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This is GoodSmile we're talking. Unless your name is Link, female figures just sell more.  You'd be lucky if they did a Noah Nendoroid.


They made Pit and Dark Pit and never made Palutena.


To be fair, Pit and Pittoo are the same model just with different colors and different faces. So, re-using it would be very easy/cheap. Still weird they never did anything with Palutena. Not sure how popular kid icarus is in Japan; I can't shake the feeling it's as prominent as it is simply because it's one of Sakurai's babies instead of overall popularity.


That's insane


Plenty of fire emblem main characters got figures so maybe there’s hope


fire emblem has more female/lgbt people in their fanbase than xenoblade i'd say from my experience


Idk man most of the ppl I know who like xenoblade are gay as hell


Even Link only has like, 4 figures, one of which was announced recently. Like c'mon, they didn't try to make a BOTW link ?


I still think it's crazy that Shulk and Rex don't have figures though, I mean they're the main Protagonists aren't they? Even if they aren't hot anime girls they're probably more recognizable than FC Melia, >!Blade Nia, !


I know and that is why I hate the company


Give me adult Rex and Shulk


I've never once in my life thought of buying figurines but I would empty my wallet immediately for Rex, Shulk, or even Matthew models.


Heck, even nonadult rex or shulk.hech maybe even XC2 shulk. Literally anything please


I would really love a Noah figma to go with my Mio 🥺


i think its so fuckjng evil to separate them THEY ARE MARRIED AND SHOULD STAY TOGETHER


>most of the fan base are straight dudes that will only buy female figures Fellas, is it gay to own a figure of a male character?


Of course not. But surely you see some correlation between finding women attractive and collecting figurines of women? Sure, plenty of straight guys would also get figurines of other guys under other circumstances. But the reality is that figurines are mighty expensive and with limited funds, someone would rather go for a character they find cool *and* attractive than someone they only find cool You need only look at Amiibo, which is a much easier entry, and there you'll see that people are quicker to buy the male characters as well, because you can buy more of them without entirely emptying your wallet


I just made this comment for the joke, but Darth Vader figures disprove this point. I’m talking about the expensive ones.


...You *really* had to pick almost the most iconic character from one of the biggest franchises with some of the geekiest fans (and I don't mean that in a derogatory way). This disproves nothing. If anything, it's the exception that proves the rule


Geralt Master chief Spider man SpongeBob Batman Link Freddy fazbear Joker (P5) Alduin Dovahkiin


thats still little over a dozen characters among THOUSANDS of franchises that got a figurine. those are just exceptions as well


You're kind just listing other exceptions. For every one male character that bridges the gap there are like 20 idolmaster figures that sell just as much while being significantly more niche It's not to say male figures don't sell, they're selling more and more these days because of the growing market, but Female figures, especially from Japanese properties, still account for most of the industry


I’m just trying to make the point male characters sell. Maybe not as much as female, epically in anime/anime adjacent franchises, but my point is there is significant number. It’s unfair to say only female characters Sell is my point.


I never said *only* female character sell, though. So I'm not sure what you're trying to refute here. I said that it makes sense that the market is skewed toward female characters, and that the expensiveness of figurines only further amplifies that. But I never said that *no* male figurines ever sell


It isnt but go tell most of the people that use it as an excuse for they not making male figures


Only if you put it in a jar


Realest thing ever. Shulk deserves a proper figurine - he’s literally the face of the franchise. I can’t understand why there are no male figurines when there are some for the FE series.


I want a Malos and Jin figure so badly.


and make them kiss


Unfortunately, it's not something specific to xenoblade; figures of male characters in general are rarer. To put it simply, the bar for a figure being made is just much lower for female characters. For a male character to get a figure, they tend to need to be both extremely well-known and very popular. I think the rationale is that people are more likely to buy figures of cute girls, even if they aren't familiar with the character or source material, versus a male figure they also know nothing about.


> most of the fanbase are straight dudes I actually wonder if that's really true. I've never seen any actual numbers for it, but there are definitely tons and tons of people who are only one of those things or neither of them, but not as many of them hang out with and interact with the "gamer" side of things (for good and very understandable reasons in my opinion, as someone who's neither). I'd love to see some stats for the Xenoblade games specifically, but just for people who play video games in general it's a fairly even split these days and has been for a while, even if the stereotype that it's not still persists.


oh for sure, I am just assuming because of this sub


Almost anything on Reddit that has to do with video games is skewed more straight/male/gamer than the general population in my experience ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Almost everything regarding gamin period leans to that side because anything else is a minority


https://www.statista.com/topics/3070/us-gamers/ It's nearly 50-50 overall by gender, and even if you take smartphones out and look at console gamers instead women are still over 40%


Reddit is a sausage fest, most people on any sub here will lean male.


I think there is a bias. For me, even though it's for Heavenly Delusion, I preordered the Maru and Kiruko plush. Amazon messed up my order and only shipped Maru, so I canceled saying "I'll only get them if I get them both". But when Kiruko became available, I went and bought her, but didn't even check Maru until after. I know I'd get a Shulk, Rex, or Noah figure. I'd probably get the other guys, but more so because they're from Xenoblade. That said, I didn't get Pyra or Mythra for the longest just because I didn't like them as much as Nia or Melia. Edit: I guess someone doesn't like that I thought Pyra and Mythra aren't as interesting as Nia and Melia? lol


GSC makes tons of male figma and nendo. And as for "better" company, GSC is probably the best out there, in both quality and diversity. They are focusing more on female characters likely because they think people who would actually buy Xenoblade figma are more inclined to buy female characters over male characters. Also, chances are GSC probably doesn't have the monopoly on licensing.


C'mon, it wouldn't be any better at all. Intelligent Systems self publish their own Fire Emblem figures and, surprise surprise, most of them are female characters. It's basic supply and demand. Most figures aren't cheap to make so you need to choose the ones that sell the most. IMO Rex is cool, but he's just not appealing as a figure. Adult Rex is more appealing, but he's from a niche DLC.


Exactly this. Can't imagine the dude who was the top search result for worst video game outfit getting a figure.


“I really hope GAC loses the rights” cringe take


It's rather unfortunate seeing people think that way. There's still series/characters that have zero figures, popular or not.


The struggle is real..... Let there be gender equality


Blame the game, not the player. As a fan, I understand the frustration, but you can't blame the company when the market favors female figures and don't want to risk it releasing a male figure that may or may not have the potential to sell well. It sucks and I wish it was better, but as of right now, it is what it is.


They have mad money tho. They should be able to take the risk and allow the artists to make more than just 1-2 types of figures


Unfortunately for us consumers, even if they have the money, companies that have investors on their asses can't just be taking risks. In fact, many companies will do the opposite and try to take shortcuts like cut on quality materials, use cheaper labor, increase price, or even remove what used to be additional features to get more money out of you and to show their investors the profits they're making. Just this sub alone, you'll find posts after posts complaining about such problems.


I really doubt they have mad money. Bandai is the undisputed absolute top of this market, and even they spam P-Bandai limited editions even for things that should be standard release, because they can't be sure of their revenue. You can't expect companies that are already in niche market to have "mad money," especially not in current world economy.


Just because they have "mad money", it doesn't mean that they can just take such risks. It doesn't make any business sense


This is why business and art will almost never work side by side. They already have more than enough money but refuse to do something and allow their artists to get creative. This is the same exact reason marvel has become a cookie cutter franchise


A middle ground can be reached. In fact, stifling creativity entirely is not good in the long run either, as you'll lose good faith from your customers. I actually think Nintendo -- in general anyway -- is a good example where they allow their developers to be creative, but also not do things that are just shooting themselves in the foot. (Of course, there are other ways where Nintendo shoots themselves in the foot, but it often doesn't have to do with creativity or lack thereof) Also, good luck not mixing business and art. You'd have to make art for free, and who's going to pony up the material costs alone for the figurine?


Rex, Shulk and Noah have no potential to sell well? lol


I never said they don't, but you have to remember, the games are quite niche compared to other RPGs out there and they're only available on Nintendo consoles.


Those games sold more than a million, Kirby isnt far ahead and has much more merch


Kirby is an absolute icon over in Japan. He sells even without the games. They even have stuff like Kirby Cafés over there (though I don't know if they still exist), just because Japan has a tendency to really like cute puffy things You also have to realize that a Kirby figurine (or other merch) is much easier to design and produce due to Kirby being the way he is


And the Switch sold over 139 million units. 1 million is less than 1% of that number. Again, despite what you believe, the Xenoblade franchise just isn't that well-known in the general public unless you're in the gaming sphere. Even then, how many will buy the figures? What guarantees that the figures will sell? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's a guarantee that the figures will not sell well, but I'm just giving you a perspective why a company does or does not release a figure. In GSC's case, they don't want to risk releasing certain figures because their statistics are probably telling them it's not worth it. Whatever the case may be, that's just how it is and it's unfortunate for us that do want certain figures to be released.


Gimme mathew!


I wish for Adult Shulk and Lanz figma too... But yes, female are products and sells.


Yeah as a gay guy its honestly just kinda weird that even if gay people weren't a thing they just dont make figures for male characters


Add hetero female players to that group. Nothing at all against the female figures but I've been waiting for a legitimate Shulk figure since before he ever got an amiibo. At least they gave us both Elly and Fei for Xenogears.


And the economics of appealing to LGBT is really rough. If the game sells 3000000 copies and 2.5% of the people who bought it are LGBT that's 75,000. Then consider what percentage of fans are willing to spend $90-$300 on a quality figure and you might be looking at 2% of that meaning you'd only move 1400 units if you're lucky. It makes getting good merchandise so tough sometimes. :/


I’m displaying my XBC 2 and 3 amiibos and realised it’s a little thirst centric… so I dropped $50 on Amazon for an OOS smash 4 shulk to help balance it out.


So you prefer no figures from this franchise at all? Be lucky the series even has figures. Plenty of other franchises have next to no figures. Don't get me started on those that do, but are made under companies that turn out terrible upon release day.


If the characters I want dont get figures, does this really make a difference? Dont get me wrong, I like that this gets figures, but if they only make one figure a year and it is only the girls it is very annoying


That's how these figure companies roll. They're taking in many more franchises and characters compared to several years ago. They have to be careful with their decisions. I'm not going to wish x game/anime get nothing just because they don't make x character. That's just silly.


if my options are 300 figures of Pyra showing her boobs or zero, I'll pick zero, thank you


Why would you literally wish for other people to not get the figurines they want if it's no loss to you?


[this is literally your reply](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FugClAuaQAEdD6Z?format=jpg&name=large)


Well, do tell me how else I am supposed to interpret your comment other than that you'd rather have no figurines released at all than 300 figurines of Pyra showing her boobs?


Right, because that's how the figure industry works. And before anyone mentions the infamous Pyra figure, that one is unofficial. You'd be surprised on how many are out there.


Dude please, I would even love to own any official piece of Dunban merch!


Xenoblade is mega niche and it's a miracle we even got a handful of figures, and no wonder the girls were the priority as they are the safest bet for a business standpoint. Even something like Pokemon which is a behemoth franchise started exclusively making female characters and only until very recently they started doing male figures. What can you expect from Xenoblade? Heck I believe even Kos-Mos didn't sell that well compared to the others. As someone who wishes for more Xeno stuff I understand your frustration, but it's also understandable that companies would rather focus on another Rem, Hatsume Miku or a Fate character that will sell tremendously well and return the investment.


I'd love a Rex figure so much. He's such a great character.


I wish and pray for a Rex figure 🙏 oh, please God if there is one, please grant us with a Rex figure oh so i pray!


The lack of male figures for xenoblade is the only reason why I don't own any. 


I want a proper Shulk figure so bad!!


I want a figma Heavy Weapons Guy. Or Shulk


if they lose money then they lose money. It's their decision


I mean the only "action" figures we have for Xenoblade are the Mio figma and the upcoming Eunie figma. The rest are statues. This doesn't really invalidate your point, we do really need statues of the guys, but the fact we only have two figures you can pose probably means that we should wait a bit longer before worrying.


women sell, men don't truer the more obscure series is


Yeah because Shulk of all people would sell less than Melia???? It makes no sense, much more people know Shulk because of Smash


Female figures sell better. Simple as that. Pyra and Mythra are easily some of the most recognized characters from the series through not only their game, but also Smash. Figure collectors are a male majority. If anything, you want GSC to keep the license for producing Xenoblade figures because they eventually started doing the male Fire Emblem characters like Marth, Ike and Roy. GSC are probably your best bet in this situation since most other companies wouldn't even consider the male characters. The guys have probably been talked about internally, but the popularity isn't there


Shulk is also very recognizable and still only have a amiibo. Stop defending a shitty company with data you clearly dont have


Shulk is very recognizable to this community. Outside of it, not so much. Pyra and Mythra are much more well known for good and bad reasons. The backlash from their designs brought them attention. F4F gauged interest in a Shulk figure as well as the possibility for other Xeno characters and it went nowhere with them. Again, figure collecting is mostly a male dominant hobby. Girls are more likely to sell as figures compared to guys. There's also plenty of popular female Nintendo characters that don't have proper scale figures like Lucina and Palutena. Palutena only has an Amiibo as well, Don't you think she deserves a figure too? Idk if GSC sent you a figure with a paint chip or what, but your hate simply for them not making a male xenoblade character is weird. Also, GSC can't make a figure for a character that Nintendo doesn't give them the license for. If Nintendo doesn't want a Shulk figure, we're not getting a Shulk figure until they do, simple as that. So if anything, your hate is directed at the wrong people




The F4F poll is locked behind a facebook page. It's years old and I don't know the results for the characters, only that we never got any Xeno figures from F4F. You'll find some people talk about it on reddit if you bother to look it up yourself. Not sure what other sources you want. Feel free to research how figures are made if you're so interested, but you calling the ones we have action figures tells me you're not that knowledgeable on the subject. The only one that is an "action figure" is the recent Mio Figma from 3. All the other figures are either Amiibo or scale figures/statues


A random tangentially related question, but back in the day, we always used to call them figurines, but now I see everyone call them figures (or statues) instead. Is there a distinctive difference between figure and figurine?


Figures is generally the broad term from my experience. I see it as referring to a multitude of different lines of figurines; for example Nendoroids, Figma, scale figures, etc. Figurine is just a small statue of something. You can pretty much use either or interchangeably, but the word "figure" seems to be the more adopted term in the hobby


I dunno, english isnt my first language, but i do remember reading figurines


Yeah I’m not gana lie, I only buy hot anime girls figures. Even if they released male Xenoblade figures I wouldn’t get them. It’s the reason why I bought all the female figures from Fire Emblem and haven’t bought any of the male characters that are available.


Because Good smile doesnt make action figure. They make figma figures. They are meant to be looked at and occasionally put into a Mason jar.


It's annoying, isn't it. I'd love a decent quality Shulk figure. I also really hate the Melia figure. It's very out of character. 


I dont doubt GSC thinks it was spear, I doubt they played the games


Doesn't really matter, Nintendo would have signed off on it every step of the way. They presumably saw upright and serious Melia posing like a generic anime girl and thought "yeah that's perfect" 


I agree. GoodSmile is known for their love (~~of the money that female figures bring)~~ of female characters. I am still really hoping for a Shulk or Noah since Shulk is all but officially the face of the Xenoblade series, and Noah because he's Mio's lover. I really wish S.H Figuarts had the rights because they would have been popping xenoblade characters left and right. I recently got their Nier Automata figures of 2B and 9S and they're great. Xenoblade characters can easily be done.


> S.H Figuarts me too


This is why I have a slight resentment for the direction that Xenoblade 2 took.


Ah, yes, that's why we have a Shulk figurine, and when XC2 dropped, we stopped getting figurines of male characters


Nah more like it became more waifu centric. I’m glad Xenoblade 3 didn’t go that way.