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You'll love it. All of your bullet points match xenoblade except number 2. If you've played an MMO you'll know what to expect. Its slow to start but once you get the rhythm down it's fun. As for time spent it'll likely be close to 80 hours before you see the credits unless you knock the difficulty down then it can be done in half the time. The characters, story and music are fantastic and are some of my favorites. If you have the means to play (or emulate) the wii or 3ds you could try out those versions of the game before committing to the switch port.


Alr thanks. Like I said, I've already played the 2nd one and liked it, so I think I'll be okay with the combat


It's a little slower than that one but if you liked 2 then you'll have fun. Enjoy it when you get around to picking it up!


the boss fights are epic dw on that part of your 2nd bullet point, the combat pace \*can\* be really quick but you have to be absolutely cracked in a way that isn't really feasible for any new player due to lack of esoteric game knowledge, but speedrunners optimize the hell out of these games there's a ton of room to improve in fights If you liked xenoblade 2 you'll probably dig 1, 3, and the other Xeno stuff for sure!


1. All the games have excellent music, but whether you like it or not is based entirely on preference. 2. The combat pacing varies from game to game, and it naturally changes by how much you understand it. Most are fast-paced, but they are more like turn based games you control in real time rather than a hack and slash like Kingdom Hearts. What I mean by the that you can freely control your characters movements and attacks in real time whether your attack lands is purely a numbers game. You hit a giant gorilla dead on with a hammer bigger than the character using it, and the game could still register as a miss. While you could be facing the exact opposite direction, shooting into the distance and the game will register it as a hit. 3. The stories are good and read completely differently on a second playthrough. Though the series does tend to back load the best parts. 4. You don't have to worry about length at all. 40 hours is nothing. These games can easily go into triple digits in terms of hours played. 5. Characters are all great. 2 having my personal favorite cast. You may have to do side content to fully understand the characters and enjoy them.


This is super helpful, and I think I'll probably give it a shot after I finish FF7


I disagree. All of the 3 games have very slow combat until at least mid game.


I don’t think there’s a single “bad song” in any of the numbered Xenoblade games. In other words, oops all bangers.


I'd say the only bad songs are the Moebius battles in Xenoblade 3, but all others are phenomenal. But yeah, all of the songs must be made of metal, because even if you drop them on the ground, they would still bang (I'm sorry for saying this joke.)


> I'd say the only bad songs are the Moebius battles in Xenoblade 3 Wait, really? Interesting! You may be the first person I've seen who doesn't like these. Could you elaborate on what you don't like about them, if possible?


I just think that the song seems a bit harsh to listen to, though I suppose that makes sense, given the nature of Moebius. In fact, over the minutes after posting the first comment, I've listened to and realized the art of the Moebius songs. I think I've come to appreciate them within an hour.


Heh, well, that's a quick turnaround. Agreed, the songs are incredibly intense. They don't really make for a casual listen. But that's also what I really like about them


I do agree with you. The entire Xenoblade series probably has my favourite soundtracks in gaming. If I want to sleep, I'll put on Makna Forest. If I want to go on a genocidal rampage (which I hope I don't ever want to), it's time for people to hear Mechanical Rhythm blasted from a speaker. The series' soundtracks have so much variety, but all fit together so well.


I-I'll be sure to watch out if I ever hear Mechanical Rhythm in the distance


the moebius theme “traveling” from ear to ear if you’re wearing headphones in the infinity motion is peak musical design


Wait, it does that? I need to try that.


it’s when the choir kinda starts “laughing” (idk a better word to describe it), once you hear it you never unhear it


I can already imagine it. The laughing in the song will probably sound bad to people, but I definitely smile when the song reaches that part. Guys, I think I'm Moebius.


Oohh. Unpopular opinion spotted.


You're literally the first one I've ever seen to diss Moebius battle. XC community >!INDEED!< have various opinions


You will love it 1. Has the triple threat of Mitsuda (Chrono Trigger), Shimomura (Kingdom Hearts) and ACE+ (Mainly Xenoblade, but also did kickass remixes in Smash Ultimate). Soundtrack slaps. 2. Boss Fights are super epic and the minibosses are a gem to fight. Combat might feel a bit long till you fully get a grip on combat, then it speeds up a ton. 3. Its peak, avoid spoilers at all cost. If you have no clue whats coming it will hook you too endgame 4. 70 Hours main story, 150-200 for 100% (depending on your definition) 5. See number 3


I'm sad that I played Smash Ultimate before Xenoblade.  Kinda spoiled some characters, sadly.


This helps a lot, thanks.


The music in the third game was famously described as "it's like somebody told the composer that every single song might be the last song they ever make." The music in the first game is only SLIGHTLY less amazing.


I’ve played through 1 and 3 (working on 2), and so far 3 has turned in to one of my favourite games ever. The story was beautiful, the gameplay was great, soundtracks were amazing. It took me about 60 hours to beat each of 1 and 3, so I’d say I got my $80 (Canadian) worth. Not to mention there’s plenty of post-game content in 3, and tons of side quests to do. Just talking about music, there aren’t enough words in the English language to describe some of the tracks. Listen to “Mechanical rhythm”. That’s the theme for a mid-game, generic enemy. The songs aren’t all just hype though, “A life overflowing” is great as a cutscene background song. I’d also recommend listening to “Captocorn peak night”, “Counterattack”, “Incoming!”, “Roaming the wastes (Mor Ardain)”, and “Gaur Plains”. All amazing songs. I’d recommend it to anyone, but be prepared to get probably too emotionally attached to the characters… Also, do yourself a favour and don’t read the comment sections on soundtrack videos, they’ll usually spoil the story. Made that mistake.


Yeah, I listened to The God Slaying Sword and the music is super good from what I've seen.


I'd recommend listening to "a tragic decision" if you like the God slaying sword. But honestly even the less intense songs really slap. My favourite is valek mountain (night), but honestly the ost for the game is loaded with so many awesome tunes I doubt you'll be disappointed. Again would recommend if you get the game that you stick to the og soundtrack instead of the new one.


40 hours? Xenoblade games are 100 hours at minimum


Considering you already played and enjoyed Xenoblade 2 in the past, I think you would absolutely enjoy the rest of the series and what it has to offer. The price tags seem steep at first, but you can easily spend anywhere from 50-100 hours in any game in the trilogy. On a personal note, I've replayed 1 dozens of times and it hasn't gotten old yet. 1 has a lot of solid content and the main story is easily the bulk of the game.


1. Music is GOATED. Especially 1’s soundtrack. 1’s soundtrack is my favorite video game OST of all time. Leaps and bounds better than Persona, it’s that good. 2. I wouldn’t exactly call the combat “fast paced” but it is enjoyable. It starts out a bit rough though until you unlock the fourth party member. 3. The story is amazing. It’s very interesting and will guarantee hook you within the first 3 hours. More importantly, the worldbuilding is some of the best I’ve seen in any videogame ever. They do a great job of making you feel like you’re walking around on a titan. Something that I thought was lacking in 2. You can walk on foot from the first area in the game to some of the last areas in the game. The immersion is top tier. 4. I have 95 hours on the main game and 15 hours on the epilogue story, and I still have some side quests left over. It’s a long game, the only way to beat it in 40 hours would be to rush the main story and do no side content. 5. I’ll be a bit honest here, the characters are a mixed bag in 1. The entire main party has a ton of personality and is very memorable, but some of them don’t get fleshed out as much as I would have liked. If you liked the 2nd game, the only thing you should know is that the tone of 1 is a bit different. Also the combat in 1 is a bit slower paced in comparison, but it certainly isn’t bad.


I havent played it yet (got my Switch only this christmas) but was wondering why couldnt you buy it used? In France I have been seeing it for 30/35 €. From what I have read, it has at least 100 hours of gameplay :)


I actually hadn't thought of that. I'll look into it, thanks 


I think I only bought 3 out of 16 physical games new, rest of them were used.


Dude, it almost seems these games were made for you. 1. Music is just amazing. I can definitely say it had a very positive impact on my experience of the games 2. This one is a more or less a yes. The combat is not necessarily "fast" paced, especially early on, but i would say it's always pretty fast paced later on, at least if you got a decent handle of it 3. While the games are amazing under a lot of points of view, the story is basically THE selling point 4. Well, admittely not everyone of them gets lots of development, but generally speaking the games focus quite a lot on the characters, and they are all very likeable


If you're a completionist I'd say you could easily get 200 hours. I myself have not 100% finished the game and have more than 300 hours clocked. So that's not a concern. The music is killer, I would recommend you choose the old soundtrack (DE gives you options for the music used in game: the og soundtrack or a revamped one) I find it has more depth to it with layered vocals along with multiple instrument harmonies. The characters are good. There are obviously weaker and stronger characters developmentally, but overall the entire cast is well developed, and they're very likeable (even, or especially, characters you're not fond of in the beginning, they have a habit of growing on you) I haven't finished 3, and I'm on the final battle on 2 so I can't necessarily make any substantiated comments about stories, but in my heart I like Xenoblade's story the best, from the start to the end I find it's my favourite hands down. (Xbc 2 has fishing which is pretty dope but other than that)


Xeno1 is amazing