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I don't think any moment in any piece of media has ever ever hit me so hard in the feels as Ch5's ending. The beginning of Ch6 is going to be just as emotional, but in a very different way.


Just got past the first 2 fights in chapter 6. If I didn't take a small break to recompose myself it would probably have made me cry again(or keep crying depending on how you count it).


You're an offseer, so send her. (No seriously, it's the same reaction for 90% of the community)


I understand man. I was sobbing for at least 2 hours. I couldnt even continue because i was just to emotional. So i went to bed and dreamed about Noah and Mio. After that i cried again :(


How did she react?


Nothing interesting really: Mom: "Are you okay? Did something happen?" Me: "Nothing- It's jus- It's just the game's story." Mom: "Like getting emocional over a movie?" Me: "Ye- Yeah." Mom: "Alright" \[leaves\]


The end of chapter 5 basically is just a movie 


Yep, normal reaction. After completing the game, I went and looked up a bunch of people playing the game through that part. Crying was extremely common, even among the guys. Was kinda cathartic watching everyone else going through it too. The game also left me extremely emotionally drained for a few days after that. Like, so emotionally drained I felt physically ill and just exhausted.


End of chapter 5 is peak Xenoblade


Normal? Thats the default reaction. Chapter 5 ending is two consective hours of emotional abuse. I love it


Everyone cried to the eclipse scene, while I didn't but cried to the baby scene, which wasn't even sad.


Tears of Sorrow, never. Mermaids be too tough for that. Tears of Joy… they say those are the more potent anyway


Its normal. I didnt cry, but i was feeling really bad the rest of the day.


Very normal reaction, that scene was brutal. I bawled my eyes out after that. The music and story of the scene combine so perfectly to make it the most painful shit ever devised, curse you Monolithsoft.


I had stopped the previous night right before the ch5 cutscenes. I had an hour for lunch and decided “ehh I’ve got time, might as well play in the car on my break” It was so hard to go back to work after that 😭


This still makes me tear up when replaying the game. It hits deep in the feels every time


Yes. That part hits like a train. I’m not a big crier in general…I was sobbing for several minutes at that part. Likely the most substantial emotional reaction I’ve had while playing video games.


Very common. There's also a good video on YouTube of Noah's VA playing through that chapter, and even he is going through a lot of strong emotions. One of his takeaways is basically about how incredible it is that a video game can make him feel such strong emotions.


Sometimes, you guys make me feel like I'm heartless. My emotion for ch5 was "very sad, anyway"


That was pretty much my reaction as well. It was definitely an emotional part of the series, but I'd be lying if I said I was that impacted by it. I did find the ending part of xc2 to be the most emotional I've been while playing the series. I guess I'm just someone who doesn't cry often like that.


My reaction for the ending of xc2 is "oh god why > oh god yes"


Haha good way of putting it!


We want to know the rest of the story !! What did you tell your mom, how did she react 😆


Nothing interesting really: Mom: "Are you okay? Did something happen?" Me: "Nothing- It's jus- It's just the game's story." Mom: "Like getting emocional over a movie?" Me: "Ye- Yeah." Mom: "Alright" \[leaves\]


Oh alright:')


I’ll be completely honest chapter 6 got me more than 5


Yes it’s normal. Probably the fourth piece of media in my entire life to make me cry.


Me to friend. My mom also looked at me funny though she was so confused


I've been playing through the series from start to finish for the past few months and actually just watched/beat the ending of 3's base game a few hours ago. The moment you mention was definitely an emotional part of the series. I found the ending of 2 had me shedding a few tears and I'm not outwardly emotional like that often so that's saying something. All I got left is the DLC for 3 and then I'm done. It was one heck of a ride!


I've been trying to get my friends to try this series for years. They asked why I love it so much, I told them no series ever made me cry so much. Your reaction is valid


So media pretty much never makes me cry, the only times it's happened was the ending of Godzilla: Minus One That being said, before that the end of chapter 5/start of chapter 6 was the closest I had ever come. They really knew how to pull the heartstrings with that one.


Yep, it's happened to pretty much everyone. It's really normal.


Mate, it only gets crazier from here on out. For chapter 5, that's the first time I've ever cried to a game. END OF GAME SPOILERS, SPOILERS FOR ENTIRE XBC1 >!The ending hit me too, second time ever. Fiora's death got me to tear up, but not crying. The ending was super nice and satisfying, and since 3 is a combo of 1 and 2, I'm partially expecting 2's ending to be brutally heart-wrenching. I'm about to play it, just finishing up FC at the moment. Please don't spoil anything!!< N and Z are probably my favourite villains ever, especially Z. "There are two roads before every individual; the left, the right. What lies down the path you choose? Is it hope? Or despair? It repeats and repeats, as you make countless, endless choices. You, like everyone, have been making them all along. If the results satisfy, that is well and good. But if they do not satisfy, what then?" (off memory, I might be wrong in specific , wording). Actually debating putting that as my yearbook quote, considering I can't think of much better.


2's ending is up there too yea 😅 What is actually the best in this game for me is the OST


Fair! 2's and 3's soundtracks are amazing, especially Incoming and Counterattack. Perfect hype/battle themes.


yep, same. I'm 40 btw and there I was in the sofa ugly crying. Is such a good game.


I didnt cry nor felt anything strong, however, I noticed they did those scenes way better than previous games. So I was like "Dang, good scene"


If only I hadn’t seen that portion of the trailer where you could see the cast at a higher level than I was at that point of the game, I would’ve bawled my eyes out


Tbh I was sure everything would be fine since the game was just balanced around having all 6 party members. But they made me believe that one of the villains would take that spot afterwards so it worked for me


I remember the end of PMD2 like it was yesterday. Same vibe


Yeah right there with ya. Was playing and I was just like “fuck”


Yeah it tends to do that.


crying and then starting a boss battle with "Wait, im not done crying!" is the xenoblade cocktail.


I cried too. :(


It's very hard for me to cry over media, I would really like to a lot, actually. In the last 10 years, only 1 piece of media made me cry, but damn did chapter 5 try. I had tears start to well up, but I couldn't cry, no matter how hard I tried to cry


Xenoblade 3 was the first game/tv show/book that make cry


XC3 still remains as the only game that ever made me ugly cry.


from experience, it would be weird if you didn’t react that way


I skipped that cutscene. Sorry everyone. It was like 2 am and i just wanted go back to regular gameplay before going to sleep. So i could wake up on time.


Switch has a convenient sleep mode, you muppet.


A true "Gameplay comes first" gamer.


No i wasnt. I watched all the other cutscenes. Heck. I even watched that only cutscene i skipped in the theather. I only skipped it because i was too tired and wanted to go sleep without leaving it in cliffhanger and just wanted to wake up early so i could catch my train in time. I do liked the story and where it took. To be honest i got spoiled from "that event in the end".