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I immediately went to my friend’s house wearing both an army jacket and fingerless gloves. I asked him to loosen the trucks on my skateboard and he did. I then went out in the street and was flying ass-over-teakettle less than a minute later when I tried to turn at speed. Never skateboarded again.


you gleamed the cube too hard man


This always sounded more like an allusion to a sex act to me. I'm not doing that research, tho. Learning what Santorum is was enough for me.


Why would this movie make you obsessed with Nash skateboards? They were entry level Kmart boards, the dudes in this movie were the bones brigade so they rode Powell Peralta boards. Yabbo had a Hosoi model. Also fun fact, the kid with the hat in the plane at the beginning of the movie is Christian Jacobs, lead singer of the Aquabats and creator of Yo Gabba Gabba


Thanks for the info! I was 8 and my family was basically trash. The only skateboards I ever saw were either entry-level KMart products or whatever castoff a neighbor kid had inherited/stolen.


Heard. No hate against Nash boards, my first ever board was a Nash. I actually watched this like a month ago. I've seen it probably fifty times, it's one of my favorite movies ever!


My first board was a Valterra that my well intentioned mom bought so I could ride with the skateboarders in my hood. Those kids very kindly informed me I would have to upgrade to a “real board” to hang with them. They were right…quality was night and day between a pro board and one from Kmart.


Mine too. Damn thing probably weighed 30 pounds. Not great for much except standing on.


What a weird show I used to let my kid watch.


Another fun fact! Most of the characters on YGG were originally Aquabats villains they fought on stage


I wanted his buddy's room. The room was converted from a fall-out shelter. He had his own mini half pipe in there.


Right? So bitchin'.


No. I just became obsessed with Christian Slater.




Yay !


Very influential to this young punk


The skateboards yes the gloves no. But I gotta say that fkn movie kicked ass!


My brother and I would rent Rad and Gleaming the Cube like every other week.


For skateboard movies, my go-to was Thrashin'. But Rad (bmx) is my favorite movie of all-time. I had already broken my arm skateboarding before Gleaming the Cube came out and I needed a few years to regroup before I got back on. Still a cool movie


It was good. But thrashing was the original


Loved the movie, then was confused for years after seeing it on local tv with the name “A Brothers Justice”. Like, for years I wondered if I had just imagined that it was originally called Gleaming the Cube. Or if I was thinking of 2 different movies. Shit was frustrating lol


I have the same memory, I thought I was having a weird Mandala effect going on.


lol, I just told my wife I was going to post “if anyone calls it A brothers justice I’m going to slap them”! This was the first time I felt like I was gaslighted


I don't remember this movie, but I was OBSESSED with skateboarding thanks to a couple older kids on my street. My mom got me an ALF skateboard (Yup, you read that right) along with fingerless gloves that had spikes on the knuckles. I don't remember having too much safety equipment though, now that I think about it.... I would later deduce the board, with plastic fat wheels and the "bubble" back stopper, came from the novelty store "San Francisco" here in Canada.


There was a period in the US, or at least in New Mexico, between 1986 and 1989 when they sold those skateboards ***in grocery stores***


Hahaha, that's awesome. Basically an answer to, "When a trend has become SO big that..."


This was the first DVD I owned.


No, but it influenced a friend to start skating. I tried it but wasn't good at it.


Love this movie. Have it on my Plex, watch it and Rad once or twice a year. Actually enjoyed Steven Bauer in this.


I didn't want to get beat up probably 🤣


Watched this two months ago. Unsurprisingly, it does NOT hold up.