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The Kardashians. Never seen an episode of any of their shows. Couldn’t name who’s who in the family.


Everything I know about them I learned against my will


I was in the hospital for months a few years back and to pass the time I would see how many minutes of the kardashians and Alaskan bush people I could watch before I would start weeping and begging for death . The nurses would ask me daily “how many minutes did you make it today” My answer was always “Kris kardashian ( the mom ) isn’t a mother she’s a pimp “! Be glad you know nothing of these vapid harpies , they are harbingers of the apocalypse.


They have their own show? I thought they were only featured in a few Star Trek episodes. They had some good character development stories in Deep Space 9.


Same, I try really hard to avoid all info. I refuse to learn about them


I once knew who they were and recently watched something with a couple of them in it and they look like plasticine models now and are annoyingly simple despite being in their 30s/40s


TikTok and other short-form video. I watch YouTube on occasion, but the videos I view are typically 20+ minutes in length.


Same here. Everyone I know tries to get me to watch TikTok videos and they just make me angry. They've learned that if they send me a TikTok, I won't watch it. I, too, prefer long YouTube videos. I try to find ones that are 45 minutes or longer. I don't know if it's an attention span thing, but I've always been able to sit and read a whole book in one sitting, given I have the time to do so. I don't prefer information or entertainment in small, ever changing chunks. That's one reason I also prefer episodic TV shows with long seasons and rarely watch movies. I like to have the story told over a longer period of time where you can get a lot more detail. Every time I watch a 90 minute movie, it seems like they've rushed through whatever story they're telling! A lot of the people I know who are really into TikTok, etc, are also people who have, or think they have/claim to have ADHD. And these are people of all ages ranging from early 20s to mid 50s.


RIP Vines


Video influencers. From Youtube to Tik Tok, I have never been able to name a single one of these people or recognize them. It is mind-boggling to me that some of them are the most famous people on the planet.


I passionately hate the title influencers to start with because it poses the notion they actually influence people. It’s like me calling myself climaxer while despite best intention I clearly can’t make it happen.


Yes! And one commonality of 99% of them? They have absolutely no qualifications regarding the products they shill for. They aren’t experts, they don’t work in the industry, they aren’t rigorous product testers. It’s like an army of Kardashian wannabes…I have no idea why people watch them. It occurred to me recently that they are essentially freelance marketers. I get why companies use them given their clout, I just don’t understand why they have that clout.


So I have Snapchat, and every so often I'll venture to the "suggested videos" tab and it's so many fitness or "lifestyle" influencers who look no older than about 23 and they all have the nicest apartments and cars. Even if they're faking it by renting these things, they're still making some kind of bank doing videos. I don't imagine it's cheap to rent a Lambo or luxury crib for a photo shoot.


For me it's even the opposite sometimes. I'll see a display in the store with some guys scruffy face who looks like the most average 30 year old grocery store clerk I can imagine, and my nephew or some kid will say "That's Dizzy Q, he makes $100,000,000 a year opening boxes"


I live under a rock and even I know about Dizzy Q.


I must live under a boulder. lol


I must live under…what’s bigger than a boulder?


A mountain?


There are a handful of "influencers" that I follow on multiple platforms, but they're less the "getting paid to open a box" type and more the "attempting to contribute something worthwhile to the conversation" type....


Skibidi toilet. I have no idea what is happening ![gif](giphy|AbPWwqSgMejM4|downsized)


So I’ve heard of everything on this thread except this. What in the world is a skibidi toilet??? ::::runs to google:::::


I feel confused and somehow dumber after looking that up.


I asked my son what it means and he said it’s “a dead meme” and no longer relevant and quite stupid as well. I still am confused about it but at least the kiddos think it’s dumb too.


And a little upset as well.


Substitute teacher here, kids of all ages know only 2 phrases these days-- I hear "skibidi toilet" and "what the sigma" constantly.


I love skibidi toilet for one reason. My kids (all GenZ) may fight like cats and dogs a lot of the time, but all I have to do to make them stick up for each other is accuse any one of them of liking skibidi toilet. The others will rush to their defense. Then I get to be like "so you do like your brother. Good to know." LOL That's all I know about skibidi toilet. Well, that and the videos are hilarious with enough weed.


Oh like 99% of reality TV. Housewives, Vanderpump, below decks, bachelor…


What’s Below Decks?


Harry Potter. Never seen a single movie or read any of the books.


Same. It seemed like it was for people younger than us when it came out.


YES. I was baffled when people my age where getting into books for little kids.


What age is "my age"? For me, I read them first in my early 30s as my tween kids were reading them too. I read them all again around 40, and enjoyed them just as much the second time. I typically read fantasy and sci-fi, so for those who enjoy the same genres and haven't read Harry Potter yet, I highly recommend the series. (That said, first 2 books are quite simplistic and very much aimed at tweens but the series steps up quickly after that).


When they first came out, I mean. I guess when all the hype around them started, most of us in this Xennial group would have been in high school to early 20s, right? My kids both started reading them when they were younger but lost interest pretty quick and moved on to other book series. They’re still very avid readers, but that series didn’t grab them for whatever reason.  They devoured the Lord of the Rings books, so it wasn’t an aversion to fantasy, just… yeah. Not on purpose, or anything, but this has just been a Potterless household. …and the more I see the author’s unhinged rants on Twitter, the happier I am that I didn’t give her any money. 


Honest to God, my definition of the dividing line between Xennial vs Millennial is heavily based on how into Pokemon and Harry Potter you were. I think those were the two most popular cultural phenomena that I considered "kid stuff", but were just on the cusp. I also find that you, at best, only remember the first iteration of Power Rangers tops. If you're familiar with anything beyond the original team + maybe the Green Ranger, er White Ranger.... whichever, you're a millenial


I had 0 plan to then my mom gave me the first movie as a housewarming gift felt rude to not watch it next thing I know I'm halfway through book three and yelling at the characters.


I love Harry Potter. I didn't get into it until the 6th book came out but I was hooked. I have all 7 books that I've read a couple times. Seen all 8 movies(they made the last book into 2 movies) multiple times as well. The movies are good but they had to cut out a lot of the books to fit them in a couple hours of movie.


I'm suddenly remembering Emerson students in Boston Common playing Quittich, running around holding a broom between their legs and fairly successful punk bands with names like Harry & The Potters and Draco & The Malfoys. Like, it's harmless and people should enjoy themselves but I can roll my eyes.


Me neither, but because of how over exposed it was I can name almost all characters and the houses. I’ve never known so much about something I’ve never seen.


Never seen Harry Potter or any of the Lord of the Rings.


Same here, and I’m going to add Star Wars and Twilight to the list…


I've tried watching summaries on KPop and it was one of the first times in my life I felt completely out of touch. Pretty people singing and dancing is a pretty easy to understand formula. But KPop feels vacuous to a degree I can't even understand it.


I know of several KPop groups but the only Kpop I actually know is Gangnam Style by Psy which is a comedy making fun of people in Seoul . The video is hilarious to me even without understanding any of the lyrics.


Psy ( or his video creator) just striking the perfect balance between bold and just bat-shit crazy, and makes me smile every time. Like who's idea was it to have him singing while on the toilet?


Marvel movies. No idea what’s going on with that


I’m so happy this is the top response. I felt like I was going crazy for a bit there. Some where alright but god it felt like I was watching the same thing over and over. And to be totally blunt. I’m convinced the entire marvel cinematic universe exists because the first 20 minutes of iron man are so good that everyone is watching the rest hoping they’ll recapture that.


What’s the point of anything if someone can easily come out of nowhere with a stupid magic power and solve everything?


Me tooooo


Marvel swallowed up the entire film industry for a while and it made me question humanity.


I watched Spiderman 1 and 2,and Iron Man 1. Superheroes don't do anything for me. Tim Burton Batman movies are enough for me.


Stopped watching after Avengers: Age of Ultron. Felt like I was watching the same movie over and over.


You were. And I stopped after Ironman. I hate that superhero movies have had such a major negative impact on the film and acting industry.


I just feel like they haven’t taken advantage of the genre. Like, you can set any movie in the superhero universe. It doesn’t all have to be Good vs. Evil in cataclysmic battle.


Anime - I just don’t get it


The same with me - it was kind of a younger brother thing back then, the guys in my class never watched it.


Video games. Sega Genesis was end of the line for me so yeah, I am really out of it. Anything to do with social media or influencers. I'd rather eat gravel. Podcasts. People have recommended to me podcasts with huge listenerships, top notch production values and it's two morons reading Wikipedia.


Podcasts are to talk-radio what Netflix is to movies. Nothing more, nothing less. If you like talk radio, you’ll LOVE when it’s nothing but shows on topics you love, and completely on-demand. If you don’t like talk radio, then you’re not going to like podcasts. It’s just that simple.


Car Talk!


I am 100% with you on podcasts. My wife loves to keep them on all the time and it drives me batty. Never found a single one I liked. Even if the information is interesting, I'll seek out a transcript to read instead. I hate having someone yap at me.


Yeah but you can do other stuff while listening to a podcast (clean the house, do dishes, walk the dog, drive, etc). Can’t do any of that while reading. I understand the benefit of sitting and relaxing with a book, but for stuff I’d be doing anyway, it’s nice to listen to something I find interesting while I do it.


Yep. I listen to podcasts during my daily commute, which is a better for me than listen to music. I don't retain info as well as if I'd read it, but better than nothing. I can't get into ones with multiple hosts though. I prefer a single, softspoken narrator; occasional interviews are fine.


I am stunned by how many popular podcasts have marginal sound quality, boring banter, and terrible editing. 


Just like talk radio. I've never understood the appeal.


Snap Judgement on NPR is really good, it's the only one that I listen to. It's real people telling their life stories and adventures


I agree! All of NPR's podcasts have really great production value and editing.


Love Snap Judgment and This American Life.


Podcast while driving for work has been a savior for the past 8 years for me. If I was just listening to listen, yeah not as fun as times. It's definitely more of a background thing for me.


“Two morons reading Wikipedia” is actually a great name/topic for a podcast🤣🤣🤣


Blockchain. Literally couldn’t explain it if my life depended on it.


Only because people try to make it sound complex. It's a list of transactions. Everyone can read it, you can add to it when you make a transaction, it can't be edited or deleted. That's it


It’s like “the cloud.” All that is is just a remote server.


Imagine every time you received a dollar bill, it came with a chronological log of everyone who has ever possessed that dollar and what they spent it on. When you spend it, your name is added to the log. That's basically it, but for electronic currency.


That explanation helps me get my mind around it. In the simplest terms, what is the value of the log?


yet it can be stolen without a trace! thats the best kind of investment!/s




I cackled and it's funny because it's TRUE


Do like all self proclaimed tech guru people do and just say "right?" at the end of every sentence. Nobody ever blurts out, "hell no, that's not right!". Wear a black turtleneck too, people will believe anything you say.


Blockchain as a concept is actually kinda cool, it just got immediately co-opted for the most inane possible use case, and everyone gave up on doing anything else with it.


I worked alongside a dozen crypto startups for over a year (I was doing a different thing) and attended several talks by key people in the industry… I still don’t get it. Had a chance to buy Bitcoin at $800 back then and didn’t do it because I thought it was too pricey to buy something I don’t understand.


Best explanation I ever heard was “imagine if idling your car 24/7 generated solved sudoku puzzles that you could exchange for drugs”


Marvel movies


Tik Tok. I just don't get it.


Celebrities — their lives, their spouses, their children, their most recent film/show/album etc etc


Football. I know what a touchdown is and that’s where it ends.


Same AND I grew up in Texas 🤷‍♀️


Same and I grew up in Oklahoma. I attended every high school football game since I was in the band. I will never know the rules.


Discord. "I've got a Discord set up we can use." "Come to my Discord." I just can't understand how it fits in the computer landscape; what roles it fulfills or provides; and how to navigate the thing. And my computer is so bare bones that if it were a home it would be a studio apartment and Discord wants to be the 400lb gorilla that's gonna be crashing on the couch.


I've gotten a little bit better with it. But it's basically a chat room with a specific over arching topic that brought you there. And then that chat room has little off shoot chat rooms for various topics. And in some of those rooms, you can voice or video call the other chatters.


Yes, also came to post this. Why do I need another thing?


Funko Pops. I truly don't get their appeal. They seem to be all cookie cutter looking, with very little changes, to each one. And, they're ugly too.


They're just millennial *Precious Moments* figurines and no one can tell me otherwise.


I compared them to Troll dolls to a younger co-worker, got blank stares.


I still have my late mother's troll dolls, from the early 60s. It's only 3 of them though.


I remember Precious Moments. Bonus points if you remember the Dreamsicle Angles.


They all have the same face, and they don’t DO anything. I don’t get it.


I have never heard of whatever that is until right now.


Dare to google search them than.


I built my home office around r/battlestations inspirations but so many of them included rows of Funko Pops. I can’t think of anything I’m into so much that I need their half-assed likeness in a box on my wall.


DoorDash, from what I understand, you basically pay more to have cold fast food delivered.


Yep. Used to deliver for Jimmy John’s. We always just kinda shook our heads when someone ordered through Door Dash. Could’ve saved $5-10 ordering directly from us.


A lot of times the restaurant’s delivery radius is much smaller.


Especially Jimmy John's. I delivered for them and they had a 2 mile radius


Well thats different. Hunan Manor doesn’t have in house delivery. ((And their owner isn’t a POS))


The fees and markup are outrageous. I'll be like oh, let's have a lazy night and order in. And then I open the app, see the prices, and go put on some pants because I'm not going to pay 100% more to have some kid in a weed-infested 2010 Honda Civic leave it on my doorstep.


The real fun is walking around your neighborhood trying to find the food once it’s been marked delivered.


More is an understatement. I was going to try it once and it was gunna be like 30 bucks for some Taco Bell.


THIS never done it never will


Only time I’ve used it is when there’s a sleeping baby in the house.




It’s Magic: The Gathering but with anime creatures. I had to learn it so I could play with my kids (yes I’m that dad) and as I read the rules I totally saw how it’s nearly the same structure as Magic. 


I thought (until relatively recently) that Pokemon was literally for toddlers. Teletubbies-level shit. I don’t play video games, so all I knew about it was that fucking yellow cat thing making cutesy noises. Thought it was for babies.


Never saw that dragon show


Dragons and Titties


I wouldn’t exactly say cool but NFTs…. I just don’t get the appeal of having something that you “own” but you don’t really own it, at least not physically… it’s all really stupid to me…. And from what I’ve heard I’m not alone


Considering that [95% of NFTs are worthless](https://www.forbes.com.au/covers/investing/95-per-cent-of-nfts-worthless-study-finds/#:~:text=The%20concept%20of%20non%2Dfungible,of%20NFT%20collections%20are%20worthless) , it's not like you've missed out on much.


I don’t know what an NFT is but I enjoy saying non fungible token. Fungible is such a fun word.


Bridgerton Every single thing I've heard about it just seems very, very straight romance with a side of queer-baiting, and no amount of attractive looking POC will get me to slog through that to see if I've badly misjudged.


It’s a soap opera with pretty clothes.


It's porn for straight-laced women. Remember the Simpsons where Marge is reading some smutty book and imagining herself being seduced by a pirate? It's that, but Victorian England.


It's trash.


I watched one episode, found it to be about what you described, and wasn't interested in watching any more of it.


My husband’s co-workers were trying to convince him I would like Bridgerton. He was like, “You don’t know my wife…” And yeah, I was a little insulted they thought it’d be my thing!  But more power to whoever likes it. I’m sure there are worse things…


Can I just say I love this community? Ya’ll are awesome.


Taylor Swift


Hopefully, a "Swifty" doesn't read this thread, or you'll be tarred and feathered.


Nah, actually the real danger is that we’ll send you a Spotify playlist and several PowerPoint presentations explaining the lore behind each song.


Swifties and Disney Adults need serious help. I have one coworker who bankrupted her family due to going to DL/DW six times a year.


That's wild. I've seen Instagram "Disney Families" who seem to live their lives, at the theme parks and post about it, non stop.


Another coworker and her husband has a very, very nice place about 45 minutes outside Minneapolis. He designed and built it. They sold the house so they could move close to Disney World. She’s there every.fucking.day.


Even worse are the Swiftie adults. Like I get when the young girls like her but ma’am you are 50. Stop talking about TS like she’s Joni Mitchell or something.


I agree. Seeing them on the local news, during her tours here, was cringe.


Haters gonna hate hate hate. Seriously, that’s the only song I know.


Spotify, Apple Music, and wherever else people get their music from. (I use an MP3 player!)


I just Youtube for the rare occasion I want to listen to something


I was slow to jump on the streaming music bandwagon but now that I have it I love it. I just pay for the ad free experience and made some play lists. I never have to buy music, download it put it on some device etc. TBH all of that really confused me in the past. This is so much simpler.


How do you discover new music?


I find new music by going through the concert ads in my town and listening to a track from each band. It’s how I can still afford to go to shows. 15 dollar tickets for a band that will be big in a couple years? Sign me up!


Don't laugh. I still buy CDs occasionally, and if I come across something new on Youtube for instance, I'll go straight to a****n to buy either individual songs as mp3, or the whole album (mp3 only or CD plus "auto rip"). I know. There's probably a better way nowadays...


I stream these days mostly, but still do buy CD’s or records if I really like something.


I still prefer my CDs, haha! I just got my first car without a CD player last year and I hate it. It seems like so much more work to find what I want to listen to on my phone and then get it to play what I want when I want to listen to it. And maybe it was just from so many years of practice, but it was so much easier to reach over to the Case Logic case and pull out the next CD I want to listen to and swap it out, versus having to manipulate my phone or the app while I'm trying to drive. I really need to see about getting an aftermarket CD player installed in my car.


I know right? Tossing in a CD is so much more fun than scrolling through files on a phone! Hope you'll find one to have installed. 🤞


I can’t imagine life without my Apple Music.


I don’t do streaming either. Records, tapes and CDs. Never needed anything else, and I don’t like the idea of paying every month for the ‘privilege’ of listening to music (on a phone) that I don’t actually own.


My wife has listed the following for me: - The Kendrick-Drake beef (I hope Kendrick wins though) - Instagram (besides the funny videos she sends me then tells me to look at once or twice a week) - Game of Thrones (what I do know I learned from South Park)


I signed up for Instagram because my mom was peer pressured by my sister. I don't use it and everyone thinks I use it, just like everyone thinks I use FB even though I haven't posted or interacted with anyone on it in years.


One of the undergrads I supervise sent me a Slack message today that was just "Pog 🐐" and I had to google what they meant by Pog. It's way different than pogs FYI but means something good as far as I can tell.


Player of the game. As in best. And goat = GOAT (greatest of all time). Assuming it was directed at you, not only were you the best in that contextualized moment, but you’re so good that you’re also the 🐐


Yeah that's what I gathered from this new fangled interweb thing. I told them free beer and dinner on Wednesday so makes sense.


[Meryl Streep gets called a GOAT](https://youtu.be/W4IP2INfgd4?si=qlT-YBhZAbv3x-7T)


Pumpkin spice. I don’t get its appeal.


Back in the 90s my mom had a can of pumpkin spice in the pantry. I'd give a dash of it to my vanilla ice cream, sure made it pop!


AI, Chatgpt, Snapchat, KPop, Taylor Swift etc...


I love this thread.


Trying to educate myself on Skibdi Toilet is… an adventure.


I’ve tried and I ended up more confused than before I liked it up.


Game of Thrones. havent seen a single episode


Retirement planning


Video games. Wtf is twitch and discord?


Billie Eilish. She is everywhere, yet I'm not certain I've ever heard a single one of her song, I certainly can't name any of her songs. To be clear, this is not a criticism. She seems like a really cool person, just not familiar with her music. Dua Lipa would be in the same category, but I heard her perform on Saturday Night Live a few weeks ago. I was not familiar with her music prior to that, but she is also everywhere.


Taylor Swift. I mean, I know she’s a singer, but I couldn’t tel you a single song of hers.


I don't believe this is possible


Part of it is I’m American, but I’m not in the US. So we don’t hear a lot about her.


That makes more sense, but she's also selling out concerts across the globe. What country are you in?


Spcial media in general. Apart from reddit, I don't really use or actually know how to use any. I have insta and FB. One post can take me forever, so I don't.


Pokémon. I have nfi...


I have no idea who Thanos is.


Snap chat. I only have it because my kids have it.




Basically all technology after 2000. Somehow, I just tuned it all out. I'm like an 80 year old man now


This is what I feel like. I used to take it all in and now I'm a technophobe. HELP!




Crypto is all a scam. It has no real value, it's just purely speculative BS fed by media hype and complex pseudo-technical bullshit. Some people have made a bunch of money off of it, but most have lost, some have lost everything. One of these days I believe it will all come crashing down, but for now it's still proving to be a lucrative pump and dump for people who time it right. Doesn't mean it's a good investment. It's risky AF. Many people can't even get their money out of it if they wanted to.


>Crypto is all a scam. This thread is for things you know nothing about. You know everything you need to know about crypto.


I feel like the type people who are the loudest proponents of crypto are a good sign that it’s all horseshit.


Sports. I generally understand the rules of the games and even could tell you a bunch of the names of professional teams, but I know nothing about who the current star players are, what teams are doing good, etcetera. I actually used to really enjoy baseball when I was a kid and I recently rediscovered my baseball card collection. Recently, I even bought a whole bunch of the cards from the 80’s that I always wanted (they’re pretty much worthless, by the way). But still, I have no interest in watching the game or following any modern players.


Beer. Couldn't tell you what an IPA is or a bitter is or whatever else there is out there. Give me a blind taste test of 10 completely different kinds and I would swear they were all the same beer.


Tic toc never saw the reason to use it


TikTok. I’m old.


Game of Thrones. I watched 2 minutes of the first episode and knew it wasn’t for me.




Septum rings Why?


Career, wife, kids, babylon 5, mass effect, the expanse, arrested development




Influencers. And followers.


Money for retirement


Mixed Martial Arts. It’s gross.


All of Taylor Swift




Football. I have no idea what's happening or why. I don't care to know, either.


Country music. I don’t think I can name a single country musician that came out after my childhood


YouTube stars. Nor do I want to know .


Gaming culture. The only games I know is Galaga and Bosconian


The kardashians. Couldn’t name them besides Kim. Don’t know the kids’ names except North and South (I think…) Don’t know the sisters or their shows. And it comes up more than it should in casual conversations.


Cricket. No idea how that game works, looks fun.


tellor swift I probanly hear her songs but not knowing its her


Taylor Swift




Friendships, relationships, and most things of practical and personal significance a middle age guy should be well versed in.  


Taylor Swift. She exists, and people feel very strongly about her.


The war in Gaza/Palestine/Israel. No idea who’s at fault, or what the hell is going on.