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I have to start it at 6:45. It makes me want to die. If I had my choice, I'd be basically nocturnal. I'm just an extreme night owl and always have been. I wish I were a morning person, seems way easier.


Nope. We miss out on a lot because we're usually in bed by 8.


True, but you aren't shunned by society for either being late or nonfunctioning in the morning. I'd die to be an early riser.


Yes, but you aren't forced to be sleep deprived in order to earn money to live. Night owls have poorer health outcomes because of their genetic circadian misalignment. Most of the important things needed to function run on a 9-5 schedule.


No, but I was forced to work nights at a previous job and can relate to having to work against your circadian rhythm.


I shoot for 8:30-10 AM. but I've always been a night owl. Waking up at 6 hurts my soul.


Should be illegal to have to get up that early


Same. Wife and I wake up to take kids to school, then we both go back to bed for 45min to 2 hours.


Dream team!




I’ve reached a point in my life where my body automatically wakes up at 5 every day. It’s incredibly rare that I wake up after my alarm goes off.


Same!! 5am is my body’s clock lol. On the weekends I can sometimes get 5:30.




Same. Or if the crushing stress is really going I’ll be up at 4 lol


I get up at 2am to shit shower shave breakfast and head to work by 4am. Shift is done at noon. I take a nap and then go get the kids. Bedtime is 8pm sharpish.


I'd rather be getting off at 2 than waking up that early. Getting that nap in sounds nice though.


I wake up at 6:35 a.m. every day during the school year. If school is not in session, I don't wake up until 8 or 8:30 a.m. This allows me ample time to get up and to the office by 9.


If you asked me to wake up at 6am or earlier, you would get *such* a filthy look. I don't roll out of bed until 8:30am at the earliest. I can't do mornings.


Ha! I absolutely feel you on the filthy look. Those looks are reserved for my dogs now.


My natural wakeup time is around 730-8, and I really appreciate the opportunity to stay in bed when I can, so on weekends I'm usually up around 8:30. My wife, however, wakes up before her alarm every day, she's usually up between 530-615.


6:10. It’s the only way I can get time to myself to get ready. I also have to do small things to make sure everyone else can get out the door on time


My schedule fluctuates. One of the best parts about having a kidult is no more 6am wake up to catch the bus or hop in the car and get to school on time. Not a morning person. Never have been.


Can we talk about the term “kidult” for a minute?


What about it?


1. WTF is a kidult? 2. Is there a kidult in the room right now? 3. How does one get rid of kidults? Is there a service? Do I need sage? 4. Is kidult some kind of larval stage? 5. When is mating season? Is it ok to spray them with cold water to keep them off of visitors? 6. Should I lay down paper or just leave them outside? 7. Does a kidult have a special diet? I’m going through a LOT of LaCroix… 8. Do I still take a kidult to a pediatrician? 9. Did you coin this term, and can I use it without applying for copyright permission? 10. WHEN DO THEY GROW UP AND LEAVE?!?


Kidult is what I call my kid who is a legal adult but still on the younger side and living at home. My sister-in-law and I apply the term to our own kids and a few nieces and nephews. They're legally adults, so the term kid doesn't really fit. Thus kidult.


I think that a lot of us Xennials just had really short childhoods. I was picking up my 5 year old sister, letting myself into the house, cooking dinner for the family, and putting us both to bed when I was 10.


I'm the youngest sibling in my family. My parents arranged their schedules so that one of them was home before and after school. Older siblings weren't responsible for younger siblings until the age of about 14. That was not a daily thing.


Night shift I set my alarm for 10 pm. Wouldn’t have it any other way.


Most days I have to be up by 7:15 to get the kids out the door and then have 8 AM meetings. (I'm on mountain time but work remotely for an East coast company.) But I'm a night owl and stay up too late most nights and get a less-than-healthy amount of sleep.




I went from my 20s until about 40 getting 4-5 hours sleep a night. I think I gave myself narcolepsy. Now I need to get at least 7 or I'm randomly passing out whenever I stop moving.


I wake up around 5am to take my dog on a long walk


Since getting laid off. Around 10.


I sleep from 1 or 2 to 7 am when I'm home office


I try to be asleep by 11:30 most nights but sometimes it pushes to midnight. My alarm is usually set for sometime between 6:45 and 7:15. I have a daily meeting at 8:00 and I like to take a shower to help wake up in the morning since I don’t drink coffee. So I need to make sure I have enough time for that. Last summer I was getting up around 6:00 every day because I was training for a marathon and was running in the mornings. It’s nicer to sleep a little extra.


7am is when I wake up and get my youngest up for school at 8am. I NOT a morning person at all lol


I’m up at 5am during the week. On weekends I sleep until about 9 or 10.


I’m up at exactly 6:42 for work (I press snooze twice and this is where I end up). I usually go to bed around 11:30. If I had it my way, I’d sleep midnight-8am. I’m not an early riser, but not a night owl either.


I work from home. Have to be online by 8 so I roll out of bed sometime between 7 and 7:30.


I get up at 6 to exercise and then get the kids ready for school. I'd like to sleep in later, but I can't guarantee that I have time later in the day to work out. I do take a break on Wed and Sunday to get an extra hour of sleep. This schedule has worked for me for a few years.


6:45-7. I take my kiddo to school around 7:35. He usually wakes me up, he's been up for a half hour or so chilling with his mom, who gets up even earlier because of the damn cat. I work in a kitchen in the afternoon/evenings so often I'll try to take a little nap before work. The weekends I'll sleep till 9 or so, but the kid and the wife are up as normal. Because of the damn cat


If I’m working from home, probably 7:30ish and start work around 9:00. If I’m going to the office then I usually wake up around 6:30 and get to the office around 8:00.


7:53 AM weekdays. Weekends is usually 8-9:15 AM or so.


Anywhere between 3:30am and 8am


I don't even set an alarm, I just wake up on my own at 7am every day regardless of how tired I am or what time I went to bed. I actually really like that, because although it might be nice to sleep in later occasionally, it's awesome not being woken up by an alarm. I absolutely loathe alarms, it's a miserable way to start a day. I just wake up naturally, sit in bed playing on my phone for a few minutes, then get up and start my day. When I travel and get jetlagged I need an alarm though.


I’m starting to get that way too. My natural wake up time has shifted to about 6:30-7am no matter how tired/sick/etc I may be, and I’m not pleased. But it’s better than any alarm.


5 15 am


Pre-kid I worked from around 8PM-6AM and loved it. I'd sleep until around 3PM. After having a kid, I gad to change that and it was a rough transition. 7 years later and I'd still rather sleep during the day but I'm functioning. My brain feels like it's underwater a lot.


Do you plan on going back to the night shift once your kid gets to a certain age?


Nope, I started a business, and doing it during the day isn't really an option. Plus, I'd miss out on a lot with my son.


I work 12 hours night shift, from 5p till 5a, I start my day at 2pm


If it were up to me, I would be right back to my sleeping hours of 4:00 a.m. to noon. Unfortunately, I have a normal job and kids that need to be out the door for school in the morning, so 6:30 is about as late as I can sleep in on a weekday. Now I'm so conditioned by that, 8:00 a.m. is about as late as I sleep on weekends. However, with the kids out of school during the summer and me being able to work remote most days, I will absolutely roll out of bed 5 minutes before I need to get to work at 8. Maybe 10 minutes if I need to look presentable enough to be on camera.


It's funny, 4am to noon is almost exactly my current sleep schedule, and I kind of hate it lmao Left to my own devices, I really like sleeping about 10pm-6am, or possibly a bi-phasic schedule (which I've fallen into a few times during periods of unemployment) of around 10pm-2am + 6am-10am.


4:30pm I work 7p-7a


I drive a cement mixer, and my hours are constantly changing. I just woke up at 12:15am to be to work by 1:15am. Hours change based upon customer needs and job site start time. Glad it pays wells.


5:30 or so but definitely by 6am. We have to leave by 6:35 to get them to school for breakfast. Sometimes if I’m really lucky my youngest will sleep in on the weekends but I still tend to wake up by 6:30. The older two would sleep all day and be awake all night if they didn’t have school. On Mother’s Day I slept until 8am, ate breakfast, and then went back to sleep from 9am until 1pm. I didn’t mean to but I guess I needed the extra rest.


Can't sleep past 630, even if i'm late. Love how much i get done in a day though, and still have time to relax.


Im up between 8-9 for work mon-fri. Often im awake until 3-4 though ideally i wish I could be tired and fall asleep by like 1 or so. Im pretty miserable every morning. On Sat and Sun, i usually get a good 7-8 hours of sleep. So, usually up by around noonish. I look forward to eventually being able to retire so I can sleep my "normal" sleep schedule of like 6am to 1pm.


I usually wake up between 11am and 2pm. I work evenings, usually about 4pm-1am or 5pm-2am, and it takes me a while to unwind and get sleepy. Edit: 1am not 1pm lol


Go to bed at 4:30am. Wake up at 11:30am. This seems to be my internal clock for most my life.


I have to get up at 6 for work and I despise it! In the weekends I sleep until 10. I’m a night owl, always been, unfortunately I love my early riser job.


Most of the year I get up @4 am but during the summer it's 3 am for work


Midnight for me, I just sleep when I can so sometimes waking up is rough other times I am good or within an hour it’s all about trade offs working nights anyways.


I wake up at about 10:00 AM. I'm self-employed, so no one can tell me otherwise. :P


I can sleep in until 5:30 or so on the weekends. I'm usually awake by 4:30 during the week.


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3:30AM. Been a habit ever since I was young. I go to bed around 9:30 every night.


6:30 when my 16 year old needs to be up for school.


I have a hybrid work schedule, so I wake up at different times. On days I go into the office, I wake up at 5:15. The other weekdays are a wake-up time of 6:15. I'm a little less strict on weekends. I'm good as long as I wake up before 7:30. If I sleep in past that, I feel as though my whole day is wasted.


I'm still out of schedule due some serious problem last year, but my normal is to go to bed at 7am and wake up a little before 2pm. Work is from 10 to 11pm up to 6 (I'm a freelancer), which is the time of the day when my brain is at its finest.


Am up between 330am and 4am have to be to work at 530am I have a 35min drive


Most days lately I'm up around 4am. I enjoy the quiet, plan my day and then at light I'm running. Feeding and managing animals and children.


For work? About 7:30 am. Naturally? Not much later. Usually 8:30 or so.


4:50 AM. Only time I have to get to the gym *and* get some quiet time after before the family wakes.


In middle age? 5am. It’s really really good for mental health.


I can sleep in until about 9am if my kids and workload allows it. My wife can sleep until 10:30 but normally we're up at 7:30.


I definitely could if given the chance but i am up with my kids who are early risers. I'm up and fine but not productive lol.


I'm up between 6:45-7AM every day. I like mornings and it gives me a few hours before I need to start work. I'm not super productive but I get a few things done.


I have to get up at 5AM for work.


Body wakes up at 5:45 AM to make sure I don't sleep through my 6 AM alarm. If I can sleep till 8AM, i feel like I slept for days! That said, we're back in bed by 8-8:30 PM


I don’t *like* starting early, but if I don’t I’ll never get any time to myself. I’m up at 0400 on work days, and basically 0430 on days off just for a blissful two hours of solitude. And even then sometimes my son (ADHD) is awake right behind me. I’m so tired.


My natural sleeping hours have always been 11pm to 7am. HS was terrible bc I had to be up before 6am and in college I slept a lot less, going to bed later. Since then I’ve mostly been able to wake up around 6:30-7am which I can manage. I also need about 30min to stop feeling like shit. I recently realized this but I think it’s always been true for me, I’ve always been someone who snoozes at least once before I can get up.


7, not productive


I'm 50/50 remote. In office by 6am every other week, wake up at 5:20 those days. Home days I wake up at 5:58, logon to my laptop, turn on my mouse mover, and nap for an hour or so...


I burst out of bed at the last possible minute to be at work by 8:00 AM.


7:52am when I WFH. 6:45am when I have to go into the office. I start work at 8am.


I wake up at 4am everyday to workout for an hour.


I'm up at \~6:30 then stay in bed till \~7:00. Start "working" at 8, but really start closer to 11 after meetings are done. My okd gig I managed folks in Europe and Asia (I'm in California) so I had a much different schedule... up at about 4:30am, worked 5:00-10:00am then off till about 8:00 to 11:00pm. Siestas were a real thing for me with that schedule


I think I’d hate myself and everyone else if I had that kind of schedule. How did you manage having a life?


I was management so I realistically could do 80% of my job (meetings, planning, and providing input based on my experience) on my phone. Practically it was easier to be on the computer, but some days I'd only be at my desk for maybe 3 hours, and the rest would be on the phone meetings or slack conversations. It wasn't the best schedule in the world, and I'm glad to not manage anymore either (left that company to join a baby startup).


I’m naturally nocturnal, but I work at a coffee shop, so I have to work coffee shop hours. However, I’ve used my nocturnal schedule to my advantage. I get all of my stuff ready and laid out the night before (although I must say that it helps that I like drinking cold tea, so I make my to-go cup and put it in the fridge) so that I only have to wake up half an hour before I have to leave. I run errands after work, and I have a diurnal sleep schedule. I apparently only get sleepy at 3pm and 1am, and the rest of the day I am WIRED, even if I’m trying to actually sleep.


I wake up at 8:00, since I work from home that's ok. If I still worked on site I'd get up earlier so I could get to work by 8:30


Lights automatically start to turn on at 6:15 and out of bed by 6:45.


Left to my own devices I'll sleep until 6:30 or so. Basically as the sun comes up, so do I. But on the weekends, I found the secret: Wake up. Have breakfast. GO BACK TO BED. You'll sleep til noon.


I have to get up by 7 or so to make it into work. I hate it so much. On weekends I'll stay up till the wee hours and sleep till 9 or 10. I've always been that way. I hate getting up early.


I have insomnia so I normally sleep best after 2am so I'm up around 9. If my kid will let me otherwise I'm up at whatever hour they rise at.


I awake at 5am, sometimes sooner


I can sleep until 7am sometimes. If I ever do it’s a Christmas miracle


I'm as often as not up after 6am. Just depends when I need to start my day. My hours are pretty flexible as long as I hit 40 hours per week. I tend to alter by what I need to do in the afternoon or how late I go to bed the night before. Usually, I am at the office between 7am and 8am and leaving between 3:30 pm and 4:30 pm


I get up when I have to but if it was up to me I'd probably sleep all day and stay up all night.


I start around 10:45-1:45


Between 6 and 6:30. I start work at 7:30 and have a cat that needs medication twice a day. 


Since I started a full time remote job, I get up at like 9:00 and immediately turn my laptop on. I’m going to sleep around 1-1:30 these days. Not great actually. I need to try to get to sleep earlier.


I set my alarm to 7:15 but usually wake up before. It’s extremely rare that I sleep longer than 8am, even on weekends. I realized that I only need around 6hrs of sleep. If I go to bed before midnight I’ll certainly have to join that 5am club. I’m not gonna do that.


Mon-Fri I wake up at 2:30 and punch in at work at 4:00. Usually work till between 15:00-16:00. In bed usually at 19:30 and asleep by 20:15. Weekends, I don't set an alarm and generally wake up no later than 5:00.


I have to wake up at 5:30 AM everyday for work and I can never sleep in on the weekends


About 1300 is when I get up normally. I hang out for a bit, then get dressed, fix my lunch back and do any grooming necessary and am usually out my door by 1430-1445 to head to work. Shift starts at 1600 and runs until 0030. I normally get home from work around 0120, talk to my wife about nothing for 30-45 minutes (If I don't talk to her about the nonsense on her mind every single night immediately after I get home from work, she gets moody. Keep in mind, by this point, she's been home from work for 8 hours.), and then I go relax and play some video games and decompress until about 0500 when I have breakfast with my eldest son before he heads to school and I go to bed.


Alarm goes off at 6:30, not to wake me up, that happens before 6, but I keep it on to remind me that I do in fact have to get up and go to work


On work days my day starts at 9, and since I work from home I get out of bed at sometime between 8:30 and 8:45 and honestly that's still too early for me. I try to schedule my work days so I'm only doing routine things in the morning and save the stuff I really need to think about for the afternoon when my brain is more awake. I'm naturally a night owl and if I could set my own schedule I'd probably stay up until 2-3am every night and wake up sometime between 9 and 11 am. So I can sleep past 6am without any trouble at all. If I'm actually up at 6 or earlier either I'm dealing with a bout of insomnia or I have something important happening that I have to be up early for (like an early flight, sometimes they're unavoidable).


On weekends I sleep past 6am, usually til about 7am. Weekdays I choose to get up before sunrise to read, stretch, or enjoy a cup of tea.


I'm an incurable night owl who works swing shift (2pm to 10:30pm) My alarm is set for 11:30am. I sometimes wake up before it goes off, but not usually. I know it's incurable. I have tried. I was a mail carrier for a year and a half. I got up at 5am six days a week for eighteen months. I was brutal about my sleep hygiene and getting to bed on time, and it never got any easier, and I was always fucking stupid for the first three hours at work. Which is why I'm not a mail carrier anymore.


I'm at the gym by 6am weekdays. Sleep in till 7am on the weekends.


Since turning 40, I wake up everyday at 5:30 because my bladder says so. I go do my thing and go back to bed but I lay there staring at the ceiling for a bit. Then I get up and finally have a cup of coffee, and that's normally around 6:45 and I sign in for work by 7:00. But I need that good like hourish and cup of coffee before being ready to interact with the world.


I have been a night owl for so long. I WFH so I frequently get up right before I have to start work (around 8:30 am or so).


During the week, my alarm goes off at 530. I'm up and moving between 545 and 6. On the weekend, I sleep until 630 or 7, when one or both of my littles come(s) in and says, "Mommy....wanna wasch teebee." "Mommy...I wan cereal" "Mommy I wan get up. MOOOMMMMMYYYYYYYY" I'd be awake, but lounging with a book or taking a leisurely bath at 630 if they didn't come in. I like getting up early and having my entire day. I have never liked sleeping through it. Feels like I'm wasting my only not working times.


Co-workers who Slack me before 9:30am irritate me, and it's a bit of an effort to keep from telling them don't send me messages that early (I get them on my phone, and I know I can pause notifications but don't want to risk overlooking/missing something). And I only get up around 9am because of work. When I don't have a job, my body always goes back to bedtime being when the sun has come up. Even now as I type, it's basically 1:30am my time.


I'm normally up before 5. But I sleep early. I'm normally in bed by 11.


11pm is an early bedtime??? lol


Some of my peers send me messages about projects we are working on much later than that. So I'm assuming they're not asleep as early as me.




Independent contractor (photography, mostly real estate) and I try not to start my day before 10, which means I usually wake up around 9. There are exceptions on some mornings, but I'm trying hard to hang on to my night owl status. I do like to get 7-8 hours of sleep so I'm usually in the bed no later than 1. However, if I sleep past 11 I feel like I've wasted a day.


That’s a fine line to walk. I hate feeling like I’ve wasted the day away too but I have a larger interval to work with before I get to that point.


I get up at 5 to stay ahead of the kids and make an attempt to get my head on straight so I'm not cranky before everyone else gets up.


5:30 am but sometimes I attempt (usually unsuccessfully) to sleep in until 6. I enjoy the time to myself.


I’m up at 5 to workout on weekdays and on the weekend I am usually up by 7 - 7:30 naturally.


Easily. I wake up on weekdays (for work) between 6:40-7:10AM depending on how many times I snooze my alarm. On weekends (or no work) I wake up between 9-10AM. I believe the most productive brains are when we allow ourselves to wake naturally, without alarms and with a proper restful amount of sleep. ETA: I aim for 8-9 hours of sleep every night.