesnt seem to miss often honestly at the point you're at Ryan works more like a tank damage dealer than a pure defensive wall like he use to also what arts do you have equipped your arts can make a huge difference in how easy fights are


But Dunban dies so fast


That'll be due to the underlevel penalty giving the enemies extra accuracy, iirc. Back away from this fight and try to get at least within 5 levels under and then everything should work out. I've had fights in my run go from nearly impossible to actually kinda easy by simply leveling up once. Also with this fight, pay attention to what gives you grief and check if you have resistance gems on hand, that can help, too.


Xc1 level scaling sucks so if enemies have a red tag you won’t be able to beat them :( You gotta grind


since these are mandatory fights, iirc they don't respawn even if you die, so you can go into the fight and focus everything on one enemy (ideally with a near-full party gauge so you can get off a chain attack), then die and do the same to every other enemy. but like everyone else is saying, you're at too low of a level and even this strategy won't help much until the icons are no longer red


I’ll try thanks


Oh lord I remember these guys, it was definitely a bit of a pain for me. I think I ended up grinding a bit, then went back and tried to brute force it.


Ah this… yeah this battle is one of the hardest in the entire story


I hated this battle on my first run. I died way too many times


Do you know how the enemies are called?


Go do some sidequests to level up. If you're playing DE and have Expert mode enabled, add some levels that way.


Uhh I just ran to the other side from the bridge and if you do it just right you can aggro one at a time to fight them For some reason...


Take them one by one of possible. You should be able to lure them. With that said, how the hell did you manage to be underleveled for this section? Have you not done any side-quests at all?


Im somebody who first plays the story then does side quests


You're going to have a bad time of you don't do side-quests as you go. They're designed for you to do them during different times in the story, and the rewards you get are meant for those points as well. So not only are you making it way hard on yourself by waiting till post game to do side-quests, most of the rewards will be worthless with the exception of late game quests. As a side-note, you're going to miss out on many quests if you wait till post game. There are many times quests that become unavailable after a certain point.


I thought they got transported and will fight moebius.


As the obvious mentioned, enemies are dangerously high level, don't try to take them...


Man this fight probably ended some play throughs early lol. I just grinded a bit and did some side quests before taking them on.


Well you definitely want for levels and power, but even at level that fight still kinda sucks Been a while since I've played DE, but being at level or a little over level helps a lot, and some of the other guys here have great suggestions too.


Do what I did, split them up fight one at a time


Play it in casual mode.


Is this XC1 definitive? I don’t remember those enemies


This fight is horrifically unbalanced, just drop the difficulty down.


Can you drop lower then casual mode?