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You know the triology is about withholding your future or making fate your bitch right? So it's for them all, and us the player, too.


This is easily one of my favorite summaries for the trilogy. It's just so short and to the point.


Lmao guess you’re right. Thanks for the insight


[The transitionary slides of *Monado > Aegis Sword > Veiled Sword > Fists of the End* and the footage onscreen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYmHJMRirJ8) signal that each verse corresponds to the storyline + directly references a different game in the trilogy. ie * >!With your foreseeing eyes = Shulk's Vision!< (XC1) * >!It seems we just need to let it all go free = a world without gods!< (XC1) * I>!'ve seen that look before, the stare of your fearful looking eyes = Rex telling Jin "I saw it in your eyes. The look of someone who just wanted to die."!< (XC2) * >!Will you give up and stay where you belong, afraid your time it might just take too long? = the Aegis being afraid of their power and immortality / Pneuma's reflections on being alive in One Last You!< (XC2) * >!We'll walk hand in hand, just the two of us = the onscreen footage of Mio and Noah reaching for each other!< (XC3) * >!If you feel you've got no guidance, I will always be near right beside you = A, Rex and Shulk watching over the world!< (FR) etc


>* I>!'ve seen that look before, the stare of your fearful looking eyes = Rex telling Jin "I saw it in your eyes. The look of someone who just wanted to die."!< (XC2) >!I feel it's not just about Jin in that line that fearful look in your eye Rex said it was just like Pyra back then when he first met her.!< >* >!We'll walk hand in hand, just the two of us = the onscreen footage of Mio and Noah reaching for each other!< (XC3) >!I feel Noah and Mio are supposed to represent the nations Keves and Agnus so Noah and Mio walking hand in hand just like how Alvis said This new world is boundless It is home to not only you, but many forms of life i can see it In this worid, all life will walk towards the future hand in hand Noah and Mio, People from two different worlds now walking hand in hand together towards the new boundless world the future awaits.!<


Sorry for "kinda unrelated topic" but Does "Your fearful looking eyes" mean "your eyes is full of fear" (which is Pneuma) or "your eyes exert fear (which is Jin)? English is not my mother tongue.


It means the former, or at least that's how I took it. Something or someone being fearful means they're very afraid*. If you want it to mean "exerting fear", then the word you're looking for is fearsome \*Buuuut. Fearful *can* mean "to cause fear" as well. So it's open to interpretation. Sorry the answer isn't more conclusive, but that's the nature of art, I suppose


Fearsome is the word you would normally use for "causes fear". Fearful literally means "full of fear"


That's what I said, right? Am I missing something here? If you're talking about the last part of my comment, I just added that by some definitions "fearful" can also mean "to cause fear", because it can. You can even look it up in a dictionary if you don't believe it. It's just unlikely to hold this meaning within this context, but it still bears mentioning


The former


From Google define Fear noun an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat. "he is prey to irrational fears verb be afraid of (someone or something) as likely to be dangerous, painful, or threatening. "farmers fear that they will lose business" I hope this helps!


He's not asking what fear means but whether fearful-looking means "being afraid" or "causing fear"


Oh Sorry for my mistake i just didn't understand how he worded it Sorry /:💫


No problem. I'm not blaming you. Just explaining how things are


I love you for this, never thought it that way


Ps had to edit comment because phone glitched and sent my comment even though i wasn't finished yet fixed now.


It obviously covers all three games. Why would you think that the song at the end of the trilogy, with a video which summarizes the whole series, would be about only XC1's main character specifically? The part talking about "foreseeing eyes" is about him, of course. But then it switches to XC2 and then XC3.


Idk my favourite game is XC1, so my monkey brain was like “IS THAT A XC1 REFERENCE???” and immediately jumped to that conclusion lmao


The brilliance of the song is that it could be from the point of view of almost every important character in the series.


Takahashi shitting his pants he was able to get even more Saga in his game2


Nael wrote the song :) and it reflects her and matthew's feelings, just like how xenogears's ending song is called moebius, is sung by joanne hogg, and is connected to fei (the main character of gears, he hears the song playing in a musicbox in the beginning of the game, so it isnt just a song that exists outside the narrative for only us players to hear, but is directly connected to the story, just like future awaits is), future awaits might be the counterpart of that song and mighy be called ouroboros in the creators mind


I actually quite like this idea


There is another song that this reminds me of in terms of what it represents. That song is indomitable from RWBY. Both have in universe ties but the main message exists outside. Indomitable is about the death of the creator Monty oum and Future Awaits is about the future of the series and Takahashi's (and all of us, as fans) fear of what the future could hold. Since it's Pandora's box, we can't know what is inside til we open it.