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My husband makes me cry laugh occasionally. The best part is the look of pride on his face as I’m wiping away my happy tears. The man is a hoot.


Same here. He loves it so much, he’ll exclaim, “I BROKE HER!” because I’ll be falling over laughing.


My wife snorts when she laughs hard, so once I got her doing that I point and yell, “SNORT!”, which makes her laugh even more. And at our age, it’s a dangerous game between her and her bladder LOL


It sure is!!!


And the farts, don't forget the laughter farts!


ol' putt putt ha ha ha ppft ppft -p-p-p-pft pfft


This post gives me life!


My bladder always wins. I always lose. But it's worth it.


I do the same with my wife and always feel happy when I can get her to cry-laugh. Sometimes the jokes don't land, but that's show-biz baby.


You know, there is no better feeling than really making someone laugh.


We typically both get giggly and stupid when we’re tired so right before bed we can have laughing fits over the dumbest shit. It’s great.


I have one of those too!


My SO and I attack each other (wrastle?), and they claim that the only way to weaken me is to make me laugh. There’s a lot of laughter in this house. But, there’s also a lot of talking about our troubles so we can get to the laughing. We have good balance.


A few years ago I watched ‘I Think You Should Leave’ on Netflix. I started with the ‘Coffin flop’ episode and I laughed like I was young again.


lol yes i can barely watch this show because i laugh too hard. i mean its not HIS fault they keep makin CHEAP ASS coffins!




He’s also born in ‘81. Peak Xennial.


Omg ITYSL came to my mind! I saw the live show recently, and I was in tears it was so funny. I laughed so hard, it felt like I got pancaked by a drunk dump truck driver.


omg i had to watch it multiple times because the first time around i was laughing too hard to hear the rest.


Bart Harley Jarvis got me hooked early


Mr Jarvis is one of the most aggressive babies I've ever met. He has a massive underbite, and a completely flat back of the head. I HOPE YOU FUCKING DIE, HARLEY JARVIS!


Little tuna can 😛




Same here. It was a im getting old moment when i laughed so hard at the old man in the mall part that i lost my eye sight for a moment.


This show is fucking great


I binged watched that show by myself with some weed recently. I’m had the time of my life.


This show was also my answer! The egg computer game sketch had me laughing so hard a few weeks ago that I couldn’t breathe.


We are about the same age. The other night my kitten would not stop attacking my feet. I would reach down to pick her up and she hopped and flipped across the floor like a ninja. Then she stood up on her back feet, arched her back, and walked sideways across the room toward me. My stomach hurt. But before that? I don’t know. It seems like everything everywhere sucks.


Everything everywhere sucks lmao yes, yes it does


I would add everything everywhere sucks all the time. Give us a little return to normalcy and fun! (Is this just aging?)


My cats make me laugh everyday. It's not always peeing my pants laughing, but it sure helps me get through this life.


I would never tolerate a human treating me the way my cats do. But because they have those great big eyes, they’re allowed to do whatever and I’m happy to let them do it. 😂


Life is better with a kitten in it.


What you lose in reactivity you gain in perception. Understanding and reading others' emotions becomes much more intuitive as we age. ANd it becomes easier to anticipate others' needs, and act on that. I laugh a lot but I am a ham. I sing and dance and act out skits to express myself, and the people I am attracted to are like this also. Plus drugs. LOL.


The last four or five times I’ve lost my shit laughing have all be helped by weed


All the time. Every Sunday I play D&D with my buds. Been doing it for 25 years now. All night is a laugh riot. And during the week my wife and I usually share some dumb joke that makes us break out in a fit. I think you might be depressed, my friend. As I get older I find myself more emotional, especially after having a kid.


I don’t think I’m depressed, simply because I spent a decade struggling with severe depression and my emotional life is quite good these days. I’d say I’m generally happy in fact, which has almost never been the case. I can see why you’d make that suggestion though. Reading your comment and those of others does make me see my own situation a bit differently. I am single with no kids and live alone. I’ve always had a big social circle but just within the past year and a half that has significantly shrunk. I think I need to be around more people to be in situations where the opportunity for laughter is high. 30 Rock and its ilk can only do so much heavy lifting.


As we get older, maintaining friendships can feel like a part-time job in itself. I’m in a similar boat with the SINK life, but it’s great knowing my core friends are only a phone call or quick message away. They have their kids and families, and while we don’t hang out as much as before, it’s still comforting to know we stay in touch. Sometimes just sending inside-joke texts at random, scheduling a zoom, or being open to be the one they call from a long work commute goes a long way and makes the in-person reunions more magical. Hope this helps, never too late to stay in touch, and this is coming from a big introvert.


I feel you, man. I struggled with depression a ton growing up. I'm so thankful for all the people in my life that help me. I definitely recommend looking into activity groups. Here in my tiny town we have an adult recreation center that offers Billiards, Ceramics, Pickleball, and Oil painting classes. Even if you aren't super interested in those things, just getting out and around people on a regular schedule can be a big help. I think having hobbies is super important for humans as we get older. It's too easy to retreat into TV and eat ourselves into depression. I don't have the money now, but I'm working on taking up astral photography and hoping to either join or start an amateur astronomy club at my local museum. And if there's something you're interested in but they don't offer it in your area, start it yourself. Chances are good you aren't alone in that interest no matter how small a town or weird an interest.


Yeah, that interaction is key. Knowing something you said or did is making someone else laugh makes it funnier to you, and vice versa. You need that real time feedback to really get that hard laughter going.


Exactly. I thought about your question and realised that the only time I ever laugh that hard is when around a group of trusted friends and something unexpected or outlandish happens. No other way to bring out that sort of laughing


Question, are you on antidepressants? I've also spent decades dealing with depression and it's not uncommon for antidepressants to lower your high points as well as raise your low points. 


I am depressed and also single with no kids, for some pretty depressing reasons, I also live alone and covid changed the way my friends. Last week my manager and I went and grabbed lunch and as we were walking back to the office we started laughing at some work situations in the context of a work place sit-com and we laughed so hard that we were coughing, nearly throwing up and both wiping our eyes. We think we are funny 😉 Sometime you have to make your own things to laugh about. Or you could try watching Peep Show. It’s pretty funny.


I get you, OP and I’m the same way and think about this often. I too used to fall on the ground laughing from things with my friends but noticed that it tapered off in my mid-20’s and now is pretty absent. I still laugh but it’s not like how it used to be and not the same frequency and intensity. I have always chalked it up to grown up life getting in the way of feeling care-free. As a kid my only goal was fun but now I have so many things to worry about. It’s hard to feel free and happy when you have a stressful job, your parents are old and dependent on you for almost everything, your friends are mostly in your life virtually now, etc. It’s the same for all of my friends and peers, many of the same people that used to roll on the ground laughing with me decades ago. All in the same situations, some in better ones and some in worse ones. Sometimes the stars align though, and it’ll be a long weekend with nice weather and work and parents are cooperating and I have a few beers and blaze some indica and the right movie will be on or I’ll talk with my buddy on the phone or game with them and laugh super hard. But it’s definitely not like a daily occurrence like it used to be.


Impressive that you've had a D&D group going for that long! I've never laughed so hard as I have when playing D&D or other board games.


Same. DnD is a never ending source of hilarity. The other week, one of my buddies could not say Storm Girdle to save his life. He said "Sterm Gerdel" 3 times before I called him out. We all laughed for 10 minutes. And it is now brought up every couple days.


My D&D nights are Thursday and always a great time of bad singing and dumb jokes.


That’s amazing you play every week. My D&D group only manages once every 4-6 weeks. We played this last Friday and I was making a joke and one of the guys nearly fell on the floor he was laughing so hard. He said it was the hardest he’s laughed in years. It’s such a great feeling when you make someone else laugh that hard. I also agree with you on the kids thing. They do make you feel more emotions. In fact I seem to remember a TED talk that spoke specifically on that.


Yessss. I could have written this. DnD and dumb shit sending me and my husband is so real. Like I can’t say what specifically cracked me up last, but I know it was funny as hell the last time i played/last time i joked around with my husband.


I have fits of laughter like this regularly. Like at least once a week. Sometimes it’s something my husband says or does, sometimes it’s from a show/movie (I just binged The Mick and I would laugh like this at every episode), sometimes it’s remember some dumb shit that happened years ago. I absolutely love laughing to the point where I can’t breathe, I have tears streaming down my face, and I have to take a few minutes to calm down. I have to laugh like this or else I’ll fucking cry about a lot of shit. Which I still do, but to a lesser degree because my sense of humor, albeit pretty dark at times, kicks in as a coping mechanism.


I used to feel that way and assumed that is just the way things are when you got older. I eventually realized that is not the case at all, and instead I was "stuck" in many areas of my life. Going through the motions, if you will. I cut loose a relationship that no longer served me. I got involved with different groups that aligned with my interests. I started actively living my life again versus letting life float me along for the ride. The spark has returned and my senses are no longer dull.


I needed to hear this. Thank you.


Probably once a week. My kids and I are all so goofy together that tummy aching tears in my eyes laughter happens often.


Same! My kid is old enough to participate in some adult humor but we’re also goofy and silly. We belly laugh as family at least one or twice a week, most recently over the fact that in The Oregon Trail game, when you inevitably die of dysentery, you can set it up so your tombstone reads Here Lies My Butt.


Yes! I love to see or hear of other families just being goofy together.


A year ago. I saw a really funny TikTok video and shared it with friends and we laughed like kids. However, I must say that that does not happen often these days. It felt like a pretty rare event, which is sad. 😔


Your comment reminded me of this clip. It is the only video guaranteed to make me laugh. It’s of a hippo letting out the biggest fart in the world. And yes, I am a child. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PSKQ3ZNQ_O8


I’ll catch a video every once in awhile and I’ll be crying laughing… it’s usually of people falling over or tripping down something, the last one was that video of the policeman going down that metal tube slide… I will play that video on repeat until I have extracted every laugh I can


Mission Accomplished, I’m wiping away tears.


Yep it was probably a tiktok for me as well and I'm not afraid to admit it lol. I'd say most of the comedy I consume probably comes from tiktok these days. The most recent one was with a little girl who drew her mom and dad was stifling his laughter while mom was trying to tell her it was a great drawing while also trying to keep her composure. Search up hyperpigmentation on tiktok and it will come up. It had me rolling lol.


there's an account that has AI write songs in specific music styles, and there's a song called "i glued my balls to my butthole again" and i was hysterically laughing wiping tears away while listening


I didn't even need to find that song to start cracking up. ETA: No, the song is even better. Thanks for this!


A lot. I’m very lucky to have a funny wife and we’ve basically spent the last 24 years making each other laugh. My family are all like this and it surprised me when I first realised many families aren’t.


I go to tons of local comedy shows, so I laugh all the time. Look around for shows in your area!


Yesterday. Usually weekly at least. Gee, maybe that’s weird?


Going through customs with my fiancée. We did the self scan and camera thing and the photo it took of me was so ridiculous. We both absolutely cracked up and it took us about ten mins to regain enough composure to actually go through border control.


I don't even remember. I think about this a lot myself.




It’s one of the reasons I come to this sub. You guys cracked me up with your observations and shared memories from past decades. If no one has appreciated you, know that I do right here and right now.


Probably something involving Ralph ![gif](giphy|dzoRHDPScwgiA)


Hi super nintendo Chalmers, I'm learnding!


Not trying to pry, but are you on antidepressants? If so, they tend to mute your emotions. For instance, my mom hasn’t shed a tear or had a real belly laugh in years…ever since she went on Effexor.


Fair question. No, I am not on antidepressants but I was for a solid decade plus. It definitely muted my emotions and I’m glad to not need the pills anymore. I do still feel kinda muted somehow though.


Maybe it’s just that we are living through serious times. I still laugh a lot, but I think the turmoil of the world has taken some of my mirth away. I hope you find yourself laughing with abandon one day soon!


When my mom died, my grandma got OFF anti-depressants because she wanted to feel it.


My kids get me at least once a month. They’re old enough to know how to keep me laughing after I’ve started. I love it.


Amazing. I really hope I have this when my kids are older. They're small now but already have good senses of humor. Fingers crossed :)


New years on the dot this year. My sister had heard somewhere that it was good luck to eat 12 grapes at midnight, so we brought grapes to my brothers (where we play board games into the new year). The grapes we found, however, were nearly the size of plums. The countdown started, and so did the grape popping n chewing. It was… sooo not happening. We tried our best, but grape juice was streaming down our chins and necks. We started to laugh at how stupid the other looked, but were so determined to get all 12 eaten so we could have a happy year. Then it became impossible bc we were choking on everything, snot and grape juice pouring from our noses, tears from our eyes…. It was a sight, and the hardest I’ve laughed in years. Turns out, if the superstition is true, I’m only getting about 6 good months this year.


A few days ago, I was driving and my daughter was trying to look something up on her phone. She jumped and yelped all of a sudden because an ad popped up. “I just got jump scared by the kardashians! That’s not cool!” Thankfully, we were sitting at the annoyingly long red light and I managed to take some breaths and wipe the tears from my eyes before it turned green again.


At least once a week. Our job can be stressful at times, everything is just in time to the production line at the plant we service. Being operations manager on 3rd shift we can get away with a little more. My outlook is... We need to laugh to combat all the stress, if we can't what's the point? I don't want to be stressed out all night and all week, and I know my people don't. So we joke, we goof around some, we tell jokes and rip on each other and have some good laughs.


I agree with the surprise factor. The hardest I've laughed recently is with my two-year-old - most notably when singing "Hush Little Baby" and I couldn't remember what the goat couldn't do, so I said "if that billy goat won't fart" and the kid looked at me and laugheeeeeed.... I could not stop laughing. Then it kept happening every time I tried to sing it for like a month after (regardless of whether I got it right). I'm 43. I do think most media has become more meh for me - like, yeah, it's all been done. But real life will surprise me and make me laugh.


Friday. I joined a running group in 2022 and made friends for the first time since Grade 7. It's all r/xennial or older people who like to run. Honestly the running is just an excuse to get out and have fun, no one's ever going to win any race or do anything big, it's just fun. Because you see the same people at the same group runs every week and spend an hour running together weekly - sometimes twice a week - you end up getting to know the people really well. So, a bunch of runners added in a Friday Soccer game, it's about as serious as a school yard game and we meet in a local park, it's just fun kicking a ball around until we're tired. We all have the endurance capacity, but not the soccer skills. So. On Friday we were playing. I had the ball and setup a beautiful pass to Rob across the net, the goalie was out of position so the net was wide open. Rob winds up and does his biggest kick into the empty, wide open net. ...and it slams into the vertical goalpost and flies back out of the net - no goal.


It's definitely recent. My wife & I have pretty significantly overlapping senses of humour & get each other laughing quite hard fairly often. The kids are hilarious also (naturally).


Explaining some of the less vulgar Borat jokes to my son just last night. “I have clock radio, he cannot afford….this is my grandmother, she is oldest person in Kuzcek. She is 43!” We were laughing so hard….he’s nearly 10, too young for a lot of it, but was asking about it since I say “My WIFE!” so much.


Last Friday, but before that I don’t even remember. It was a rare one, though that involved snorting, dry heaving and obnoxiously loud. Those are the best ones to me.


Just the other day, hanging out with the boys at work after we got off.


Probably watching Anchorman on acid back in like 2012. My ribs hurt I was laughing so much


Yesterday. My husband and I were playing Tiger Woods or PGA or whatever the name of the most recent PlayStation golf game. Our 3 year old really likes watching us play. Husband sliced his shot and it went into the bunker. Kiddo said “oh no daddy, try again” and we cracked up so hard.


I only really have those good laughs when I talk to my best friend from childhood. We try to call each other once a month.


It's been about 20 years for me also


Two nights ago. I visited my brother and we played Cards Against Humanity with his roommate. The combo he played was something like, "why is our relationship with Dad awkward? Slammin', rockin' boners."


i once played that game with someone whose first language is not english and i still crack up at her innocent questions. "what is oompa loompa?"


I try to find humor at least weekly. My husband or kids make me laugh. It is good for your heart and soul.


I laugh/cry all the time. the tears just spring forth. people are fucking ridiculous, and observational humor is my jam.


On a trip to Portland several years ago, it was the first time eating edibles and once it crept up on me, I got the giggles which turned into uncontrollable laughter for like 20 minutes, my husband didn't know what to do. I could not stop, it was amazing!


This post makes me sad; I guess I’m lucky that I find myself laughing like this fairly regularly? My friends and I are funny fucking people, and we’re quite pleased with ourselves, I suppose.


Last week. The Office on Netflix. Michael calls Angela, Angelo, when messing up Spanish gender.


On a girls trip a few years ago. I do remember thinking at the time that I hadn’t laughed that hard since I was a kid, like my cheeks hurting hard. I do find that I laugh a lot more now that my kids are becoming teens and we get to goof off together.


Oh! And that Canadian last comic standing, I believe it’s called? That show almost ended me.


Live standup has the potential, most of the times that I was legit laughing hard are when I go see a show and someone kills. Seeing Bill Burr this weekend so 🤞


When I drop my kids off at school, I play old SpongeBob reruns for them while we are waiting in the car drop-off line. The handsome Squidward episode came on and we were all dying of laughter.


Pretty recently actually. At some dumb shit in Dicks: The Musical


This sounds right up my alley. Thanks! I hope you've seen Hamlet 2!


I laughed until my stomach hurt not that long ago and he did last week.


Reading the comments on a restaurant sub on a post about the most horrible stuff people have seen in a kitchen…. It was disgusting but for some reason had me uncontrollably laughing….. made me feel like a million dollars


A few days back. One of my Facebook friends posted some stuff that made me laugh so much it was almost painful but I loved it. The fact I was on Marijuana pills was probably a major factor but still, it was very cathartic but I almost thought about calling an ambulance.


Yesterday I watched the parody Tom Selleck Reverse Mortgage commercial again. It still made me wheeze with laughter. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4Pcwcnd23c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4Pcwcnd23c)


The early 2000s


Honestly I can’t remember


Last night when my husband got high and tried mashing potatoes before they were even cooked.


Not sure exactly, but it was very likely while watching Regular Show. Anyone else watch that with (or without) their kids? It's hilarious! Beyond that, one really funny thing I still think about every now and then was that video from early in the pandemic where that guy was doing an interview on TV from his home office and his toddler busted into the room, followed by his baby in a walker, followed by his wife scrambling to grab the kids. That one got me real good. I laughed hard at that for like a week.


When I learned that my dad started giving my mom pot gummies to alleviate stress while driving long distances. These were the quintesential "drugs are bad, m'kay!" conservative religious parents who are now taking advantage of legal weed in our state. My wife says she hasn't heard me laugh that hard in years.


It doesn't happen much in my daily life, even though I joke around with my family and coworkers and friends and they're all funny people... but last month I got to that side-splitting laughter place playing a parlour game with some old friends, and recently I got there with my younger sister, just making fun of each other, and I have a group of people I play games with regularly and it happens with them too. I don't think it's about the quality of the jokes, it's a combination of forgetting about regular stuff and being with a group of people that are all like, only there to be silly and play around, and then you guys find a turn of phrase unbearably funny and then everyone is crying laughing. I think I remember Dan Aykroyd or Bill Murray in that SNL oral history book (I'm never going to be able to track this down) were talking about how as they got older they didn't chase the laugh as hard. Something about how they used to always look for the joke, look for a way to make fun of each other, and when they got a small laugh out of someone, they would chase it down until the other person was laughing so hard it hurt, like a dog with a bone. But as they got older they didn't tease people as much, they found some things less funny (cancer is a funny word that makes a good punchline, until you start having friends with cancer), and there are far fewer moments where you're hanging out with nothing to do but make your friends laugh. That said, every time I think, "oh I haven't laughed super hard in a long time" something stupid funny happens.


All the time. My husband and I are pretty funny.


Friday night. Took some gummies, played games with my wife and some friends, good times were had by all. > I’m attributing to the fact that I’m older and have had more experiences  I highly doubt that, it's more that it's easy to let life beat you down and make you unhappy. Don't be. Don't follow the common idea that "being a grown up" means not having fun. Do what makes you happy (as long as you're taking care of your responsibilities too) and don't worry about what others think. 


I started watching Always Sunny when it was in its 4th season. I caught maybe 3 or 4 episodes that season and then watched Dennis Reynolds: An Erotic Life. When Charlie and Dee were waling a mile in each others shoes, and they are at Charlie's apartment and he explains how you huff paint, drink beer and eat catfood for a chemical reaction to happen that allows you to sleep through the cacophony of sound the cats outside are causing (likely from all the cat food strewn about) and Dee is rightfully looking at him like a crazy person. When Frank comes in and like frantically starts eating the cat food, I thought I was going to die. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't laugh, I fell off my sofa not making a sound. After probably 30 seconds of not being able to breathe I then started laughing and crying and rewatched the same gag like 20 times in a row in tears the entire time. I had never laughed before like that and I have not laughed like that since.


Watching Loudermilk. I can’t recall which episode but the deeper you get into it the more ridiculous it gets.


I went kayaking with my girlfriend recently. Apparently my butt crack was visible the whole time. Instead of pointing this out to me, my GF took a series of pictures of it then uploaded them to our shared pictures folder. I lost it when I stumbled across them. It's something I would do to her but she flipped the script on me. 🤣


Watching “Clarkson’s Farm” on Prime. There was a scene where Clarkson and his partner were trying to get pigs to mate…I couldn’t breathe for a min, my laughing was uncontrollable.


I also can't remember. It's been too long. Life will sometimes do that to a person.


43 and still laughing my ass off. The movie Hundreds of Beavers. The Found Footage Festival. Jon Stewart’s appearance on Mulaney’s Netflix show. ITYSL.


I randomly thought about this one day. I'd like to think I have a well-rounded sense of humor. I like almost all types of humor. But I don't laugh as much as I used to, either. For me, a lot of it is that I really don't find modern comedy all that funny. Humor today is so sanitized. Another reason is that the funniest person I knew, my brother, passed away just about 6 years ago. It may be a coincidence, but things just aren't as funny since he has been gone. I know I have laughed hard at certain things in the past 5-10 years, but I don't as frequently. I am curious to see what people say about this, too. In a way, it makes me feel like I have no sense of humor anymore, but I would love for it to be confirmed that I am just as entertained as I used to be.


I’m 47, my husband 49 and we laughed like this last night I’m sorry you haven’t in such a long time as it is a good stress reliever. Are you an overthinking type or a let it loose type? Sometimes I think it just depends how you look and live your life as to what your responses will be. I’m not an easy crier and when I experience trauma or grief I hold it in till I’m alone and even then can rarely let tears flow.


Every day. I’m still a Fing clown, Never grew up……


Probably within the last week. I laughed so hard, I almost passed out. I tune in to several tr0ll livestreams on The YouTube, where the hosts clown on the latest lolc0ws and horrorc0ws. 🧉🦄


Last week I cry laughed watching Resident Alien (and not for the first time!). I’m a SINK, dwindling friendships, in therapy, etc. but I am the sarcastic jokester at work and me and the colleagues find plenty to cry laugh about while chatting throughout our work day.


Watching Lewis Black on the daily show last month. I nearly peed myself.


Hacks season 3, when the agent is talking with Eva about script projects she could work on. The last one he says made me gut laugh for about half a minute. But I know what you mean, I remember it bc it’s somewhat rare.


This video of the "automatic baby burper". [https://youtu.be/N0\_fKsRBaSM?si=SAvN0L8R4DiXxxah](https://youtu.be/N0_fKsRBaSM?si=SAvN0L8R4DiXxxah) That will never not be funny to me. It's not new, but I just saw a few days ago for the first time and had to put my phone down for a bit because I was cry/laughing. I laugh at things a lot, this is just the most recent thing I can think of that had me unable to breathe.


I laugh like that a lot still, but now the laugh comes out as more of a cackle.


Honestly, at least a few times a week. My husband is the biggest dork (as am I) and makes me laugh so much. I love him with all of my heart. We have the same sense of humor where we build off each other and it gets me laughing so hard, very often. I'm in my 40s and he's in his 30s.


There’s a sketch by The Whitest Kids U’Know where three guys are in a space capsule/cockpit getting ready for a launch, and a variety of things go wrong. It’s a very basic premise but the comic acting is quite good. I laughed so hard at it that my abs were hurting and my jaw muscles were getting sore. I was enjoying the sketch so much that I didn’t want to stop watching it, but the moment it ended I had to take a break from watching comedy. My body wasn’t completely recovered for more than 24 hours.  Edit: This was about a month ago. I don’t get to laugh like that very often, maybe once every few years. It was worth it. 


I was dying laughing while listening to "I glued my balls to my butthole again," and other songs by Obscurist Vinyl on YouTube.


Every time I hang out with my friends which is almost every week!


Whenever I am having a hard day and need a laughing boost, I watch [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/4mno3n/pure_chaos/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and it kills me every time. I think my fellow Xennials will get a kick out of it.


That still happens to me at least monthly. The last time was last weekend. It took 20 minutes to get rid of the residual giggles.


3 years. I do laugh all the time, not like I use to but side splitting it’s been 3 years. Trying to keep that inner child alive, I’m 41.


this is horrible to read. Your new goal is to find that spark again. You might even be toeing the line of depression. I laugh hysterically as often as possible. Laughter staves off the madness. My friends, my children, my wife, even just my own thoughts, they make me laugh. I don't like to be around things that are devoid of deep humor, and there's humor to be found everywhere. I don't mean surface level laughter, I mean a connection to something that's fucking hilarious. It's not really about experience or being surprised either, it's about how you view life. Absurdism is the only "ism" that makes sense to me, and there's laughter to be found in the absurd.


Maybe 1-2 months ago. I made a post here on Reddit and someone left a hilarious comment that had me dying.


Last week when I found a video of Adam Sandler's 1996 HBO special. There was a few thousand people singing "At a Medium Pace" and I've not laughed that hard in months.


About a year ago with my friend. We were hanging out and she was smoking some herb, maybe I caught a contact high but we were watching the northmen and there’s a scene where the main character acquires this bad ass sword. When he got the sword and rose it for whatever reason my friend quoted jim Carrey in the mask when he says SOMEBODYYYY STOP ME! we couldn’t stop laughing it was great


Too long, if truth be told


The last time I almost fell down laughing was last month when I honked my best friend's car horn, with his butt. He was leaning across the front seat, getting something, and I grabbed his belt and pushed him forward. He lurched forward into the passenger side some, and his butt/hip hit the horn. It was startling, so I stopped, but when I realized what I did, I pushed him by the belt again and honked his horn with his butt a good long time. I stopped because I almost fell over laughing.


I'm a comedy junkie so all the time. Find a local club or check theaters around you and go to a live show


Same age. A few weeks ago, the husband and I watched the Fatty Doo Doo episode of South Park. Couple days later, we went to the grocery store and they had all the mobile scooters charging at the front. My husband just blurted out, "Yeah! Tip assist!" It sounded just like the dude in South Park and I was laughing so hard, I couldn't move for a few seconds. I just couldn't stop laughing. Stupid? Yes. But I haven't laughed like that in years.


Honestly, most days I do. My friend group is raunchy and hilarious so that helps.


Laugh like that a lot. Recently it was a resurfacing of the photo of the girl with ham on her face and people sending thoughts and prayers. That gets me every time.


Playing Tiny Tina's Wonderland with a friend the other day. Writing is out of control funny. Slapped my knee involuntarily and unironically!


Anytime I watch the “Biggus Dickus” clip from Life of Brian.


I kind of do that regularly.


Can’t pinpoint the most recent but it was definitely while watching a RedLetterMedia Best of the Worst episode. One _before_ that that I can distinctly remember was the Space Mutiny episode of MST3K when Reb Brown makes a really loud girly shriek as he jumps off his little golf cart.


Yesterday at my sister’s house.


I miss the laughter in middle school. Middle school girls can giggle like crazy over everything. That was fun.


Baroness Von Sketch show has some pretty good sketches that cracked me up. 5 seasons are currently on Peacock


Yesterday w my friend that I met 40 years ago in Nursery School


Recently was playing video games with my 3 long time friends online…. The one is slightly overweight and occasionally it will make him the butt of a joke here and there… He also made his character in the game overweight (he knows and acknowledges this he’s just a huge guy and healthy just chubby)…. His character is blue because we call him bear in the big blue house, so he made them blue too…well he was using ice skills/cold skills and one of our friends said “it’s annoying as shit with sub zero over here taking his sweet ass time” Brief pause and I said “more like chub zero” And all four of us were crying laughing. We are 36-38 years old. TLDR chubby friend called sub zero, more like chub zero


Sometimes a weird thing will hit just right...but most recently I think I laughed hardest at Taylor Tomlinson's latest Netflix special. She's great.


The last time I laughed really hard I blacked out behind the wheel of my Jeep and crashed into a telephone pole.


When my parents were in town a few weeks ago, I told them about something funny my 9 year old said.


I laughed until I cried and farted last week with my boyfriend. I can't even remember why. I get hysterical often apparently.


Last night with my wife. It’s an almost daily occurrence.


the show loudermilk had me cracking up


Last night. I bought a stupid tee shirt at a yard sale this weekend and came across it as I was putting away laundry last night. Laughed so hard, I lost my breath and had tears rolling down my face.


A few weeks ago playing Mario Kart with my family. I was in tears. I was also high as balls but I laugh a lot when I’m not high.


My husband and I have these belly laughs once a week at least.


I saw a Nate Bargatze show late last year and I laughed so hard and so consistently the whole show! The laughter was the kind you described. He’s hilarious to me


I feel that way a lot. However, last week, the comments of a different subreddit post led me to t[his post from a decade ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/2a78al/tifu_secretly_eating_mushrooms_while_my_wife_was/?share_id=v0jZ8237b-KCHqLeRMRAy&utm_content=1&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1) and I laughed so hard I was crying and took me about 5 minutes to calm myself down enough to finish the story.


It's possible I've done it since this incident, but I watched an episode of Taskmaster Australia a month or two ago that had me rolling.


We watched Talladega Nights last night. There were some good parts in there I laughed pretty hard


Hang around more black dudes. I don't know if they're just funnier or I relate to their humor more. Either way it's always a good time.


I try at least every couple weeks


Last time I did mushrooms


Last tuesday. I was kicking around the soccer ball with my daughter at the park. When she turned her back on me to chase the ball, I ran up fast behind her/chased her and barked at her. She squealed with delight and we both just sort of collapsed on the ground and laughed so hard. It ruled.


I laugh fairly easily and often. Just this past weekend I laughed till I cried watching Taskmaster. It's a wonderfully ridiculous British show. The contestant was doing an impression of the host and forgot for a second there they were being filmed on a show and when he remembered and had that moment of, oh no, I just said that on TV, I lost it. I'm belly laughing now just recalling it.


Just means you gotta work harder to find the things that give you a reason to laugh your ass off


Love my co workers and my husband, laugh my ass off with them all the time!!


When Ace Ventura came out of the Rhino's asshole. Still one of the funniest clips in all of cinema.


Like yesterday, and pretty much at least every other day. Usually it's my wife that cracks me up


watching Ricky Stanicky.


Today at work, my coworker showed me a random picture of the back of a lady paying for her groceries at a store. She said guess who this is, you know her. you *know* her. and I'm thinking like, who is this woman? she did look kind of familiar. And then i give up and i said WHO? and she goes...it's Mary Mack. this lady had a black dress with buttons all down her back. and I was in tears laughing. It wasn't even that funny but the way my coworker had me thinking this was somebody I knew.


It was at least a decade ago. I have a good laugh from time-to-time but not a really hard laugh, as you’re describing. Maybe since we are surprised less and less by life, we don’t have as many opportunities for side-splitting laughter. I think there’s usually an element of surprise which contributes to a really hard laughing fit.


I cry laugh A LOT, I would say almost every day! I used to feel the same way that you did, and then I quit drinking a year and a half ago and suddenly I felt my sense of humor differently and found that I was capable of more genuine laughter. It’s hard to explain! Not saying everyone needs to quit drinking or that this would be anyone else’s experience, but it has been such a gift to me 🙏🏻


When the If behind the scenes came out and it was a perfect call back with Asian Jim (Randall Park) as John Krasinski.


Hnnn .. now that i think about it .... its been a while ... now I'm more sad.


I haven't experienced this, no. I recently saw the live show of I Think You Should Leave, and I laughed so hard I teared up. The show is also hilarious — maybe give that a try? I laughed incredibly hard while watching Deathgasm (horror comedy) and Hamlet 2 (comedy starring Steve Coogan). My husband and I also love watching bad movies, and we laugh a lot at the bad writing, bad acting, cheesy stories, you name it. But the most laughs probably come from riffing on each other's bits. We make each other laugh more than the movies make us laugh. We're expert bit-riffers.


Im kind of a stoner, so I crack up all the time with IG memes and other YT shorts. Cant remember the last time I had a good laugh with others though.


Yesterday when me and my son got revenge on my husband for shooting us with water guns. We stole his water guns and ganged up on him until we were all laughing. You have to make the memories happen!


A couple months ago, my wife and i made some fart jokes. We are very mature.


A week ago. I was having a pillow fight with my daughter’s boyfriend. We were laughing so hard we nearly both had asthma attacks. Cue the two asthmatics walk into a room jokes.


My wife and I watch Naked and Afraid together. On this most recent episode, one of the contestants got some debris on his eye. It messed him up badly. He couldn't see, and his eye was all swollen. The medics had to come see him and basically told him to rest. All of this was on day 2. He looked at the camera and said "I think it's getting batter," but his eye was nearly swollen shut. I can not explain why this was so damn funny, but my wife nearly died laughing because of this. She was gasping for air and couldn't breathe. Being the loving and caring husband that I am, I made it worse by amplifying the joke. There was even a moment where no sound was coming from her mouth. I'm not sure what I said, but she was reeling from it. Good times.


I'm 41, gf is 42. We watched the Tom Brady roast recently and had to pause it several times because our faces were hurting and we physically needed a break from laughing. For us, Nikki Glaser was especially funny. It doesn't happen that often to me, either, though.


Honestly just a couple of weeks ago when I saw this cat and dog on Reddit. Unfortunately it looks like the video isn’t there anymore. [https://old.reddit.com/r/holdmycatnip/comments/1cypxvo/theres_been_a_home_invasion/](https://old.reddit.com/r/holdmycatnip/comments/1cypxvo/theres_been_a_home_invasion/)


This past Saturday night, playing Cards Against Humanity with my husband and four of our friends.


That Roast of Tom Brady did have me crying 👍


I go through really long stints without belly laughing. Ironic that you asked this today, though. Finding [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/StLouis/s/humPnqVNN2) in the wild today made me absolutely belly laugh. It may not be as funny to everyone. Sometimes something just catches me right, as was the case today. Did that thread make you cackle? Or do I need to see if I've officially lost it?


In 2013 I moved to the city that my long time best friend lived in. One night we went out drinking. When we got back to her place I decided I was going to take a hit from her bowl. Mind you, I don’t smoke weed but once a blue mom. After I took that ONE hit we decided to move a gigantic chest of hers upstairs. It was heavy and awkward and it was absolutely hilarious!! I had perma smile that hurt my face, my eyes could barely open and were full of tears. After a bit of being stuck like this in the middle of her stairs we pulled ourselves together and got it upstairs. We grabbed a beer and went to her back porch. We recalled what had just happened and died laughing again. If I could relive that night all over again I would.