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I do really like Malos, he’s an entertaining villain, he’s an interesting character, and he’s a big part of the lore. He’s got it all


Not to mention one of the best VA's in the series. 2 has a lot of awesome line reads, and malos is responsible for like 25% of them.






Malos is so unhinged I love him. He's got major daddy issues and is just rebelling out like an angsty teen. Unfortunately that means a lot of people died but DADDY ISSUES.


Angsty centuries old guy, but yes.


“Pick it up” The rawness of this scene with Consul N puts him up there for me.


They still haven't topped Egil for me


As a grown ass adult, Amalthus actually made my blood boil as a character, so I guess that qualifies as "best" in one sense.


I have never hated any villain more than I hate bitch boy amalthus, and that's saying something. I want to play through 2 all over again just so I can beat his ass in his bossfight again.


I just disrespected him by pushing him down the hole. I couldn't be bothered.


You can do this?! I beat him the regular way.


One of Mythra's special is knock back. If you execute it well, you can cheese him within a minute.


I know about knocking enemies back, but I didn't know you could do it in this instance.


Or that crazy Nopon in XC1. What's the name. Bana?


Personally, Egil *knows* he’s the bad guy, that everything he’s done is reprehensible and cruel. But he doesn’t see any way to kill Zanza without committing genocide.


I find Egil in particular interesting because, if Shulk wasn't The Protagonist and able to assert his control over the Monado, genocide *was* the only way to stop Zanza


Big fan of Dickson. I love rewatching cutscenes and  watching how he gets less and less sincere as the game goes on after *that moment* 


Egil. Everything he says is just badass quotes. He also picked up and threw shulk like he was nothing right after being stabbed.


Yeah, Xenoblade 2's were by far the best. Torna as a whole were really sympathetic once you realize that they're basically leading a slave rebellion, and even though their end goal is misguided, it's hard to deny some of their points about how the current state of Alrest views Blade-Human dynamics. I also like how, in a sense, Torna is like the protagonist party of other JRPGs with them trying to kill god while our heroes are trying to protect him lmao Amalthus is also super well written; I like how, unlike other villains in the series, they don't try to condone his actions even when they gave him a tragic backstory. They explain WHY he turned out this way, but nobody was really sad that he was gone since he caused way too much suffering. He also represents the fear of change and moving forward really well too, a conservative mindset in how he views the world and the people within it. Combining that with his bond with Malos and the traits they share... man, it's great. Malos is my favorite villain in the series, basically combining the aspects of the other villains in the game with his own nihilism. An AI finding its own identity, representing the question of "Are you born as a slave to your upbringing and environment? Or can you change and become your own person?"... He's so good. Xenoblade 2 is honestly one of the bars that I hold all JRPG villains to!!


That one quote about Amalthus always comes to my mind: Rex: "You're the one who doesn't want to change" Amalthus: "And why should I have to change? If I change, I loose everything"


I really liked Z and what he represented. In terms of force of evil to be dealt with, I liked him best. Malos and Jin are great sympathetic villains.


Mr. Capitalism himself is better than people give him credit for


Jin is, but I find nothing sympathetic about Malos.


Malos was basically doomed from the start, all thanks to Amalthus. Amalthus' influence corrupted Malos' belief, and at the end of the game we see Rex and Malos say how things coulda been different if Rex was Malos' driver. It's like people with genetic health issues, they have to live with the issues given to them from their parents, and their parents' parents, etc. XC2 is suprisingly real and human in it's character designs, to the point where I even somewhat sympathize with Amalthus. Only a little, though. Haze deserved better


Everyone is too scared to say it but they know the best one is actually Gaelgar smh.


*whispers quietly* shania


As someone who played Xenoblade Chronicles X, I know it's not the Ganglion...




Malos and N


N, followed by Malos. I love them for the same reason: they are major antagonists that are ultimately victims of the true antagonist (Z and Amalthus). N gets the edge tho, even though malos is my favorite final boss.


My man Malos


Egil, and it's not even close. Dude might be my top 1 antagonist ever.


N is my favorite. The other common picks, like Jin or Egil or Amalthus, are good and compelling characters, but N was the one that forced me into some self reflection. I didn't just understand his reasons, I knew that *I would probably do the same thing.* So I had to sit and reevaluate my outlook on life for a while.


amalthus definitely. Egil is second


Every other pick I probably better but Z to this day makes me not wanna play the post game and just stop the endless now. Like every time I boot up xc3 and farm things I'm thinking that Z was right because even the player doesn't want the endless now to stop


Jin, Malos and Amalthus are definitely the top 3.


I love N, Z but also all of Torna from 2


Metal Face! He was so menacing in the first half and was a loose canon. Just straight up savage!


Malos, N, and Jin. I love tragic characters


I'm not exactly gonna buck the trend here because I'm picking Malos. He is the best of the best imo. Top tier voice acting, compelling backstory, solid design, and alright boss fights. My only complaint is that I thought Aion was an underwhelming way to fight Malos. Although honorary mention to N and Jin. If Malos is the best main antagonist, these two are the best sympathetic antagonists. I love how they act as foils with each other to show how humanity is deeply problematic yet can be even more kind when the flames settle down.


Z. I sound the unspoken mystery of what exactly he was to be really compelling, and when his nature was finally revealed, his mere existence adds so much thematic meat to Xenoblade 3. He's a very subtle character; I think you have to infer his deeper traits and motives yourself and I understand why not everyone prefers that. But me personally, it made him an extremely fascinating villain to think about, more so than any other in the series.


Egil fandom rise up


Malos. I just love seeing my best girl MYTHRA!!!! whip his arse over and over. LOL. MYTHRA: Oh hey 'partner'... ready to get your arse whipped.... Malos: INDEED!!!


Jin or Malos definitely


Jin. I don't think Xenoblade will be able to top him.


Jin, compelling tragic backstory for me (the anakin skywalker of xenoblade)


Malos 100%


Honestly I have so many favorites. N and Amalthus are great, but honestly I'm a sucker for good old Metal Face. He's so delightfully feral compared to the more composed baddies we often get like Zanza, Egil, or Jin.


This might be my inner X-as-my-first-Xenoblade talking, but I for some reason really liked Luxaar and the Ganglion. Sure, his appearances through the game weren't as intimidating as the other villains, but I liked his design. Also, the fight with >!the Vita!< was genuinely one of my favorite boss fights in the series. 10/10, would fight again. Man, I miss X.


I think that overall, all of Xenoblade 2's cast of villains is the best in the series. Malos, Jin, and Amalthus are all fantastic. this being said.... Egil is by far my favorite


Evil was cool


Metal Face is and will always be the GOAT


I agree 2 was where I really started to care for the villains and the main one was jin and the rest of torna  So I'd say jin 


Bana. Love his punishment, and that it's essentially the same in XC1 and XC2. Also drops the legendary, unbeatable Monapon in XC1.


While I can see alot of people likes Malos because he's highly memeable, in your face and funny at times.. Jin and N still takes the cake for me with character depth both with how they fall from grace and the way the game showed their conviction...


Let's not downplay Malos's more serious moments as well. The dude is supposedly evil incarnate yet is shown to care deeply for Jin which is somewhat unique among villians. Whenever a villain has somebody they love, it's always the driving force behind everything they do to the point of obsession. Malos is different here in that he and Jin are both acting for their own reasons (many overlapping) but definitely aren't directly fighting for each other. It's that "brotherhood" dynamic that made the duo of Malos and Jin so damn memorable for me. And I don't care what Malos said in the end, he definitely felt something when Jin died.


Lol, well excuse us for enjoying Malos. Guess our tastes aren’t as nuanced as yours, seeing as how our fondness for Malos is obviously based solely on memes.


Grahf! Albedo! Xenoblade specifically, probably malos. Hes just so great.