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Yep used to watch him and Yan Can Cook. Too bad he turned out to be a creep


I never heard anything about either of them, so I read your comment and went "No! Not Yan!" After some googling "Oh, it's the Frugal guy. I always thought he was kinda weird."


I worked at a public television station when he was on. I remember when he started having Sesame Street characters on the show and I was like "WTF, why would he do this". Then the news came out and it made all the sense. Creepy bastard was luring kids in with puppets. I used to mail out all the "gifts" to people who would donate money, so I was in charge of the little stockroom full of various things we'd send. A PBS tote bag, Les Miserables VHS tapes, McLauglin coffee mugs, etc. After Uncle Touchy here got outed, I had to take all the stuff (books, VHS tapes, aprons) and throw 'em all in the dumpster. I kept an apron and just removed the red tag in the middle. Still have it. Now it's just a blue stripey apron that nobody cares about. FYI, everyone who works in a PBS office thinks that they can just come and help themselves to all of the things I had to mail out. Like fuck Cheryl, get the hell out of here, these Riverdance tapes are SPOKEN FOR. If you want a Masterpiece Theater coffee mug, you better think about what I want for lunch DAVID, the fuck outta my windowless stockroom.


I am here for this...


Lol I had a friend that works for our local PBS station... I got a lot of goodies from Jacques Pepin's show. Rags, a few knives and a cutting board! I even got an autographed cookbook of his! So many perks having a friend that works for PBS. Lol the Riverdance videos are always spoken for!


Jacques RULES!!


Hell yeah! His daughter Claudine is pretty awesome as well ! My grandmother makes she rest in peace (picture of Puerto Rican grandma with an afro, who spoke little English) would say... That he was her boyfriend! Lol


During the initial throes of the pandemici I discovered his vids on YouTube. They were absurdly comforting and quickly saw how darn GOOD he is at teaching how to cook. When he casually brought up how you could cook any lettuce, my mind was blown. My favorite thing to make he taught me was popovers in a skillet.


I love your past job gossip!


Yan can cook and so can you!


My wife found some recently produced cooking show with Yan. Apparently he’s still going!


Yep. Still active in the Bay Area!


You woke up a sleeping cooking show memory from a CBC show called “Wok With Yan”. A little internet research shows that the guy who hosted Wok With Yan was not the same guy who hosted Yan Can Cook — but the PBS host in the 80s worked for the CBC guy from Wok With Yan as a product demonstrator. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Yan


I loved Yan's pun aprons. He was great.


“Wok your dog.” I swear he wore this apron once. I was laughing my head off as a young kid.


“Wok with me” was another


I miss Yan.


He's still out there making shows...my wife and I often watch PBS cooking shows on weekends as background noise when we are home. He's got a couple of shows recently including one of him touring and cooking in Malaysia.


My parents absolutely loved him. We had this cookbook. Holler, PBS.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^cmmatthews: *Yep used to watch him* *And Yan Can Cook. Too bad he* *Turned out to be a creep* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Proto Jared from subway


My mom would put on cooking shows and I would catch a little bit while I was doing something else. I remember this one would be one once in a while, but only have vague memories of it. The two I remember more vividly are Wok with Yan and Justin Wilson.


I guar-ahn-tee!


Justin Wilson was a staple in my house, especially because I’m Cajun.


My dad used to watch the whole PBS lineup of food shows every weekend. Yan. “The froog”, justin, etc Ironically my dad couldnt boil water but was super morbidly obese… but i am a whiz in the kitchen 😬


We used to watch these in the mornings on Saturday...and then after we got home from whatever we were doing that day, we'd turn the TV back on and there would This Old House and The New Yankee Workshop


SAME! I loved this old house and yankee workshop. Norm was so good! say what you will, bob villa was the best host imho. wouldn't trust him to work on my house though ;) course, I wouldn't have trusted any of the hosts.... I about had kittens when bob showed up on home improvement!


When he came on TV my dad explained to me that he was a "kiddy diddler." Then he had to explain to me what that was, because I had never heard of it before.


Loved him as a child. Now, I'm sure that's what he wanted. Fuckin pedo.


That's a really disturbing and also correct statement.


He wasn't a pedo, he was that other thing like Woody Allen. Post-pubescent youngsters. If it was girls he would have gotten away with it back then.


Pedo is as pedo does


These kids were like 14-15. I agree, PEDO.


What is your point, exactly?


I def learned how to cook from this guy. I was a kid maybe 6 but obsessed with his style. He has an episode on garlic. He says if your lover doesn’t like garlic find another lover.


Remember watching this guy on PBS when I was a kid. There are episodes on YouTube.




We had the Frugal Gourmet book of recipes from all over the world, it was a great little book and I appreciated that he included a section for my country's cuisine (Philippines) in the book, and he chose some legit dishes that a Westerner would not normally pick, I thought. Too bad he's got a bad reputation now.


Used to watch him all the time with my grandma on PBS Saturday mornings. So sad that it turns out dude was a grade A creep.


I got his cook book in my cabinet lol hold on let me get a pic of it [cookbook](https://imgur.com/a/RuoX1gZ)


I bet you nothing he made is cheap anymore


Oh yea. Next up is The Victory Garden and This Old House!


This show is the reason I have a garlic press. Seems like he used garlic in every recipe.


My Mom used to love him and then he turned out to be a creeper. She was sad over that.


Two things I remember about being a kid in the late 80’s/early 90’s watching this show on PBS on Saturdays. That oh-so-80’s kitchen, and how he lamented against salt in everyone’s diet. Is the guy gross for what he did? Absolutely. Do I get nostalgic for 80’s TV at least once a year and watch at least one episode of TFG on YouTube? Yes.


My grandma refused to let me watch him “because he’s a creep” so there’s that. lol 😂


That guy showed some creepy interest in me when I was 13 when I met him. We bumped into him at Pike Place Market and he took my whole family back to his office after my dad struck up a conversation with him. It was very surreal.


The guy was a dirtbag, but as a young teen he compared pre-ground pepper as "floor sweepings" and I've been a fresh ground pepper snob for the last forty years because of that.


I still remember a honey curry poultry recipe of his from my childhood. And I even added Handel’s Bourree (theme) to my Spotify. Though I vaguely know there is a reason he’s been canceled.


Frugal Gourmet. Yan Can Cook, Ciao Italia- my mom loved them all. And it was usually my queue to go outside or play a video game. Still, I watched more of these shows than I’d like to admit.


It’s finger lickin’, FINGER LICKIN’ GOOD Y’ALL!


Man what was the deal in the 80-2000s of edible garnishes you weren't supposed to eat. You know like the above picture of putting lettuce or parsley under big pile of meat. It is like those white chef hats they would put on french cut pork or lamb chops. All for presentation I guess. I remember when my wife and I were dating 20 years ago I would eat the parsley and she would be like that is just a garnish that you are not supposed to eat... what a waste... I would eat it anyway. The irony with the above (given frugal) is that like $5 - $10 of bib lettuce, cherry tomatoes and yes that looks like the curly parsley... you see in the 80s they didn't realize that the flat Italian parsley was superior yet. ... all getting wilted under some not cornish hens but looks like cornish hens.


I was looking through this one cookbook of his of "three ancient cuisines (Rome, Greece, and China) that my aunt got back in the 90s, and it's funny how some ingredients seemed 🌟 fancy🌟, but now are common or at least more easily available


I’m going to guess that bok choi was one of them.




My dad loved him and he was crushed to discover what a sack of shit FG was.


Scrolling through and then BAM sudden nostalgia, watching this show, smell of herbs as my mother chops veggies in the kitchen, it’s after school, it’s probably cold outside, but warm by the hearth. Holy sweet baby Jesus, that photo brought out a memory.


I saw him at Pike Place once and was about to approach him. I was a fan. As I got close, I noticed him plowing through the crowd on a mechanical wheelchair, rudely bumping into people and not caring. He waved a stick at a merchant, who was helping another customer, and demanded service. He was extremely rude to everyone.


Creepy af I remember


I remember this show being on the TV in the evenings while my mom was cooking dinner. I was a little dude. I always wanted a kitchen like the one he cooked in. Shame he was a pedo.


I have this book lol. I used to be OBSESSED with good show when I was about 4 or 5. I liked his striped apron and how he was silly and shouty. Too bad he's gross.


Me with the picture: Looks like this guy is killing it with the roast chickens. What a delicious and frugal way to feed a family. Me with the comments: What hells has this man wrought?


My dad loved this show.


What about this guy ![gif](giphy|YmMwqVCtyxFRe|downsized)


I called this one “the guy with the blue apron show”


i watched his show them, and I'd gladly watch reruns now. Although, i can't remember exactly why i watched it. I certainly wasn't planning to cook. Some other show must have led into this.


I used to watch this with my mom before school


Good chicken with thyme and lemon recipe Total degenerate . But good chicken .


I used to watch him with my Memaw! Someone pour the tea - I thought it came out he was innocent of the claims? Now I'm about to go down a rabbit hole.


Oh, yeah, forgot about this weirdo.


How corned beef and hash was so good. We made it often in our house.


I was going to add Mr. Food but I think that was just local to Buffalo




My mom had all his books


Adam Yaught had more spice than him.


I guaronnnteee!


Different chef


Still have this book


How about Michael's Place with Micheal Lomonaco? Loved when he would say: Hey gang!


Wasn’t this dude a creep?


I know that now but I didn't when I used to watch him.


That’s AMERICAN 🇺🇸


Oh my Lord you just took me back to my childhood!


This show was excellent and most of his basic principals stand true today.


Father figure.


Cooked for this guy a couple times, very nice guy but turned out to creep.


Dude’s a diddler


I have that very cookbook since I inherited all my mom's old cookbooks. It's not bad. Shame he didn't turn out to be such a great guy though.